Great reading book if you are interested in psychology. It used to be around £7 in 2016, great price now.
3 Oct 17#6
It's always the bizarre cases that fascinate me as I hate to say it but they always seem to be the most interesting...can still remember all the details about the woman who couldn't perceive motion from when I studied Cognitive Neuropsychology as part of my degree ...becomes a very strange (and it has to be said very scary) world when you can't perceive facial/body movements, liquid pouring such as that from a kettle, people moving from one side of a room to another at a party and any journey be it train/car/bus was an absolute nightmare for the poor woman :disappointed:
pheyshunt1 to tiggerloveslife
4 Oct 17#7
I'm on the edge of deciding whether to do computer science or psychology at university, UCAS upplication is going off next week!
tiggerloveslife to pheyshunt1
4 Oct 17#8
Take it you can still apply for 5 different Uni's/courses through UCAS...went through the horror of the application process last year helping my best friend's daughter do hers but we must have filled something out ok on the form as she got offered interviews at all 5 she applied for and is now at's not something I would ever want to do again and I don't remember it being such a nightmare when I did it for myself although that was quite a number of years ago so perhaps my memory of the horror at the time has faded
On a serious note though if you still aren't sure about which course you want to do, do you know which is your preferred University? If so, I know it sounds like I'm stating the obvious but read their full description of each course very carefully to see if you can decide which is the most appealing/interesting and what you'd be happiest working in...think half the battle when studying is finding a subject that really interests you as university is hard enough without ending up on a course that you hate....admittedly in any course there's always going to be sections that you hate but that's par for the course really...I guess though it's also hard to know whether you really enjoy a subject until you start studying sorry if I've not been much help....
pheyshunt1 to tiggerloveslife
4 Oct 17#11
thank you very much for all the advice! it did help. I will do that! I've only got a few more days until I have to send my application off. I'm going to speak with a careers adviser about it.
NikLP to pheyshunt1
4 Oct 17#9
Stick with where the money is at -> CS is going nowhere. I started FE in Notts in '92 and I'm still kicking about in CS. There will be lots of time to learn about Psych on the side, even get a degree, but CS will keep you fed (as long as it keeps your interest). Psych as a "money degree" will (most likely) land you a job as a teacher or a policeman. Trust me.
pheyshunt1 to NikLP
4 Oct 17#10
I always thought computer science had a higher potential for more money
3 Oct 17#5
No not at n hat stand it a great book thanks
3 Oct 17#3
Great book. As is An Anthropologist On Mars. The symptoms exhibited when the brain "goes wrong" are truly "mind-boggling" (no pun intended!)
3 Oct 17#1
So it's about a bloke that got his wife to sit on his face? Sounds more 50 shades to me...
pheyshunt1 to monkeyhanger75
3 Oct 17#2
No the title is in reference to a guy not being able to recognise faces, who happens to reach for his wifes head, mistaking it for a hat.
Opening post
On a serious note though if you still aren't sure about which course you want to do, do you know which is your preferred University? If so, I know it sounds like I'm stating the obvious but read their full description of each course very carefully to see if you can decide which is the most appealing/interesting and what you'd be happiest working in...think half the battle when studying is finding a subject that really interests you as university is hard enough without ending up on a course that you hate....admittedly in any course there's always going to be sections that you hate but that's par for the course really...I guess though it's also hard to know whether you really enjoy a subject until you start studying sorry if I've not been much help....
The symptoms exhibited when the brain "goes wrong" are truly "mind-boggling" (no pun intended!)