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 Morrisons Selling Meat Boxes Instore For £10 (Saving £5.20 separately)
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Morrisons Selling Meat Boxes Instore For £10 (Saving £5.20 separately)

Instore Morrisons7 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Opening post
7 Oct 17
Excellent news has been announced for those who appreciate high quality meat for a tasty price.

Good old Morrisons have been going mad for massive meat this year. Who, after all, could forget the gargantuan foot long sausage or the mammoth 1lb beef burger?

Now the supermarket have released an absolute stonker of a meat box, containing a hearty 2kg of meat for just £10.

The heaving box contains four different types of succulent meat: four pork loin steaks (500g), steak mince (400g), lean casserole steak (460g) and eight pork sausages.
Latest comments (64)
10 Oct 17 #64
I bought 4 of these today- and, an hour after I had arrived back home, I was putting the finishing touches to my Lady Gaga meat dress.

The lads down the pub told me to get the away from them, but I thought I looked alright. Thanks OP!
7 Oct 17 #7
Hardly “high quality”. It’s discounted, bulk purchased, mass produced stuff.
JB74 to josephallen
7 Oct 17 #8
I'm sure the cows these came from were feeling most dapper, and of a 'high quality'...... before being herded into the abattoir and bolted through the noggin :face_with_monocle:
laurapinkney011 to josephallen
8 Oct 17 #44
Actually they are the only supermarket out of the 'big four' to own their own farms and abattoirs. All reared and killed in the UK too. In my eyes better quality than imported Romanian meats from Tesco.
luvsadealdealdeal to laurapinkney011
8 Oct 17 #51
nah - you got that completely wrong - they used to own a research farm in Scotland but sold that 2 years ago

no farms owned at all now

they are the best supermarket chain at cultivating links with their farmer supply base, though
iamprobably to josephallen
8 Oct 17 #46
Yeah - much better than the non-mass produced meat that other major retailers sell...

lawsonoswal to josephallen
9 Oct 17 #63
probably 70% meat in the sausages at best.
9 Oct 17 #62
Makes me laugh when people pretend to be further down the food chain than they actually are, then feel the need to boast about it.
9 Oct 17 #61
My local are listening. Meat trays yesterday all separated with plastic lining. Not perfect but a damn sight better than last time.
9 Oct 17 #60
The vegan mafia and their scare stories total baloney .
9 Oct 17 #59
So that's about £8-9 of meat being sold for £10 ? Am I missing something ?? :astonished:
9 Oct 17 #58
Might have to have a drive down to Morrisons that is a fab offer. X
7 Oct 17 #9
Bought this afternoon, good value but would have been nice for the meat to be individually wrapped as blood from the mince was all over the pork steaks.
JB74 to Eden0032
7 Oct 17 #10
I suppose you get what you pay for......and in this case, it will probably be a bout of the squirts :wink:
360finder to Eden0032
7 Oct 17 #11
Yeah that's why I walked right on when I saw in my local yesterday.

Mmm cross contaminated meat. Just what the supermarkets need at the moment.
Steelman111 to 360finder
7 Oct 17 #12
If it's cooked properly there's no worries.
360finder to Steelman111
7 Oct 17 #13
Bag, never liked a bloody sausage tbh.
SandraRobertson to Eden0032
7 Oct 17 #25
It's not actually blood. It's food colouring/ dye
BattleBeast1 to Eden0032
7 Oct 17 #29
Just wondering about that myself when I saw the photo...always thought different meats should be kept separate.
Noghar to BattleBeast1
8 Oct 17 #56
Uncooked meat, as long as it it's all within the same sell by date, should be ok. The real danger arises when cold cooked meat is contaminated by raw meat. That's what kills people. Since the Scottish butcher incident about ten years ago meat sellers are obliged by health regulations to have entirely separate counters and storage for cooked and raw meat.

Morrison meat and produce is always good quality in my experience but yeah presentation counts for a lot. Blood on sausages would put me right off.
BattleBeast1 to Noghar
9 Oct 17 #57
I'd prefer individually wrapped tbh...4 different items,most likely differing use by dates, also had a read on basic meat handling hygiene which states should be kept separate to stop blood and juices etc mixing etc,maybe I'm too fussy lol....I know if I bought a meat pack from my local butcher everything is individually bagged.

luvsadealdealdeal to Eden0032
8 Oct 17 #50
that's a bit off-putting for those of us who like to eat raw meat
8 Oct 17 #55
A friend of my daughters worked at Morrison’s when a student and told us that they used to open prepacked cooked meat that was at its sell by date and put it out on the ‘deli’ counter!
8 Oct 17 #52
I lost my faith in Morrisons with the amount of food that I found on the shelves for sale that was past the use by date! Not just once either!
ryouga to mystery_man
8 Oct 17 #54
Everywheres bad, used to go a local Tesco twice a week around 1pm and they would have meat left in those large cages ready to put out, would get my shopping, have a coffee in the cafe total time in store at least a hour, that cage was there when I got there and there when I left this was every time I went in, one time was in store 2 hours and so the meat was lying in a cage not even next to the fridges for at least 2 hours, no wonder it looked old and brown.
8 Oct 17 #43
WARNING: Please don't Google it like I did. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Lucky I have got Listerine left.
JB74 to WaftyCranker
8 Oct 17 #53
ha, it's a shocker hey!!
what is the world coming to with these sorts of shennanigans going on? :fearful:
7 Oct 17 #22
Ruminant malnourishment with a tasty carcinogenic aftertaste.
Meat enhances cancer.

Why don't people learn?
Gentle_Giant to MEAT
7 Oct 17 #23
So does artificial sweeteners, so why does the government for them in to childrens drinks??
colganraz to MEAT
7 Oct 17 #28
Because most people are normal
MEAT to colganraz
8 Oct 17 #35
Normal is nothing to be proud of. Normal is being lied to for decades by meat/dairy companies. Meat is as outdated as the combustion engine. We are all trapped in an outdated system.…tml
360finder to MEAT
7 Oct 17 #31
Never experienced a "carcinogenic aftertaste" please provide more details on how I may improve my diet and lifestyle.
JB74 to MEAT
7 Oct 17 #32
Because we love eating yummy animals..... they're so delicious!! :astonished:

MEAT to JB74
8 Oct 17 #36
Is it? I will come round and eat your dog/cat then.
No difference to those and a cow
JB74 to MEAT
8 Oct 17 #37
Abso fackin lutely!!!
You sir are most welcome to visit my humble abode, and feast on my vast collection of family pets.
The deep fried battered goldfish is simply divine! :face_with_monocle:
MEAT to JB74
8 Oct 17 #38
JB74 to MEAT
8 Oct 17 #39
..... more meat for me i guess?
enjoy those lentils my vegan cabbage muncher.... and with that, i'll bid you farewell! :face_with_monocle:
MEAT to JB74
8 Oct 17 #40
Burgers/sausages/turkey/fish all on my menu. No killing, no violence, all taste. Lentils? Now your talking. More protein than the dead slab on your plate
iamprobably to MEAT
8 Oct 17 #47
Mmmmm fried dog.... yummy
360finder to iamprobably
8 Oct 17 #48
Slow roasted. That meat can be tough as if the dog has had a happy life it's used it muscles lots.
DingIs to MEAT
8 Oct 17 #49
Because humans are omnivores....

Pass me a bacon, egg and mushroom butty will you?
8 Oct 17 #45
Unga meat hot
8 Oct 17 #42
They've had these £10 meat boxes in my local for weeks
8 Oct 17 #41
Heat added, to the average global temperature that is, I am not voting on the deal. High meat diets are not really sustainable in today's world.
7 Oct 17 #18
This and the fugle veg box, Morrisons are taking aim at aldi and lidl, fair dos I hope it works
BenLoco to deany76
8 Oct 17 #34
You can buy them individually at Aldi for less than £10. No cross contamination and good quality.
8 Oct 17 #33
looks green
7 Oct 17 #30
The ones I passed up on earlier had hardly any mince or braising steak in. Thought this would be good for splitting and freezing, but not worth the money compared to the 3 for £10 they always have on.
7 Oct 17 #27
Blood? Wash it ffs.
7 Oct 17 #26
This offer ends Sunday 8th October so if you want it be quick.
7 Oct 17 #24
Voted cold because I haven't cooked it yet.
7 Oct 17 #19
I saw one today and it didn't look that appetising, but I grant you it is good value if you don't mind picking the mince off your sausages :smile:
smiler2205 to duncancosgrove
7 Oct 17 #21
Now there's a euphemism if ever I saw/read/heard* one. :astonished: *delete as applicable
7 Oct 17 #20
These look more like a box of cross-contamination!
7 Oct 17 #16
Saw these in my local earlier but they were only 1.7kg and the pork chops looked tiny so I gave it a miss
Eden0032 to Edward_Nigma
7 Oct 17 #17
The pork steaks are actually fairly big, well they are in mine anyway.
7 Oct 17 #5
This would be ideal if it was on Prime Now
fattyuk to AJ92
7 Oct 17 #15
Sad thing is i thought the same!
7 Oct 17 #14
I completely missed the 1lb burger deal :cry:‌ :cry:
7 Oct 17 #6
Not really worth more than £5 per kilo on average so the price seems about right.
7 Oct 17 #4
7 Oct 17 #3
Will be able to get my newly acquired Black & Decker electric saw out at long last.…I4A
7 Oct 17 #2
Meat box!
7 Oct 17 #1
Yea.... but what are the meat and fat contents.... the mince prob 20% fat
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