It's a shame alot of the phones are starting to get rid of the headphone jack. iOS lighting - Android USB-C
thermomonkey to jg213
7y 24d#6
I know, I don't understand the logic. Is it space saving?
rev6 to jg213
7y 24d#7
We still have adapters. So it's not all bad. I won't go near any phone without 3.5mm headphone jack.
7y 24d#5
Having once worked for Philips I can tell you that B&O were nothing more than a designer of fancy boxes, and the internals of the things were all made by Philips, and just the generic audio which could be bought at a fraction of the price if it had the Philips badge on it.
There's little reason to think anything has changed, but headphones aren't exactly ever going to be a design classic, I do wonder what is actually inside these, probably a cheap Sennheiser set with a B&O badge.
7y 24d#8
I have b&o earphones. Not impressed, similar or cheaper shure earphones beat them everytime.
7y 24d#9
I've been through a fair number of headphones - (unable to find ones I liked).
Got these a few months ago - they are keepers.
7y 24d#10
I bought mine from here about 3 or so months ago. currently my main portable headphone that I use. They are actually really impressive, have a really nice spacious natural sound to them, would highly recommend them for £129!
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There's little reason to think anything has changed, but headphones aren't exactly ever going to be a design classic, I do wonder what is actually inside these, probably a cheap Sennheiser set with a B&O badge.
Not impressed, similar or cheaper shure earphones beat them everytime.
Got these a few months ago - they are keepers.