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 Walking Dead 1-7 blu ray box set £5 (Prime) / £6.99 (non Prime) at Amazon
4 stars +309

Walking Dead 1-7 blu ray box set £5 (Prime) / £6.99 (non Prime) at Amazon

£1.99 P&P + options Amazon UK2 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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2 Oct 17
Must be a mistake but Amazon might honour it. Worth a try!
All comments (120)
2 Oct 17 #1
Thanks just ordered!
2 Oct 17 #2
Says 1 disc version?
2 Oct 17 #3
Descriptions seems to suggest its just season 7, also mentions its one disc version. Still a bargain either way.
2 Oct 17 #4
Thanks OP! Must be a mistake on Amazon's part- hope they honour it!
Agree with rav4cas that it is odd that is says it is a disc version but when I checked the DVD version that says the same too! Fingers crossed we get this box set at this amazing price! :thumbsup:
2 Oct 17 #5
Picture shows seasons 1-7.
2 Oct 17 #6
Series 7 shown as £4 for bluray
2 Oct 17 #7
No stock , so they won't fulfill
2 Oct 17 #8
Ordered! fingers crosses!
2 Oct 17 #9
Seasons 1-6 available on bluray for £10 :…80G
26 disc version
2 Oct 17 #10
I think it may be ok they are very cheap on the dvd seasons too
2 Oct 17 #11
Amazon always say just one disc for box sets. I've always had 5 or 6 in the case.
Ordered, thank you
2 Oct 17 #12
Fear the walking dead season 1 and 2 is 4 quid on blu-ray.
2 Oct 17 #13
Twilight complete set £3
2 Oct 17 #14
thanks ordered one anymore and i think they will definitely cancel your order.
2 Oct 17 #15
Ordered Tkx op
2 Oct 17 #16
Order season 1-6 boxset , season 7 and fear the walking dead for 20.99 :blush:
2 Oct 17 #17
nothing ventured nothing gained
2 Oct 17 #18
Took a punt i will just send back if not as described
2 Oct 17 #19
Well spotted . bought the series 7 bluray for £ 4 as well just in case 1-7 for £ 5 gets cancelled

fear the walking dead blu ray series 1 & 2 is £ 4 for anyone interested
2 Oct 17 #20
Defo brought a few for me and some friends hope it’s gets honoured but if it doesn’t then it was a nice bit of adrenaline
2 Oct 17 #21
Amazon keep on giving they given me a 1 pound reward, just got that email lol.
2 Oct 17 #22
Cex £42 cash £60 vouchers for this so i ordered 2 so that if i get them i get a nice profit
2 Oct 17 #23
prices now updated
2 Oct 17 #24
All prices updated, GL to people who ordered
2 Oct 17 #25
Your Shopping Basket is empty.

Wont let me add :disappointed:
2 Oct 17 #26
What are Amazon like for honoring these misprices?
davidfwalsh to theexile2k3
2 Oct 17 #27
They've done it fingers crossed.
matedodgy to theexile2k3
2 Oct 17 #34
Pretty bad at the extreme misprices like this one.
Borntooslow to theexile2k3
2 Oct 17 #38
Pretty good to be honest

I bought a Clint Eastwood Blu ray collection for £1.73

It took a few weeks to arrive but they honoured it

A few of my sets are dispatching now
2 Oct 17 #28
Did a buy...well, a try at a buy....
2 Oct 17 #29
Managed to get an order in, although delivery is in 1.5 to 3 weeks time. That gives them a loooong window of opportunity to cancel it! Fingers crossed though
2 Oct 17 #30
May have done it to reduce stock!
MatsyLR to yohanntessier
2 Oct 17 #31
Going to be awhile before the 1-8 boxset lol
2 Oct 17 #32
great find op,its deals like this that get the adrenaline pumping.
franco79 to malm
2 Oct 17 #33
I thought it was just me! Hehe ;-)
2 Oct 17 #35
Well my 3x copies of the Season 7 blu ray are coming up as shipping today so thats going through fine
ST3123 to theexile2k3
2 Oct 17 #36
Would you be willing to sell one of S7 on to me so I can complete my collection? I managed to buy 1-4 and then 5 and 6 separately but missed out on the 1-6 and 1-7 sets and 7 on its own. Would be willing to offer the original price plus a couple of pound for postage....
2 Oct 17 #37
season 1-3 DVD dispatched
2 Oct 17 #39
Will be interesting to see if they honour this as they've honoured the other sets at a ridiculous loss per unit
2 Oct 17 #40
Really disappointed I missed out on this one, last time they messed up they did honor them so I'd say your chances are quite high. I got 66 boxsets for a grand total of £11.38 a couple of months ago so can't really complain, would have been nice to catch this one though to replenish my stock for eBay :-p
2 Oct 17 #41
Now.. I'll be the first to admit I'm not prolific on the deals front but the total sum of your contribution to this site is zero... you sir/madam are a leech.

I for one am glad you missed the boat this time.
2 Oct 17 #42
Wow, bit of an overreaction there. No I haven't posted any deals, for the simple fact I've never actually found any deals myself (Actually I did try posting one a short while back but it was taken down as I didn't realise someone else had beaten me to it)

I didn't realise that I was being judged for this though, may this "leech" most humbly beg your forgiveness as you are clearly far superior to me. I don't know how many deals you've posted and I'm not going to bother looking it up as you clearly did with me, but well done for any that you have found.

All joking aside though I am very grateful to the people who do find offers and share them on here. And for the record if I ever do discover any myself I will certainly post them on the site, as I realise that is how this community thrives.
2 Oct 17 #43
It wouldn't be half as bad if you didn't brag about selling them on Ebay... Brilliant- you made a couple of quid at the expense of somebody who may have actually wanted the item.
2 Oct 17 #44
6 or 66??
2 Oct 17 #45
I think it's the fact you came over as a childish smug individual that got their back up.
2 Oct 17 #46

Ok if that's the case I'm genuinely sorry, I never meant to seem smug or childish. I realise I got extremely lucky last time Amazon had a pricing error, and I hope the people who ordered today are just as lucky.

And yes I did sell them on eBay, but as I hadn't paid much at all for them I was selling them for below the asking price, so others were benefiting too. I dont think anyone would have lost out because I bought them from Amazon, there didn't seem to be a limited quantity as everyone was buying them until the prices went back up.

But again, sorry if it seemed like I was bragging or trying to start arguments, I was simply saying I got very lucky last time so hopefully others will too.
2 Oct 17 #47
Must be 6, there were no box sets at 17p each. The cheapest one I got was £1.25.
2 Oct 17 #48
It could be 66 - Amazon made a cock up a while ago where they put some Blu-Ray and DVDs in both the 3 for 20 and 2 for 10 deals. If you added 6 of the things that were in both they came to around £1 (total), so 66 would only be £10...I must admit ordering that many is taking the p*ss and I would think ordering multiples does mean other people miss out. Amazon only have a finite stock after all.
3 Oct 17 #49
So my season 7 blu ray has been dispatched. And en route today.
3 Oct 17 #50
1-6 and 7...on the way :raised_hand:
3 Oct 17 #51
Has that just updated? mine say arriving today, not despatched tho.
3 Oct 17 #52
Dispatched around midnight, out for delivery now :sunglasses:
3 Oct 17 #53
Very annoying that someone will get sent 66 of something and someone else who ordered one will get nothing due to stock. You can justify it all you like by saying you sold them cheaper than retail on ebay but you made a tidy profit.
It was the bragging that got all our backs up. I have had my fair share of these kind of deals and some I get some I don't I tend to buy them as presents and only ever order one of each.
I hope you are behind me in the queue otherwise i will not get my one whilst you get your 400 or whatever you ordered. Why do Amazon not flag accounts like yours?
3 Oct 17 #54
Got a feeling mine aint coming.
3 Oct 17 #55
I hope that is not the case, got my fingers crossed for you and the others!
3 Oct 17 #56
It was max 3 per account.
Could of used multiple accounts I guess.
3 Oct 17 #57
My season 7 arrived today
3 Oct 17 #58
I'm in exactly the same boat with Season 6 and 7 - says arriving today and "dispatching soon"...don't think they're coming!
3 Oct 17 #59
My S6 and S7 came today. It was saying "arriving today" up until delivery.
3 Oct 17 #60
Had it been marked as dispatched prior to delivery though or was it still at "dispatching soon"?
3 Oct 17 #61
I think it went from dispatching soon to arrving today. Don't remember seeing it as dispatched. Should be able to track package and see if it is out with a driver?
3 Oct 17 #62
It's not - like I said it just shows "dispatching soon" and arriving today. Never mind - win some loose some!
3 Oct 17 #63
3 Oct 17 #64
Arrived today
3 Oct 17 #65
My s7 was dispatched earlier today, says it will arrive tomorrow
5 Oct 17 #66
I received a cancellation email but was given £10 credit as compensation so can’t really complain.
5 Oct 17 #67
Same Belle, cancelation and £10 compensation

5 Oct 17 #68
My order was cancelled and they gave me a free £10 gift card because of the mishap not the outcome i was hoping but atleast i got something free
5 Oct 17 #69
Got my cancellation / credit too - awfully nice of them :
5 Oct 17 #70
Cant complainn £10 gift voucher and will go towards a pair of shoes I have had my eye on.
5 Oct 17 #71
Because i ordered 2 on separate orders ive got £20 credit wooohoooo
5 Oct 17 #72
Same, never mind wasn't expecting it to be honoured anyway.
5 Oct 17 #73
Had multiple orders so got £20
5 Oct 17 #74
I had two orders one for 1-7 and two for 1-6 + 7. They cancelled 1-7 And one of 1-6 +7. Gave two 10 quid vouchers too. So I ended up with seasons 1-7 And 20 quid worth of vouchers for 15 quid lol
5 Oct 17 #75
Got the email and credit too. I did get the other ones at the low prices though -

S6 £3
S7 £4
S1-6 £10

Did anyone end up getting this one or was it just cancelled across the board?
5 Oct 17 #76
Cancelled one of the 1-7 boxsets and got £10 . But the other 1-7 is still in my orders .
5 Oct 17 #77
So did I. Also got 5X Season 7 delivered, so a great deal.
5 Oct 17 #78
So you got cancellation credit and might still get the box set!? Lucky git! Hehe. Good for you!
5 Oct 17 #79
I ordered two sets , one was cancelled and got £10 credit , the other one is still in my order history . So might get the other boxset or another £10 credit .
5 Oct 17 #80
Either way - result! :-)
5 Oct 17 #81
OH announces tonight he has the £10.00 credit,he never even told me about the deal so I could place an order,unbelievable :cry:
6 Oct 17 #82
I call BS on that, Amazon have told me all orders were automatically cancelled
Rolfie78 to theexile2k3
6 Oct 17 #83
My 1-7 order was cancelled due to pricing error. Got a £10 amazon credit instead
theexile2k3 to Rolfie78
6 Oct 17 #84
I had duplicate order so got £20, went to speak to them and they swore blind no one had it for that price
KevClark1985 to Rolfie78
6 Oct 17 #86
Mine cancelled too and got £10 voucher. Managed to get Season 6 (£3) and Season 7 (£4) to go with my season 1-4 boxset I already had. With the £10 voucher I can get S5 for about £6 extra. so £13 for seasons 5-7 is not to be sniffed at.

Also seems my Fear the Walking Dead s1-2 is being shipped today for £4. Overall really can't complain, although wish I managed to grab a S1-6 when it was £10 and available for next day, likely would of received that but didn't see it on offer at the time. Win some lose some lol.
philmitchell to KevClark1985
6 Oct 17 #87
I don't care what you think , mine is coming tomorrow , It now says Arriving tomorrow , Shipping today .
6 Oct 17 #85
Got another £10 off them but still not happy. Might try again later lol
theexile2k3 to theexile2k3
6 Oct 17 #88
Alright Phil
dazbang to theexile2k3
6 Oct 17 #89
6 Oct 17 #90
season 1-7? or else? :thumbsup:
6 Oct 17 #91
Meh been arguing with amazon for alittle they say everyones orders where automatically canceled so calling shenaigans on the above poster with the screenshot!
MatsyLR to MatsyLR
6 Oct 17 #92
Well....GG i guess, you are the special one.
MatsyLR to MatsyLR
6 Oct 17 #99
MatsyLR to MatsyLR
6 Oct 17 #100
Sigh they are being so difficult going round in circles, would you mind re-screenshot the first two images with the order number on it please? (scratch out your address ofc) they are saying the first two screenshots are not to do with the invoice as the order number isn't showing lol <.<
I'll need to buy you a beer if it works! :grin:
MatsyLR to MatsyLR
6 Oct 17 #101
Thank you Phil.
Lets see what happens.

Been going around in circles while watching movies for awhile now.
Getting no where, keep going on about policy's and price matching. Lots of lying involved, I seem to know their policy's better than their own agents lol
Doesn't seem like they are willing to do anything.

Doesn't help that they don't seem to understand simple English most the time.....

Shame, but thanks Phil :smile:
theexile2k3 to MatsyLR
7 Oct 17 #102
Are you a prime member by any chance Phil? (can't believe I'm calling you Phil lol) they tend to try and keep the prime members happy from what I've seen in the past. Been round in circles with them too, got an additional £10 promo code free yesterday on top of the £20 I got originally so wasn't all bad. Still only a drop in the water when you're supposed to have £300 of sets come for £15 and other people are getting theres
Crazy_Kate71 to theexile2k3
7 Oct 17 #103
I have been an Amazon prime member for years and spend at least £5000 ( conservative estimate) a year on there but I am not going to try and chase them on this. They have no obligation to honour a misprice, sometimes we get them like the Star Trek ones and sometimes we do not. Amazon do not owe you anything. You did not get cheated out of anything in fact you managed to get more money out of them.
6 Oct 17 #93
He probably ordered for full price then edited the pics to feel special. Bless him
benjammin316 to theexile2k3
6 Oct 17 #95
Nice one Phil! Great bargain! Even better as there's a lot of salty people hating on you for it, good stuff!
6 Oct 17 #94
Believe what you want .

A lot of sour grapes about in this deal .
theexile2k3 to philmitchell
6 Oct 17 #97
Not salty, yesterday I had a preorder for wwe 2k18 deluxe edition on Amazon for £67.99 with no walking dead boxset..

Now I still have no walking dead boxset but have wwe 2k18 deluxe edition coming for £37.99 so can't complain
6 Oct 17 #96
I posted the screenshots , so the others could show amazon and say not all orders had been cancelled .

I even have the invoice what I could put up here, but people will still say its fake, so why bother .
6 Oct 17 #98
Do it :grin:
7 Oct 17 #104
I'm a prime member also, they refuse to budge.
Spoken to two different managers, the last one hung up on me as I wouldn't accept no.
7 Oct 17 #105
Just got my email been dispatched arriving Tuesday :blush:
7 Oct 17 #106
Yes , I'm a prime member .
7 Oct 17 #107
Just got of chat with someone else.
Went around in circles again, for some reason he has issued a "replacement" for the season 7 ones I ordered (Arriving tomorrow by 1pm) free of charge no idea why I didn't even mention the season 7 order.....
He acted like this is what I wanted and ended the chat.....I think he got confused somewhere, I'm going to wait till they dispatch and then go back on the chat lol
Also hes added another £10 of credit to my account, on top of the £30 I got for the 3 cancelled orders.

What an odd situation lol
7 Oct 17 #108
Just turned up .

7 Oct 17 #109
wow, what a result! :thumbsup:‌ :grin:
7 Oct 17 #110
I’m glad you got it, if only to wind up mattsy and exile
7 Oct 17 #111
Not really bothered, I've managed to get enough £££ through the items I've got + the credit to get what I wanted from this deal in the first place (a phone)
Nice phil!
7 Oct 17 #112
If that were true you wouldn’t have wasted so much time on amazon chat begging for it to be fulfilled
Bird68 to pinkleponkle
9 Oct 17 #118
Aye, thanks for posting, pae, looks like mine will be arriving this week.
7 Oct 17 #113
and its not waisted, I'm not doing anything other than watching tv/movies.
7 Oct 17 #114
Maybe get a job/better paid one then you wouldn’t have to scalp to buy the things you actually want.
7 Oct 17 #115
Oh pinkle, always space for scalping no matter how much you earn :wink: made a grand total of £96 thanks to Amazon at a cost of merely £12 to me
8 Oct 17 #116
You would be silly not too.
Just got the rest of my orders, took them over to CEX (they looked at me funny with all the Season 7's lol) traded them along with my old busted up phone (was rooted and has custom rom/recovery on, very suprised they took it) and in got this beauty in perfect mint condition, came with a case and one of those battery chargers + extra battery!

All for just over £40
9 Oct 17 #117
My delivery has turned up thank you for posting the deal :thumbsup:
MatsyLR to korny2
9 Oct 17 #119
Grats korny and bird
Crazy_Kate71 to MatsyLR
9 Oct 17 #120
Lol at the smugness
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