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 HP Omen i7700HQ with 16GB RAM and GTX 1060 £799 @ HP Store
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HP Omen i7700HQ with 16GB RAM and GTX 1060 £799 @ HP Store

£799 HP Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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10 Oct 17
Missed the Currys deal for the £499 'gaming' laptop, but went checking up on the HP website to see what they have. Found this one @ £799 delivered. It says delivery in 5-10 days, I don't know if this means it's a glitch or will/won't be honoured as I've not bought direct from HP before. I've ordered anyway and will see how it goes :smile:
Latest comments (86)
10 Oct 17 #86
Cancelled and offered 10% discount code on next purchase
10 Oct 17 #85
Well cancelled here after having a 17th Oct delivery confirmation doh. I think they will cancel all orders
10 Oct 17 #83
No cancellation email here yet. Looking promising :thumbsup:
VDisillusioned to CaptainSpaulding
10 Oct 17 #84
I got all excited for a moment this morning when I saw this :smile: Oh well, hope somebody gets their order honoured.
10 Oct 17 #82
Deal of the century if you get it. My custom built laptop is pretty much the same spec but cost me £1330! Good luck.
10 Oct 17 #81
"Purchases must be made between 17th October and 31st January 2018" Close, but a few days too early.
10 Oct 17 #80
Well yeah... Its a deals and discounts site so of course there will be people that say or do those things. Kind of an obvious one.
10 Oct 17 #79
No cancellation email yet - ETD 17th Oct, fingers crossed then
10 Oct 17 #78
Worth noting this if you have gone for this deal then you get an additional £50 what is already a good price (when compared to USA)

See Here for more info

10 Oct 17 #77
Same for me too - eta 17th. Just watched the endgaget review of the laptop and it looks very nice - the real bonus is the GSync for high stress games that dip below the 60fps and the high refresh rate for the easier on the hardware games. Gysnc really shines when the GPU starts to struggle.

If it gets delivered, it's a bonus. If it doesn't because it's a pricing error (still looks like it), I'll be cool with that too. I have to question my need for this but come on, it's a bargain!!
10 Oct 17 #76
Here you go...


Better late than never.
10 Oct 17 #75
I got the same email. Fingers crossed!
10 Oct 17 #74
Nevermind, just got a cancellation email.
10 Oct 17 #73
£1400 now
10 Oct 17 #72
I've ordered and it went through but I haven't had a confirmation or cancellation email. Anyone else in the same boat,
10 Oct 17 #71
Best of luck to you guys. A cracking deal if you got in early enough to slip through.
10 Oct 17 #70
Try telling the chicken that! :grin:
10 Oct 17 #69
32224123-TC9c4.jpgwell i think this might actually go through? :astonished:
10 Oct 17 #68
Just received order confirmation but seriously doubt it will come through. I'll keep you posted.
10 Oct 17 #67
Price corrected to £1400. I very much doubt this will be honoured. please do post if you do get it for £799.
10 Oct 17 #66
Fingers crossed for you guys.
10 Oct 17 #65
Just got the same.
10 Oct 17 #64
Wow! Just got an email from HP saying my order has been accepted with an expected delivery date of October 17th!! Still time for them to cancel I suppose but maybe there are going to be a few lucky ones who just got in before they realised their mistake. Will now sacrifice a chicken as an offering to the Gods (it can't hurt can it!).
10 Oct 17 #63
Yeah this is the thing, they have everyone's hopes up, then letting everyone down due to their negligence. If HP were half decent, they would let everyone who managed to squeeze in the deal, keep the deal.

If they cancel my order, I'll not be shopping with them again. We, the consumer, should not be punished for their mistakes.
10 Oct 17 #62
Oh poo! There was me getting all excited. Haven't got the order cancellation email yet but no doubt it will arrive shortly. Shame.
10 Oct 17 #61
Damnit! I just had this page up, accidentally refreshed the page and it's gone!

Such a tempting price over a new PC I've been toying with the idea of building... Nevermind then, £799 saved, for now.
10 Oct 17 #60
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Ah well, some things are too good to be true.
10 Oct 17 #59
Order Cancellation
HP reserves the right to cancel any accepted order prior to delivery, at HP's discretion (whether or not payment was made), and this in case of any material errors in connection with your order, the price or other conditions published in the HP Store relevant for your order, or if any further verification of your credit conditions or records so warrants. If payment was made and your order is cancelled, HP will issue an appropriate credit to your account (or may contact you to collect information in order to do so).

It's never worth trying anyway, retailers are forever mispricing items and they turn up on HUKD with several orders placed and most (if not all) get cancelled. That's why there's a HUKD Bingo

10 Oct 17 #58

The situation is not as clear-cut online.

The legally binding contract is complete when a retailer accepts an order. However, acceptance does not necessarily happen at the point of order. Even the confirmation email may not be an acceptance. Some retailers reserve the right to cancel an order up to the point of delivery. It is therefore important to carefully check the retailer’s terms and conditions (which must be available on their website) and emails – if a retailer simply acknowledges an order, there may be no contract at that point.

According to Screwfix’s terms and conditions on its website this week, it only accepts orders once it has delivered the goods. It says the processing of a payment and acknowledgement of an order does not constitute a legally binding contract.

As with in-store purchases, once a customer has received their order a retailer generally has no right to claw back any money.


So yeah, probably going to get a cancellation message soon and there's nothing I can do about it due to the terms and conditions accepted at checkout.
10 Oct 17 #57
Got to be a misprice. If I could justify a laptop my order would be in already. Amazing deal for what the UK usually gets.
10 Oct 17 #56
I think styling and build quality of these omens is terrible. I've got one of the older ones when the case was made out of metal and it still looks brand new, almost 3 years on and still goes like stink. Can't see these plastic laptops doing the same.
10 Oct 17 #55
No longer online :disappointed:
10 Oct 17 #54
Suppose that will be me soon then.
10 Oct 17 #53
HUKD Bingo.
10 Oct 17 #52
Not sure I follow you...
10 Oct 17 #51
where's the hotukdeals misprice bingo when you need it
10 Oct 17 #50
Just got an email, ordercancelled
10 Oct 17 #49
One of the things I always look at before buying any PC related device is how well the manufacturer support their products with guarantees and software.

HP are not good on either front, abandoning products after the initial sale. When the next iteration of Windows comes along I want to know that drivers are going to be available, with HP I know they won't.

I won't buy HP products anymore for this reason.
10 Oct 17 #48
I hope whoever ordered get it
I missed out on it:(
It looks like a great laptop for the price
10 Oct 17 #47
We have another winner.
10 Oct 17 #46
If they try to tell me that it was a pricing error then I'll goto trading standards.
10 Oct 17 #45
They won't honour it simply because they would be losing money :unamused:‌ :cry:
10 Oct 17 #44
Back to normal price - finger's crossed!
10 Oct 17 #43
Didnt ask if it was an error or anything as not to alert them i simply called to check if my order had gone through as card validated but gave me an error when purchasing. They said they won’t be accepting any orders as it was a pricing error and are working on resolving it now...
10 Oct 17 #42
We have a winner.
10 Oct 17 #41
Cheap enough to be a misprice, fingers crossed those that got through (inc me!) get honored. Attached piccy of price in case its useful for anyone.32223151-cC0MT.jpg
10 Oct 17 #27
Can someone tell me how to capture a screen shot of a page in Android? As several people have pointed out, this seems stupidly cheap. I'd like to have some proof of what I thought I was buying in the even that a lesser, more basic Omen arrives in the post.
TobiRIP to Joe90_guy
10 Oct 17 #30
depends on the phone on my LG G4 its the volume down and up button together
Joe90_guy to TobiRIP
10 Oct 17 #40
Thanks. Done. Hope I won't need it but just in case...
10 Oct 17 #39
ITs a price error and they will not honour it, confirmed from customer services its meant to be 1399
10 Oct 17 #38
aaaannnd its gone.
10 Oct 17 #37
Have also ordered. I've got the confirmation email with the stated priced. Fingers crossed!

Update: Its now gone from the site. Will keep an eye on the order process.
10 Oct 17 #36
Ordered but the pessimist in me says it's gonna get cancelled. Fantastic deal if it comes off.
10 Oct 17 #35
It is supposed to be £1400...…8EA
10 Oct 17 #21
Quidco 6% off as usual. .
parkertron to 7day
10 Oct 17 #23
Quidco = 1.5% for Laptops
Topcashback = 2.5% for laptops.

I think this might be the best gaming laptop deal for a long time. Shame I don't need a gaming laptop. I bought one of course.
7day to parkertron
10 Oct 17 #34
Sorry in the hurry it was 6 % but did not see the detail ...apologies
TobiRIP to 7day
10 Oct 17 #24
1.5% isnt it ?

Anyway amazing deal,tempted but I am happy with the i7 deal as I primarily play on my PS4 Pro so this feel like overkill for playing on Steam for a few hours a week,
10 Oct 17 #33
This seems to be the Max-Q variant of the GTX 1060 so about 20% slower than the normal model i believe.

Still a cracking price and a lot of laptop for the money.
10 Oct 17 #32
I get 'product has no inventory
10 Oct 17 #31
Ordered, hope if gets through
10 Oct 17 #17
It's expired, they've changed the price back to normal
keloid to MiNiHuZi
10 Oct 17 #19
Still live
MiNiHuZi to keloid
10 Oct 17 #29
For some reason on chrome was showing me £1250, but ona different browser showed me £800 :thinking:
10 Oct 17 #28
Exceptional deal here. Amazing specs for an amazing price. Tried some discount vouchers but none worked.
10 Oct 17 #26
Rang them as I'd just yesterday taken delivery of their £989 ce020na (i5, 1060, 8gb RAM) that I only ordered on Friday. Fella there couldn't tell me if it's a misprice or not but he confirmed it looked iffy. Left it with him to investigate as if it's a price they'll honour then I'm sorting a swap :-)
10 Oct 17 #25
Ordered. But of a bargain, but not beyond the realms of possibility.
10 Oct 17 #22
Okay. I'm in. Just ordered. After what seems like months of reading and posting various deals from Medion, Dell, Lenovo and others, THIS is the one that just stands head and shoulders above the rest!

Will be sad to have to retire my beloved ASUS with it's Nvidia 850M GPU which has given my hours if gaming amusement but it's time to move on. Will try and do a mini-review when it arrives.
10 Oct 17 #20
It's £1399 on Intel's website, £1349 on Amazon with a 128gb SSD, £1399 on the Google cached version of the website linked selling it, £1166 on another HP website... It's a steal at this price. Heat and fingers crossed!
10 Oct 17 #18
Why is the track pad off to the left?!!!

(Yes I know, numpad - but jees, you don't sit to the left of it, you sit in front of it!)
10 Oct 17 #16
The offer been up since yesterday morning that I seen but I'm badly trying not to buy it. Looking a good 1070 deal.
10 Oct 17 #15
Only save £50?
10 Oct 17 #14
How much does this laptop usually go for?
10 Oct 17 #13
This is probably one of the best laptop deals posted.

Excellent price and specs. 256gb PCiE NvME SSD as well.

If I didn't have a laptop, I'd go for this for sure.
10 Oct 17 #9
This is a great deal. I was waiting for black Friday to grab a deal on laptop. This is hard to resist. Decisions ?????
CaptainSpaulding to killstreak
10 Oct 17 #12
If black Friday is anything like last year I wouldn't hold your breath. This is a great spec laptop for the price , but it could also be a miss price , which means headache!
10 Oct 17 #11
Great deal for the spec - especially the 1060 6GB and 120Hz Gsync display!

Unsure why it's so cheap... It says the RRP is £849... That just can't be right.
10 Oct 17 #2
wow ... hot for the graphic card and specs

is hp going in liquidation for their laptops to be so heavily discounted
OrribleHarry to hashman
10 Oct 17 #10
HP in liquidation? LOL HP is a huge company worth about £13 billion, I'd very much doubt they've gone bust.
10 Oct 17 #8
Great price, shame I do not need one, but that price is too cheap.
Surely a miss price?
Heat added.
10 Oct 17 #7
THEres also a code for £20 off BQ417HPAF58
10 Oct 17 #6
Too good to be true :thinking: but of course I couldn't resist and if we do get it someone is getting fired for sure :joy:
10 Oct 17 #5
This is great
10 Oct 17 #3
Heat just bought both will give one to my wife for Christmas
WitnessTheFitness to puddles9999
10 Oct 17 #4
THinking the exact same thing! This is too good to pass
10 Oct 17 #1
Two good laptop deals within an hour :sunglasses:
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