Just in case the 1-7 blu ray box set is just series 7, this is worth a try as well for £10.
Latest comments (48)
9 Oct 17#48
With Royal Mail today, happy days!
7 Oct 17#47
Mine arrived today, thanks OP
6 Oct 17#46
I got lucky, i ordered 1-7 and also 1-6 & 7 (thought one set would be cancaelled a lrast), and also 1-2 FTWD. 1-7 got cancelled so got £10 voucher, messed up my payment (used old card) so had to update payment method, so could use the voucher. So i've ended up with 1-6, 7 and 1-2 FTWD for a tenna.
6 Oct 17#45
Not too bad... managed to get all my orders except the 1-7 set, and have the FTWD Season1&2 set shipping tomorrow. £10 voucher code is pretty good as well :smile:
2 Oct 17#20
thanks op great find,pay no attention to the miserable brigade.
ShadowWarrior241 to malm
2 Oct 17#24
OP took this from another site, where someone posted this deal in-trust with the hope that users interested in Blu rays and The Walking Dead would get the deal. OP's "great find" was not even a find, but more of a steal from the people that would have watched and cherished the item to scalpers that have ordered multiple copies to sell.
Example A
pae11869 to ShadowWarrior241
2 Oct 17#26
First of all, I did not take this from another site. I have no idea what site you are referring to. I went to Amazon after somebody posted here that the Walking Dead series 7 blu ray was £4 and noticed the 1-7 and 1-6 box sets were extremely cheap as well. So I did what I thought everybody would do and that is post the deal on HUKD for others to benefit from. I'm sorry you are angry with the situation but there was nothing taken from another site, just posting a deal when I found one. Out of interest, what is the other site you accused me of taking from because I have no idea?
ShadowWarrior241 to pae11869
3 Oct 17#31
Sorry dude, I thought you were the first poster. Totally my bad yo.
Generally posting on HUKD benefits scalpers more than the normal person. Crazy price glitches rarely get honoured once they're posted here.
Ashe to ShadowWarrior241
2 Oct 17#28
It appears you are somehow unaware that more than one person in this world is capable of searching Amazon.
ScroopEgerton to ShadowWarrior241
6 Oct 17#44
What a strange and angry post, based on no evidence whatsoever. How sad to be this petty and pathetic.
I'm grateful to the OP for posting a fantastic deal, that has got me the box set for a tenner. Pity I didn't see the £4 for 1-7.
dannykerner1990 to malm
3 Oct 17#30
I'm not one of them. I previously took part in one of these glitches & i was one of the early adopters but what did i get out of it. Absolutely nothing but a sorry email, yet everyone else managed to get something al because of prime which i can't afford.
4 Oct 17#38
Justsuperman to Darzen
5 Oct 17#40
just had email my 1-7's has been canceled
Darzen to Justsuperman
5 Oct 17#41
Same but did get a £10 voucher instead.
Justsuperman to Darzen
6 Oct 17#43
Same free £10 isn’t bad.. also my 2x 1-6’s are actually shipping and 2 season 7s
6 Oct 17#42
Thank Christ for that. Now you know how I felt when they cancelled my CSI orders despite the fact other people received them. Once again I bet prime was guaranteed and first come on non prime. It's BS about their equality guidelines
5 Oct 17#39
I ordered 2x seasons 1-6 because I don't have prime and it was the quickest way to get to £20 for free shipping. Got an email saying it was a price error but they will send one at the £10 price and cancel the other, which is great! thanks OP.
3 Oct 17#37
...my season 6 blu ray set was sitting proudly on my door mat when I arrived home tonight... all for the princely sum of £3... thanks OP...
3 Oct 17#36
I need to move closer to an Amazon Warehouse
3 Oct 17#35
Mines out for delivery! Thanks op!
3 Oct 17#34
Both mine have shipped for arrival today. Cheers OP
3 Oct 17#33
We're writing to let you know that the following items
have been unexpectedly delayed:
'The Walking
Dead - The Complete Season 1-6 [Blu-ray]'
arrival date: October 16 2017 - October 21 2017"
3 Oct 17#32
My season 7 blu ray is en route
2 Oct 17#29
Season 7 is shipping soon for me. Just waiting on the 1-6 set to change too. Still says not yet dispatched so I have a feeling it may get cancelled. :worried:
*Edit* Season 7 has shipped but this still says “Not yet dispatched. Arriving Tomorrow”. Think it’s probably getting cancelled.
2 Oct 17#17
Why is it I always miss out when their "Glitches" always occur in the morning
Once again I'm hoping they will cancel orders due to unavailable stock.
pinkleponkle to dannykerner1990
2 Oct 17#18
If it makes you feel any better the majority of purchases will have been made by scalpers.
Justsuperman to dannykerner1990
2 Oct 17#19
So basically you’re one of them are you? ‘I didn’t get it so no one should’ quit crying and behave
once_upon_a_tyne to dannykerner1990
2 Oct 17#27
What a prat.
2 Oct 17#25
Wonder if they'll honour these as they've honoured seemingly the other boxsets and season sets at a ridiculous loss per unit
2 Oct 17#16
If it hadn't have been posted here, wouldn't have grabbed series 6 for £3
shady to shady
2 Oct 17#23
...and for which I have just received the 'despatched' e-mail...
2 Oct 17#22
Darn. Missed it. I had the day off work today aswell and have just been lounging about. That should teach me to check HKUD more often. Good luck to anyone who managed to get an order in.
Opening post
Latest comments (48)
Example A
Generally posting on HUKD benefits scalpers more than the normal person. Crazy price glitches rarely get honoured once they're posted here.
I'm grateful to the OP for posting a fantastic deal, that has got me the box set for a tenner. Pity I didn't see the £4 for 1-7.
I'm not one of them. I previously took part in one of these glitches & i was one of the early adopters but what did i get out of it. Absolutely nothing but a sorry email, yet everyone else managed to get something al because of prime which i can't afford.
We're writing to let you know that the following items have been unexpectedly delayed:
'The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1-6 [Blu-ray]'
Estimated arrival date: October 16 2017 - October 21 2017"
*Edit* Season 7 has shipped but this still says “Not yet dispatched. Arriving Tomorrow”. Think it’s probably getting cancelled.
Once again I'm hoping they will cancel orders due to unavailable stock.