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 iTunes Bladerunner in 4K - £5.99
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iTunes Bladerunner in 4K - £5.99

£5.99 iTunes6 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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6 Oct 17
Another iTunes deal so expecting cold votes.

a sci fi classic with 4K stream available for £5.99 seems a deal to me
All comments (41)
6 Oct 17 #1
"Another iTunes deal so expecting cold votes."

Yup :smile:
6 Oct 17 #2
Surely nobody can vote cold when this film is involved! I'd love to see this in 4k, its stunning in 1080p.

Went to see the new one yesterday, was really good but the original always wins for me as its a timeless classic!
hopper_papa_roac to Toon_army
6 Oct 17 #4
I love the first Bladerunner and have seen most releases of it but I prefer the sequel saw it yesterday as well and was amazed with the visuals.
6 Oct 17 #3
Nice deal, does anyone know whether it’s available on Netflix/Now TV/Amazon Prime as I has them all and I fancy watching it tonight?! Never seen it :thinking:
dunny06 to foxymeister
6 Oct 17 #7
I watched it on now tv last weekend so it should still be on.
foxymeister to dunny06
6 Oct 17 #12
Thanks, I’ll check tonight when I’ve finished at work
dunny06 to foxymeister
6 Oct 17 #13
I've just checked and it's still on now tv. You'll find it in the sky fi on now tv section
IgnatiusJ to foxymeister
6 Oct 17 #15
It is on their "Last chance" list o time is running out on NowTV. You'd better watch it soon before it drops off NowTV. Note - their version is not the "Final Cut" version.
6 Oct 17 #5
Heat from me, great film
6 Oct 17 #6
It’s been this price for ages tbf, but now you get the bonus of 4K

If you check the Cheap Charts app, Apple reduced about 800 films this week (most not 4K mind)
garryallen to mango.carrot
6 Oct 17 #8
It was £7.99 last time I looked at it. Think it goes up and down.
mango.carrot to garryallen
6 Oct 17 #9

Apologies, I must have bought it back in April, it did indeed go back up in price
6 Oct 17 #10
One other thing, there’s a lot of complaints about the colours being off on the 4K version - something to keep in mind
6 Oct 17 #11
Another Franchise they should have left alone
AK.Gunners to jayjayuk1234
6 Oct 17 #20
Have to disagree. It could have gone pear shaped but the sequel is great and doesn't take anything away from the original.
condracky to jayjayuk1234
6 Oct 17 #21
Why? Are you another one of those with an irrational fear of sequels/remakes/reboots? The don't lessen the original in any way.

(also 2049 is stellar)
jayjayuk1234 to condracky
6 Oct 17 #26
No, just sick of remakes and sequels..

Plenty of spec scripts, but Hollywood play safe, and most of the time screw them up so much they cast a shadow on the original.

It might not have been a disaster on this occasion, but cult classics like this should be left alone.

Not seen 2049, but part of the intrigue of Blade Runner was the unanswered questions, i don't need them answered, i have an imagination...

No doubt if this made money, they will make another..... and another....... sigh
fishmaster to jayjayuk1234
6 Oct 17 #29
You're wrong, the sequel shows how you can still make a great sequel even after 35 years. Your loss if you don't go and see it.
crazylegs to fishmaster
6 Oct 17 #30
Nobody is wrong, you are entitled to your opinion just as Jayjay is, move along and don't sweat it! :nerd:
Mark43 to jayjayuk1234
6 Oct 17 #34
You realise you don't have to watch it? Its getting a lot of praise and a lot of people who loved the original are very excited about it, so I can't see how its a bad thing.
xenophon to condracky
7 Oct 17 #39
No he's probably like me who has a rational fear of sequels and remakes. Would only be "irrational" if the majority of them were better or as good as the first/original, and as we know that it is rarely the case.

Going to the cinema tonight. Hoping it's one of those few exceptions to the rule.
6 Oct 17 #14
Where does it say it's in 4K?
6 Oct 17 #16
The one on Now TV is the one from Sky Movies Cinema which is the cinema release, not The Final Cut.
foxymeister to sJohnson23
6 Oct 17 #17
Would you recommend that I buy the final cut? Thanks
Gormond to sJohnson23
6 Oct 17 #18
Is that the one with the "happy" ending?
sJohnson23 to Gormond
6 Oct 17 #22
Cinema cut - voiceover, happy ending (actually nicked from The Shining)
Director's cut - no voiceover, based on Scott's notes
Final cut - Scott's preferred, very strong hints that Deckard is a replicant himself

There's also a few others out there such as the workprint cut - I prefer the Final Cut but it really is a personal preference thing.
cheapskate25 to sJohnson23
6 Oct 17 #32
It wasn't nicked, they asked Stanley Kubrick if he had any footage from his wilderness shots used for The Shining, amazingly about, 30,000 feet of film (27,000 feet is about 10 hours) arrived for the Blade Runner team to go through!
6 Oct 17 #19
I have the standard Blu-ray and was interested in the 4k version but reviews say it's very grainy so I'm not sure.

This is a great price so hot from me - although how do you play this without an Apple TV?
mango.carrot to Gormond
6 Oct 17 #23
You’d only really be able to watch it on computer (via iTunes) or iOS device without the Apple TV
Gormond to mango.carrot
6 Oct 17 #24
Yeah that makes it pretty useless to me - far more convenient on Amazon or Google.
tarantulas to mango.carrot
6 Oct 17 #35
Could always use Requiem on the file after downloading it from itunes, then you can watch on any device.

Final Cut is best cut. :smile:
slipd to tarantulas
6 Oct 17 #36
Thanks! Are the endings the only thing that is different?
tarantulas to slipd
6 Oct 17 #38
Workprint - This was shown to test audiences in Denver and Dallas in March 1982. It was also seen in 1990 and 1991 in Los Angeles and San Francisco as a "Director's Cut" without the approval of director Ridley Scott.

Sneak Preview - This was shown to a San Diego audience only once in May 1982. It's nearly identical to the 1982 US theatrical version, except that it included three additional scenes not shown before or since, including the Final Cut version. The three scenes were cut as a result of this showing.

US Theatrical - Released in June 1982. Narration was added and a happy ending tacked on by the film's backers who were worried the workprint was much too dark and confusing. Ridley Scott was essentially locked out of the editing room.

International Cut - Also known as the "Criterion Edition" or uncut version, included three more violent action scenes than the US theatrical version.

Director’s Cut - The impetus behind this was actually a screening of the original workprint that went over very well with the audience. The studio realized there was demand for a cut that hewed closer to Scott's original vision. Scott provided extensive notes and consultation to Warner Bros., although film preservationist/restorer Michael Arick was put in charge of creating the Director's Cut.

Final Cut - The only version Ridley Scott had complete control over. The Final Cut contains the original full-length version of the unicorn dream, which had never been in any version. Additionally, all of the additional violence and alternate edits from the international cut have been inserted.…ner for fuller descriptions of each cut.
6 Oct 17 #25
I think I'm the only one who found this film boring, gave up halfway through.
mango.carrot to Sidney1979
6 Oct 17 #28
Nope, I pretty much hated every minute of it
6 Oct 17 #27
I can only see HD (720) or sd, am I missing something with the 4k? Any help would be appreciated
KIT786 to Walshinho
6 Oct 17 #37
6 Oct 17 #31
The opening statement of the year in which the film is set ruins the entire thing for me, small detail but I’m sure in a couple of years time the world will not be that different (unless Trump gets an itchy trigger finger)
6 Oct 17 #33
Looking to get this in again before going to see the latest one next week... which version of the original in generally considered to be the best/definitive these days?

Heat OP.
xenophon to slipd
7 Oct 17 #40
I would say it doesn't really matter. Watch the final cut if you can, but any version is fine. There is very little difference and I love every one including the first which I still have a soft spot for.
8 Oct 17 #41
The other thing to note is that this one didn’t have any iTunes extras before the move to 4K and now they’ve added them. As I love all the behind the scenes and other stuff I was quite pleased to see these, even though I’ve got the US Blu-ray of all 5 versions as well
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