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Opening post
9 Oct 17
Starting Monday we'll be celebrating you, our community of amazing members, with five days of exciting offers, bonus cashback, competitions, special promotions and more…just our little way of saying thanks for using our service.

We've come a long way since we were founded in Sheffield in 2005 and we couldn't have done it without you.

By our latest count, over 7.5 million people in the UK have signed up to Quidco, in turn, you've shared over £475 million in cashback. That's not too shabby for a company that started life using free Wi-Fi in a local cafe.

The way people shop is changing but our mission remains the same - to help you get something extra every time you part with your hard-earned cash.

Whether it's a bargain that puts a smile on your face, a present for a loved one, those big-budget purchases entwined with life's most important milestones or your everyday essentials, we've always believed that Quidco is the best way to buy.

So be sure to pay us a visit this week, we're looking forward to treating you.

The team at Quidco
All comments (75)
9 Oct 17 #1
Not working for me wondering if they have all gone anyone else having problems with this offer.
9 Oct 17 #2
9 Oct 17 #3
Pateo to dazzlingstar
9 Oct 17 #43
Anyone else getting
"This page isn’t is currently unable to handle this request.

9 Oct 17 #4
Still waiting for my May bonus. customer service is waiting for retailer's decision, what a joke :cry:
fm123 to summe
9 Oct 17 #19
My march superdrugs bonus has tracked after complaining but I still haven't received it. My May bonus has been declined, it was one of those spend £10 get £2.50. I can't even query it! QUIDCO is a big Fraud. Don't bother, especially on larger cashbacks.

The offer would have been great if there was any chance they would pay the promised cashback.

And they wanted me to vote them Money Facts cashback site of the year...
joolzmc to fm123
9 Oct 17 #21
I'm still waiting on my March superdrug too, odd thing is I've had Superdrug purchases made after then already paid out !
Seems that Superdrug don't want to pay out on this special offer of 50% cashback
They say they chase it every week but I do wonder how robustly they do that !
It has certainly put me off Quidco
EndemicAlarm to joolzmc
9 Oct 17 #27
Are you sure? Are you a Premium member? Their account summary page is totally inaccurate and they seem to have no intention of fixing as it's been that way forever.…ons vs…ity

My records on those two pages look very different, /notifications is full of transactions that have only tracked but /activity accurately shows them as confirmed.

I *think* what happens is if cashback goes to the £5 annual fee, it doesn't get counted on the summary page as confirmed because they keep the money rather than giving it to you. But I might be wrong.
joolzmc to EndemicAlarm
9 Oct 17 #31
Yes definately, I have checked and double checked believe me :angry:
I am a Premium member, renew date is Feb and fee already paid
Superdrug from 17th March 2017 showing as Tracked for 2 x transactions that I made ( when it was 50% cashback)
Superdrug from 12th April 2017 showing as confirmed and this has now paid out ( this was a non bonus cashback)
I have asked numerous times and just told it is chased weekly.
I know cashback cannot be guaranteed but I had never had any problems with Quidco before so was enticed by the 50% cashback offer and made 2 purchases going by the previous reliability but do feel a bit let down
I will be stopping my Premium membership before my renewal.
speric07 to fm123
9 Oct 17 #22
Snap! Superdrug bonus will probably never pay out ...
shabbird to speric07
9 Oct 17 #35
8 months and still waiting for £4.25 :disappointed:
MPA83 to fm123
9 Oct 17 #55
Had the same email, so went into the site through the email and voted for topcashback instead
9 Oct 17 #5
Offer won't activate for me on laptop or mobile
Vanmeerkat to Keefcat
9 Oct 17 #9
Go try again keefcat
9 Oct 17 #6
Not activating for me either.
9 Oct 17 #7
Just worked for me, thanks OP
9 Oct 17 #8
Worked for me
9 Oct 17 #10
Groupon? lol

How can you get the £2.50 bonus when Quidco can't seem to pay Groupon purchases?
I've had two waiting for ages now, so expect a long wait for your bonus if you are thinking of using Groupon!

The retailer is taking longer than expected to process your transaction. We apologise for the delay.
9 Oct 17 #11
Quidco is a joke. My cash back always gets declined even though I've gone through there site.
9 Oct 17 #12
Yeah unfortunately Quidco is complete garbage. Still waiting on cashbacks from at least 6 months ago when Topcashback pays out from the same retailer in a month or 2. I refuse to use them anymore.
sjr88 to danj303
9 Oct 17 #16
True! TopCashBack is definetly better and faster to pay out. It's probably why they always win these awards :smile:
MichaelLi to sjr88
9 Oct 17 #62
In fairness to Quidco, my experience has been the reverse. :grin:
9 Oct 17 #13
I just had £90 declined by Microsoft. Quidco sucks.
Misslovely to odebuzzard
9 Oct 17 #52
Katie, just seen your post on fb? Its wise not to mention things on both sites :wink:
9 Oct 17 #14
Groupon and Quidco must be the 2 worst company's to deal with.
shabbird to Skybird
9 Oct 17 #34
Agree about Groupon. Worst company to deal with. They emailed me an offer and that didn't work. 10 days
with customer support and they were trying to make it out I didn't get the offer.

Quidco twitter support is great. Takes 36 hours to get replies if you are free member but they
always answer and try to push for you to get cashback.
9 Oct 17 #15
Yeah... I never got any of my Christmas 2016 bonuses... Shan't be bothering again!
9 Oct 17 #17
*Offer limited to first 30,000 members who opt in... I'm in! :stuck_out_tongue:
y-oh-y to Discente
9 Oct 17 #20
You can have mine also if you want. :stuck_out_tongue:
9 Oct 17 #18
Worth considering if your buying anyway, but like many others I have more or less given up with Quidco, too many untracked and unpaid claims. Still waiting for a payout from my Car Insurance back in February , first didn't track , then declined and now showing as "Retailers Decision" . eight months but worth £30 so have persisted with this one not really holding out much hope of ever getting paid now thou.. Many other small claims I just can't be bothered to keep chasing them for
deanos to goldy12
9 Oct 17 #39
Apparently anything to do with insurance can be taken to financial ombudsman , there is a thread on MSE somewhere that mentions that have sucessfully gone down that route
9 Oct 17 #23
I like Quidco, but they are crafty - try leaving feedback on a company saying "they declined my cashback" - Quidco won't let you do it, so every company looks great. :unamused:
superspod to Guy.Incognito
9 Oct 17 #46
Yes! Quidco reviews are a complete and utter con. My feedback always gets deleted.
9 Oct 17 #24
Why are Quidco offers promoted on here as it seems not many people like or use them, myself included.
I've had numerous payments just simply disappear from my account.
I only use TCB now and never had a single issue.
cb-uk to 1616french
9 Oct 17 #37
Err, you do know that Quidco owns HotUKDeals, don't you? (all part of Pepper Deals Group)
1616french to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #38
No, I didn't.
That explains it then.
Pateo to 1616french
9 Oct 17 #42
Quidco and hotukdeals both owned by pepper (formerly maple Syrup media) :unamused:
ThePennyPincher to 1616french
9 Oct 17 #56
Quidco and HUKD are part of the same family of companies.
9 Oct 17 #25
Cashback sites were good 3+ years ago, now it become a time waster, just like brexit.
9 Oct 17 #26
Axa landlord insurane purchased in January with £90 cashback. Still waiting.
9 Oct 17 #28
Quidco + Argos always pays out for me when I do their £2.50, £5, £10 cashback offers.
9 Oct 17 #29
Really need Investigation .Their practises are fraudulent .just lost 200 on a Expedia Holiday ..They refuse to say what's happened just blaming Expedia .Pretty sure cash back is being paid just not passed on
EndemicAlarm to rickj
9 Oct 17 #36
What are you basing that on?

Here's my problem with all these complaints; I just don't see what's in it for them. Their entire business revolves around paying cashback. They'd be dead in the water with a poor reputation and a competitor who does exactly the same thing.

The retailer, on the other hand, has every reason to be slipshod. The sale is already made, they have little responsibility for cashback at all, they can't even be contacted. And they're the ones who actually have to pay the money, cashback sites just pay it forward.
lemming3k to rickj
9 Oct 17 #64
Funnily enough Expedia is the one I had massive issues with, even including claims I cancelled or refunded my booking. When I asked for the proof (twice) I was given the same generic Quidco script on how to make sure things track correctly and that they can't help any further.
They obviously don't actually ask for proof, or are palming a % of the profits themselves. Meanwhile you can't leave negative reviews and the 99% tracking stats are clearly falsified.
9 Oct 17 #30
Like others have said find Quidco complete waste of time nearly always declines despite following the rule. TCB far more reliable at tracking and paying out
9 Oct 17 #32
I'm with top cash back now as well
9 Oct 17 #33
I must be really lucky, I use Quidco on all online purchases that are eligible, in 8 years I have had over £1500 cash back on purchases and offers.
I have had 1 case declined in that time and when I contacted them they resolved it.
Regularly get payouts for foreign currency, holiday extras, game, gas/elec switching etc.
This morning however I could not get the offer to activate.
Also find it a bit sneaky when the cash back is only on the amount net of VAT, never used to see this but seems to happen a lot these days
9 Oct 17 #40
Just been declined over £30 from quidco due to retailer not being able to find my order. I call retailer with order number (provided in claim) and they found my order in seconds.

Weird that.
Over.The.Knee to 581d
9 Oct 17 #41
That sounds like a retailer to avoid, who is it?
581d to Over.The.Knee
9 Oct 17 #47
It was Currys.
9 Oct 17 #44
The page where you activate the bonus doesn't even load:…s-1

Pateo to Crossbow
9 Oct 17 #45
I've just sent query to quidco via Facebook messenger, usually reply same day!
janenmark to Crossbow
9 Oct 17 #48
Won't load for me either :disappointed:
9 Oct 17 #49
Pateo to watson44
9 Oct 17 #53
Cheers, worked via my mobile :thumbsup:
9 Oct 17 #50
Where is this offer? Can't see it on my account. Need to buy some cardigans
9 Oct 17 #51
How long does the £2.50 take to appear after your transactions have tracked? My transactions tracked but the £2.50 isn't anywhere to be seen...
jimbo23 to Master_Yoda
10 Oct 17 #74
I'm trying to get through to Quidco about the same issue, yet keep getting disconnected from the live chat.

The transaction that should have triggered the £2.50 bonus has now cleared as payable, yet no sign of the £2.50 anywhere, despite opting in.
9 Oct 17 #54
Had to query a few missing transactions with Quidco but always had them resolved until this week when a Groupon claim was rejected as they couldn't find my order despite giving them the correct Information
9 Oct 17 #57
Going to go against the grain a bit here... I've never really had a problem with Quidco. 99% of my cashback gets paid and I've earned over £1200 on things that I would've bought anyway.
Pateo to akajay07
9 Oct 17 #58
Swings n roundabouts, I've found with all cashback companies Tbh :unamused:
9 Oct 17 #59
Not impressed with Quidco at the moment, was told funds would be available for payment within 72 hours, that expired days ago, funds still not available and not responding to my emails.
Any idea how i can escalate this?
9 Oct 17 #60
Funny, all the negativity here, and I've never had Quidco reject my claims. I'm meticulous in clearing cache and using a new window etc, doing everything in order - Seems fine to me. Need to try out TCB.
prynolfc to DocRobotnik
9 Oct 17 #61
What's the best browser to use in your opinion/experience then please?
DocRobotnik to prynolfc
9 Oct 17 #66
Chrome and Microsoft's Edge browser both work fine for me. I probably rely on Chrome more often though.
9 Oct 17 #63
Have built up over 400 pounds on Quidco, the only issue seems to be Argos cashback.
9 Oct 17 #65
I've been with Quidco since near the beginning, hence peed that loyalty counts for nothing from them to promise me a payment, not adhere to it, and then ignore my emails.

9 Oct 17 #67
I've always had good experiences with Quidco, surprised that so many others on here haven't. I'd still happily recommend them to anyone.
9 Oct 17 #68
According to quidco they've paid me £2787 over the years I've been with them. You've got to keep an eye on your account and chase things that don't pay, but usually they pay out eventually although I've had a few things not pay.
I did try topcashback a while ago, but found them to be worse for problems so went back to quidco.
9 Oct 17 #69
TCB only!
9 Oct 17 #70
Too little... to late
9 Oct 17 #71
£2.50 bonus has already expired. Quality Quidco moment!
9 Oct 17 #72
I use both Quidco and Topcashback and I have a few things declined from each, but never big things.
I simply choose whoever offers me more :smile: So heat added and fingers crossed.
10 Oct 17 #73
I'm 18 months in and counting...£442.11, 2 declines because of voucher codes but I knew this could happen as you cant have cashback and discount codes not listed.

Happy with Quidco - Yes!
10 Oct 17 #75
According to their help pages any bonus should appear once the cashback changes to "confirmed".
Of course by then you're likely to have forgotten you earned a bonus, so if it doesn't show then win win for quidco. Terms and conditions are no longer viewable as well, so good luck arguing it if you do remember.
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