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8 Sep 17
Previous deals gone and missed and this is best price i can see this morning

Use code 11bgnote41

** Code Updated **
Latest comments (83)
2 Oct 17 #83
I bought my Mi6 from banggood about 3months ago no customs mine came by Swiss post marked as gift a MP4 player with a value of $21.85. Now on the top of mine where it says from it has THIS FASHION printed in it then where it says if undeliverable please return to it says ASENDIA HKG 0000921 so there don't appear to be any reference to banggood so i wonder if that could be the difference has yours got the same or different
2 Oct 17 #82
Same here, bought 4 mobile phones from aliexexpress, never got charged custom. Think it's the airlines that TomTop are using.
2 Oct 17 #81
I had to pay customs charge too
2 Oct 17 #80
Another with a Customs charge also!

All other Xiaomi phones that i bought from AliExpress , never had a charge.
1 Oct 17 #79…uty
Apparently VAT is not applicable to gifts from abroad, if below £39 so I thought that might have been the reason for the difference but it must have been something else then. Perhaps yours and most other people's arrived in a batch together, with the exact same customs declaration, so they knew it wasn't actually a gift.
1 Oct 17 #78
Yeh it was marked as gift!
30 Sep 17 #77
FOLLOW UP - For anyone who maybe looking through this thread, My purchase came after 22 days and had to pay further £11.42 customs before delivery. Cashback pending at £7.80 Total paid £117.71 minus cash back if it happens. First impression - Looks and feels cheap in black compared to my Umi Max, in gold, which I paid similar for. No UK plug, headphones, screen protector or basic case. Not that it was advertised with any of that but have received it with other similar priced phone.
30 Sep 17 #76
Was yours marked as a gift? Someone else who didn't get charged mentioned theirs being declared as a gift:…857

I wonder if that was the determining factor or if it was just luck. It seems like the majority of buyers got charged though.
30 Sep 17 #75
Ok, that's how they estimated the fee, they put down an mp4 player at 21.94
30 Sep 17 #74
The packaging didn't seem to have been opened. Don't have a clue how they estimated the custom fee.
30 Sep 17 #73
UK or England doesn't appear when you set the region up.. it's the global edition one too..
30 Sep 17 #72
It's calculated based on what is written on the customs declaration form. Banggood seem to declare it as $22 or so regardless of the actual phone price. Some people on a recent Banggood Mi5s thread which was around £175 also got the same charge of around £11.50. See here<

$22 value = £16.50
20% VAT = £3.30
£3.30 + £8 handling fee

If Banggood declared it at full price then the charge would have been around £29 since 20% VAT of £105 = £21.
30 Sep 17 #71
I also have a £11.53 custom charge card. Did they open the box to inspect the phone inside? Just wondering if a much more expensive phone would incur a higher fee.
30 Sep 17 #70
Customs charge here too
30 Sep 17 #69
Thanks Dreadzone, Updated and now all fine
30 Sep 17 #68
Just went and collected mine from my local PO, unfortunately I had to pay the custom and handling as well, totall came up to 11.34.
30 Sep 17 #67
It should appear as one of the regions when you update your phone. See here:…499

The lack of UK as an option used to get mentioned quite a lot on older Xiaomi threads but it didn't affect anything. I think the only impact that region setting has is regarding differences in OTA updates being pushed out. E.g this phone set to Singapore region may get a new update before another one which is set to Spain.
30 Sep 17 #66
Surprised that UK wasn't one of the region options when doing the set up. Don't know how important that setting is?
30 Sep 17 #65
£8 is a bit harsh. There have been some who've managed to get the fee returned quote some section of the Postal Act, but not looked into that in any detail yet. If nothing else cashback will cover most of the cost if it pays out!
30 Sep 17 #64
I ordered two and no customs on either it's a lucky dip
30 Sep 17 #63
I lost the customs roulette as well. £11.52, of which £8 is the Royal Mail "Handling charge".
£8 charge to pay a £3.52 charge - ridiculous.
29 Sep 17 #62
My one picked up a f***ng customs charge.. 20% + £8 :rage:
29 Sep 17 #61
finally had movement on mine!

2017-09-28 00:00 Your item, posted on 28/09/17 with reference RX193543835CH has been received at our international mail centre and is being made ready for despatch overseas.
26 Sep 17 #60
Still chuffing waiting! 11 days and counting!

This case looks pretty mental…e17
23 Sep 17 #59
I haven't tried this specifically as I don't own this phone but I have installed many custom ROMs before. At first it might seem like a daunting task but it's not as scary as you might think. I believe it's almost (if not completely) impossible to software brick your phone to an entirely unrecoverable state. Earlier today, another member, on a different thread mentioned having installed in on theirs. See here:…731

It has been mentioned a number of times on older threads too. There will be people out there who can assist you, if you were to try it but got stuck.
23 Sep 17 #58
Have you tried it before? I'm scared to brick a phone I only just got! :grin:
23 Sep 17 #57
I ordered the 3/32GB one, then I ordered the 4/64GB one. Gave the 3/32GB one to my wife. Still very happy with it 3 months on.
23 Sep 17 #56
Ordered on 9th September and arrived on 21st. First impressions are that it's amazing value for money. I wish I'd ordered two as this one is a gift for my daughter.
23 Sep 17 #55
If you want similar to stock Android experience then you could install custom ROM such as LineageOS<
23 Sep 17 #54
Just got mine yesterday but I hate the miui. Is it just me missing the whole android experience?
I used to be able to (on my wileyfox swift phone) quick reply to texts and WhatsApp messages from the notification panel which I can't do anymore. I also can't split screen and multitask on this miui.
Plus why is it trying to be so much like an iOS interface? I like having an android feel to my phone
22 Sep 17 #53
Got the 137 note 4 global edition. Nice for the money. The Miui rom is like lenovo it's missing an app drawer and I put Google now launcher on but it won't stay loaded. A micro and nano for the 2 sims is a bit odd why not make it same size, means I'll have to use an adapter as these 3 sim sims aren't always the same dimension. Noticed 3g watchdog not counting data I suspect it must use sim 1 so will have to swap them. Battery didn't seem brilliant compared to others what saying I find it average, got to charge it a few times to get max capacity though. Will report any more niggles. Quite happy
22 Sep 17 #52
Mine arrived yesterday... excellent phone for the money
22 Sep 17 #51
I ordered mine on the saturday , so probably a day or 2 behind you..... I hope!
21 Sep 17 #50
Tried to deliver today but out
20 Sep 17 #49
I have now got arrival at UK border so nearly here
20 Sep 17 #48
Anyone got theirs yet?

This is last update i have had on shipment......

2017-09-15 18:01 Asendia Hong Kong The consignment has left the origin border point
16 Sep 17 #47
Any way to get a new code for this? 11bgnote41 appears to expired.
16 Sep 17 #46
Difference between Redmi note 4 and the global edition?
9 Sep 17 #45
Have just ordered this phone. Topcashback tracked within minutes. Hope all goes well as this is my first phone bought from HK/China :dizzy_face:
8 Sep 17 #44
Thanks very much
8 Sep 17 #43
Might provide some protection…rch

Trying to find the Spigen Hybrid for the Note 4 but seems to only be available in India which is unfortunate!
8 Sep 17 #42
Had this phone for about a week and the quality of the calls are awful..
Ive googled this problem and it seems a common problem even with the new system update.
Sounds like the phone is in the bottom of a bucket and loads of echo..
8 Sep 17 #41
Anyone got a link for clear gel case that fits this ?
8 Sep 17 #39
any chance another code will come out @ 5pm, this code and yesterday has been used 1000
mattygc2004 to REAL_DEAL
8 Sep 17 #40
The other code worked for a few days on an off ...not sure about this code but live chat are pretty helpful at letting u know
8 Sep 17 #38
I ordered a 4GB version of this from the Xiaomi MC store on Aliexpress a while ago (29th August) and it's still processing / awaiting shipment. Is this par for the course or can I expect the order to get cancelled?
8 Sep 17 #37
Has anyone had problems with the miui mail app not working since updating to 7.5?
I can't open it, it just crashes.
8 Sep 17 #34
The code has reached 1000 so now expired :disappointed:
mattygc2004 to leet
8 Sep 17 #36
I'm told the codes refresh daily at midnight Chinese time I'd try the code from other post later 9BGESRN432
8 Sep 17 #35
8 Sep 17 #30
Thanks! Went for this. Anyone know if you need to ask Banggood to 'adjust' the value for customs? Opted for dropship so no company logo's on the package.

I'll be back for help when it arrives what with it being a Chinese phone with spyware, viruses and malware.. :unamused:
7777777 to Dusty
8 Sep 17 #5
Global rom is clean of any [email protected] I would recommend changing rom for developers version of miui global though, as the stable 7.0 is not really an Android Nougat . Mine came with 'adjusted' value and the customs charge - £11.24 in total , out of which £8 was the Royal Mail handling charge.
redfox79 to 7777777
8 Sep 17 #6
Forgive my ignorance. What is the advantage of changing rom for developers version of miui global. Would you be able to point me in the right direction so I can read up on this please? Thanks J.
7777777 to redfox79
8 Sep 17 #33
battery life on developers rom seems much better (no heavy drain on standby), full Nougat experience, weekly updates (OTA) etc.…tml

Easy guide…tml
8 Sep 17 #32
Just ordered, really good value for the specification you are getting. Just boost up the camera quality in phone settings to improve the camera quality and no NFC means you just have to slot your wireless debit or credit card in the back your the phone protective case (if you have a case). Bit of a risk on customs charges but most people say the item is delivered without it, even if you do have to pay it still good value I think. J
8 Sep 17 #25
These Xiaomi smartphones are making iPhone 10th anniversay launch for approx £1000 obscenely overpriced.

May well jump ship permanently at this rate, especially if I can get android looking like iOS....any tips on this appreciated
robertvan1 to deany76
8 Sep 17 #31
Miui is already quite similar to iOS. I believe it was designed this way for the Chinese market.
8 Sep 17 #29
Thanks - I've bagged one
8 Sep 17 #15
Just read something from Android Central about not buying 32Gb phones - something to do with the amount of space Nougat takes up:-…017

Got the 4/64Gb version of this phone about 6 weeks ago for £130 after TCB.
Reading1800 to Rebel_1980
8 Sep 17 #22
But it says not applicable if upgrading from marshmallow. These will ship on marshmallow and Nougat will be available ota. Having said that, mines not as slick now on Nougat for some reason.
Rebel_1980 to Reading1800
8 Sep 17 #26
And the Note 4/4x are due to be updated with Nougat .....
dreadzone101 to Rebel_1980
8 Sep 17 #28
I think you're misunderstanding their comment. Out of the box, these come with Marshmallow but can be updated to Nougat. The article is about phones which ship with Nougat.

"that means the space taken up by the OS on a Nougat-shipping phone could be double that of a comparable model on Marshmallow. It's important to note that this only applies to phones that ship with Android 7.0 and up — upgrading from Marshmallow to Nougat won't suddenly make you lose a bunch of extra space."
8 Sep 17 #27
brought mine with 11bgnote4 took it to £105.89 hopefully topcashback too 7%. (£97.87 fingers crossed) If you have a Halifax clarity credit card that does not charge for currency exchange, buy in dollars should works out about £102.67 Not used bang good before so fingers crossed all runs smoothly.

TCB status - pending. Tracked as £103.07 sale, cash back £7.80 Hope they pay out!
8 Sep 17 #24
Didn't use topcashback but not able to cancel. Just get a pop up saying "can't cancel" each time I try.
8 Sep 17 #23
Ordered, thanks.
8 Sep 17 #17
Used yesterday's hot deal link with TCB, worked out slightly cheaper. Thanks op
mattygc2004 to mistermoneysaver
8 Sep 17 #21
That code is going to come back at 5pm today but there is no guarantee what price that will be. ( Was on live chat asking about when codes work when ) they said 5 yesterday but came on at 3.30
For info live chat
8 Sep 17 #14
Cheers forgot about TCB though
Rebel_1980 to LordKelly
8 Sep 17 #16
I did that first time round, then I cancelled that Order and re-ordered it through TCB.
Burgmeister to Rebel_1980
8 Sep 17 #18
How long do you have to cancel?

Mind you, if I cancel then I'll probably go to re-order only to find the code no longer works!
Rebel_1980 to Burgmeister
8 Sep 17 #19
Cancel before it ships.
Burgmeister to Rebel_1980
8 Sep 17 #20
Is that by clicking "request refund"?
8 Sep 17 #13
code worked fine for me just now - reduced price to £105.89 - ordered, thanks OP!
8 Sep 17 #7
Finally caved in and bought it! 7% topcashback helps too!
Burgmeister to SClub
8 Sep 17 #12
Bum! Forgot that.
8 Sep 17 #10
Code does not seem to work. AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG?
Houstieboy to Ethel.Mason
8 Sep 17 #11
Yeah, your caps lock key appears to be stuck...
8 Sep 17 #4
Received mine yesterday, just about two weeks after ordering from"Xiaomi Retail Store" on AliExpress. Customs sticker noted phone at £45 and I wasn't dinged any extra customs charges.

Got the gel case and glass screen protector also just in case they were difficult to locate here.

Plug is European style but the package included a UK travel adapter.

For £125 all in which is what I paid, this phone looks and responds like something you'd pay £300 for here. I'd definitely buy a Xiaomi again.

Also was impressed with AliExpress. Lots of comms. I love how the Chinese sellers write to you like buying their product is the biggest favour you could have done them. English sellers could learn a lesson.
Rebel_1980 to Dando83
8 Sep 17 #9
I bought both this one and the 64Gb one - got the 64Gb when it was on a good offer but you have to be eagle-eyed!! Got the following cases for them:-…F4h
8 Sep 17 #8
Wife,s Xmas sorted.cheers
8 Sep 17 #3
Cheers. Missed yesterday's deal so went for this. Hopefully won't get hit by import duty, VAT etc.
8 Sep 17 #2
That will do nicely and there's my wife's new phone ordered
8 Sep 17 #1
That's a good bang for yer buck...!!! :laughing:
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