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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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8 Sep 17
Use code 11bgnote41 to bring price down by £11,77. You can choose either black or gold color, the price stays the same and the code actually works. I already have this phone and this is a steal at this price, great value.
All comments (112)
8 Sep 17 #1
Don't think this really needed a repost for a few pence difference from earlier.
ANDYGUY to Deedie
8 Sep 17 #4
The earlier deal had expired when i tried to buy one 4 hours ago,or rather the discount code had expired as it was only good for 500 units to sell.
Tarquin8484 to Deedie
8 Sep 17 #6
What's really not needed is your pointless post. These banggood deals expire in a matter of hours/minutes. "Reposts" are pretty much essential to keep up.

From where do people keep getting these weird and wonderful discount codes?
8 Sep 17 #2
decent find, ordered one, tia
8 Sep 17 #3
Bought one thanks. Also 6% Quidco available.
8 Sep 17 #5
2 folks purchased the phones on the back of this post says it was a worth posting imho
8 Sep 17 #7
Purchased so thanks op... bought through topcashback and final price came to £97.85p..
What phone can i get in the UK for that? Anyone
zajczex to ANDYGUY
9 Sep 17 #25
From their site:
What will stop me getting cashback?
  • Using a promotional/voucher code not posted and approved by TopCashback.
8 Sep 17 #8
For some reason my cashback tracked at 7.57% on a purchase price of £103.07?
baldude to Dusty
9 Sep 17 #27
Purchase I had made a week ago using code, TCB just updated to payable at 0.
Just heads up that BG is now clever.
8 Sep 17 #9
This or the new one that's about to come out?
compadre to damienace
8 Sep 17 #10
Make your own mind up!
damienace to compadre
8 Sep 17 #11
I can't because i'm about to be new to this brand, i'm getting the v30 but want to try one of these and have for a backup phone. And maybe i future if they are as good as you guys say they are i may never go back to Samsung,LG ect.
dreadzone101 to damienace
8 Sep 17 #14
I think you mentioned the V30 in another Xiaomi thread and then wondered about Xiaomi using edge to edge displays?

They will be unveiling the successor to their Mi Mix 'bezel-less' phone, in a few days:…php…php…php

It looks similar to the design of S8+ and V30, minus the top bezel. It will be high spec too. The Mi Note 3 might also be revealed alongside it too. Another 'flagship'. Wait a while, scrap the V30 plan and instead of getting a taster for Xiaomi with their mid range, just go head first and get a flagship :relaxed: (not being serious btw)
damienace to dreadzone101
8 Sep 17 #15
Haha, i would never spend £300+ on an import from bangood, it's a good job that you was joing. However i did do some research into that and the phone does look stunning. I also read it's for China only.
dreadzone101 to damienace
8 Sep 17 #17
The majority of Xiaomi phones are China only at the beginning. A few never get released outside of China or even receive Global ROM. Uncertain what will be the case for Mi Mix 2 though. I think their Mi6 flagship got a wider release compared to its predecessors so they could potentially do the same for the Mi Mix 2. If it does occur though, it'll take quite a while after initial release and still be as costly.

MIUI. The only Xiaomi phone with vanilla Android out of the box is the Mi A1.
JCLARSSON to damienace
8 Sep 17 #12
This one as new one will be considerably dearer :cry:
damienace to JCLARSSON
8 Sep 17 #13
Looks to be £40 more expensive.
8 Sep 17 #16
Does anyone know whether this uses the MIUI interface or a vanilla Android? Thanks in advance! :smile:
paddy.stone to Joy_A
8 Sep 17 #18
It uses Miui v8, but you can put something like google now or whatever if you don't fancy the UI apparently. It's not a big deal to put new launchers or skins/whatever on phones as it's not chnaging the underlying OS. I think Xiaomi phones normally have a pretty good following on mod forums too, so should be a few ROMs around that you could swap too, but that does require unlocking bootloader etc that will invalidate warranty, but as these are coming from china anyway there's not much chnace people will try to claim on them, so do what you like to it, it's very hard to brick phones these days. Even if they seem completely bricked with loading issues etc, they can usually be flashed back to stock or another ROM easily enough.
I've just bought one of these myself, and if I don't like the UI I will be changing it to something better suited, but TBH most UIs nowadays have some great features, but it's dealers choice :smile:
8 Sep 17 #19
Here ya go, snapdragon page (which these use)…ent

This forum may be of more use to you though for now if you want to learn soem stuff about the phone, like how to unlcok bootloader/flash new recovery eg TWRP, and how to flash a new ROM to it…-to
8 Sep 17 #20
Been thinking about this for a few days now. Been torn between this and the new one that's due out.

A couple of things I'm still not sure about on this model:

- Is it quite straightforward to get this set up and running with Banking Apps?
- Will it receive updates? Will I even need updates?
- Can anyone who owns this model confirm that it can support split (dual screen)?, I read somewhere that installing an app called button mapper enables this on certain miui versions.

The other thing I was unsure about was how a company like Banggood are for warranty support, but for a sub £100 phone I don't think it matters a great deal (maybe closer to the £200 mark it matters more for me).
Spark to ruudy
9 Sep 17 #28
I've been using a Xiaomi phone for just over a year so can probably answer some of these.

You can install pretty much anything from Google Play on it and it works like a regular UK phone. The only often unfamiliar thing to experienced Android users is the MIUI interface and 99% of people hate it. Installing Nova launcher or Google Now will get rid of that though.

I bought a £180 Xiaomi phone over 12 months ago and it still receives a system update roughly every couple of months. It downloads them OTA usually during the night and was upgraded to the newest version of Android that way. No drama, no hassle.

Compare that to the Samsung phone that I had 4 years ago that cost double the price and only got one update during its lifetime and it's no contest IMHO.
drasim to Spark
9 Sep 17 #32
Do that many people really hate MIUI? I think it's great - surprised that I'm in the minority really.
scooby555 to drasim
9 Sep 17 #34
I must also be in the minotiry then as quite happy with Miui on mine, clean, fresh and battery lasts blooming ages.
Spark to drasim
9 Sep 17 #35
I dislike the iOS style UI on it and the fact it doesn't allow apps to be moved to microSD. Apart from that I don't really have a problem with it. I use it with Google Now as the launcher.
ecsel to Spark
9 Sep 17 #36
What about build quality? I am looking at getting this or the Mi Max 2 I know the price is low but even huawei started off making cheap handsets but now they are out of my price range. I am very close to ordering a xiaomi phone as an upgrade for my note 3 but i need something that is going to last.
Spark to ecsel
9 Sep 17 #37
Build quality on the Mi Max 2 is supposedly excellent. I'm not completely sure about this model though. Tbh though it can't be much worse than the build quality on Samsung phones and iPhones these days. They aren't known for being particularly robust.
striker33 to ecsel
9 Sep 17 #40
Mi MAX 2 has way better build quality. The two cant be compared.

The original note 4 has amazing build quality, iphone-esque, but the re-released global snapdragon version has plastic caps on top and bottom, cheaper metal used, and the whole thing creaks like a staircase from minimal pressure.

If you really want to keep with the note series, the Redmi Note 5 will be out in a couple of weeks.
mistermoneysaver to ruudy
9 Sep 17 #33
Hi. I use banking apps on my mi max which is the same UI. There is something called second space also which is like having 2 phones. Can't comment on warranty support as got mine from AliExpress. Hope this helps. Mine being a global ROM it receives updates OTA.
8 Sep 17 #21
ordering this case…9Gg

the Redmi Note 4x version correct?
hotroadcruiser to REAL_DEAL
9 Sep 17 #23
damadgeruk to REAL_DEAL
9 Sep 17 #29
Swf77MiUk to REAL_DEAL
9 Sep 17 #39

Yes and look on amazon if I the UK there's some nice cases and fast delivery
9 Sep 17 #22
Hot, ordered, missed the previous post. Thnx zajczex.
9 Sep 17 #24
Thank you zajczex

Been watching this for months, but with your code, this has been the best price I've seen.
Fingers crossed it arrives swiftly. :grin:
9 Sep 17 #26
Will there be import/custom charges buying this?

Also is this as good as the Moto G5..thoughts guys?
9 Sep 17 #30
Just ordered this for the wife. Thanks OP.
9 Sep 17 #31
Does this come with Google play store installed? If not is it easy to install?
9 Sep 17 #38
The code no longer works - 1000 uses max. Let's sit tight for the next one.
9 Sep 17 #41
Mine went down to £103?
9 Sep 17 #42
I have the standard note 5", well pleased with metal case, feel of the phone and it's speed. It regularly uses 2gb of the 3gb ram, so the 3gb is ample. Couldn't get the SD card to work having tried several brands. Seems a common problem where though it provides a slot it doesn't actually work. Think the website writers sometimes copy/paste the specs from very similar phones....
At this price it is a steal. Thanks for the code zajczex.
One minus is that it is trendily (is that a word?) thin. I've cracked the screen by having it in my pocket and partly sitting on it I guess.
Was I
a)I unlucky
b) is it just too thin
C) Should have been more careful...

I've bought this one...
9 Sep 17 #43
That's true but I got the 4/64GB one and within a week the microphone stopped working. It also doesn't pick up the signal in places my Pixel phone did. It's a risk i wouldn't buy again. Lots of people don't have any issues though...
9 Sep 17 #44
Cherrs for the reply mate i'll keep my eyes peeled! :dizzy_face:
9 Sep 17 #45
How does this compare to the rather old Samsung s5 I'm still happy with?however looking to upgrade a bigger screen and better battery life than the s5 . Is this phone am upgrade or downgrade in your opinion? I'm not terribly clued up on phones and have had Samsung for 6 years
9 Sep 17 #46
Bought one thanks through quidco and using code came to 97 quid .
10 Sep 17 #47
Well it's bigger, heavier, not waterproof and the screen density isn't as good. However it's 3 years newer tech than your s5 so performance wise (more RAM and better CPU) it will be far better and the battery will be far superior to the ageing and lower capacity Samsung one. That said, if you are happy, and don't need performance what's the point? That said, for £100 a nice, shiny new phone with a bigger screen, smaller bezels, better performance and several other advantages isn't too bad.…531
10 Sep 17 #48
Thanks so much for your reply. After having my S5 for over 3 years now and with worsening eyesight I was looking to upgrade to a newer model with better battery life. I usually upgrade to the latest Samsung but I refuse to pay that sort of price asked for the s8plus. My main worry is the camera doesn't look as good as even my s5?
10 Sep 17 #49
Hello folks. What is the max this phone will be updated to? i.e Android N, O, P?
10 Sep 17 #50
It's showing £132.08 for me...
10 Sep 17 #51
Anyone else aware of a problem with call quality, both incoming and outgoing on this handset?
10 Sep 17 #52
I don't have this phone but I had this problem before,and turned out it was the case I had it in. If you have a case on it its worth removing it and checking it without
10 Sep 17 #53
someone replied to that on previous deal who bought an xiaomi, and said that they had 2 ota in the one year plus they had the phone.
10 Sep 17 #54
Yea code expired, showing £132 for me as well
11 Sep 17 #55
Yes, it has one.
11 Sep 17 #56
Probably N.

OTA updates probably won't be Android updates just MIUI updates.
11 Sep 17 #57
11 Sep 17 #58
Yes quite right should he pointed that out MIUI system updates :raised_hand:
11 Sep 17 #59
Mine has updated via miui OTA from android marshmallow to nougat... and global developers rom and beta miui roms are on Oreo so am expecting that to come to this phone too
11 Sep 17 #60
Redmi Note 4 dev ROM is running Oreo??…=no

Shows Nougat here.
11 Sep 17 #61
The miui 9 beta ROM I meant, whichever one that is - I'm on stock stable ROM miui 7 nougat
11 Sep 17 #62
Can you link to the Oreo ROM?
11 Sep 17 #63…tml

see redmi note 4 qualcomm in MIUI 9 Global Beta ROM 7.9.7 Download Links on that page
11 Sep 17 #64
Says 7.0
11 Sep 17 #65
Assumed miui 9 was O, cant see android version listed on that thread
11 Sep 17 #66
MIUI 9 could be Marshmallow depending on the device.


You can see 7.0
13 Sep 17 #67
Yup, my Redmi Note 3 was updated to MIUI 9 the other day, Android 6.0.1
14 Sep 17 #68
It's bizarre because my Mi Max is on MIUI 8.5 and that's Nougat.
14 Sep 17 #69
It could be because MIUI 9 is beta right now - they might want people to test some of the features before rolling out a polished version on a new OS.
14 Sep 17 #70
wow thanks. disappointing notification. i'll assume its worse than my old motog3..
14 Sep 17 #71
Tbh I wouldn't really mind MIUI if they didn't disable installing apps to external storage.
14 Sep 17 #72
It's horrible. I've got the phone. Sound when recording video is very poor too. But otherwise it's a good phone. If they put a good camera in it, I'd pay double what they charge.
14 Sep 17 #73
Anyone know of a good screen protector for this? I can't seem to find one anywhere with good reviews!
14 Sep 17 #74
just buy one for a different (bigger) phone and cut it
15 Sep 17 #75
If anyone's looking for a case the Ipaky is cheap and looks like it'll offer reasonable protection...
15 Sep 17 #76
Forget the case, I'm more interested in your display picture :fearful:‌ :lipstick:
15 Sep 17 #77
Discount code has expired. Is there another discount code?
16 Sep 17 #78
Does it come with a case?

Where are you guys buying cases/screen protectors from?
16 Sep 17 #79
Could be wrong but pretty sure it was a local story about a woman who after coming out the bath found a bat in her bedroom. She ended up running into the street in nothing but her bra and knickers. A site for sore eyes :heart_eyes:
23 Sep 17 #80
Anyone got theirs yet?
24 Sep 17 #81
Nope, nothing yet. My order from Gearbest which was ordered the same day turned up Thursday via PostNL. Bought a case and screen protector from Fasttech and that only took 3 days from Beijing to Heathrow WW/DC via Singapore Post. The Redmi is with Swiss Post and appears to be taking a longer route.
24 Sep 17 #82
Ahh cool, thanks for replying, at least I'm not the only one still waiting... ordered mine on the 8th, wasn't shipped until the 12th. Will reply back when I get mine, if others could do the same that'd be great :smile:
26 Sep 17 #83
Ordered: Saturday 9th September 2017
Delivered: Thursday 21st September 2017 by Royal Mail Signed For
I was at work. Postie left a card
Collected from sorting office next day.

Shipping Method: Air Parcel Register
Subtotal of Items: 1 x Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Global Edition 5.5-inch 3GB RAM 32GB ROM Snapdragon 625 Octa-core 4G £116.56
Color: Black

Used Discount code 11bgnote41 (-£11.66)
Paid with Paypal (£104.90)
Went through Quidco (tracked cashback £6.13)

No customs charges
Envelope labelled Swiss Post Zurich
Customs declaration: Gift
Value: USD21.94

tl;dr Mine took 12 days to arrive.
26 Sep 17 #84
Nice, thanks for getting back to me, glad to see you got yours already. I should get it this week then sometime I hope, I actually ordered mine before you too, lol - Oh well, as long as it comes I can wait a bit longer.
How are you getting on with it so far, enjoying the stock launcher or switched to google now or something else? I'm gonna see what it's like at least and do some real world testing with it. Then I'll most likely unlock the bootloader/root and install TWRP. Backup the ROM and settings, then try some other ROMs out before making a choice. I always like to give the phone a chance as it comes before choosing another ROM, you never know, one day they might come pretty good OOTB :grin:
Thanks for the reply, appreciate it... I'm not worrying about it, have bought plenty of stuff from banggood and other chinese sellers, just wanted some feedback to see if anyone got theirs yet. So thanks for that, will update when I get mine.
26 Sep 17 #85
Seems some order are being delivered a lot quicker than others. 11 days in and still ferking waiting..
26 Sep 17 #86
Same here :-( although I think it might have actually arrived today as I got a 'you were out' card left by the postman (while I was actually in) but can't be sure whether it's the phone or something else as expecting a few things delivered at the moment. I ordered on the 8th & tracking hasn't changed from 'The consignment has left the origin border point' since the 15th. Apparently the tracking might not get any further than that before its delivered (based on comments from others on here) but can't get to delivery office so having it redelivered on Friday. Hopefully that'll be it finally.
bernardsfingers to bernardsfingers
28 Sep 17 #88
Actually I don't think it'll be the phone redelivered tomorrow as just checked the china post tracking & it changed today to 'Arrival at border point in the destination country' so at least it's somewhere in the UK at last.

It's pretty bad, I only ordered this as my wife ordered the same phone on my recommendation but from gearbest & then I read so many posts on here about how terrible gearbest were I thought I'd best have a backup in case her phone never turned up. But her phone arrived after less than 2 weeks with no issue & this one will have taken twice as long - hopefully there's no issues with it when it arrives.

Seems quite a good phone tho so might replace my current LG G4 on which the battery never lasts a day & is looking a bit tired now. Hope yours arrives soon.
Dusty to bernardsfingers
28 Sep 17 #89
A bit happier today. My one also landed here this morning at 8.38am. Nothing showing up on Royal Mail tracking so either customs have their grubby hands on it or RM aren't tracking it from Heathrow? One things for sure, I won't be using Swiss Post again, PostNL is the way to go based on delivery times! Battery is supposed to be stella on the Redmi according to reviews I've watched on YouTube. Here's hoping we get the phones tomorrow!
27 Sep 17 #87
I think if you track it on Royal Mails website it might pop up once it hits our postal network. Checked my one today, still nothing :disappointed:
29 Sep 17 #90
Unfortunately have some bad news, I would have got it today if the royal mail could be bothered. Instead they sent a card with customs fee charges due, so have had to pay those and then wait 2 working days for them to deliver it. Customs due £3.42 and an £8 handling fee. Won't go into how enraged I am at the "handling fee" being nearly 2.5X the actual customs fee, as we all know already that it's unjustified that they charge so much.
Anyway, so now have to wait until Monday to get my parcel delivered... we live too far away from where they're holding my parcel to ransom unfortunately.

I'm guessing this will now be the "norm" where they don't even try to deliver your parcel if you have a customs charge and instead will "hold" the parcel until you've paid for it :rage:
Jabatsu to paddy.stone
29 Sep 17 #94
Thanks bernardsfingers. Having gone through what others have commented, I expect to receive a card through the letter box asking me to pay £11+
paddy.stone to paddy.stone
29 Sep 17 #96
No, don't worry about it, I've had loads of stuff that hasn't been flagged by customs.

I don't mind paying duty on stuff, if it gets flagged.. I know there's a chance of that when I buy stuff overseas and factor it into whether it's worth the price. it's the handling fees I don't agree with.
LyesLyes18 to paddy.stone
30 Sep 17 #98
same for me £11.52 custom charge .today
Tronads to paddy.stone
1 Oct 17 #99
I'm getting a bit worried about mine. The tracking last shows it left the border point at Hong Kong on the 15th, then nothing.
It's needed for a birthday present on the 10th :-(
paddy.stone to Tronads
2 Oct 17 #100
OK, got mine today... problem I have is you can set the language to UK english, but on the next step it says choose region and there is nothing there for UK,britain,england etc, I have checked the entire list, so what should you choose here? anyone know?
bernardsfingers to paddy.stone
2 Oct 17 #101
You have to just choose a different region, but you can set time zone independently of region. Apparently if you update the phone UK becomes an option. Not really sure what impact setting a different region actually has tho. I set my wife's phone up & chose France (I think) but don't think it had any negative impact.
LyesLyes18 to bernardsfingers
2 Oct 17 #102
I've done the same (France) not sure if it matters,I'll check it later.
paddy.stone to LyesLyes18
2 Oct 17 #103
Yeah, I chose France too in the end, I couldn't find anything about it with a search.. and have been busy setting up all my 2 factor security and such, so didn't update it until much later. Thanks for replying though, I'm sure at least someone else will get the benefit of seeing this and won't be wondering WTF! :grin:
I'm absoloutely loving the phone so far, not a big fan of the app drawer being hidden and ALL installs being added to homescreens, but it's OK I guess. I will persevere for a bit longer to see if I can get used to it. The UI has some fairly decent settings though and a lot of them have come in handy. Be aware that the photo default is set on mid, so if you want higher res pics you need to change it. Battery life has been awesome so far, charged it up for approx an hour to get it fully charged, and played around with it for around a good 4-5 hours easy changing stuff and getting accounts set up etc, and still have 83% battery left right now after approx 12 hours usage with approx 4-5 hours screen on time. I'm gonna see how well it lasts over tomorrow and such before charging again.
Have just checked and yes the UK option is there now in region settings after the update was installed. Don't think it made any difference whatsoever, but when you're setting a device up for the fist time and don't see an option that makes any sense it can be confusing.
bernardsfingers to paddy.stone
3 Oct 17 #104
If you're bothered by the iPhone-style 'all apps on the homescreen' you can download a launcher from the Google Play store which will give you an app drawer & a more standard android homescreen. Nova Launcher is free & highly configurable too if you want to mess around with it - there's a paid version with extra features but it isn't necessary to buy it as the free version works fine at it is. On a different note, I read that the update can cause problems with the GPS so didn't update my wife's phone yet. If anyone can confirm this is true or that there's a later update that fixes the issue that would be very helpful.
paddy.stone to bernardsfingers
3 Oct 17 #105
Yeah I know about launchers, was just saying it's a shame really as the UI would be pretty much flawless otherwise. I don't mind Nova launcher, but the stock one on here is really good IMO, just didn't know if anyone had found a solution/setting on it to disable all apps being added to homescreens?
I'll let you know about the GPS, it's the one thing I haven't gotten around to checking out properly yet. I have had a quick look on GPS tester to check and this is what I got within a few seconds


I'll have more of a play with it later, but for now seems OK to me, found my location with just GPS no problems. There is also an app called fasterfix, that used to be good for checking stuff, not sure if it still is or not... anyway hope that helps.
sadsacdeals to paddy.stone
3 Oct 17 #106
The latest update fixed the slow gps lock-on issue for me
dreadzone101 to sadsacdeals
4 Oct 17 #108
No recommendations but be careful about getting the right ones due to housing differences. See my comment here:…899

Basically search for "Redmi Note 4X" instead or ones that specifically say "Global Version" because ones that just say "Redmi Note 4" will almost always be for the original Mediatek design therefore won't fit correctly.
LyesLyes18 to dreadzone101
4 Oct 17 #109
paddy.stone to LyesLyes18
4 Oct 17 #110
OK, well have it all set up nicely now, and have to say this phone is lovely, very nippy too. After 2.5 days approx, medium usage I still have 28% battery left. Are there things I wish it had? yes. Would I pay the premium needed to get those features or be without some of the perks of this phone? No.. I am really happy with the decision to buy this phone, I didn't manage to get it during the code, so paid full (at the time) price of £117... I sold my old phone(s) to pay for this, so ended up costing me around £27 for this upgrade in-all :grin:
Can confirm the GPS is working flawlessly, whether that's due to the update or not I can't say as I didn't use it before the update was installed. I am very pleased that there are more apps now that will accept your fingerprint to login in place of username/password credentials and they seem to work fairly well too, so no messing about required. For those few that aren't able to use fingerprint entry, I use lastpass anyway, so passwords aren't a problem.. and have it set for 2FA so it's a bit more secure.

I can confirm that some of the "Xiaomi redmi note 4" cases don't fit, I fell for that one as I ordered a case before checking. No big loss though, I actually like it naked after having used it the past few days without problems, so may leave it that way to save on bulkiness.
paddy.stone to paddy.stone
7 Oct 17 #112
Well, I don't know how you could've missed it as there's always someone that mentions it is a chinese phone etc etc. But anyway, if you don't want it, refuse the parcel and it gets sent back to the place it came from, will probably take another few weeks, then you can try and ask for your money back.
This phone is REALLY good though, and even if you have to pay £20 for the duty etc it is worth every penny IMO. You will absoloutely NOT be able to get a phone from the UK with similar build quality and features for the same money, I think you would have to pay at least £300 to come close. It's your decision though.
29 Sep 17 #91
Anyone facing my situation? Swiss post tracking shows status as delivered. Well, I definitely have not received the parcel.
Meanwhile, royal mail says it's in transit - to be despatched overseas.
"Status: It's on its way
Your item, posted on 28/09/17 with reference RX________CH has been received at our international mail centre and is being made ready for despatch overseas."
I'm totally confused. What are my options? Any advice ?
paddy.stone to Jabatsu
29 Sep 17 #95
I wasn't moaning at the cost of the duty to be paid, I was saying about the fact my parcel that should have arrived today or even yesterday considering they did a card for it that I got this morning when the postie handed me the mail. Is now going to be 2 working days later, and the fact that they "the post office" are charging me £8 to pay £3.42 in duty... would you be happy to pay more than 200% of the duty to be paid to HMRC, to the post office for "handling" charge then?
See you took my post out of context completely, I would have paid the duty whatever, as I knew it may come to that when I bought the phone... this isn't the first time I've bought goods from china or even phones, and sometimes I have had to pay the duty.. what I don't like is the fact that they are holding the parcel to ransom basically even though it's my property, and unless I paid the charges that they've made up, not the HMRC then I don't get the parcel. Also delaying the parcel by a further 2 working days in to the bargain.
And saying it would be unreasonable to have posties knock on the door etc is foolish... how is it any better to get a postie to deliver a postcard saying your parcel is at our depot (11 miles away) and that you can have it after you've paid, and 2 working days later at least also. Do you work for the post office by any chance? or you just find it reasonable for the post office to fuck their customers around by delaying their parcels and charging them for it too?
29 Sep 17 #92
It would be unreasonable to expect Royal Mail to get their posties to knock on the door saying "I have your parcel here with me right now, but you cannot have it until you pay me X amount" and then act as cashier or walk away if you're unable to pay them on the spot. Leaving a 'fee to pay' card< has always been the case for any customs charges.

In order for you to have been charged £3.42, it means Banggood declared the value of the phone at a much lower value. It would have been marked at around $20 for that fee. See here<. The same fee has been mentioned on other Banggood threads< for different priced phones. If the actual price for this phone had been declared, then your customs fee would have been 2.5X more than the handling fee and not the other way around. 20% of £105 = £21 so consider it better to be paying £11 instead of £29.

A lot of different people have mentioned customs charges, on recent Banggood deals. Another here<. It must be related to them using 'Swiss post':…325
bernardsfingers to dreadzone101
29 Sep 17 #93
Exact same here, & based on the comment above I'm now expecting a card stating I need to pay an £11 fee before I can have it :-(
30 Sep 17 #97
You're comparing the values of the 2 components in your fee to emphasise the £8 again, which I don't see the point of when one is a fixed value and the other depends on the customs declaration. Due to your previous emphasis on handling fee, I mentioned the lower declaration value which reduced the customs fee. If it was declared at the actual price and you got a charge of £29 total, would you be complaining less about the £8 since it would be the same to pay £21 customs and it wouldn't "nearly 2.5X" or "more than 200%" in comparison? If it were DHL who have a handling fee of £11 or another courier with a more costly fee would you be emphasising "more than 300% of the duty"?

So seeing the reason for their protocol suggests I work for the post office? Imagine ordering food and not knowing the cost until the delivery arrives at your door. At least in that situation, the recipient would be prepared and ready to pay. But you'd expect for a postie to turn up with no prior warning, asking for a fee that the recipient didn't know the value of or may not even be expecting, and also for the postie to carry loose change to act as a cashier in that situation? Just because that scenario would be convenient to you doesn't make it foolish to say it's unreasonable to expect that of them.

In the event of customs, postal companies have to collect from HMRC and deal with fees on your behalf. Would you rather they didn't handle any of that and instead left a slip saying: "HMRC wants £3.42. Go to their holding address and pay them in order to get it, since we don't collect/deliver it or deal with their fees"? I don't see how leaving a 'fee to pay' card, equates to them messing "their customers around by delaying their parcels and charging them for it too", but I guess my views haven't been impacted by inconvenience caused by them.
LyesLyes18 to dreadzone101
4 Oct 17 #107
Any recommendations for a good case or screen protector? thanks
Iceberg1982 to LyesLyes18
7 Oct 17 #111
Can someone please help. I didnt know that the phone was coming from china as I got this deal off hotukdeals then redirected to

I got some sort of customs charge which I will only find out once I get to the post office.

If the phone is bought for £106 then why is their a extra customs charge? I thought its uk stock!

Feel a little cheated to be honest. Anyone know how much extra at the post office ill have to pay to have the phone released?

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