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 Stardew valley - Nintendo switch Mexico eshop £6.16 via the Mexico store
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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2 Oct 17
I noticed this releases on Thursday 5th October and it's £10.99 on the uk store. I had a quick look at other regions and noticed it's a cracking £6.16 via the Mexico store.

For those that don't know how to access this, you simply sign into your Nintendo account on the web and go to profile settings and change region to Mexico.
You then sign into the eshop on your switch with your account and use your card to buy said game.
All comments (111)
2 Oct 17 #1
Had this with Shovel Knight near release, but couldn't get my card nor a Revolut one to work. Might work with Paypal now though? Will have to wait and see.
2 Oct 17 #2
Where is the option to change profile settings? im seeing nothing under the account tab to change this?
addyb to Felicitous
2 Oct 17 #6…tml

Sign in then click on your icon in the top right and from the drop down select settings. It will then take you to

Select profile from here and then scroll to region and change as required.
mastermjr20041 to Felicitous
2 Oct 17 #7
The easiest way for me was to go the following address:

then go to user information, then profile and then change country/region. then save.

Now turn your switch on and go to the eshop login in and it will prompt that something has changed and then log on again and then purchase the game. Once purchased go back to the link earlier and change back.

Hope that was easy to follow.
2 Oct 17 #3
Is there an easy way to check different eshop prices? I'm looking for a better price on Golf Story.
josh971 to instant_classic
2 Oct 17 #17
I literally just bought golf story tonight doing this for the first time. Cheapest was ZA (south Africa) it turned out about £10.50 . Just changed region on the Nintendo website, bought it on the website using my Halifax clarity (fee free MasterCard) and looked down at my switch and it was downloading. Happy days £3 saved for 10 seconds
2 Oct 17 #4
Here :smile:
Ashley_Read to addyb
2 Oct 17 #5
Thanks for the post! Just wondering can you then switch your region back? So I could switch my UK account to Mexico, Purchase the game and then switch it back to UK?
addyb to Ashley_Read
2 Oct 17 #8
Yep just buy game and then go back on the web and change region back :smile:
Ashley_Read to addyb
2 Oct 17 #12
Thats great then.
As a warning to anyone about to switch regions - YOU DO lose your current balance if you switch regions so make sure to spend it before switching.
2 Oct 17 #9
Is it on the Mexican store now to buy and download, a pre order or just wait till Thursday?
2 Oct 17 #10
I checked and as of yet it's not on the store but should be anytime now. It's up on other regions like South Africa for example. For reference it's just over £8 on the SA store.
2 Oct 17 #11
2 Oct 17 #13
Is there any confirmation that £6.16 is the actual price? I'm been trying to research the launch price for mexico in the eshop but cannot find any solid confirmation.
2 Oct 17 #14
Which area are you selecting for Mexico? Latin America? 32156117-qnH9b.jpg
jco83 to migavupe
3 Oct 17 #37
That is not the Nintendo Account region selection list.
That looks like a website language selection
2 Oct 17 #15
Great deal, but one of the only few games I'm happy to pay full price for. Well worth it.
2 Oct 17 #16
I'm not getting a paypal option when trying to check out, or the ability to pay only the exact amount, any ideas on what to do?
2 Oct 17 #18
didn't release it was being released so soon. Bought it a few months ago on pc, wish I waited
2 Oct 17 #19
Is it available to purchase right now or should we wait until Thursday before switching? (excuse the pun)
2 Oct 17 #20
I keep getting server errors. Am I doing something wrong?
larrymarr to Chickenlips77
2 Oct 17 #21
looks like the site is down -…jsp

Google translate:

"At this time, the network service is being submitted to maintenance tasks. Because of this, it is possible that some services are not available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

From Monday, October 2, 2017 1:00 PM to Monday, October 2, 2017 5:00 PM Pacific Time"

1AM UK time
2 Oct 17 #22
Damn, that's now this and Sonic Mania I need to get from other countries' eshops, but I've got £50 on the shop to spend before I can swap stores. AND I don't really want to purchase much since it's all cheaper in the other stores. Any games that don't fit this criteria
pedromo to Trogador
2 Oct 17 #25
You can set up another another profile on the switch and use that to purchase from other regions while keeping your own profiles balance. I have several: Home, Russia, South Africa, Japan, Mexico and America. All named profiles for family members to play on the switch but I can purchase anywhere and not lose any balance.
x1stman to pedromo
3 Oct 17 #32
I have done the same, but it's worth noting that when you do this, the news feed is then populated with stories from the regions that you have accounts with. Mine is now spammed with Japanese stories... If anyone knows how to stop this, please help!
blueflash to Trogador
2 Oct 17 #26
You could just set up new account on you switch
2 Oct 17 #23
Just to confirm, you can buy this on the mexico eshop but you can download the UK version when you change your region back?
2 Oct 17 #24
Have people been able to successfully buy from Mexican eShop ?
3 Oct 17 #27
I can't get this to work. I change my region on the webpage but I still have the same uk eshop on my switch
Ashley_Read to decbear
3 Oct 17 #28
Are you actually changing your accounts region or just the websites region? There's a shirt guide above how to do it
mastermjr20041 to decbear
3 Oct 17 #31
Are you sure you are changing the setting in the right place on your account. Check my post with instructions near the start of this thread.
decbear to mastermjr20041
3 Oct 17 #33
Thanks it works now, turns out I'm an idiot! However all that and I've just seen I can't buy it until thursday
3 Oct 17 #29
I'm on my account and changed it in settings using the same drop down menu as someone screenshotted earlier
3 Oct 17 #30
It won't take payment yet what's the point as launch this price could change
3 Oct 17 #34
Has anyone managed this through the browser only, without using the switch?
boswell22 to jaimbo
3 Oct 17 #35
AFAIK you have to confirm the region swap on the Switch itself.
3 Oct 17 #36
Never did get into this on my PS4, tempted to give another go on the switch!

This or Golf Story... :thinking:
3 Oct 17 #38
I bought Sonic Mania from somewhere else (can't remember where). But i bought that entirely online.
jaimbo to B_O_O_Y_A_R
3 Oct 17 #40
Any idea how you managed it?
3 Oct 17 #39
Can you go on there now and pre order and download it on Thursday?
3 Oct 17 #41
Is there a site to see diff e-shop prices, wish I knew before hand bout Golf Story,
3 Oct 17 #42
This looks like a useful site, but it seems impossible to pay for games on foreign eshops unless you have a pre-paid eshop voucher code for that country, which will usually cost you more, ties up money that you might never spend, and adds hassle.
3 Oct 17 #43
How are you paying for the games?
3 Oct 17 #44
I used Revolut. Download the app from the apple/android app store. Create yourself an account and top up minimum of £10 and then you can choose a virtual card which you use the account details for the virtual card to purchase the game at the exchange rate price without the extra fees. It was really easy! Only downfall is that the language is in the country you change it to so you would have to remember the layout when purchasing through the eshop store. Also you will end up getting news feeds from that said country but that eventually gets pushed down when you select back to united kingdom. Hope that helps. :smile:
3 Oct 17 #45
Sounds promising, thank you.

So if I top up £10 to Revolut, I can then spend £4 of that on the Japanese eshop, £6 on the Mexican eshop, for example?
3 Oct 17 #46
I just used my mastercard on the different regions. Works fine.
3 Oct 17 #47
When I go to the store it just says add to wishlist. How are people actually buying this?
3 Oct 17 #48
Can you not use Paypal on the Mexican eshop?
3 Oct 17 #49
That is correct. It is kind of like a prepaid cashcard.
3 Oct 17 #50

what's wrong with credit card? The icing on the cake is using a foreign fee free one like Halifax's Clarity card, or Revolut.
3 Oct 17 #51
I used mastercard too last time I did this. Your credit card may have its own load on top of the standard exchange conversion. It was the russian eshop I used last time. There may be something helpful for anyone buying online in the thread I used -…979
3 Oct 17 #52
Thanks for this, just what I was looking for
3 Oct 17 #53
Nintendo's eshop just doesn't accept some cards from different regions. Russia is fine because it's still under the PAL regional banner (so is South Africa for that matter, hence why that works too), but the Mexican store might be more difficult.

I tried to buy something from the Mexican eshop near the Switches release and had no luck. I tried a debit, credit, revolut and entropay card. Didn't even try and charge, the shop just threw up an error as soon as I clicked the button after entering the card details. I mean it might have changed since then, but I'm not convinced.

I use eshop credit if I want to buy from the US or Japanese eshops instead.
3 Oct 17 #54
I've tried my Mastercard today on the Japanese eshop and it doesn't go through (don't know what the error is reported as as I no reado the lingo).

Get the feeling Revolut may only work in Europe too. Anyone actually used Revolut successfully in the Japanese eshop or similar?

Do Revolut refund back to your card? I'm happy to give it a whirl if I can get my money back in my bank account if it doesn't work.
3 Oct 17 #55
Just downloaded the Revolut app but they wanted a £50 min top up to get the card. thought it was £10?
3 Oct 17 #56
yep looking like uk credit cards don't work on the mexican eshop. US credit cards do though. Most be similar to the pal russia thing
3 Oct 17 #57
The other regions are all much of a muchness. Prob stick with the uk one then.
3 Oct 17 #58
Not able to buy it from Mexico or South Africa yet, only add to wishlist.

Anyone have any idea when it'll actually be available?
3 Oct 17 #59
5th October I believe.
4 Oct 17 #60
Has anyone found a way to pay for this that doesnt require topping up $50 or owning a mastercard?
4 Oct 17 #61
is this for a physical card or virtual?
4 Oct 17 #62
It's for either, you can't get any card unless you top up £50, I deleted the app now, would not of bothered if I knew as now they have my phone num, which you have to give..
4 Oct 17 #63
Wow, well they must have increased the minimum amount within the last month so I am sorry to hear that.
4 Oct 17 #64
It don't matter to much, will try my debit card for this game tomoz, think it's only a few pence they charge, but I had read on here the Mexico store don't take uk credit cards..
4 Oct 17 #65
It doesn't, that's the problem not no-one here has got a successful solution for, except maybe that anecdotal Halifax Clarity user. I've tried a UK debit (VISA) and UK credit (Mastercard) card in the last 24 hours in the Japanese and Mexican eshops and you can't get past the credit card details screen - it just keeps telling me to verify the details.
4 Oct 17 #66
For those that can't purchase from Mexico the next best offer is South Africa which is about £2 more.
4 Oct 17 #67
That's a pity, would of got this for just over £6, not sure bout the UK price as I am not totally convinced I will like it, and as ever buying digital if you buy a dud game your stuck with it, .. be interesting tomoz to see if, and how anybody gets this deal
4 Oct 17 #68
Can you post back here tomorrow if you manage to somehow get it from the Mexico store, thanks
4 Oct 17 #69
I bought double dragon 4 from the Mexico store fine yesterday around 6pm.
4 Oct 17 #70
What payment method did you use? What sort of Mastercard is it?
4 Oct 17 #71
I'll try my halifax clarity tomorrow and we can see if thats a thing then. Seems unlikely but maybe because it has not provider fees? Halifax don't add on top so perhaps it can be used in a wider region.?

I'll try tomorrow anyway and post back
4 Oct 17 #72
just looking for some information from people that have bought games from different regions before.
I was wondering if you still get the gold coins for mynintendo from a eshop purchase in a different region?
Was looking to buy golf story and stardew but would like to know this before hand.
Thanks in advance!
4 Oct 17 #73
Chucklefish (the team behind SDV) made prices fair for each respective region so everyone gets a fair deal and urged people not to abuse cross-region buying. £10.99 is actually a very fair price for this game at launch (exact same price as buying on steam despite Switch titles typically being more expensive).
4 Oct 17 #74

I saw double dragon cheap on their I think if it still is gonna get that later off their can report back as will be using my Halifax card think it saw it for about £5
4 Oct 17 #75
I hanvnt played Switch DD, did read negative reviews, I got Burning Fight, it's near enough the same as the old Final Fight, which I really liked esp two player..
4 Oct 17 #76
Yes thanks for that just seen the review got 3.5 guess I will wait until 2morr then to try my card have my eye on a few other games also so see if they hit a good price
4 Oct 17 #77
Meh. My Visa from Lloyds Bank hasn't been accepted and they don't have PayPal. Such a good deal that I'm not going to be able to get... :disappointed:
4 Oct 17 #78
Is it up there now to buy?
4 Oct 17 #79
Not yet but it has the release date for tomorrow. I just try to buy some cheap game a few hours ago and couldn't go through the confirmation. :disappointed:
5 Oct 17 #80
FWIW, I've found my Mastercard does work in the South African eshop, so I can save a couple of quid compared to UK price still.
5 Oct 17 #81
super. Is it not up on the mexican store yet then ?
5 Oct 17 #82
It's apparently going live at 2pm today.
B_O_O_Y_A_R to mrbaba
5 Oct 17 #91
They do but when I switch :joy: regions the option disappears.
wideawakewesley to B_O_O_Y_A_R
5 Oct 17 #94
When I try and change region I get this message:

"Your Nintendo Account and Nintendo Network ID are linked. Changing the country of residence will disable this link."

Anything to worry about?
5 Oct 17 #83
In the age of internet you have to link your 'apparently's.
terry's.june to terry's.june
5 Oct 17 #93
I bought S.African.
5 Oct 17 #84
Well apparently your source (?) was correct - downloading now.
B_O_O_Y_A_R to terry's.june
5 Oct 17 #85
not seeing it to purchase in the Mexican store ?
oasismark to B_O_O_Y_A_R
5 Oct 17 #86
Lot of hastle for £4
fluidz to oasismark
5 Oct 17 #90
Do they accept paypal balance in their store? Thanks
5 Oct 17 #87
Its a piece of cake if it does accept the credit card. Change region, purchase, change back. Simples
born1986 to B_O_O_Y_A_R
5 Oct 17 #95
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone knows if uk eshop vouchers would work if I set up a new separate account for South Africa, as I currently have three £15 eshop vouchers sitting in front of me and checking out the prices in the other countries eshop South Africa was the one which would save me a lot on games I was looking at getting, would just be cool to know if these eshop vouchers could be applied.
lucifon to born1986
5 Oct 17 #96
Revolut doesn't work on the Mexican store and my main debit card has a fee for currency conversions so I haven't tried that. Pretty annoying.
josh971 to lucifon
5 Oct 17 #102
MasterCard (credit card)
malnuman to josh971
5 Oct 17 #103
Yeah I agree, it kinda looks a bit boring to be honest, but all the very positive comments and a cheap price it's worth giving it go
grimlocksbrain to malnuman
5 Oct 17 #104
Sigh. Revolut kinda works in the SA store. It accepted, took my money but the stores not registered it so it's not downloading. Checked my revolut app and the payment is pending authorisation so I'm guessing it'll not happen and the money will go back into revolut in a few days
sio to grimlocksbrain
5 Oct 17 #105
What happens if you delete the game and need to reinstall it? - Do you need to go to the original region store you bought it from and download it or can you just redownload it in the region you have currently selected?
mastermjr20041 to sio
5 Oct 17 #106
Not really sure what has happened on your end, but I just used my revolut virtual card on the south African store and payment went through and instantaneously started downloading on my switch. I can also confirm that it doesn't work on the Mexican Store with Revolut.
mastermjr20041 to mastermjr20041
6 Oct 17 #108
At this moment I am not too sure, but i am certain that once I have drilled in some more hours into the game then hopefully I will enjoy it. I am finding the beginning a bit dry if that makes sense. I am liking the retro style aspect and reminds me of pokemon with the farming aspect. :grin:
5 Oct 17 #88
Also, tell that to all the people who won't pay £4 for iOS games and instead plough hours into free to play garbage
5 Oct 17 #89
It didn't accept either of my cards when purchasing the cheapest game as a test so I bought it from the south Africa store instead. Cost just over £8 for a max 1 minute work around
5 Oct 17 #92
Sorry I didn't try using PayPal. They might though because even when using my card it shows on my bank balance "PayPal nintendo"
5 Oct 17 #97
This. My revolut doesn't work and neither does my debit or credit card. Can anyone confirm if they get theirs to work specifically for stardew in the Mexico store. Thanks!
5 Oct 17 #98
I'm not actually having any luck with Mexico's store for Stardew Valley, using the same technique on the Nintendo website as I did for Golf Story.

I keep getting Error Code 904-1404 This site is not currently available in your region on the website when I go to the "buy digital" button for Stardew Valley.

On the Switch itsself I get Error 2811-6001 when trying to buy it, any ideas folks?
5 Oct 17 #99
I finally got to the payments screen no the switch itsself and neither my mastercard nor visa debit not visa credit card work
josh971 to josh971
5 Oct 17 #100
Worked first time for £8.85 on the south African store, downloading now, let's see what all the fuss is about :grin:
5 Oct 17 #101
How did you pay?
6 Oct 17 #107
What do you reckon to the game? I think it's got legs but need to get into it some more
josh971 to josh971
6 Oct 17 #109
exact same here
malnuman to josh971
6 Oct 17 #110
Well that's the last time I get a digital game on release day that I know nothing about, I really don't like it and I doubt I will touch it again, my fault really, I had a feeling it wasn't for me.. Well it's back to Fifa for me!
uberfrazz to malnuman
6 Oct 17 #111
I get an error whenever I try to buy:

"This credit card cannot be used with the current region setting for your Nintendo Account."

Anyone know if there is a workaround?
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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