First post! River island sale started many items half price or less!!
7y 23d#1
Morning @maria_h and thanks for taking the time to post your first deal. I've added a pic and a bit more info to deal title.
I've bought some real bargains at River Island sales before and they offer free store collection too if there are no delivery codes around
7y 23d#2
Added some heat for you op. I have a gift card currently burning a hole in my pocket
7y 23d#3
Heat added, a few more xmas pressies sorted
7y 23d#4
Good deal & thanks for posting. Heat from me.
7y 23d#5
Must have looked at 15-20 items and nothing I liked was in stock in any sizes apart from either very small or very large. Good luck if anybody else finds anything
7y 23d#6
Great thanks! Going to pick up a few things, anyone know of any discount codes going around?
7y 23d#7
Good post and voted hot.
However, as someone who browsed their sale section a few days ago, it doesn't look like they've added that much new stock.
Still, good for those who can find something!
7y 23d#8
Found a good few items in Large for myself, nice one OP
7y 23d#9
Thanks everyone!! I managed to buy a few dresses I had my eye on.. good luck with bargain hunting!!
Opening post
River island sale started many items half price or less!!
I've bought some real bargains at River Island sales before and they offer free store collection too if there are no delivery codes around
However, as someone who browsed their sale section a few days ago, it doesn't look like they've added that much new stock.
Still, good for those who can find something!