It’s back and I am excited! Can’t find a image yet
6 Oct 17#13
^^I think MS give silver members enough by allowing them to play online a few times through the year for free on a service they don't contribute to, and MS quite rightly keep all the good stuff and extras for those that sub to the service and keep it going. :wink:
I imagine it'll just be free play of the Beta of Star Wars Battlefront II as per on the PSN…633 ?
6 Oct 17#4
If you have an Xbox one and don't have gold, what's the point. Heat added however!
weerob88 to benjammin316
6 Oct 17#6
Exactly what I was thinking mine couldn’t connect online from when I got it in may till it was repaired last month so it was never played on my digital games couldn’t update, I couldn’t talk to anyone on it etc so pointless
6 Oct 17#3
It run from the 6th to the 9th of October. You basically get free gold for the weekend You can claim the games with gold games as well8) Wanted to be first so sorry for the short post also on mobile.
gill21 to puddles9999
6 Oct 17#5
Can you really claim the games? I thought they never allowed that
XP200 to puddles9999
6 Oct 17#8
I don't think you can claim any games, you will still be a silver account, just that you can access online for 3 days.
frakison to XP200
6 Oct 17#9
I would have thought that you can still claim them because as far as Im aware, you cant play them without a valid Gold sub anyway (hence even more reason for you sign up once the free trial ends?)
XP200 to frakison
6 Oct 17#11
Silver accounts are not being made gold accounts, they are simply being allowed to access online play for 3 days as silver accounts, but with no other access to any other gold account rewards, and this has always how it has been with free online play days on xblive. But don't take my word for it, jump online and try it for yourself. :wink:
frakison to XP200
6 Oct 17#12
I have gold and I'm more than happy to concede to your pov :thumbsup: my comment was more about logical thinking than anything, I.e let people have full access to show them the benefits of membership.
6 Oct 17#2
Excellent timing to play the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta over this weekend.
Opening post
Can’t find a image yet
13 comments…c=1
You basically get free gold for the weekend
You can claim the games with gold games as well8)
Wanted to be first so sorry for the short post also on mobile.
I thought they never allowed that
But don't take my word for it, jump online and try it for yourself. :wink: