!! Now FREE to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters™ !!
7 Jan 16#9
App not found on android
FaithNoMore to Mitch_s_s
7 Jan 16#10
Works for me on Android.
21 Dec 15#8
Cheers for the update, mate.
Assumed it was the usual tripe from the PC brigade, and as i didn't think much of Spy (bloody awful actually) have no wish to see that dismal idea. A true sequel may be interesting though.
20 Dec 151#6
Did they really ? So wheres the all female main cast there, then dimwit ?
Wheres the female Han Solo, the male Princess Leia, Obi Brenda Kenobi ?
If you're going to talk cr*p, make sure you have plenty of toilet paper for your chin
19 Dec 15#4
I see they've remade Ghostbusters to please the feminazis - women stars and a top male star to play the secretary. The Aussie Thor actor who will end up bitterly regretting it
wideawakewesley to PhilK
19 Dec 151#5
They did the same thing with Star Wars and guess what...it's great. Grow up.
sburley to PhilK
21 Dec 152#7
That's a tongue-in-cheek 'sequel' from the people who did Heat & Spy, there will also be a proper sequel from Ivan Reitman.
Opening post
Assumed it was the usual tripe from the PC brigade, and as i didn't think much of Spy (bloody awful actually) have no wish to see that dismal idea. A true sequel may be interesting though.
Wheres the female Han Solo, the male Princess Leia, Obi Brenda Kenobi ?
If you're going to talk cr*p, make sure you have plenty of toilet paper for your chin