The challenging rhythm based game is free for a limited time, considered to be the minimalistic masterpiece by Terry Cavanagh.
App Store description:
"Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel.
Super Hexagon was a best of 2012 runner up for game of the year on the app store.
"A masterpiece of design purity" - EDGE 9/10
"This is the kind of game you’re going to pass off to your friends and say, “You’ve gotta check this out.” It’s dangerously addictive." - IGN 9/10
"One of the best mobile gaming experiences I've had this year." - Destructoid, 10/10
"Knows exactly what type of game it wants to be and executes on it spectacularly. Merciless difficulty meets brilliant design." - Gamezebo, 5/5"
11 Jan 16#6
tap tap, restart, tap, tap, restart, tap tap, restart, ...
10 minutes later
tap tap tap, "hey i'm getting good at this"
10 minutes later
tap tap tap tap tap tap .. tap tap tap "you have lasted 10 seconds"
voted hot
9 Jan 16#5
This is the first game I put on any new Android device I get - it's so hard (often lasts seconds rather than minutes) that it hooks you in to "just have another go". I think the best I've managed is only 72 seconds - some of videos on YouTube where people last 15+ minutes are just insane!
7 Jan 16#4
Brilliant game, hot!
7 Jan 161#3
Great game. I played this relentlessly until I got a
good score. Something like a minute.
7 Jan 16#2
One from my favorite games.
6 Jan 16#1
Great game, I got it when it was free in the Apple Store app.
And with a go on the game generally lasting a few seconds before you get splattered into a wall it's very economical on time when it comes to 'having a quick go' :sunglasses:
Opening post
App Store description:
"Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel.
Super Hexagon was a best of 2012 runner up for game of the year on the app store.
"A masterpiece of design purity" - EDGE 9/10
"This is the kind of game you’re going to pass off to your friends and say, “You’ve gotta check this out.” It’s dangerously addictive." - IGN 9/10
"One of the best mobile gaming experiences I've had this year." - Destructoid, 10/10
"Knows exactly what type of game it wants to be and executes on it spectacularly. Merciless difficulty meets brilliant design." - Gamezebo, 5/5"
10 minutes later
tap tap tap, "hey i'm getting good at this"
10 minutes later
tap tap tap tap tap tap .. tap tap tap "you have lasted 10 seconds"
voted hot
good score. Something like a minute.
And with a go on the game generally lasting a few seconds before you get splattered into a wall it's very economical on time when it comes to 'having a quick go' :sunglasses: