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 Xbox One X Console with Forza 7 £379.99 With 20% Off New Customer Code @ Very (Working)
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Xbox One X Console with Forza 7 £379.99 With 20% Off New Customer Code @ Very (Working)

£379.99 20% off Very 5 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
5 Oct 17
Decent deal for new credit customers, code for new accounts is LXJGR or LGAQP for 20% off. It works on games consoles as it is not classed as electrical and I have ordered one myself. Good to just order and pay off in full right away. Price is inclusive of delivery charge.
All comments (74)
5 Oct 17 #1
Exactly what I did a few days ago
5 Oct 17 #2
Concerned itll be removed as an option if you advertise it though
danjames922 to sparklehedgehog
7 Oct 17 #71
Worrying about nothing...
5 Oct 17 #3
Is this only if you open a credit account?
5 Oct 17 #4
Mmmmm that’s good. Do you have to open a credit account?
5 Oct 17 #5
It's been posted before several times.
5 Oct 17 #6
Do they take money straight away?
LazybeatX to fort
5 Oct 17 #7
If you want to pay in full then I think so yes. But seen as though you get 3 months interest free on a purchase anyway and you have to open a credit account to get the discount. You could just purchase and pay in full anytime in the next 3 months and at no extra cost.
5 Oct 17 #8
Already posted twice I believe
5 Oct 17 #9
good if you can get it, I already have an account so tried the old changing the email and re registering trick..... didn't work!
They told me i had multiple accounts so just changed my email address to the new one i'd just signed up with *pffft*
I guess they do it all by home address these days.
5 Oct 17 #10
LazybeatX to Gstar2006
5 Oct 17 #12
Ahh that's why I couldn't see any of the same deal then, they are both expired. Mite as well keep this up then for anyone who missed it. I think this deal is slightly different as it includes Forza 7.
Gstar2006 to LazybeatX
5 Oct 17 #14
yeah kind of. You can choose it with Forza or choose it with a joypad and/or 12 month xbox live as well. Any combination should work though some people have had it bumped as being "electrical". Have to wait another month to see if they honour it I guess.
LazybeatX to Gstar2006
5 Oct 17 #19
Yea, I had to speak to them before I ordered mine though because I had entered the wrong delivery address. The only way it could be changed was to cancel the order they said. Problem was I lost my right to use a 20% off 1st order code again because even though I cancelled the order they classed it as a 1st order. After speaking to them they reapplied the code manually to the order over the phone. So they must definitely not be classing it as electrical. If anything does come back in the future though I suppose I have the fact that they manually added it to my order to fall back on and argue my point.
5 Oct 17 #11
And don't forget to have a crack at the Quidco/Topcashback for new customers which could mean a further £25-30 off. Worked for me on the original Xbox One back in 2013. New customer code at Very for a healthy discount and then I actually got about £60 back from TCB as were offering a really good rate back then for new customer purchases.Think I wound up paying £300 for it delivered on release day with Day One edition branding.
5 Oct 17 #13
20% will come of the price but Very have told other buyers that have posted in another thread that the discount is actually 10% as the xBox One X is classified as an electrical item.

Very can charge the extra 10% at a later date onto your account or credit/debit card. Very are known to amend a completely paid off order due to voucher errors.

Anyone who has ordered this deal should speak to Very to confirm that they are indeed getting 20% off and not 10% off.
Gstar2006 to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #15
And some have been successful in arguing the toss with Very CS and had the 20% re-instated where they dropped to 10%. Correctly arguing that would a lawnmower be electrical not home and garden etc...
spinks to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #26
I had this same issue.
We ‘discussed’ via the complaint option in their messaging that Electrical and Gaming are two separate sections.
I questioned if an electric lawn mower was Electrical or Garden?
A baby monitor is that Baby and Child or Electrical.
To hide behind it uses electricity therefore it’s Electrical was too vague to hide behind for me.

Paid off and got my upgrade from 10 to 20% :raised_hand:
5 Oct 17 #16
Not working anymore.
Gstar2006 to rokybalbo
5 Oct 17 #21

Use the code LGAQP which you enter right at the end checkout. Note that you have to choose a credit account and can't just pay in full in order to qualify to use the code. It is interest free and you will be offered, 3-6-9-12 months to pay it off at 0%.
LazybeatX to Gstar2006
5 Oct 17 #22
Thanks I'll update with code.
5 Oct 17 #17
I used Very for the first time a month or so ago, I will not be using them again.
I ordered some kitchen appliances for our new extension all of which were 'in stock' for 48hr delivery, they built under oven was 'discontinued' apparently (got it from Currys no problem), the hob they sent was completely different to the one ordered as it was also 'discontinued', the fridge freezer was eventually delivered a month after ordering and the dishwasher we were told should have been delivered after 3 weeks had been 'cancelled' when we phoned to find out where it was (ordered from John Lewis and it arrived 2 days later).

I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole as their South African customer service is atrocious and they regularly cut you off if you have a problem. Their delivery providers know more about your order than their own customer service agents.
5 Oct 17 #18
Not working
5 Oct 17 #20
Great deal cheers OP.
5 Oct 17 #23
"The promotion code LGAQP has expired"
Gstar2006 to HardyRexion
5 Oct 17 #25
Apologies. Try HELLOYOU which is on their site Here
5 Oct 17 #24
I usually get sent 20% off codes by very to use within a promotional.period... waiting patiently for them to send me another for the Xbox one x order.
5 Oct 17 #27
Check the delivery date aswell as I don't think they are delivering for launch
LazybeatX to SBOB1
5 Oct 17 #28
I spoke to them before I ordered mine. Delivery of this bundle is for launch day, Nov 7th. However funnily enough if you buy the stand alone console they told me it could be 18th - 20th Nov. Guess they are prioritising these bundles before the standalone consoles. Mine says Nov 7th in my orders.
5 Oct 17 #29
'The promotion code LXJGR is invalid' 'The promotion code LGAQP has expired' of course you only find this out AFTER you have signed up for a credit agreement .
vig1lante to mtc1
5 Oct 17 #31
Well given the code is: HELLOYOU
I'm not suprised.
mtc1 to vig1lante
5 Oct 17 #34
The promotion code HELLOYOU is invalid :raised_hand:
5 Oct 17 #30
Still wouldn’t buy this shite from very because it’s very. Rather pay full price for Amazon one which has 10000% better customer service and aren’t con men.
5 Oct 17 #32
1Ton1981 to FGEvans
5 Oct 17 #33
I used the code "HELLOYOU" and 20% was taken off the total price, but my order does still say processing. Once my order has been processed and added to my Very account I'll see if it's still 20% off. If not, I'll be cancelling the order.
5 Oct 17 #35
I've seen hundreds of very deals on HUKD and always hear bad things so always been put off. However there seems to be an equal amount of happy customers so I've decided to take a chance on this offer after seeing the same deal on another post. Seems to be a no brainier, or too good to be true..

I've drawn many conclusions about the complainers but they are pointless unless I have my own experience with very. I will report back after my order is received and I've paid it off next month but for what it's worth, I have a perfect credit file, am well versed in terms and conditions specifically relating to the consumer credit act and have never attempted to use very under a different name, address etc.

Given that the Xbox is being sent directly from Microsoft I don't expect to receive the wrong item but if I encounter any of the difficulties being mentioned in posts about orders being changed and so forth, I'll be joining the complainers side and looking to create a huge headache for Shop Direct Finance Company Limited.
5 Oct 17 #36
Great price for this.
JB74 to shasnir
5 Oct 17 #37
yup decent price, If VERY honour the discount, and not charge a different amount after you've made the purchase........ happened to me on a couple of occasions :angry:
shasnir to JB74
5 Oct 17 #38
Didn't you say "They told me i had multiple accounts" on your post above ? That could be your problem.
JB74 to shasnir
5 Oct 17 #39
yes, i made a new account to get this xbox x deal, but they must go by account addresses these days rather than emails..... i was referring to another time last year when they haven't honoured the discount codes on some ps4 deals.
Just have to be a bit cautious with this company and screenshot everything related to the purchase.... just incase they try pulling a fast one, as they tend to do sometimes.
5 Oct 17 #40
I can confirm that Very classify this as an Electical item according to the query I sent them as I want only given 10% so expect a chargeback on accounts.
5 Oct 17 #41
Can confirm it's only 10% off. I argued on phone for over half hour over this. They are having none of it.
1Ton1981 to Ace.Hayward
5 Oct 17 #43
Is your order showing up as 10% off in your Very account? Or is it still showing up as 20% off?
JB74 to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #45
I've had money off vouchers before, added them and they've gone through, seen the final price (with discount) before paying..... then 2 days later checked my bank and they've charged the full amount.

bunch of cowboys!!
1Ton1981 to JB74
5 Oct 17 #47
On Very's website I found a page with a list of promotional codes and below the promotional codes there are Terms and Conditions that state the following:

"Please note we will charge the full value of the order then credit the benefit to your method of payment. Each code can only be used once, and not at the same time as other offer codes. Sale items, Financial Services products and delivery/ installation charges are excluded from the offer. Please note that if you return items from the order the credit will be reversed if the order value falls below the minimum required."
JB74 to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #48
It does indeed, but the burn i'm referring to, the code and letter they sent me stated it would charge the full amount and after 24 hours the initial £50 off will be reimbursed to the original payment method (ie my bank card)
........2 WEEKS LATER!!! nothing has been reimbursed.

seems to be a few VERY sympathisers on here?.... obviously they haven't been scammed yet :unamused:
Supercharge_Me to JB74
5 Oct 17 #49
Just out of interest, did you pay using very credit agreement and then pay that off or did you pay using a just a bank card?
JB74 to Supercharge_Me
5 Oct 17 #50
I just used my credit card, and paid in full as it was a discount code they'd sent me.... the payment method was irrelevant.

This is the letter i received from them with the code.(fancy red squiggles included) :wink:‌ 32187283-hj8sH.jpg
1Ton1981 to JB74
5 Oct 17 #51
Have you contacted Very about not receiving the £50.00 back to your credit card? If you did, what did they say?
JB74 to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #53
I contacted them by phone..... seems if you call them and get through to the call centre with a complaint, they pass you around a bit and then disconnect you..... after 3 attempts, i just gave up and cancelled the order online.

3rd time i've been burned by these twats!! (so should have learned by my mistakes)
I did have a pretty good shopping experience with them for a year or so, but i'm pretty much done with VERY now.
definately gonna pay the extra, and just stick to reputable companies now.... even if it does mean paying a few £ more, just for peace of mind :raised_hand:
1Ton1981 to JB74
5 Oct 17 #57
My Xbox One X order with Very still says "processing". Total amount for the Xbox One X and Forza Horizon 7 bundle shows as £379.98. I'm just waiting for them to process my order and to see if they honor the 20% discount. If they honor the 20% I will pay the balance of in full and then check my bank daily to see if they have taken the correct amount of £379.98. If they take the correct amount of £379.98 I'll then close down my Very account. If they don't honor the 20% discount, I'll cancel my order and I will never order from Very again.
JB74 to 1Ton1981
5 Oct 17 #58
Hope everythings works out OK for you ..... i have had very honour a couple of decent discounts in the past, It just seems the BIGGER the discount, the more wary you have to be (but that's just in my personal experience)
after being burned out of £150 worth of 'money off' vouchers over the past couple of years im kinda done with them.

but as i said, that just might be just me and a touch of bad luck :wink:
1Ton1981 to JB74
6 Oct 17 #69
Very called me at 12:34 today but I missed the call. At 1pm I checked my Very account and my Xbox One X order was still showing up as "being processed". I checked my Very account again after 2pm and my order has now been processed and is showing the 20% discount. So far so good. I also received an email from them after I missed their call and the email confirms that they have received and processed my order with the 20% discount. But like I said, if they amend my order to 10% before I receive my order, I'll be cancelling the order and will never order from them again.
JB74 to 1Ton1981
6 Oct 17 #70

Ah, thats cool.... hopefully you're one of the lucky ones :thumbsup:
sparklehedgehog to 1Ton1981
7 Oct 17 #72
Same here
1Ton1981 to sparklehedgehog
8 Oct 17 #73
Has your order been processed and is it showing the 20% discount in your Very account?
sparklehedgehog to 1Ton1981
8 Oct 17 #74
Processed, gone through at £375.99 including forza 7 and delivery expected 7/11/17
Supercharge_Me to JB74
5 Oct 17 #52
Looks like a blanket offer letter. What are the terms of the offer? Items excluded etc.
have you tried to lodge a complaint?
JB74 to Supercharge_Me
5 Oct 17 #54
I used the code they'd sent me..... the final payment had included the 'reduced' offer, so i paid ..... and then found out after a few days they hadn't honoured the deal and not refunded the difference.

anyhooo... old news to me now, as it's all done, dusted and cancelled.
just giving people a heads up at what could (posssibly) happen with this company.
JB74 to Supercharge_Me
5 Oct 17 #55
cheers for the link... its appreciated!!
could come in handy in the future :raised_hand:
Ace.Hayward to 1Ton1981
6 Oct 17 #62
It showed up as only 10%. I phoned up and complained. Argued that it wasn't in the electrical range section. They then said the code was for clothes, footwear, home and leisure. I then argued that the Xbox is for use in the home and for my leisure. Was bumped about 3 times between departments, escalating as I went. I even told them to that it was the only reason I opened a very account and that if they won't accept the 20% I will take my business elsewhere. They just closed my account and said have a good evening. Thanks very :thumbsup:
5 Oct 17 #42
Trying to cancel my order as its only 10% AND they dont guarentee relase day delivery... any one else getting issues?

5 Oct 17 #44
Couldn't get the codes to work and can confirm their customer services are garbage - every advisor gives a different story. Cracker deal for everyone who's got it to work.
5 Oct 17 #46
My very statement is due on october 7th (saturday). Ive paid in full with 20% off code working for me. Will see what comes out of my bank.
5 Oct 17 #56
I've just had a couple of bad experiences with VERY (and a few decent ones) ...... doesn't mean everybody will, it's all a bit 'Hit n Miss' with them.
just be wary and keep screenshot details of every purchase, and you're covered.
6 Oct 17 #59
If your are all having issues. Just do the smart thing and take them to small claims court and teach them a lesson. As long as there is no loop hole in their terms. Yes its out off your way to do. But it would be crazy fun to see a case won and make head lines. Maybe a silly comment. But fighting for your wrights like this will put a stop to crap like this.
JB74 to leechris82
6 Oct 17 #61
I'd much rather, just urinate all over them wearing a 10 gallon texan hat, from the dizzying heights of a professional backyard diving platform, whilst singing 'Cuban Pete' through a megaphone, before dismembering them limb by limb with a chainsaw lubed with "I can't believe it's not butter" and then feeding the pieces to a hoard of hungry pigs................... but obviously that's frowned upon, and most probably illegal! :ninja:

But yeah.... I see your point!
6 Oct 17 #60
don't both. My brother got 20% off and then very cancelled his order without warning and wouldn't honor it again.
6 Oct 17 #63
Wasted my time with this. Would only give 10% so asked them to closed my account.
6 Oct 17 #64
10% off a £450 item is still not bad is it, especially if you want and Xbox One X early.. although people who already have Xbox S if you wait a short while prices will come down anyway
6 Oct 17 #65
do most people have a £2k TV with HDR in order to get the best out of this console?
1Ton1981 to propyl21
6 Oct 17 #66
I have a 4K 10 bit HDR TV which I use with my Playstation 4 Pro.
6 Oct 17 #67
My 4K TV with HDR was about £700
6 Oct 17 #68
Crap only 10%
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