I tried the Revolut method, but it fails. On checking with MS support, its because the region of the card does not match the region of the store.
US Store.
Anyone else experienced this?
moneybanks14 to bargainMcHunter
7 Oct 17#19
Revolut no longer works.
3 Oct 17#13
Does anyone you know if Xbox game pass 20% discount works on top of this, even if on a trial?
3 Oct 17#12
Great spot, I was considering it at UK store price, but this is a no brainer :smile:
It will be my first time buying from another region, so we will see how it goes.
3 Oct 17#7
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the same price.
TGPMatt to neil26581
3 Oct 17#10
Great spot. Lego Worlds is $12... £9!
3 Oct 17#6
Out of interest, I've got Israeli shekels still registered to my account by ding this for NHL 18 last week. Will it look dodgy if I suddenly have USD on there too, especially if I'm registered in the UK?
momouk78 to TGPMatt
3 Oct 17#8
I've already purchased all over the place (Brazil, Russia, Singapore, etc.). I was even already in a chat with XBox support that commented on this, but ultimately wasn't bothered.
TGPMatt to momouk78
3 Oct 17#9
Ah, gotcha. Might do it then, why not. How do you get rid of the 30c / last few rubles when you're right at the brink? Or do they just sit on your account?
momouk78 to TGPMatt
3 Oct 17#11
They'll just sit there until you top it up again to buy something else.
shinreiga to TGPMatt
4 Oct 17#14
No, i as i have left over rubles, peso's, pounds and dollars on my account ....
TGPMatt to shinreiga
4 Oct 17#15
Well I bought a few things! But forgot to put a tax-free US state in, so I miscalculated. But never mind, eh? I got Lego Worlds, Force Awakens and Mad Max for $23.50!
imetdana to TGPMatt
4 Oct 17#16
Sounds like we've just had the exact same experience :laughing: serves me right for choosing to 'make believe' live in texas rather than Alaska! Bummer, missed a trick there. For anybody else who runs into this issue, selecting to pay the remainder (tax) using paypal wont work and the transaction fails. You simply have to top up enough $ xbox credit and youre good to go. Thanks OP, this is a great trick to save money once you know how :thumbsup:
shinreiga to TGPMatt
4 Oct 17#17
Still a pretty good price for alll that! enjoy sir
3 Oct 17#4
Seagm and G2A got some $5 cards in stock. Buy them and redeem on the app. If it asks for a address, like it did for me, use randomlists.com/ran…ses
3 Oct 17#1
When I purchase games with gift cards, do I have to provide a billing address?
shinreiga to momouk78
3 Oct 17#2
Use the App, job done!
momouk78 to shinreiga
3 Oct 17#3
Could you maybe elaborate? You mean Android, Windows?
shinreiga to momouk78
3 Oct 17#5
Open the XBOX app. Change the location and then close the app. Reopen, then redeem your US code in the app. Purchase the game, change the location back to UK, then close the app. all done.
Opening post
Ive been wanting this for ages! steal at this price.
You can use Here ChrisUK's Xbox One - buying from Colombia guide (works for all regions)
US Store.
Anyone else experienced this?
It will be my first time buying from another region, so we will see how it goes.