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 Virgin Mobile £9 for 4GB Unl Text and 1500 mins 12 months £108
4 stars +369

Virgin Mobile £9 for 4GB Unl Text and 1500 mins 12 months £108

£108 Virgin Media1 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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1 Oct 17
It's normally 1GB but they 4x the data for now
All comments (47)
1 Oct 17 #1
The £10 for 5gb and unlimited mins/texts from Plusnet is better IMO
eslick to OrribleHarry
1 Oct 17 #3
And no 12 month contract, Virgin tried to tell me the other week they were being forced into doing 12 month only deals by OFCOM total lie, cancelled there and then.
dimon72 to OrribleHarry
1 Oct 17 #7
Do you have a link?
Kye412 to OrribleHarry
4 Oct 17 #42
the data roll over is nice though, Im gonna see how the signal is with this, becuase they said I have 2 weeks to send it back if I'm not happy. Ill go to Plusnet then.
1 Oct 17 #2
Any apps/ideas to increase the reception of VM?
Gollywood to kkthomask
2 Oct 17 #18

Leave VirginMobile
DrWig to kkthomask
2 Oct 17 #19
Virgin piggy backs on EE, so reception should be pretty good (depends a bit in phone, too wife's VM moto often has signal where my Sony on EE doesn't in poor reception areas)
1 Oct 17 #4
Mug buy supporting the vile Richard Branson
OrribleHarry to ansonuk
1 Oct 17 #5
Couple of points.

1) what has Richard Branson ever done to you? Very strong words to call him "Vile"
2) Richard Branson does not own Virgin Mobile or Virginmedia.
ansonuk to OrribleHarry
2 Oct 17 #17
Let's call Branson a germ for attempting to thwart the will of the British people by bankrolling the anti Brexit campaign
placidsheep to ansonuk
2 Oct 17 #20

Now see point 2 where he says RB is not the owner of VirginMedia...
OrribleHarry to ansonuk
2 Oct 17 #23
Like I said, what has he done to you, I suspect nothing.

Because the vote didn't go your way you're bitter, but calling people vile and a germ is wrong.
ansonuk to OrribleHarry
2 Oct 17 #39
The vote did go my way - out. Extreme Brexit with WTO rules needed now
jimbo001 to ansonuk
2 Oct 17 #28
Oh, you're one of them...
amour3k to ansonuk
2 Oct 17 #34
Richard Branson wasn't the only one that was Anti-Brexit was he?.

Jamie Oliver was Anti-Brexit.

As was Cameron.

And (ironically) Boris Johnson also.

And Alan Sugar too.

Amongst many others ...

Not just Richard Branson alone?.

But either way, I believe the will of the people would have opted 'different', if they weren't unfavourably misled by some, in the first place?. :-(

What you reckon ...
amour3k to ansonuk
2 Oct 17 #31
Out of interest, why do you think the man is vile? (I personally don't think so?).

There are some I would refer to in similar word's perhaps? (but Richard Branson is not one of them ... )
1 Oct 17 #6
Interesting :face_with_monocle:
1 Oct 17 #8
I pay £6 a month for the same deal on Plusnet.
Kensirstagwaff to pakman786
2 Oct 17 #26
Tell me more , I could do with that. Please.
amour3k to Kensirstagwaff
2 Oct 17 #33
Same here too. :-)
Gollywood to Kensirstagwaff
2 Oct 17 #37
Jump in to his time machine & you'll find that deal....
pakman786 to Kensirstagwaff
2 Oct 17 #38
I have been a customer with them for more than a year so called the sales department and asked if i could have a better deal as i am a loyal customer and they offered me that deal.
Kensirstagwaff to pakman786
5 Oct 17 #45
Not as good as yours , but just changed my plusnet 2.5gb/£7 per month to 4gb/£7 - been with them for less than 2 weeks ! Can't complain .
1 Oct 17 #9
I currently get with virgin mobile 2500 mins 5gb data for £9 rolling contract
1 Oct 17 #10
poor deal i got 4gb with unused rolling over 2500 mins unlimited text.£8 months ago.
1 Oct 17 #11
I was with Virgin months ago on 2gb data with unltd texts and calls for more than a tenner as they increased it year on year
Told em I was leaving for plusnet, wouldn't compete or even try so i left.
Now am on 5gb 4g data for £10 and cant complain, so are most of my family.
Virgin tried to get me to come back, but as far as I'm concerned they really didn't try hard enough to convince me to stay...their loss.I gave them a chance and they missed out.
Plusnet are OK so far.
Only better deal for none data users is Sky mobile but only for existing Sky custoners where they are offering unltd data and texts plus 500mb data for a £5.
2 Oct 17 #12
Just got 8GB data, unlimited texts and mins on a retention deal with 3 network. All for £10 a month
amour3k to ravi47
2 Oct 17 #30
Oooooooooooo!!!, that's a goooood reminder that, I too MAY consider that 'option' too?, when my 12 months Deal with Network Three is also up ... hehehehe. :-D
2 Oct 17 #13
Cold 12 months chained down
2 Oct 17 #14
ID mobile monthly for £1 more been great little provider for my son you can lock down overspend and also has data rollover and is 5gb they been very good reception too in my rural area
2 Oct 17 #15
3 will be better off than Virgin. Never gives 4g speed.
2 Oct 17 #16
I went for those at £8 as TV customer I liked that your data rolls over :smile: this is coming from 3 who have been awful
2 Oct 17 #21
Going to have to vote cold as the reception for VM is so poor that even if it was free I wouldn't bother.
2 Oct 17 #22
Been pretty happy with Virgin, but they didn't even try to offer anything that wasn't on the website when presented with a better deal and we've got two handsets, TV and have been with them a few years.

Their retention deals used to be awesome, but looks like it's time to go elsewhere.
2 Oct 17 #24
EE sent me a box just connect in to the net and u get full signal plus if ur on 200speed ur box turns it into a virgin hot spot.
OrribleHarry to rolandjustchillin
2 Oct 17 #25
If that gibberish said what I think it does not work with Virgin.
2 Oct 17 #27
just took up the vm £16 4g deal 5000 calls unlimited text 20gig. flash sale today. ends in 11 hrs
2 Oct 17 #29
Voted HOT!
2 Oct 17 #32
Good Deal by the way OP. :-)
2 Oct 17 #35
logged in to find this offer - I guess the offers vary

4GB Mobile SIM - £8 a month
  • Superfast 4G data
  • 2,500 minutes
  • Unlimited texts
  • 12 month contract
  • Data rollover: keep your unused data
amour3k to mushypeas25
3 Oct 17 #40
Not bad at all!.

That works out as cheaper than I'm currently paying with Network Three ... (by only £1, but still?).

I get what you're currently getting, but I get unlimited minutes as well.

Unlimited minutes of which I rarely make full use of (so far), and for a good few months also. :-(

Could prove useful, in the course of time?.

Though I'm not a current Virgin Mobile Customer ...
2 Oct 17 #36
Me thinks there is a cat fight. Heat from me though.

3 Oct 17 #41
I left Virgin media last week for plusnet. All the new VM deals are 12 month contracts so they really are not competitive. Plus their roaming issues this year were a joke. Speeds are similar on both (unsurprisingly).
4 Oct 17 #43
I'm with Virgin Media

I pay £5 a month for 2500 mins unlimited texts and 2GB data with data roll over.
£26 a month for 200Mbit Broadband with free weekend calls which I don't use but had to have for the discount.
4 Oct 17 #44
6 Oct 17 #46
I’m with o2 pay £10 a month for unltd text mins and 2G data however I get a free coffee at Cafe Nero each week with the priority app. So I’m basically getting £2.60 back each week.
beljim7419 to iGlad
6 Oct 17 #47
I think a lot of us also do that who aren't o2 pay monthly customers. We just use a free or £1 PayAsYouGo sim for initial setup. 3's Wuntu can also be used like this but I'm less familliar with that but they have a free Costa coffee at the moment.
I have both even though I'm Primarilly a Virgin Mobile Customer.
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