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 Fifa 18 on PS4 - £32.49 instore @ Tesco - Clacton
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Fifa 18 on PS4 - £32.49 instore @ Tesco - Clacton

Instore Tesco Direct8 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
8 Oct 17
Fifa 18 standard edition. Tesco in Clacton had this reduced from £49.99 to £32.49.

Was in the charts section for £49.99 however at the end of the isle was a crate with reduced games including this. Would assume they've over stocked.
All comments (43)
8 Oct 17 #1
Hoping to see this drop in price a little soon. Almost like there's price fixing going on this year! Nobody wants to budge on the RRP.

Great price if you can get this!
8 Oct 17 #2
Amazing first post OP!
8 Oct 17 #3
I guess this will go very hot
8 Oct 17 #4
How random. Do you think someone is quitting and just decided to bang a RTC sticker on things.
Istanbul_Kop to g8spur
8 Oct 17 #30
Asda goons have infiltrated Tesco again, causing havoc with their illegitimate price stickers.
8 Oct 17 #5
Bargain but would be amazed if this is found anywhere else.
8 Oct 17 #6
Hmmm is this another tesco wild goose chase??
8 Oct 17 #7
its prob from a bundle, with not for resale instead of barcode
Westwoodo to dixin123
8 Oct 17 #8
Walk straight in to cex and collect the profit.
8 Oct 17 #9
That soon ?
8 Oct 17 #10
Lol used to work in that Tesco last year.
8 Oct 17 #11
An unfortunate older staff member who has accidentally slapped a reduced sticker on all of their stock of FIFA 18 rather than dropping the price of FIFA 17..?
Scrat to LloydAnderson
8 Oct 17 #28
Yeah cos young shop assistants never make mistakes.
LloydAnderson to Scrat
8 Oct 17 #29
Not trying to correlate age to number of mistakes, just considering that someone not into gaming (likely older generation) wouldn't know what FIFA was what and could have ticketed the wrong one, blissfully unaware of the mistake. :thumbsup:
J_Staunton to Scrat
8 Oct 17 #31
FIFA is a young person's game, the suggestion is that an older member of staff would not know the difference between 17 and 18 in this case.
Scrat to J_Staunton
8 Oct 17 #33
Define young. I am 55 and still play loads of games. I stopped buying FIFA because the gameplay is inferior to PES not because I am too old to enjoy a game of footie.
pjuk14 to Scrat
9 Oct 17 #34
Ha ha agreed! I'm late 40's! How young are FIFA players then? I've had an evening of Destiny 2 FIFA and Rocket League.....noooobs. Your only as old as the games you play. I'm off now, for a nap :face_with_monocle:
J_Staunton to Scrat
9 Oct 17 #38
I'll be damned.
8 Oct 17 #12
Still £49 in my tesco at Davidson mains Edinburgh.
8 Oct 17 #13
Usual Sunday evening post that can’t get verified nationally until it’s gone super hot and everyone realises it’s not actually a deal.
Darzen to Tron83
8 Oct 17 #17
I can confirm it is NOT national, yellow stickered items never are.
Tron83 to Darzen
8 Oct 17 #26
Thanks, I never knew that... yawn...
Darzen to Tron83
8 Oct 17 #27
Glad to have taught you something, now go to bed you seem tired.
8 Oct 17 #14
It is the bar code that scans not the sticker so it will have dropped in price
Darzen to blackflash_uk_uk
8 Oct 17 #18
Who told you that nonsense ?
blackflash_uk_uk to Darzen
8 Oct 17 #20
A neighbour who works there
Darzen to blackflash_uk_uk
8 Oct 17 #21
Well they're wrong.
Look at the last 6 digits on the barcode (324907) ignore the last 2, so 3249= £32.49

Only works on yellow stickers and coupons, all other items have item specific barcodes.
blackflash_uk_uk to Darzen
8 Oct 17 #22
That’s right but the code related to the item regardless of price. The store creates the codes
Deedie to blackflash_uk_uk
8 Oct 17 #23
Look mate. He isn't telling you that just for a laugh. It's the barcode on the sticker that is scanned. No idea why your neighbour would think that, but they are very wrong. Quite worrying if they do actually work in Tesco and are not aware of that. If you look at the picture you will notice the sticker covers the original barcode.
MasterChief2017 to Deedie
8 Oct 17 #24
Yeah its the barcode on the sticker that is scanned. I used to work in retail so can back that up 100%.
8 Oct 17 #15
Still £20 too much
kingp1n to stevennoad
9 Oct 17 #36
You best wait till FIFA 19 is close to release
stevennoad to kingp1n
9 Oct 17 #40
I bought Fifa 17 for £9.99 brand new over 4 months ago - it plays the same plus it can be bought for a fiver pre owned.
anlygi to stevennoad
9 Oct 17 #39
I agree. I stopped buying football games every year then I eventually stopped buying them completely. Paying full price for a game that's had minor updates at best every year is ridiculous. I have friends do it every year and I wont get into the amount they waste on Ultimate Team...
stevennoad to anlygi
9 Oct 17 #41
I bought Fifa 17 over 4 months ago for £9.99 brand new and it plays the same,minor kit changes and players doesn't bother me in the slightest.
8 Oct 17 #16
Brilliant find if it’s near you but not a national deal
8 Oct 17 #19
Re: the removed posts, this is being dealt with and appropriate action will be taken.

Thanks for flagging.

@BrummyGeeza - if you're struggling to get hold of any of us, the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page will ensure the message gets to the team.
8 Oct 17 #25
This is most likely just one store being extremely overstocked and trying to get rid of copies
8 Oct 17 #32
You should of brought some extra to flog on eBay
9 Oct 17 #35
Showing as £49.99 on inform (tesco employee stock app) for this store and they have 144 in stock for ps4, not marked as to be on any offer so seems to be an extreme one off labelling error
kingp1n to ieame
9 Oct 17 #37
Or possibly member of staff reduced it for themselves lol
9 Oct 17 #42
Mmm this isn't really worth you leaving the house, you'll waste good petrol money trying to chase this down. If it was shelf labeled and not yellow stickered this would be hot, as it is though, cold.
9 Oct 17 #43
Not a deal. looks like a sticker mistake. Anyhow the game wont get sold in Clacton as most people dont have 2p to rub together.
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