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2 Oct 17
WeQ4U is a FREE Android/iPhone App and Service that puts you through to UK 01,02,03 and 08 numbers for FREE, without queueing. Mobile users save approx. 30p per minute on their 0800, 0845, 0844, 0843, 0870, 0871 and 0872 calls with WeQ4U, whether they encounter a queue or not, so it saves you money and time.
As far as I know it only uses your minutes that are part of your contract if you are on pay monthly not sure about Pay as you go.
All comments (69)
2 Oct 17 #1
As far as I'm aware it has always been a free app
eslick to akmedmusleh
2 Oct 17 #14

It has always been free but you can post again after a month and since users come to the site all of the time posts like this will always be useful for many people.
2 Oct 17 #2
Been using it for years :smile:
amour3k to ikskwizituk
3 Oct 17 #43

I agree with alllll of you!, lol.

I've been installing it on and off into various phone's I've had in the past (over the year's), but never exploited it as much as what was then at the time necessary (lack of sufficient lengthy Data Allowance at those particular 'key moments', and what have you's?). :-(

I'm in a slightly better place now, so may now actually go out of my way to exploit the hell out of it now! (like never before ... ) lol. :-D
2 Oct 17 #3
Brill service, used it for a while now,
bloody god send when waiting for 40 minutes for insurance company’s etc
IRRC they were on Dragons Den years ago

And yes it's always been free but most people I know don't / didn't know about their service, so a good head up to others
2 Oct 17 #4
I didn't know about this , thanks. Heat added ☺
2 Oct 17 #5
This has always been free!!
2 Oct 17 #6
Used for years saved me a fortune
2 Oct 17 #7
Aren't 0800 numbers always free from mobiles now?
paulandpam1 to skipraider
2 Oct 17 #10
Yep, but 0845 & 0870 isn't.
There's also an app I used to use 'say no to 0870' that does the same as this one.
louiselouise to paulandpam1
2 Oct 17 #11
The only site I know of is didn't know they had an app?

..actually, there is one…_GB don't know if it's the same as the website.
1mark to louiselouise
2 Oct 17 #28
Yeah awesome site. Agreed I dont think they have an app.
amour3k to 1mark
3 Oct 17 #47
They do have an App actually, lol.

I know for sure because I actually have it ...

Bought it last year (but it was around way before that - by at least a few year's, or something?).

They also have a free version of the App too, which is good. :-)

But the paid-for App has certain automated features (other bell's and whistles) attached to it, which the free App sadly didn't, hehehe, so after awhile (can't remember how long I had it on there again?), I reluctantly uninstalled the free one, and went for the paid-for version instead.

The choice is now yours? (as the saying goes ... ) :-D
andybriggs03 to paulandpam1
3 Oct 17 #44
Yes but if you can't be ar***ed sitting with phone, use this an get on with kids teas or whatever lol
pasheast to paulandpam1
3 Oct 17 #65
Really? I thought they were inclusive in your minutes allowance. That only applies to the PAYG mobiles, doesn't it?
amour3k to skipraider
3 Oct 17 #31
Not every 08 number is 0800 now, is it? (or 0808 for that matter?).

Some are 0845, and 0870 as well?.

Same way as not every 03 number is an 020 3 either?.

0300, 0345, and 0370 exists too ...

Think outside the box? (not every 'game' is the same?). :-)
dw123 to amour3k
5 Oct 17 #68

did you think 03 numbers refer to 0203?

03 numbers are just numbers beginning 03, and all 03xx numbers are included in mobile allowances now.
2 Oct 17 #8
Currently have saved over 120 quid from last few years. Great app
2 Oct 17 #9
I had to call Travelodge to change a booking. Customer services wouldn't give me a local number, only a chargeable one. This app found a free one for me
2 Oct 17 #12
fantastic app has saved me a fortune :heart_eyes:
2 Oct 17 #13
I can only imagine the kinds of data that this company 'learns' about you from having access to your phonecalls. Use saynoto0870, call yourself and keep your peace of mind.
frownbreaker to A1RN
3 Oct 17 #64
Worth noting this App might be "free" but calls are rerouted via and 03xx number so it comes out of any monthly allowance. If you are on contract and have inclusive minutes then the app will use these. Unclear how this is better than using a local rate non-geographic number. However if you are on PAYG then using the App will cost you. I think FREE should be explained in the heading for this deal as its is not clear that calls actually come out of any monthly call allowance.

As has been pointed out the SAYNOTO0870 web site and the free to call 0800 numbers on UK mobiles might make this app an expensive options for PAYG users.
2 Oct 17 #15
You have to be online to do this don't you?
2 Oct 17 #16
Been using this for years. Always been free. Where is the deal?
2 Oct 17 #17
I install and uninstall this whenever I need it. Wish more 0844 numbers were included.
The calls sometimes do cut off and i think that is because the other side knows im using it
ec9wrr to Misslovely
3 Oct 17 #62
Rather than installing and uninstalling. You can just call them (don't need the app then!)

0333 5432111
2 Oct 17 #18
Great reminder post for those who've not heard of it before.
I actually found out about it on here as well thanks to someone taking the time to post it.
2 Oct 17 #19
Be careful, used apps like this before and after a few successful uses once got put through to someone with a Nigerian accent saying the company name and asking to 'verify my bank account details'.

I guess there must be some amount of crowd souring the numbers so they could be fake. If you can't verify the number is actually for the right company I'd avoid.
2 Oct 17 #20
Used this for donkeys years amazing app
2 Oct 17 #21
Great app used for several years now, 9 out of 10 time's once I get through to company rep they always seem surprised hearing the automated weq4u app voice answering the call, I usually end up telling them what the app is called, sometimes they thank me and say they will use it for themselves!
2 Oct 17 #22
Great app , saved me £100's .Just install give it try nothing to loose :smile:
2 Oct 17 #23
Same here, bemused rep on the other end of the phone said to me I thought we were the ones supposed to be holding you in a qeue, instead they get a weq4u message saying please hold the line, we are connecting you :thumbsup:
2 Oct 17 #24
Great App I use it all the time. Great way to call premium rate numbers and call centres
2 Oct 17 #25
Used it for years, nothing new but it’s really good. Surprised that there’s people out there that don’t know about this
2 Oct 17 #26
An absolutly brilliant app. Its saved me hundreds of pounds. Recommended to all my family and friends
2 Oct 17 #27
App is years old and has always been free
2 Oct 17 #29
Has to he my favourite app. Have used it for years and it has saved me loads.
2 Oct 17 #30
It's always been few been using it for last 5yrs
3 Oct 17 #32
Saved me so so many £!! Love it!
3 Oct 17 #33
amazing app!
3 Oct 17 #34
This has always been free. Should be in the freebies section not deals!!
amour3k to Wazz2013
3 Oct 17 #49
True, and true. :-)

And has been mentioned upon HUKD a few times in the past too. :-)
3 Oct 17 #35
Another long-time user here - definitely one of my favourite apps and saved us an absolute fortune over the years. I remember the founder's appearance on Dragon's Den a few years ago asking for a sum of money that valued the company at 15 million quid! Needless to say the Dragon's ripped him a new one but it didn't faze him at all. His parting shot was 'Well, thanks for (almost) listening' :sunglasses:
3 Oct 17 #36
Love the service! Saves me loads on phone bills.
3 Oct 17 #37
Been using this for a good while works great on most numbers. There are some numbers that didn't work but itll tell you anyway.
3 Oct 17 #38
Agreed amazing app
3 Oct 17 #39
I'm not sure on this...I'm with three and most 08 numbers are Inclusive in Unlimited Minutes...
3 Oct 17 #40
Say no to 0870 is an entirely different App for Different things i.e. it finds an alternative number to the 0870 number ...this App doesn't find an Alternative Number ...
3 Oct 17 #41
With everything that’s going on with monarch and needing to get a refund I can contact Expedia using this. Thanks OP big help!!
3 Oct 17 #42
Been using them for years, it's really good. I even use it with free 0800 number just so I don't have to wait in the queue...
amour3k to laurentmahe
3 Oct 17 #45
Lol, is using it with already Nationally known, free 0800 numbers generally quicker/simpler etc, with this App then?, or ... thanx. :-)
Ergates to amour3k
3 Oct 17 #46
No, your call won't get answered any quicker. But you won't be using any of your minutes while you wait.

Many people seem to be suggesting saynoto0870 as an alternative. That's a great site for finding alternative numbers but it won't hold your place in the queue, and call you back when you're connected, like this app does.

For those with limited minutes, this app is really useful.
amour3k to Ergates
3 Oct 17 #48

I fully understand it now ...

Not bad, not bad at alllllll. :-)

Thanx for that brief, but thorough explanation, hehehe.

Yeh, on various mobile phone tariff's I've had over the year's (and for x-years too etc), I've been rocking certain 'limitations', one after the other, sadly. :-(

If it wasn't lack of Data altogether, it was lack of sufficient Data, if it wasn't lack of Premium Number access altogether, it was rather lack of sufficient Premium Number access Instead!. :-(

I was never able to win with such rubbish!, hehehe.

But I think (retrospectively speaking, that is, that) I'm in a slightly better place now ... :-)
laurentmahe to amour3k
3 Oct 17 #51
One of the main features is that once dialled, you get the option to press 9* and the call disconnects from your phone, but you keep queuing. Once you reach the front of the queue and the call gets answered by a call centre agent, the app calls you back. this means no need to wait listing to some crappy music.
3 Oct 17 #50
Duplicate thread of:…452
3 Oct 17 #52
This app has always been free and has been around for years so how is this deal? If anything it should be a 'Freebie' although its always been a freebie regardless!

As a quicky to those who haven't used this before, the free to call number it generates for you can be used again so essentially you can save the number it creates in your phonebook to use for that company going forward without the need to re-use the app!
3 Oct 17 #53
Looked good so I installed this yesterday. Today my phone had loads of adverts on the opening screen and worse, some extra apps installed which I didn't want or ask for. I've uninstalled it again.

Am I doing something wrong? I know it mentions 'contains ads' but if it does this I'd be very reluctant to try the paid for version.

Any ideas from the 'used it for years' folk, or do they just put up with this?

Madman123 to johnmac
3 Oct 17 #54
I don't get any adds and mines the free version. Are you on android or ios?
johnmac to Madman123
3 Oct 17 #56
Thanks for the interest. I'm on Android 6.0. The 'includes ads' is on the Play Apps page.
3 Oct 17 #55
You dont actually need the App, just call the WeQ4U Access Number from any Phone (mobile Friendly) on 0333 543 2111 and as soon as it answers input your number, or follow the instructions for a call back.

The other one I use to use a lot for non friendly mobile numbers (Not 0844 or 0870 type) is 01243 590800
3 Oct 17 #57
Can anyone explain how the economics work on this app? Is it just re-routing the live mobile phone dialer to the landline alternative numbers rather than paid ones? or is there some fancy re-routing of calls going on in some data centre somewhere?
3 Oct 17 #58
Cheers madman, shall use in future. :-)
3 Oct 17 #59
Thanks for sharing, using this App for ages. Really good one & always free
3 Oct 17 #60
Absolutely the best app on my phone for years now. Saves me lots of money and regularly used. Brilliant!
3 Oct 17 #61
Saved a few quid with this app, saved waiting in queues as well.
3 Oct 17 #63
Does it work for 09 numbers. (These are generally competion entry numbers.)
4 Oct 17 #66
Been using this for a while, works great especially the queuing part, saved me from hours of looped music
4 Oct 17 #67
Well i'll give it a hot, never really needed it, But Hell if Luton Airport has an 0300 number it might come in useful.
5 Oct 17 #69
Did not work for me on GiffGaff. After calling Paypal I am about 8 quid poorer
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