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 £1 eBay Final Value Fees (FVF) on upto 100 items. 7-9 October. Selected Accounts.
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
5 Oct 17
There's another £1 FVF eBay offer.

Like last time, it seems to have unusual start/end times, so here are my recommendations:

1) Click on the link. This will tell you whether or not you're eligible for this offer. If you're not eligible, you'll be told that this is invitation only or that the offer has expired. Note that 2 weeks ago some people, after being declined, tried again later and were accepted. So it might be worth trying again on Sat or Sun.
2) If you are eligible, then before you list anything, please go to your eBay summary and click on 'All selling' to check that the offer is active for you. If it is active, you should see it under 'Promotional offers'. Please note that you will only see this once the offer is active. This might be at 16:00 on Saturday or (more likely) midnight on Saturday.

So, as things stand, eBay say that the offer is between the dates/times:

From : Saturday, 07/10/17 16:00:00
Ends : Monday, 09/10/17 23:59:59

But I suspect, following a similar error 2 weeks ago, the actual start time will be midnight on Saturday (i.e. Sunday).

What does this offer mean/do?
If you're eligible, then anything you list between the start/end dates will be charged a maximum of a £1 Final Value Fee when it sells, rather than the usual 10%. So you'll save on fees for anything that sells for more than £10. For example, if you sell something for £100, you'll be charged £1 FVF rather than £10 FVF. You'll still be charged PayPal fees as normal.
Latest comments (247)
10 Oct 17 #247
10 Oct 17 #246
So you can still change the price on your listing after the promo? And if it sells within 30 days you'll only get charged £1 FVF?
9 Oct 17 #245
Yeah you need to keep the format (buy it now/auction) the same but I think anything else can be changed - that's my experience anyway and never been a problem.
9 Oct 17 #244
You legend, thank you! :relaxed: is there anything I have to keep accurate to the eventual listing - ie keep it as Buy It Now - or can you change literally everything once it’s up?
9 Oct 17 #243
Yep, go with the time in your promo offers box.
9 Oct 17 #242
This is incorrect, The promotion ends at midnight UK time tonight.

That's the conclusion that's already been explained a few times earlier in the thread, a couple of days ago :stuck_out_tongue:

The promotion ends at midnight tonight, not 4pm - you've still got another hour and a half.
9 Oct 17 #241
06/10/17 00:01:18 BST - 09/10/17 23:59:59 BST for me lol
9 Oct 17 #240
same here
9 Oct 17 #239
It wouldn't work now. You'd be charged full price when your item sells.
9 Oct 17 #238
Thinking about it, that might be an american clock or something as the 13:33 activation time would be 8 hours behind the actual time where I clicked it. and 15:59 would therefore be our midnight.
9 Oct 17 #237
I just clicked and got this

Bit of a silly question but assume as the end time was 4pm today it's not worth me listing anything... Weird as it still appears under my seller offers too (0 out of 100 used)
9 Oct 17 #236
Placeholder listings. I use DVDs and books and put them on at a price no one would pay then edit the listing when I have something to sell.
9 Oct 17 #235
Just realised this is 'single listings only'. I have some Buy It Nows with multiple quantities - anyone have any tips for how I can effectively use this offer?

So far I have just relisted them as a single quantity i.e. with 'available: 1' - hopefully I sell something today so I can relist it before tonight to try and get the offer twice..!
9 Oct 17 #234
Thanks Illusionary, that's not the view I was seeing, turns out I had to turn on Advanced Selling Tool in the top right corner.
With the Quick Selling Tool it sets it to Good Til Cancelled Automatically! (You can't revise this afterwards either).
9 Oct 17 #233
9 Oct 17 #232
Where is the bit that allows you to select the timing for a Buy it Now? When I go to sell something I can choose a price and either Auction or Buy it now + offers, but I don't see anywhere to set a time frame for the listing, unlike with Auction I get a drop-down for 1 to 10 days.
Anyone know?
9 Oct 17 #231
What!!! Didn't know this and I've been using it, dang! Thanks for the heads up.
9 Oct 17 #230
Thanks jaypr, I had no idea!
9 Oct 17 #229
One thing that I'm sure a lot of you know but some may not is never under any circumstances use the "good til cancelled" duration for fix priced items, always use 30 days or less.

This is because good til cancelled is only a 30 day listing that will automatically re-list your item after 30 days if it doesn't sell. If it does that you'll be charged 35p insertion fees even though they may have been free before.
9 Oct 17 #228
Likewise sold a bike for £1 so huge saving but paypal fees are still 5% of the sale price.
9 Oct 17 #227
Thanks...relisted an expensive item, so quite a saving.
8 Oct 17 #226
@RedTurkey Fantastic find, needed this! Will save me a lot of money!
8 Oct 17 #225
worked for me yesterday morning - I listed about 20 items and it reduced my 100 total by the same number
8 Oct 17 #224
It didn't work for anyone yesterday, the promotion was applied late and at 12am today instead, it's now working.
8 Oct 17 #223
I have 9500 positive feedback and I do not have access, probably because ebay gets from me £ 1k commission
8 Oct 17 #222
I sell all the time, 920 feedback score, and get access.
8 Oct 17 #221
If you sell regularly you do not have access
8 Oct 17 #220
Hi, Sorry to bother but which is the number for Ebay? I have not been able to find any number so far, thanks
8 Oct 17 #219
What time did you list the item? If before midnight, you were too early.

If it's not working now, unfortunately it's not going to this time around. You could wait for next month and hope that it works then - but of course, that won't be gauranteed either.
8 Oct 17 #218
Drats, not working for me and I want to list my iPhone 7 and iPad Pro - I’ll keep trying the links :-)
8 Oct 17 #217
Just a warning with these, it allowed me to accept this offer but never applied it to my account. I sold something last night and checked today and had been charged full amount of fees, not £1. I've called Ebay today and they have honoured the promotion but I will definitely check my account from now on before listing.
8 Oct 17 #216
Wow, thanks for the Heads Up. Accepted this offer a few days ago, and listed yesterday evening. Received email offer today and just deleted while noticing the discrepancy in dates. Thought I'd check this thread, and it's time to cancel and relist!!
8 Oct 17 #215
Doesn't work for me either
8 Oct 17 #214
That's what you'll see if you're not eligible, I'm afraid. I've been eligible for most of these recently, but wasn't for the promotion in September. This one's now working again for me, so hopefully it'll just be a one-off that it isn't for you.
8 Oct 17 #213
Usually this deal always works for me but not this time...

Keep getting, "This deal has expired" :face_with_monocle: Anyone else in the same boat?
I'd feel better if it said I was not eligible but expired seems to me that I am eligible but can't get through to the right page.

p.s It is not in my selling promotions (but it hardly is!)
8 Oct 17 #212
Live for me too now :smile:

Both - if you click learn more then under the terms and conditions it says it's valid for for auction-style or fixed price formats
8 Oct 17 #211
8 Oct 17 #210
mine this for auction or buy it know ?
8 Oct 17 #209
Live now :smile:
8 Oct 17 #208
:thumbsup: Let the listing commence!
8 Oct 17 #207
Yup, mine is now active too :thumbsup:
8 Oct 17 #206
Now active as exepcted.

7 Oct 17 #205
Yes, but it appears that that refers to PST rather than BST.
7 Oct 17 #204
Yep, not showing up under my account either. Good thing I checked.
Hopefully it'll be live at midnight.
7 Oct 17 #203
thanks... looking at other posts it seems I'm not alone. Selling my iPhone 6+ and Apple Watch and the 10% hit is equivalent to a few beers.
7 Oct 17 #202
same to wait to see if its in your "promotional offers" otherwise you will be hit by a Final value fee of 10%. wouldnt be surprised if its a marketing scam to make people think they can sell for £1 max final fee by a saying you have accepted the offer sell £1 max...peeps will think they can sell and list their items, but when they sell them, ebay will hit them with a 10% final value it wasnt in their promotional offers...
7 Oct 17 #201
This is exactly the same crap as two weeks ago! eBay are honestly losing the plot.
7 Oct 17 #200
If I click the link it says...

You've already accepted the offer Sell for £1 max!

But if I check the "Promotional offers", it's not listed. Confused.

7 Oct 17 #199
Says 16:00
7 Oct 17 #198
If you've accepted, yes.
7 Oct 17 #197
Yup midnight :smile:
7 Oct 17 #196
Mine isn't active either. Came here and looks like I'm not the only one.

Lucky I checked before listing :nerd:

Midnight then?
7 Oct 17 #195
So what will happen, will these just show up on the active promo pages on our accounts?
7 Oct 17 #194
Odd, it usually says expired or by invitation only if you’re not accepted. I rarely accept via the email because I’ve already opted in via a link here by the time it arrives so they’re wrong about that. Although it could be that only those who receive the email are eligible. Wouldn’t give up hope yet.
7 Oct 17 #193
They say that every time. Just wait until midnight.
7 Oct 17 #192
Speaking to Ebay currently, you can follow the link here and read the T&Cs, apparently you can click the deal and even though it says you're eligible it won't be activated UNLESS you had one of the original emails, you have to respond directly in that email for it to become active.
Looks like we aren't getting this one
7 Oct 17 #191
It is not showing as active for me either, let's all hope that it comes through at midnight
7 Oct 17 #190
I was accepted too but it's not showing in my Promotional Offers either right now - looks like I'll try again tomorrow. Been waiting for a while for this to come round again - I've got about 15 items to sell which should net me in the region of £2k if all goes to plan and really don't want to lose £200 of that in fees - much rather hand over £15 :smile:
7 Oct 17 #189
not showing in dashboard :disappointed: although accepted on my both accounts... will cancell them all and list again tomorrow
7 Oct 17 #188
Just a warning all, this hasn't shown in my 'dashboard' even though it says I accepted the offer. Means they won't honour as I've just called up.
7 Oct 17 #187
midnight it is
7 Oct 17 #186
Not live at the moment. Hopefully it'll go live at midnight for Sunday and Monday!
7 Oct 17 #185
same here
7 Oct 17 #184
Nor me, looks like midnight
7 Oct 17 #183
Not active for me either
7 Oct 17 #182
The link worked for me and accepted the offer although its not under active promotions
guessing maybe it will probably be active from midnight or something?
Is it active for anyone else right now?
Would it meant to work even if I did not get an email?
Would love to sell some stuff and of course this offer would certainly help! :smile:
7 Oct 17 #181
Guessing it would be midnight then...
7 Oct 17 #180
Mines not showing up on promotional offers even though I've accepted it
7 Oct 17 #179
I dont think it applies to scheduled listing. Pretty sure i read that int the T and Cs
7 Oct 17 #178
Your welcome. You can always check you have activated this offer in your eBay selling offers. Have a look there :smile:
7 Oct 17 #177
wow thanks i didnt get any offer but when i clicked on the link above i got this so i think time to sell my htc 10..32201273-LP7bo.jpg

but like someone said, if its not an official invite from ebay then they will probaly charge you 10% of final im holding back selling my htc 10 until i get an official invite..
7 Oct 17 #176
I must have checked about 20 of these offers now and I am never invited to this.

Quite frustating. I give up.
7 Oct 17 #175
‌ :astonished: I'll take my chances at the car boot sale lol
7 Oct 17 #174
Last week it started at midnight... and so it will again tonight,

PLEASE NOTE: When I clicked on the link 2 weeks ago, only one of my accounts was accepted, the other 2 gave the "Unfortunately....." message. However, come 1 am I had received invites for all my accounts,,, so .. CHECK AGAIN in the morning !!
7 Oct 17 #173
Check your account. You've got to meet the minimum performance standards for selling on eBay
7 Oct 17 #172
Have you tried all the links (the main link in the original post plus the 2 additional links in the original post)? If you have buit keep getting declined, I'd suggest trying again tomorrow. There are quite a few comments here that the link(s) didn't work the first few times, but they did later.
7 Oct 17 #171
The terms include:

  • The promotion is valid for the first 100 listings only which go live during the promotion period (or were previously scheduled to go live during the promotion period) on using the auction-style, auction-style with Buy it now option, or fixed price formats, in an eligible category. Listings using the auction-style with Buy it now option will be charged only the listing upgrade fee.

...which would suggest that the answer is yes. I'd not take the risk, though, personally - will you really have no time at all within the two-day window? Also bear in mind that from previous offers, the "4pm" may not be UK time so I wouldn't rely on that until seeing the promotion active in My eBay.
7 Oct 17 #170
Hi Darren

Under normal circumstances, yes. However, I wouldn't risk it this weekend. 2 weekends ago, eBay stated that the offer would start at 16:00 on Saturday, but it actually started at midnight on Saturday. So, if you listed something to start at 16:00 today, but the offer actually starts at midnight again, then you'd be liable for 10% FVF rather than £1 FVF. Make sense?
7 Oct 17 #169
This link worked for me, but I had no email from Ebay (like I normally do) and it's not in my Promotional offers. My mate sold a while ago with this offer, as it showed "Accepted" via the link, but had to pay the normal 10% selling fee as she wasn't invited personally and had no email though ebay. So I'm not risking it until I have an email from Ebay. Just saying. :-)
7 Oct 17 #168
Am I doing something wrong? I sell various things all the time, but I have never been eligible for one of these £1 listing offers. Every time I click a link for one of the deals that get posted on here, it'll say invitation only etc. :disappointed:
7 Oct 17 #167
is it possible to list now and schedule for when the deal starts at 4pm to day?
7 Oct 17 #166
I'm expecting midnight tonight - but as you'll probably know, check the offers showing in your account before posting any listings that you intend to benefit from the offer.
7 Oct 17 #165
If the timing is like last time, with the 4pm reported time being with reference to PST, you're a day early - it should be going live at midnight at the end of the day today.
7 Oct 17 #164
The link said I was eligible and that I had accepted the offer however it's still not showing in my account at all... Should have gone live at midnight but definitely hasn't.

Also - once again I didn't get any email about this promotion from ebay.
7 Oct 17 #163
I don't know if it's 4pm or midnight like last time but mine still isn't live.
6 Oct 17 #162
Cheers, wanted to know the paypal fee
6 Oct 17 #161
bear in mind it's usually only for single quantity items. list quantity of say 5 and you will be charged 10%
It must also sell within 30 days.

All in all very good deal and I saved £250 in fees the last time I used it.

oh and for the person who askd if relist would work then I don't know about that but 'sell similar' on your own cancelled item does work. I did it with my £700 laptop and paid £1 fee after cancelling the live auction then viewing it and clicking on sell similar. it also put back all photos and wording.
6 Oct 17 #160
link2 was the one for me...the others didn't work :grin:
6 Oct 17 #159
Try the different offer links as a couple seem to be running.
6 Oct 17 #158
Well whatever, the main point was not to rely on this link or getting an email from them.
6 Oct 17 #157
pointless checking messages

instead check ALL SELLING - scroll down to the bottom & activate if it's there
6 Oct 17 #156
Everyone check your ebay messages. Mine was saying expired at the link from here. I haven't got any email offers but when I checked messages the offer was there.
6 Oct 17 #155
Perfect worked. Thanks OP :heart_eyes:
6 Oct 17 #154
got it. thank you :grin:
6 Oct 17 #153
am i able to do the listing immediately but with a scheduled start time on the 7th, and still be eligable?
6 Oct 17 #152
Not available to me unfortunately, wouldve tempted me into a few sales!
6 Oct 17 #151
Grrrrr, so annoying, just sold my xbox one and then get this offer in my inbox. Damn you ebay!!!
6 Oct 17 #150
Received link 2 from ebay in my messages section. Still have auctions running from the last offer and have around 18 days left on them, but clicked anyway :grin:

eBay seem to be offering these £1 promos all the time now, really no point in listing items outside this promo as they're greedy otherwise as they'll take 10% of expensive sales items from you without them doing any extra work...and that doesn't take into account the further 3% Paypal aka eBay, take off you. They should just overhaul their fee structure for non-business sellers but i doubt their greed will let them.
6 Oct 17 #149
final last link worked for me
6 Oct 17 #148
Worked for me. Thanks OP!
6 Oct 17 #147
Mines from the 6th aswel

05-Oct-2017 23:58:31

09-Oct-2017 15:59:59
6 Oct 17 #146
Thanks!!! I was not eligible for the earlier promo last few weeks but this one, I am!
6 Oct 17 #145
You have to sign up for promotional emails, that's the only thing I found. I opted out previously and wasn't eligible for any of these links when clicked.
6 Oct 17 #144
Tried yesterday and it stated "Offer had expired".
Email has arrived overnight and it is now live for me until Monday evening!
6 Oct 17 #143
Nice one, the OP's link didn't work but yours did. Heat added.
6 Oct 17 #142
Not sure if this will help any one. One of may accounts started this promo (and was emailed) on the 6th :-

Sell for £1 max!£1 max final value fee on up to 100 listings and no insertion fee.opens in a new window or tab

Start:6 Oct 2017 at 12.00am BST
End:9 Oct 2017 at 11.59pm BST

The other seem eligible but hasn't been emailed yet and might not start until the 7th Midnight as the times shown above are ebays PST time (as last time - stated 4pm and was actually midnight BST).

Check your accounts after midnight 00.01 on the 7th to double check.
6 Oct 17 #141
ebay is 10% and paypal is 3.4% + 20p. Quite a big chunk tbh!
6 Oct 17 #140
I haven't used ebay for years. How much are the Final Value Fees and PayPal fees now?
6 Oct 17 #139
Thank you for this. Earlier today, I saw £1 offer in active listing (after using the link OP posted) for 06/10 till 07/10. Listed 2 items and checked again, now the offer changed the dates - 06/10 to 06/10 - ie. only today.
6 Oct 17 #138
:-) Link 2 worked for me!!
6 Oct 17 #137
non of the links worked
but today received a message in my ebay inbox, and that worked
6 Oct 17 #136
I got it thats. If i list 15 items in a single post buy now. Will this work? I know there is a 30day period for this to work. But there so many rules on this £1 fee only thing. That is confuse me.
6 Oct 17 #135
I was told I was not eligible when clicking through but when I went to my seller account the offer was there for me to accept. The offer I have is actually from 6th October.
6 Oct 17 #134
Says that I am not eligible, however, will try again tomorrow. Thank you.
6 Oct 17 #133
i kept getting errors on this last time (a couple of weeks ago) and couldn't accept the offer until very late before the deal started, so hang in everyone.

my guess is that they limit this to, say, 100k offer acceptances, releasing the offer in tranches from people who never/hardly sell anything, then later to the next lot who are more active, and so on until the limit is reached. so the more you sell generally to later you'll be invited to join.

no doubt there are other criteria as well, but since these started getting more regular and i've been selling more they've definitely been getting invited later and later.

it's almost at the point where i have a load of draft items ready to go in anticipation.
6 Oct 17 #132
Got it. No error message for a change :grin:
6 Oct 17 #131
Not working for me again - never had one work!! Have lots of gadgets sitting at home waiting to sell. Looks like I have to use another forum to sell
6 Oct 17 #130
Mine says:

* This offer is effective as of 05-Oct-2017 21:56:27
Ends: 09-Oct-2017 15:59:59

Registered around 6am this morning.
6 Oct 17 #129
I followed the link yesterday and it said it had expired. I checked my ebay messages and there was nothing. I tried the link again today and again it said it was expired, but then checked my ebay messages and the offer was there. I'm not sure if following the link acts as a trigger or if it's coincidence. I received the last £1 offer from a couple of weeks ago so it doesn't seem uncommon or random.

ETA: I'm not a regular seller by any means, in fact I rarely sell on ebay. I shop there often, so not sure if that makes any difference.
6 Oct 17 #128
I have never been eligible for one of these. Do people who have been offered this regularly trade on eBay? just trying to see if there is a trick to getting an invite.
6 Oct 17 #127
Link 2 in the main post worked for me! Start time of 1:43am on 6th Oct though.
6 Oct 17 #126…QpE
try this, same deal, starts today
6 Oct 17 #125
thanks just checked and the deal has showed up in myebay.
6 Oct 17 #124
It said I was accepted when I clicked it, but I don't know where to look now within my account to confirm the start and finish dates?
6 Oct 17 #123
Check in your account if you successfully accepted it, as it should show there? Screenshot it in case of fee problems later.
6 Oct 17 #122
There seem to be at least two different offers around at the same time, broadly the same but different dates and not all work on all accounts - one came out with a 7/10 16.00 start, one I received overnight had a 6/10 start.
6 Oct 17 #121
This is the offer I've received. Starts 6th Oct? I know last time they sent the wrong date out. Does this mean this is incorrect and I should only start listing from 7th?
6 Oct 17 #120
Yes I realise that but the OP has posted this info a few days in advance before,they have insider knowledge :sunglasses:
6 Oct 17 #119
check it again
6 Oct 17 #118
Been trying to get this since posted, sold £150 worth of stuff last night and noooow it's active
6 Oct 17 #117
I had a message about it and my offer started this morning. So it's already live for some folk.
6 Oct 17 #116
Excellent. PSVR bundle listed. :smile:
6 Oct 17 #115
I'm still intrigued as to how the OP knows this info early...............
6 Oct 17 #114
Must be listed within those dates and sell within 30 days.
6 Oct 17 #113
If you're eligible for the deal you just need to list it in that time frame,you can do a buy it now for 30 days .
6 Oct 17 #112
Well, where else are you going to sell? Gumtree sucks, car boot = everything at 50p, amazon inflexible for the average person.....Facebook, full of empty promises to buy.
6 Oct 17 #111
does this mean your item you list on 6th oct must end on 9th oct to qualify? or you can do a 30 day listing etc..?
6 Oct 17 #110
Please make sure it is live in your account,it said I had accepted the offer via the deal link but it isn't live in my Ebay.
6 Oct 17 #109
Woking from the 6th for me, why the 7th for everyone else?
6 Oct 17 #108
Worked this morning for me.
Bet I get charged the full 10% though when I sell something.
6 Oct 17 #107
As expected.
link from here didn't work but I received a message with the offer from ebay today
6 Oct 17 #106
Thanks i tried the main one didn't work but yours worked first time.. Super hot as i missed last one to the same message..
6 Oct 17 #105
It’s live now
6 Oct 17 #104
Finally one of the links worked for me!
6 Oct 17 #103
Worked for me! Yay to invite only deals!
6 Oct 17 #102
What is your ebay "seller rating"? Not feedback - eBay's rating of you.
6 Oct 17 #101
Got mine today with the new dates. Post from today to Monday. It was in my inbox.
6 Oct 17 #100
No need to come back Sunday! I got it last night after clicking unsuccessfully on the offer about 10 times - it just popped up.

My dates fwiw

06/10/17 00:01:18 BST- 09/10/17 23:59:59 BST
6 Oct 17 #99
Sure thing.

Pity you have to use the word 'mitigate' though and can't use the word 'avoid'.

Good luck.
6 Oct 17 #98
I stopped selling on ebay. Full of scams, if something goes wrong ebay votes against you. Doesnt protect sellers anymore
6 Oct 17 #97
I’ve been selling on eBay for 15 years. I’m fully aware of the risks and how to mitigate against them.

Thanks for the concern though. :grin:
6 Oct 17 #96
Sorry to hear that. Have you tried the new link?…tml

Bear in mind if you have a business account, unfortunately, these private sellers promotions will not work.
6 Oct 17 #95
none of these ebay special offers ever work for me it really makes me not want to sell on there ever anymore. even though i used it for over 10 years have 100% positive and hundreds of feedbacks still no promotions for me
6 Oct 17 #94
Brilliant this one worked for me, thanks
6 Oct 17 #93
It didn't work for me same Expired Error as before, however, I just received a promotional email from eBay with new working link.

Offer: £1 FVF
Date: 05 Oct 17 to 09 Oct 17

Hope it's useful
6 Oct 17 #92
These ones with the weird times work closer to the event. If it doesn't work now, try again on the day.
6 Oct 17 #91
Worked, thanks.
6 Oct 17 #90
Thanks for this. Mines also from now till midnight Monday
6 Oct 17 #89
Mine is all up and running, Thanks op :smile:

Mine is active from now till Midnight Monday.
6 Oct 17 #88
They said the deal starts at 4pm, but it was 4pm PST or similar, so midnight UK. Lots of people here got rather flustered.
6 Oct 17 #87
What happened last time
6 Oct 17 #86
You've accepted the offer "Sell for £1 max!"

just got it as well! :smile:
5 Oct 17 #85
My offer just came through from tomorrow until end of Monday :smile:
5 Oct 17 #84
Worked for me again. Thanks, OP.

Here we go with all the 4pm shenaginagns. Did eBay not learn the last time they did this!?
5 Oct 17 #83
oops forgot the '?'
5 Oct 17 #82
you cheated that old guy out of £1000
5 Oct 17 #81
Cheers OP!
5 Oct 17 #80
Am in. Thanks
5 Oct 17 #79
And thank you op
5 Oct 17 #78
works for me again never been rejected maybe because i only sell when i get one of these ? The only trouble is the paypal fees got charged £6 for a phone i sold last week :angry:
5 Oct 17 #77
Cheers OP :raised_hand:
5 Oct 17 #76
Sweet. Thanks op.
5 Oct 17 #75
Why I'm always ineligible for this?
5 Oct 17 #74
You're gonna sell iPhones on ebay? :disappointed:
5 Oct 17 #73
Odd, it says I've already accepted the offer
5 Oct 17 #72
I do that every time. It's not a problem.
5 Oct 17 #71
Worked for me which is great as I’ve got two iPhones to sell after the wife and I just upgraded.
5 Oct 17 #70
Worked for me. Thanks!
5 Oct 17 #69
you be doing it wrongly
5 Oct 17 #68
I always do this offer but when i be charged it still the same as full price charges
5 Oct 17 #67
I think that should be ok. I seem to remember it being in the Ts and Cs previously anyway.
5 Oct 17 #66
Has any taken a similar offer and received another? As I'm thinking to sell some stuff now and some later, too much to do it in one go.
5 Oct 17 #65
Hi Jive, this is Red :grin:

Yes, that would work. You can check by relisting one item and then viewing your promotions to see if it’s gone from 100 down to 99 remaining.
5 Oct 17 #64

Question: Will this work if I end old listings and just click 'relist' on Sunday, or do I have to set them up as new listings?
5 Oct 17 #63
Great, thanks OP, got a load of items to list, so should save a few quid.
5 Oct 17 #62
It won't show on your account until the offer becomes active
5 Oct 17 #61
says expired like one 2 weeks ago but then got an invite.
here is hoping in works over the weekend.
5 Oct 17 #60
Sweet. Cheers OP

Gotta make a collection of all the crap I need to get rid of now :grin:
5 Oct 17 #59
Thanks. Says eligible when I go through the link, but is not showing on my account. Anyone knows why? Tia!
5 Oct 17 #58
I've just accepted this offer... if I create a listing now but schedule the start time for some time during the eligibility period - will the offer still be applied?

5 Oct 17 #57
7 to 9th why is it still letting people get it.
5 Oct 17 #56
I keep getting
Bad Message 431reason: Request Header Fields Too Large
5 Oct 17 #55
Perfect timing! Thanks OP
5 Oct 17 #54
Same here. Will try again. Got loads of stuff to sell, including a peugeot 307 :sunglasses:
5 Oct 17 #53
5 Oct 17 #52
Thanks for the heads up OP.
5 Oct 17 #51
Thanks. My current ones are BIN only
5 Oct 17 #50
Why are people listing now instead of the date advised? You'll get normal fees, no??
5 Oct 17 #49
Accepted for me. Just in time to stick my PS3 on woo!.
5 Oct 17 #48
Just worked for me, Thanks :party:
5 Oct 17 #47
Thanks OP. Now I just need to find something to sell!!!
5 Oct 17 #46
Should be available with every selling option
5 Oct 17 #45
You can cancel Buy it Now items that don't have any pending offers and you can cancel auction items that do not have any bids. Cancelling any auction items that already have bids will incur a charge, so be careful.
5 Oct 17 #44
there's no rule/ T&C that forbids this

you might cancel existing listings for various reasons, eg re-setting the 30 day expiry date because you are going on holiday in a month etc
5 Oct 17 #43
I have a few items listed at the moment. Would I be able to cancel them and relist them during the offer or would ebay see that as a breach of the terms?
5 Oct 17 #42
Thanks OP, got quite a few things to sell! Coming up as 'expired' but am hoping it'll work when live.
5 Oct 17 #41
come back Sunday morning
5 Oct 17 #40
Not eligible :disappointed:
5 Oct 17 #39
Excellent, thanks for posting!
5 Oct 17 #38
Sigh, not the unusual times again *face palm* had to call up customer services last time as they changed the times after i listed items to sell.
Just as a caution people SCREEN SHOT THE ACCEPTED OFFER !!!!! :face_with_monocle:
5 Oct 17 #7
I'm eligible- but the end time for me is 15:59:59 on Monday 9th Oct.
msiddiq1989 to Muig1972
5 Oct 17 #37
Mine says the same and start time is 16:00:00 on 7th
5 Oct 17 #5
Hi folks, if I listed items between these dates, but they don’t sell for a week, would I get charged a FVF or not?

It’s not clear on eBay if it means no FVF on items listed between those dates or just those that list and sell within those dates?
Bobbite to wallhead3004
5 Oct 17 #13
If you list it during these 2 days, you'll get the £1 FVF no matter when it sells :smile:
notos to Bobbite
5 Oct 17 #33
Usually I think your item has to sell within 30 days (or 1 month, I can't remember exactly) to qualify for the £1 FVF
sbutang to notos
5 Oct 17 #35
This is eligible for 1 day auction too right? :thinking:
Bobbite to notos
5 Oct 17 #36
It's 30 days max anyway for the buy it now option. So wouldn't work on a relist yeah
cruncher75 to wallhead3004
5 Oct 17 #15
No i all ways list mine for buy now price for 30 days
5 Oct 17 #34
Thanks OP!
5 Oct 17 #32
Not received this again. I'm starting to get offended!
5 Oct 17 #26
Only for selected sellers, not worth it
collectorcol to kogucik
5 Oct 17 #31
Well worth it if you're selected though :wink:
5 Oct 17 #30
Thank you, working for me and I have a fair few things to get rid of at the moment :smile:
5 Oct 17 #29
Cheers for the heads up! Appreciated :grin:
5 Oct 17 #9
Expired for me but was saying that other week but went live sunday morning and worked fine.
luvsadealdealdeal to gemvis
5 Oct 17 #28
exactly the same thing happened to me

it said 'expired' about 20 times (I very sadly clicked on it repeatedly from time to time!) then went live on Sunday morning :smile:
5 Oct 17 #22
Hi all, please can anyone tell me whether this is for private sellers only or whether it extends also to business sellers?

RedTurkey to nextofkim
5 Oct 17 #25
Private sellers only I believe
Dawsy to nextofkim
5 Oct 17 #27
Business sellers get nothing.. eBay clearly don't want to encourage regular business sellers..
5 Oct 17 #24
Keep didn't show on my account earlier. But its there now :smile:
5 Oct 17 #19
Expired for me
RedTurkey to gemniz
5 Oct 17 #23
Sorry Gemniz. Try again on Sunday though, it might work then.
5 Oct 17 #21
Thanks, got it.
5 Oct 17 #20
Accepted again for the 10th time in twelve months... time to cancel my auctions and relist.

Thank you OP.
5 Oct 17 #18
Sweet, been waiting for one of these deals to roll around to sell my Oculus Rift set..
5 Oct 17 #17
Again?! Sweeeeeeet!
5 Oct 17 #16
5 Oct 17 #14
Thanks OP. Just what I was after.
Here is the link -…076
5 Oct 17 #12
Yes! Thanks OP. I've been waiting for one of these for nearly 2 months.
5 Oct 17 #11
worked for me, thanks OP x
5 Oct 17 #10
^^ Same as above - hopefully will work come the weekend

Cheers for the heads up.
5 Oct 17 #8
Worked, thanks op
5 Oct 17 #6
Am I not eligible or have the expired it?

5 Oct 17 #1
Thank you, was waiting for that!! but the dates in your title are wrong, it's 7th to the 9th of October.
RedTurkey to Bobbite
5 Oct 17 #4
Thanks Bobbite. I've corrected that now.
5 Oct 17 #3
Just worked for me, Thanks :thumbsup:
5 Oct 17 #2
Invitation only for me. And i ain't invited. The gits.
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