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4 Oct 17
CEX trade in + Very discount.

My first post so first of all I don't know if this is allowed, I apologise if I've messed up.
This is a mix of 2 different offers I've seen on here.
I ended up doing this because GAME ran out of stock yet again & I couldn't be bothered going down for a third time.

Bear with me.

GAME: Current trade in offers for the pro
PS4 1TB + pad: £179.99
PS4 500GB + pad: £199.99

20% discount on most items (incl gaming) for first orders on credit (option to pay immediately)

At Very, after discount & inc del, PS4 Pro 1TB with FIFA 18 is £283.98.
As shown in the picture provided.
There's also an option for an extra controller for £24 after discount.

FIFA 18 PS4 Pro 1TB Link

CEX: (According to the website)
£36 for FIFA 18.
£101-104 for PS4 500GB Console + pad (I'm assuming pad is required)
£110-116 for PS4 1TB Console + pad.
Total received:
1TB: £146-152

Using the lower figures:
Trade 500GB at CEX & Get Pro from VERY: £283.98 - £137 = £146.98
Trade in 1TB at CEX & Get Pro from VERY: £283.98 - 146 = £137.98

Savings in comparison to GAME.
500GB: You're saving £53.01. Keep FIFA & you still save: £17.01.
1TB: You're saving £42.01. Keep FIFA & you still save £6.01
All comments (26)
4 Oct 17 #1
4 Oct 17 #2
Good effort, I'd be doing this if I didn't already have a Very account :disappointed:‌ :disappointed:
4 Oct 17 #3
Thanks @vakas_shah Good idea. Also remember to get your stuff to CEX asap to get the prices or you can lock them in online straight away :smile:
4 Oct 17 #4
Heat for effort in posting all that, plenty of Very haters on here though (not me mind).

New customers only is the main stumbling block but there are many out there I am sure.
4 Oct 17 #5
You need to include new customers only in your title
4 Oct 17 #6
Great deal if I didnt already have a very account
4 Oct 17 #7
I did something similar but went Argos for my Ps4 Pro and used my 10% minecraft misprice code.

Ps4 Pro with fifa 18 = £350 - 10% = £315

Cex old Ps4 and fifa = £149

Total for upgrade £166
6 months 0%
UltimatePhoenix to westy90
4 Oct 17 #9
How u get a code for that? I just got a sorry message
westy90 to UltimatePhoenix
4 Oct 17 #10
I didnt do anything they just sent me the email. And yes I have already used the code lol

UltimatePhoenix to westy90
4 Oct 17 #18
Darn I never got one :cry:
4 Oct 17 #8
I did exactly this last week. Great minds
4 Oct 17 #11
How many credit account one for Xbox, one for PS4, one for Switch :thinking:‌ :astonished:
4 Oct 17 #12
Very are awesome for deals.
4 Oct 17 #13
It kinda work for 1TB slim too. Using the lower figures as in the post above you would only need to pay £4 more if you bought the 1TB slim console from Very than if you bought it with the GAME offer.

I am only saying this because GAME are being a pain with the fact that they constantly run out of stock.
4 Oct 17 #14
I got my Pro from Very last year under the same offer, different game. Can't grumble at 20% off.
4 Oct 17 #15
Is the Fifa 18 that comes with the pro, physical or digital?
vakas_shah to ryanpscott
4 Oct 17 #20
My bro got the same thing from Game, his was physical so I'm assuming this will also be physical.
4 Oct 17 #16
I think you have to look at the long term, plenty of other good similar offers from other retailers.

Thankfully I have repaired all the damage done to my credit rating by shop direct / very / idiots. Is it really worth it - complex deliberately uncooperative people whom misuse your information, try to charge to an arm and a leg and change deal conditions on a whim of a preppy nameless manager???? AVOID, cold deal due to company and likely complications
4 Oct 17 #17
Hi, How do i get the 20% discount code and pay for the £284 all in one go on my debit card?

I have never used credit before so not sure how it works

If i use the credit option:

1) Can i pay the £284 straight away on my card.
2) Will i be charged any fees? (interest, hidden fee's etc)
3) Will i be charged anything in the future if i never use it again?

vakas_shah to ajb234
4 Oct 17 #19
Discount code is in description - LXJGR

You add the PS4 you want into the basket using the link provided, go through the checkout process, make an account with them, then once your details are in, on the right hand side, it will give an option to type in your code to get 20% off
4 Oct 17 #21
Please bear in mind that on opening a credit account with very (as with argos and others), you will be subject to a credit check which will have a negative impact on your score in the short term.
4 Oct 17 #22
Just tried ordering this with Very and had a bit of nightmare trying to get this deal. Set up a new account but the 20% promo code (LXJGR or HELLYOU - which is the code now currently being advertised on their site) wouldn't apply to the PS4 Pro. It would work with any other item in my basket but not the console; simply states that it's invalid.

Called customer services, who initially told me the discount code didn't exist, and was eventually told it was because the item was on sale. It isn't marked as a sale item though (it would be in the 'sale department' anyway), it simply states that you're saving £50. I asked to cancel my account and the agent I was but through to told me that they'd been having problems with the promo code and that they would put a note on my account to ensure that the discount is applied retrospectively.

I've ordered it now, at full price, so will just keep my fingers crossed and hope that they keep to their word!
samuel9 to trebor0005
4 Oct 17 #23
They did that to me before, when I queried it for a week or so later they denied it happened. Iirc, I even had a transcript from a live chat which confirmed it but they still refused to budge.
vakas_shah to trebor0005
5 Oct 17 #26

I'm not sure what happened there? I tried the code on the PS4 500GB, 1TB & the Pro, as well as with their extras, whilst I was making this HUKD page. Definitely worked then. I hope they do fulfil their promise.
4 Oct 17 #24
Buy a decent gaming pc instead
5 Oct 17 #25
code doesnt work
i have wasted my time to open very account and now i have credit limit £1,500.00‌ :disappointed:
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