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 Nintendo SNES Classic Mini £79.99 instore @ Asda
4 stars +334

Nintendo SNES Classic Mini £79.99 instore @ Asda

Instore Asda4 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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3 Oct 17
In stock at Asda Morley Leeds 24/7, just bought one for £79.99. Staff said they had loads in the back. hope it helps someone.
Latest comments (54)
4 Oct 17 #21
I spent hours and hours on SFII and all its different iterations, including imported variants using converters. Star fox, an awesome driving game whose name escapes me...

Nostalgia is just that, it should be left in the past.

I've just watched the official Nintendo trailer…Oyw and the flagship new title Starfox II looks utter dog muck!

This is probably OK for keeping in the caravan or taking on holiday but I agree with many of the comments on here. A short lived trip down memory lane will be followed by the rest of its life in the cupboard.

Don't get me wrong, i contemplated it but having watched that video, it was the nail in the coffin i needed to stop me wasting my £80
totneschap to FREEZIN_WOLF
9 Oct 17 #53
Sounds like someone hasn't managed to get one...
FREEZIN_WOLF to totneschap
9 Oct 17 #54
You're absolutely correct, I don't have one...
But then again I didn't try, im not interested.
5 Oct 17 #52
There were a couple in stock at the Killingbeck store (other side of Leeds) earlier today.
4 Oct 17 #40
£150 in CEX today! Made me chuckle thinking about the berk that'll part ex everything they own to get it
ArticIcon to sparklehedgehog
4 Oct 17 #41
Yeah its a rip off. The one near me is charging £180, yes £180! Ridiculous. They're just as bad as those scaplers on eBay.
4 Oct 17 #43
They are far, far worse than someone buying one or two, this place is appalling, the mark up they put on stuff is disgusting.

The apologists say that the price hike is time and effort you'd spend putting it on ebay/gumtree but Christ, is your opportunity cost of listing an item on ebay 3x the amount of the initial outlay, it's a 300% mark up for gods sake?

I'd rather burn my stuff than 'sell' it to that shower of scum.
4 Oct 17 #15
its not 3 times the initial outlay if CEX have paid £110 for it...they are not buying them for RRP.
4 Oct 17 #17
Who said CEX were buying them for RRP?

If you're going to be that pedantic about a post I'd have thought you'd have at least got it right.

HINT: The subject of the sentence was the consumer not the firm.
4 Oct 17 #25
You said that they have a 300% markup which is not true. They will be making £40 profit, the same as the person who sold it to them (providing they paid £70). My point is they are no different from any eBay seller. Your rant about then being scum is ridiculous
5 Oct 17 #51
300% mark up from high street for the consumer to pay (who didn't buy one in the first place), nothing to do with CEX buying them for £70.

CEX are driving the price up nationally by setting their own equilibrium price point, therefore even if tastes reach caeteris paribus CEX will still hold the market share of the items and can therefore dictate and set prices according to their agenda, thus re-sellers on Ebay would have to conform to the price point set by CEX. In this instance CEX have become the monopoly; If they bought all the water up during a national disaster to sell on at a higher price then this would be classed as price gouging, which is an illegal and very immoral practice, and if you condone that, then you are the one being ridiculous.

If someone didn't manage to get one before re-sellers gobbled them up ( which lets be honest is a large proportion of people) then your stuck at an artificially inflated price, dictated to by monopolistic entities such as CEX and the likes, of whom you hold in such high regards.
otterboxer to BIGUSHEADUS
4 Oct 17 #44
+1 for a scum shower
BIGUSHEADUS to otterboxer
4 Oct 17 #45
Love a bit of Horace :sunglasses:
fiqqer to sparklehedgehog
4 Oct 17 #42
So that is where all the stock has gone - CEX seem to have got their staff to buy all the local stock so they can charge people double. Hopefully no-one buys and they will be holding badly depreciating stock.
4 Oct 17 #32
Staff said they had 'loads in the back' that's goose chase gold.

Nothing is guaranteed with an asda gaming post on hukd. And posting that this is available @ all asda supermarkets could lead some wasted time and some angry comments.

hope i helped someone.
Mikey1610 to otterboxer
4 Oct 17 #36
Partner just collected one she reserved, thanks for posting.
otterboxer to Mikey1610
4 Oct 17 #38
thanks for letting us know, love to partner.
thomasleep to Mikey1610
4 Oct 17 #50
She wants you out of the way :wink:
4 Oct 17 #49
This console will cause more sick days in the over 40's than the plague did :wink: roll on playing it till 4am could do with a divorce too :smile:
4 Oct 17 #46
Well this post has helped someone... me!32172747-1B4PN.jpg
thomasleep to ALD7613
4 Oct 17 #48
Jammie git :wink:
3 Oct 17 #5
Great first post ignore the cold over the price you will make a lot of people happy who did not know this console was out on the shelves. I saw something about it the other day but did not know it had been released. Will hold out for it hitting £50 ish though on black friday or such like like. Have some heat might keep you warm because this is gonna get very cold :wink:
jedijacobs to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #6
Highly unlikely this will ever hit £50, but here's to wishful thinking...
ezzer72 to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #7
Haha, brilliant. Why are there so many ridiculous Black Friday comments on this site?

You do know that only a limited range of items get discounted don’t you?

By then you will probably have to pay £150+ on eBay, or miss out of course.
BIGUSHEADUS to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #10
I'll eat my hat if you buy one in a sale for £69.98 never mind £50.00.
thomasleep to BIGUSHEADUS
4 Oct 17 #11
I will hold you to that, Paddy Ashdown might have got away with it but I will let you know when I get one at that price (probably in 2027 :wink: )
Toon_army to BIGUSHEADUS
4 Oct 17 #13
Got mine for £62.10 from Asda with discount.
jayjayuk1234 to Toon_army
4 Oct 17 #14
Got mine free, shoved it down the back of my undercrackers
thomasleep to Toon_army
4 Oct 17 #47
Please get £12.50 in cash back or something, then he will be eating his hat and words :wink:
4 Oct 17 #22
Well, this was £69 in Asda a short while ago, so i'd be careful about that :smile:
DemonUK to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #12
Biggunspaul to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #31
You'll have more chance of picking up a £50 note reduced to £20,than one of these selling for £50 on Black Friday
xsor to thomasleep
4 Oct 17 #37
I highly doubt they would do that to any Nintendo goods.. ^^
4 Oct 17 #39
Voted hot! Managed to secure one from my local Asda this morning and it was the last one too! :astonished:
Advice to anyone who is currently looking for one do not pay more than the RRP. Its not worth it. I've been waiting for a long while.
4 Oct 17 #35
This is not really a deal as this is the normal selling price in the UK (it really should be £69.99). The problem is lack of stock even at this price.
4 Oct 17 #27
£80 is stupid money for this, should be half that.
BIGUSHEADUS to ollie87
4 Oct 17 #34
You're getting a small board which is what £10-£20, 2 controllers and a unique shell which by all accounts are both very good quality another £20-£40 + all the advertising for the system brings it round to the RRP of 69.99. After you factor in it being a ninty product, it's brilliantly cheap as they could have bumped the price up to £100+ and still sold out, reservation price and all that.
4 Oct 17 #28
Asda night staff will be busy hiding these away until they buy them all up,but no doubt a few customers will get the odd one or two.
ezzer72 to malm
4 Oct 17 #30
I hope so, they deserve a treat don't you think?
malm to ezzer72
4 Oct 17 #33
more like a medal.
4 Oct 17 #29
Thanks, partner just rang and they had one left apparently, just reserved it
4 Oct 17 #26
Another wild goose chase guaranteed.
4 Oct 17 #24
My Asda was £69 at weekend (with no stock) and now £79 (with no stock)
4 Oct 17 #23
Once the hack is released it will really open it up and hopefully it will be appreciated a little more than it is atm by the fence sitters and naysayers. I think its ok for the money (£69.99 money) And once it does have a couple hundred more games loaded on to it then its a no-brainer imho.

I expect the people who weren't into this or the mini nes at any price probably wont be into the mini n64 either. And i suspect they'll pop up on here to tell us so this time next year. mark it.
4 Oct 17 #20
There's a reason we left the original SNES console back in the 90's, bet most who get one play on it for maximum of 30mins then it goes in the cupboard because it's an extra gadget to dust and the input on the TV is needed for something else.
4 Oct 17 #16
Ashton under Lyne asda has stock
michaeljb to barnes19901
4 Oct 17 #19
at what price?
4 Oct 17 #18
please stop posting these deals, eveytime someone gets another snes mini from the store some poor scalper on ebay losses money, did you even think how posting this deal could affect those scalpers and their families op? did you?!
4 Oct 17 #9
20+1 games? :thinking: that's no fun.. I'm terrible at maths! You should have copy/pasted the games list into the description for those of us too lazy to even google these days :smile:
4 Oct 17 #8
This will never be £50 :joy:
3 Oct 17 #3
Asda seem to be charging different prices at different stores? I bought one Sat eve for £69
rickybostan to rakshai
3 Oct 17 #4
im just a little bit jealous of you right now. but I'm just glad the hunt is over and I've got one to play some classics on :sunglasses:
3 Oct 17 #2
None in any of my areas :-(
3 Oct 17 #1
In stock at Asda Morley Leeds 24/7, just bought one for £79.99. Staff said they had loads in the back. hope it helps someone.
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