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8 Sep 17
Always a popular one!

Use code 'LEDXYUK' at checkout to receive discounted price. (Must be logged in).

Xiaomi Yeelight RGBW E27 Smart LED Bulb is a great addition to Xiaomi Yeelight Series, which enhances the lighting experience of your daily life. It features 16 million colors RGB light and 1700-6500K adjustable white light, offering you the most wonderful ambient lighting. With WiFi technology, you can control your light from your bedroom to your backyard. What's more, is has a ultra long lifetime of up to 11 years. Therefore, you don't even have to think about replacing a bulb!

Main Features:
16 millions colors at your fingertip, romantic ambient light decorates your life
1700-6500K adjustable white light: Wide range temperature adjustment, fulfilling all your needs
WiFi remote control: Stable and high-speed transmission, everything is just in your hand
● More possibilities: Works with MIJIA, IFTTT and supports open API
Ultra long lifetime of up to 11 years, you don't even have to think about replacing a bulb
● Capable of providing fancy lighting for 30sq.m. room
Group control: Control a singe bulb or group bulbs all at your fingertip
Easy to use, install the bulb, download the App, connect the bulb to your network, then enjoy smart lighting
All comments (60)
8 Sep 17 #1
Always a popular one!

Use code 'LEDXYUK' at checkout to receive discounted price. (Must be logged in).

Xiaomi Yeelight RGBW E27 Smart LED Bulb is a great addition to Xiaomi Yeelight Series, which enhances the lighting experience of your daily life. It features 16 million colors RGB light and 1700-6500K adjustable white light, offering you the most wonderful ambient lighting. With WiFi technology, you can control your light from your bedroom to your backyard. What's more, is has a ultra long lifetime of up to 11 years. Therefore, you don't even have to think about replacing a bulb!

Main Features:
16 millions colors at your fingertip, romantic ambient light decorates your life
1700-6500K adjustable white light: Wide range temperature adjustment, fulfilling all your needs
WiFi remote control: Stable and high-speed transmission, everything is just in your hand
● More possibilities: Works with MIJIA, IFTTT and supports open API
Ultra long lifetime of up to 11 years, you don't even have to think about replacing a bulb
● Capable of providing fancy lighting for 30sq.m. room
Group control: Control a singe bulb or group bulbs all at your fingertip
Easy to use, install the bulb, download the App, connect the bulb to your network, then enjoy smart lighting
8 Sep 17 #2
Do I need another one? No. Am I tempted? Yes.
itsjustme to EN1GMA
8 Sep 17 #7
Do I need another one? No. Have I just bought one? Yes

I'm actually going to need to buy more lamps to put the things in...
8 Sep 17 #3
I think the site should have a separate section just for gearbest and banggood
8 Sep 17 #4
WTF... lol. I'm just going to wait until they start paying us to take these off theri hands...
8 Sep 17 #5
What did I say yesterday about a price war?
8 Sep 17 #6
this is about half the price I paid for the first one or two I got. I thought just under £9 was good last week. don't need anymore though
8 Sep 17 #8
very tempted - I already own a couple and work well, not that bright but good for mood lighting.
I also wish they sold them with bayonet rather than ES - using adaptors is annoying.
bellboys to happylarry
8 Sep 17 #26
You could always buy Philips Hue bayonet versions for about 50 quid if that annoyance gets the better of you... :grin:
8 Sep 17 #9
Haha, I've already bought two in the last few days... I really don't need anymore but at this price
8 Sep 17 #10
Do you need a bridge to get these working or are they like the TP link bulbs that plug straight in and work?
m600 to NFS
8 Sep 17 #11
No bridge,just use the yeelight app.
8 Sep 17 #12
Didn't need. Bought anyway. 5 and counting.
murkr to mrdaymun
8 Sep 17 #14
Idiots like you that ruin it for those that do want one!
Dabstar to murkr
8 Sep 17 #15
I think they mean they have 5 bulbs and counting as you can only buy one per account using the code. They didn't buy 5 in one go.

Did you log in first?
murkr to Dabstar
8 Sep 17 #16
Well they said Bought 5 and counting... I assume they got 1 at a time and tried for more... Yes I did says expired after I put the code in
mrdaymun to murkr
8 Sep 17 #21
I only bought one. I have 5 in total in my house now. Are they rare? When I say I didn't need it I meant that I already have a standard bulb in the socket it is going to go in, not that I won't use it.

I'm not sure what effect my having a house full of them will have on anybody else.
murkr to mrdaymun
8 Sep 17 #24
My bad.. I jumped the gun a bit :smile: Apologies
mrdaymun to murkr
8 Sep 17 #28
That's no problem :smile: I'm glad you got one, they are blummin awesome :smile:
BigBuds to murkr
8 Sep 17 #22
is idiots like you who didn't read op. you need to be signed in. its still wor
8 Sep 17 #13
The Code you entered has expired.‌ :disappointed:
8 Sep 17 #17
Thanks ordered, code worked
8 Sep 17 #18
No worries got it to work!
8 Sep 17 #19
Seem to have missed out this time but I'm sure another mega offer will be along soon lol....

Edit: Nope, code worked so another bulb ordered. Up to 6 now (i think lol)
8 Sep 17 #20
Worked for me for 1 bulb only.
Cheers OP!.
8 Sep 17 #23
Ordered one to try thanks!
8 Sep 17 #25
Ordered thanks OP
8 Sep 17 #27
Just ordered and code worked
8 Sep 17 #29
Thank you OP. Just got one for £6.94 :smile:
8 Sep 17 #30
Not working for me
Dabstar to HasnainMajeed
8 Sep 17 #35
Keep trying randomly and make sure you're logged in... will work at some point I would think.
8 Sep 17 #31
I've already got 5 ordered from 2 deal posts previously ... I'm tempted to buy 2 more now :ninja:
8 Sep 17 #32
Did not work!
8 Sep 17 #33
Code isn't working for me
8 Sep 17 #34
code not working
8 Sep 17 #36
was resisting from months finally gave up at this price thanks op
8 Sep 17 #37
every time i put the promotional code in it takes me back to the sign in page! been umming and arring about this post wasn't quite sure whether to get it or not so i guess it's my own fault 'if your not fast your last'
Dabstar to phoebegrace
8 Sep 17 #38
I think it only does that when your not logged in??
phoebegrace to Dabstar
8 Sep 17 #41
thanks but i have logged in about 10 times
8 Sep 17 #39
For me it increases the price, im logged in
Dabstar to HasnainMajeed
8 Sep 17 #45
They maybe have a daily limit as to how many they'll sell at this price like they did they xiaomi watch.. took a couple days for me to get it. If your keen try again tomorrow morning and it might work but either way they'll appear very shortly at around the same price if not lower.
plebbygiraffe to Dabstar
8 Sep 17 #55
Codes for these are usually limited to 100 pieces, sometimes 50.

Gearbest post coupons around forums and always state the limit, the editors here don't though.
8 Sep 17 #40
logged in code never work for ME--

itsjustme to bagga212
8 Sep 17 #52
Why cold? Was it not a good deal?

Unfair to vote cold just because you missed out
bagga212 to itsjustme
8 Sep 17 #53
its not unfair to vote cold. if
1. the code doesn't work
2. the deal ended and it was not expired

3. this is not the first time i tried.
itsjustme to bagga212
8 Sep 17 #54
There is an expired button for this purpose. Do you expect the person who posted to constantly check the deal is still available?

Unless people try, find it isn't working, and then report it as expired then it won't get marked as expired.

The deal expired, it wasn't cold, some of us got the item at the price posted, hence why it got as hot as it did.
bagga212 to itsjustme
8 Sep 17 #56
yeah i pressed the epixred button before i voted cold.
Should you have a spare bulb happy to send you money via PAYAL :lipstick:
bellboys to bagga212
9 Sep 17 #58
BooHoo....what a cry baby. Code worked for many people, including me. But, you know what, if it hadn't worked for me for whatever reason I wouldn't have been so cretinous as to vote cold when somebody has taken the time to post a deal for others to gain from...
bagga212 to bellboys
9 Sep 17 #59
Boo you lol
8 Sep 17 #42
I jut ordered, code worked and dropped the price, after selecting the delivery and clicking to complete the sale the price went back up to £10.80. Anyone else get this?
8 Sep 17 #43
Yeah tells me coffee has expired. Tried a few times. :disappointed: ... And this was with me logged in.
8 Sep 17 #44
code expired
8 Sep 17 #46
Code expired
8 Sep 17 #47
Yup.. code expired
8 Sep 17 #48
Expired. Logged in okay, code put up price to £17.
8 Sep 17 #49
They seem to often release codes in batches, so it's worth trying again later in the day as they often seem to suddenly become active again
8 Sep 17 #50
Code expired even when i logged in
8 Sep 17 #51
As with every single code I've ever tried with these lot, the prices goes up.
8 Sep 17 #57
Anyone got a link for an adaptor that doesn't add too much girth and isn't expensive. £1 delivered would be ideal!
11 Sep 17 #60
Tried code but says expired :-(
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