In short, goes through your all your snaps and identifies dark, blurry, dupes and poor quality images, asks if you want to keep them. It looks like Tinder for your photos.
Helpful when you have years of photos on your phone and not much space left!
10 Jan 16#12
Ironically I need the space to download iOS 8, to then download this. I think I need to put my photos on my PC!
4 Jan 16#11
I have downloaded to phone and iPad. Most of my pics are on. Onedrive how do I get this to work on there please?
3 Jan 16#10
Luvvvvvvvvvvvv'ing the ability/knowledge of knowing MORE tthan 1 way of doing any 1 thing? .. thanx for that too. :-)
2 Jan 16#9
thank you! my iphone was bugging me that i got no more space, made deleting photos so easy and quick :smiley: hot!
2 Jan 16#8
Thanks very much; I have put it on all my devices x
2 Jan 16#7
This is a great app! Although after using it and deleting some 200+ photos I still don't have anymore free space on my iPhone 6 16gb!! And yes I did also delete the 'deleted' folder and have restarted the phone. I rekon the latest iOS update was bigger that advertised!
Opening post
Helpful when you have years of photos on your phone and not much space left!