1785 books to choose from. Game Of Thrones, Harry Potter, Handmaids Tale, American Gods, Sapiens, Homo Deus, Northern Lights ... etc
10 Oct 17#15
Bought Sapiens, Homo Deus, Prisoners of Geography, Happy (Derren Brown), When breath becomes air and Harry Potter and the Cursed child
Thanks OP
6 Oct 17#14
Don't forget to use your local library, rather than buy books too.
6 Oct 17#12
Bought some books for xmas holiday, probably going to have a lot of free time to read :smile: Cheers OP
5 Oct 17#11
Lots of Lee Child in the promotion. Voted Hot.
5 Oct 17#10
Thanks - promotional discount seems to be applied just before checkout / when you change your delivery options to free delivery.
5 Oct 17#9
Great deal, is there any way to refine by genre??
5 Oct 17#5
Great deal thanks
5 Oct 17#4
Thanks OP. Heat added!!!
5 Oct 17#3
Would thoroughly recommend Sapiens and Homo Deus.
BrandoX to Sephian
5 Oct 17#7
Those were the two i went for immediately, then I spent about an hour trying to pick my 3rd qualifying book and couldn't really find anything decent (I don't do fiction).
gslgregory to Sephian
5 Oct 17#8
Cheers. Currently reading (and enjoying) Sapiens so will go for Homo Deus on your recommendation
Bomazu to Sephian
6 Oct 17#13
Agreed. Great and profound analysis of mankind with these books.
5 Oct 17#1
my 3 books in the promotion are more than £10, not working for me.
triobot to mymymy
5 Oct 17#2
Offer only applies to Qualifying Items purchased and dispatched from Amazon.co.uk. It does not apply to purchases made from third-party sellers at Amazon.co.uk’s Marketplace platform.
amzzzzyyyy to mymymy
5 Oct 17#6
Same iv added 3 children books all with the 3 for £10 offer and its 13£ in checkout
Opening post
Thanks OP
Voted Hot.