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 Battlefront 2 demo available now @ PSN
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Battlefront 2 demo available now @ PSN

Playstation PSN6 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
6 Oct 17
Battlefront 2 demo available now yesterday was only available foe people that preordered the game
Latest comments (43)
9 Oct 17 #43
As an extra point, in my experience it ran much better on PS4 Pro than it did on PC (with a 1080Ti) :thinking:
7 Oct 17 #40
Anyone played this on a standard PS4? The framerate and motion blur is horrendous.
shu123 to bo0td
7 Oct 17 #41
I had that feeling too compared to BF1, going to try it out on my pc.
sharpedges12 to bo0td
8 Oct 17 #42
Ive just been playing and didnt find it too much of an issue in infantry modes. Ive heard its bad in flying modes however.
6 Oct 17 #38
If i download it can i play after the 9th ?
Paul.Mateus to lageryron
6 Oct 17 #39
Ends on the 9th, around 16h00 gmt
6 Oct 17 #37
Takes soooo long waiting for players that every one drops out of waiting.
6 Oct 17 #9
Dude give up. It's a beta, not a demo.
thekitkatshuffler to johnthehuman
6 Oct 17 #10
It's more demo than Beta. Beta is just a marketing phrase these days. They won't be making changes based on the "play testing" done this week.
QuickProfits to thekitkatshuffler
6 Oct 17 #12
Of course they will.
thekitkatshuffler to QuickProfits
6 Oct 17 #13
It's released in a month. This is a demo in all but name.
haritori to johnthehuman
6 Oct 17 #32
All demos are beta's.. pedantic much?

demo as a verb means;

demonstrate the capabilities of (software or another product).

in fact 'beta' is used incorrectly as the term “beta” refers to a product’s stage of development.. you can't really release a stage of development, but you can release a demonstration of a current stage of development.

Jees kids these days.. try going back to the 80's and getting a demo cassette of a spectrum mag.. none of us got beta cassettes :stuck_out_tongue:
johnthehuman to haritori
6 Oct 17 #34
We didn't get betas because we got full releases on Speccy or Amstrad. They had to, since it was shipped out on a tape, and they couldn't just patch a tape after release.

Technically all games are rolling betas now, since games are constantly being developed, even after release. It's one thing I hate about modern gaming.

Imagine if you bought a book, and then in a few weeks the author decided to change chapter 7, so they sent you some new pages to read :grin:
haritori to johnthehuman
6 Oct 17 #36
there were plenty of demos on older consoles.
6 Oct 17 #35
Not a deal
6 Oct 17 #33
Not sure you can call this particular beta a demo if you have to commit to buying the full game first...! If you don't enjoy the demo you've already bought the game!
6 Oct 17 #31
Multiplayer betas are pretty much demos of a online game, they say it's to test the servers but it's clearly a marketing plan to sell more copy's of the game. Will be downloading it and giving it a play but very much doubt I will buy it unless the campaign gets favable reviews.
6 Oct 17 #30
We’ve already had the beta/demo debate, don’t cause a is it a deal/ not a deal debate too
6 Oct 17 #28
Looking forward to trying this. Although it’s not really a deal, there’s new free demos released several times every month for various games...
dr_spaceman to WaxMechaniK
6 Oct 17 #29
It is a deal as only available for a few days! :grin:
6 Oct 17 #15
Call it what you like.. It really does not matter does it.
All I am 100% sure of is I have never liked Star Wars! :smile:
JB74 to QuickProfits
6 Oct 17 #27
How can you not like R2D2..... that little tin rascal, he gets up to all kinds of mischief.
I do think he would have been better with a mexican handlebar moustache though :face_with_monocle:
6 Oct 17 #26
It's on Xbox as well. Thanks for the heads up OP Downloading now!
6 Oct 17 #25
Cold, can't camp a hero pickup, then spawn kill with Bossk. They've taken all the fun away...
6 Oct 17 #2
It's a Multiplayer Open Beta, not a demo :wink:
manc80 to johnthehuman
6 Oct 17 #3
Does it not also act to demonstrate the product.
paulj48 to manc80
6 Oct 17 #5
As this wont be the end released product then I'd say no.
Smadmad to paulj48
6 Oct 17 #24
No demo ever is.
johnthehuman to manc80
6 Oct 17 #6
Nope, this isn't representative of the final product. It's beta. You're supposed to play it to report any bugs / glitches etc.
QuickProfits to manc80
6 Oct 17 #7
No its multiplayer beta access.
manc80 to QuickProfits
6 Oct 17 #8
So it's not demonstrating the multiplayer element in its current beta state? I think most people will be using it as such rather than to report bugs. Especially given its proximity to the release date.
QuickProfits to manc80
6 Oct 17 #11
You don't report them yourself. The developers are watching to see what happens and will adjust things accordingly.

A beta is testing the game for bugs and other issues.

A demo is promotional. They may well release a demo in the near future. You will know if they do because it will be called a demo.
6 Oct 17 #23
Now that I think about it... games that get released are not the final product either lol
6 Oct 17 #22
I'll put an end to this... neither a demo or beta is the final product :thumbsup:
6 Oct 17 #18
Who gives a crap if it's a demo or a beta, just play it and decide whether or not you are going to buy it.
manc80 to fuzzle3
6 Oct 17 #20
Don't decide based on this!!! It's not a demo for Christs sake !
condracky to fuzzle3
6 Oct 17 #21
Because you're not a "real gamer" (aka sadact) unless you get these things right.
6 Oct 17 #19
It's open to everyone, not just people who pre-ordered
6 Oct 17 #16
These comments are less Star Wars and more Nerd Wars.
manc80 to condracky
6 Oct 17 #17
Hhaha! blame being bored at work. Was just fun to wind up the usual forum pedant who gets hung up on these things!
6 Oct 17 #14…-en

The existence of this forum begs to differ.
6 Oct 17 #4
I didn’t know I’ve downloaded from my phone psn app so i will try when come back home
6 Oct 17 #1
Was playing this on my Xbox last night, great fun :grin:
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