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 XBOX ONE X Standard Edition - Pre-orders from 8am tomorrow - £449.99 @ Game
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XBOX ONE X Standard Edition - Pre-orders from 8am tomorrow - £449.99 @ Game

£449.99 GAME19 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
19 Sep 17
Just saw on Twitter that XBOX ONE X Pre-orders start tomorrow morning at Game, I am assuming the price will be £449.99

Will update with more as I find out.
All comments (277)
19 Sep 17 #1
Good spot - thanks. Assume this means it will be up for preorder elsewhere too? Are the Tesco/Amazon gaming vouchers still active?
Bingohomer to stevenjameshyde
19 Sep 17 #4
I would hope so, have tweeted them to ask for price confirmation and whether a deposit is applicable. I am hoping others will go live tomorrow also, if Tesco do then I will probably get from them as I have about £50 of vouchers to use.
19 Sep 17 #2
That's quite the sum of money for such a small increase in power (and barely any worthwhile exclusives).
powerbrick to Noct
19 Sep 17 #6
Don't buy one then :angry:
LazybeatX to Noct
19 Sep 17 #11
Actually it's a huge leap in power from the Xbox One. I have to agree on the exclusives though. It must be good though because after that developer interview on Geoff Keileys show came out saying the ps4 pro was not on the same level as the Xbox One X. PlayStation fans have been pretty salty. I don't get involved in these childish console wars but I suppose it's because for 3 years PlayStation fans have been teasing Xbox fans about power. Now it seems the tables have turned and they don't like it when developers confirm the truth. It's funny because these are peices of plastic and people get so heated about this stuff lol.
fattyuk to LazybeatX
19 Sep 17 #16
I dont do console wars either after buying a ps4 and xbox one i realised that there both mediocre at best so built a pc! Still got ps4 for exclusives and xbox exclusives come to pc anyway!

PC master race

‌ :sunglasses:
prankster101 to Noct
19 Sep 17 #22
Didn't realise we were talking about the Switch...
19 Sep 17 #3
Amazon soldout weeks ago
westy90 to steve123uk
19 Sep 17 #5
Amazon sold out off the project scorpio edition
These are just standard
prankster101 to westy90
19 Sep 17 #26
I had the PS version pre-ordered. Cancelled it not long ago... Maybe looking to pick one up next year if MS sort their first party lineup in the meantime...
Bingohomer to steve123uk
19 Sep 17 #7
I think that was for the Project Scorpio edition, which is sold out everywhere. This is the standard release I believe that will be going on sale tomorrow.
19 Sep 17 #8
Is it £100 better than a pro? I've always preferred Microsoft consoles but that price seems rather inflated. People are pre ordering though so must be in the minority.
stevenjameshyde to Richard_Richard
19 Sep 17 #13
Probably worth that just for the 4k blu-ray player IMO. Your milage may vary
Bingohomer to Richard_Richard
19 Sep 17 #14
From my understanding it ill be the most powerful console available when launched, some of the stats and previews are pretty impressive from what I have read/seen. However I am with you on whether it is worth the £100 extra over PS4 Pro, I am looking at them now and I am guessing that there could be some better bundles to come to try and compete with the XBoneX sales.

I currently have a PS4, however looking to upgrade and really not sure what to go with. I will probably reserve one of these whilst I decide, then if I don't want it I'll be able to find someone else who probably does.
Richard_Richard to Bingohomer
19 Sep 17 #20
It's inevitable that Sony will do an overnight drop before the launch of this to "steal" the sale as it were. They did it with the switch and I believe the Xbox one S too so surely! A £300 pro with fifa 18 and that'll be mind made up. Might be asking a bit much...
BuzzDuraband to Richard_Richard
19 Sep 17 #19
Well...if we were trying to justify the price difference. I'd personally settle with the UHD player inclusion. It was always a day one purchase for me, though. Regardless of price.
ST3123 to Richard_Richard
19 Sep 17 #25
I got the PS4 Pro last year and absolutely love it, for balance I own an Xbox One S but in practice that rarely gets used for more than UHD Bluray playback. To be fair I got the Pro well under RRP thanks to an extremely lucky Amazon Warehouse deal but I don't think the RRP is even that bad, just what the standard PS4 launched at previously and £70 more than a Switch for massively better performance.

The main thing for me (apart from the added graphical appeal of the Pro) is that I generally prefer the Sony exclusives and find that PS4 has a much wider game library in general with more indie and PC games making it across. The Xbox One is slowly improving in that regard but PS4 has too much of a lead this gen for them to catch up.

While in an ideal world I'd have like to see a little more raw performance in the specs to keep it more level with the One X going forward, I think Sony made smart choices with the hardware to come in on budget, and for me part of the appeal of consoles is the way they manage to squeeze seemingly impossible feats out of the limited hardware available. If you just want the biggest most powerful thing possible, well PCs can do that (albeit for a hefty price) consoles are all about getting more for less and I think the Pro represents a good upgrade on base PS4 for a console gamer friendly price.

Microsoft are coming in right at the absolute top end of what console gamers expect to pay for a new system and in the short term it will severely limit sales to only the richest hardcore gamers. Yes it may appear to be selling well but the preorder sales mean little as supply will be very limited at first, it would have to be a VERY underwhelming launch for them not to clear pre-order stock. It is how it sells when the console is in out and good supply that will be most telling. I think the £449 is a awkward price point. For stellar sales they needed to get under £400, they may take a small hit per unit, but this is Microsoft, they could easily afford it and I’d say it would have been well worth it in the long term….
19 Sep 17 #9
Any exclusives to really looks out for, that make this worthwhile?

asking for a friend...
blueflash to johnthehuman
19 Sep 17 #33
Minecraft shaders possibly a console exclusive
19 Sep 17 #10
Cold. No deal here.
19 Sep 17 #12
Nice, i'll cancel my project scorpio edition and order this one instead
Georgeharris1982 to Griezmann
19 Sep 17 #15
Lol cancel project Scorpio addition are you insane, I would only cancel my pre-order it if it was £100 cheaper lol

Which I doubt it will be
Griezmann to Georgeharris1982
19 Sep 17 #27
I prefer the all black standard edition rather than black/grey gradient with green writing on it
19 Sep 17 #17
Scorpion addition all the way.....
19 Sep 17 #18
Preorders from 8am cancellations from a week before release wouldn't trust game anymore with pre orders after the mess up last week over metroid.
19 Sep 17 #21
Not sure how this is a deal :joy: but atleast it will help some people preorder that missed out
19 Sep 17 #23
What's the difference between scorpion edition and standard?
19 Sep 17 #24
Does the scorpion have the same power as a gtx 1080 ti?
malachi to Pspvita
19 Sep 17 #29
ST3123 to Pspvita
19 Sep 17 #32
Not even close, think it's generally considered close to the power of a GTX1070, while the PS4 is closer to an (underclocked) RX480, though it's hard to find a true comparison because consoles benefit from far better optimisation e.g. clever programming could help bump that GTX1070 grade performance up to closer to a GTX1080. I would also say they don't have to run Windows either but being an Xbox One it WILL run Windows though I should think it will be pretty streamlined compared to the full fat PC version....
19 Sep 17 #28
Why does everyone bang on about exclusives? It will play pretty much every release from here on out at better quality than PS4, including all your multiplatform games.

Best selling exclusive this year for Xbox will be pubg anyway.

If your not interested or not buying one, noone cares, go post in some game of thrones thread about how you don't watch that
andypolack to coullgfx
19 Sep 17 #31
What? You'd have to go some to find the stupidest comment on this site, but I think this might be it.

I like playing some games better than others so exclusives are pretty important to me. Can assume that people who don't want to buy both consoles use this as a valid point in their reasoning.

If it was all about graphical quality, you ought to be banging on about a PC, so go post in a thread about that.
RedJenny to coullgfx
19 Sep 17 #35
Because games are important when you drop £450 on a console? And better quality than PS4 that's currently more than £110 cheaper... yeah... but how much better? Screenshot comparison better? Being totally realistic it's not going to be a night and day difference. You'd need both versions side by side, and you'll need DF to tell you what the differences are. Good for those plastic box dong waving contests I suppose?

So with the minimal first party line up and Microsoft's continued commitment to extracting all identity from the XBOX brand & bastardising the word "exclusive" naturally ppl aren't so sure if they want to hop in there day one for £500 (if you want a game with it).

I was following X1X right up to the pre-order being live where they dropped no new titles & seem to be relying on it being "6 flops" to sell. In the face of the Switch, MS have gone the wrong way. I believe the numbers are going to show this.
gopolog86 to RedJenny
19 Sep 17 #38
Microsoft is seriously lacking exclusive but they are getting 1 game PUBG the hype on this game alone is ridicules and will sell console's because of this
19 Sep 17 #30
For the difference in power etc it’s a complete rip off. Not worth the huge £££ diff
19 Sep 17 #34
I'm nova boy as I have each console now just purchase a Xbox s from Argos £230 for a 1tb. Fifa 17. Ark survival and GTA. Sold all the games and got £60 fir them so a 1tb Xbox for £170 isn't bad. But to my knowledge the ps4 as by far the most and best exclusives. Well to me anyway. As I like my jap/anime games which are a plenty on ps4. Saying that Microsoft have some good exclusives themselves. Forza horizon is amazinggggh. But like others say the Xbox s as 4K graphics so will there be a HUGE different with the x?
19 Sep 17 #36
If anyone has that kinda cash spare then you must all have good jobs!! They will all be advertised on here in couple years for £199 with 20 games. If you don't need to have the instant fashion accessory then would be great picking up in few years. I still play xbox 360 titles and picking them up for a quid. Great for me and the unlimited wallet everyone seems to have. Yes I'm jealous!! Lol.
19 Sep 17 #37
People keep banging on about exclusives but they only matter if you like those exclusive I'm not a fan of uncharted and don't play any of the Japanese games that get released, most people play the big games like Fifa 18 cod star wars battlefront etc will the x play these games better than a pro simple answer is yes, not a fan boy own Xbox one s ps pro and a high end gaming pc
prankster101 to gopolog86
19 Sep 17 #39
Word... People can bang on about Nintendo, but "exclusives" mean squat of you don't want to play them.

Problem with MS however is that they have nothing that the competition doesn't already have. For me, at this stage, best version of a multiplat title doesn't mean much - although the situation will DEFINITELY change this time next year (hence why I will buy an X then).
19 Sep 17 #40
Hopefully MS Paint gets released as an exclusive for the X.
19 Sep 17 #41
Just seeing it everywhere at the minute, few years back all Sony fan boys were saying was PlayStation 4 more powerful now the x is out its Xbox has no exclusives getting rather tiresome
19 Sep 17 #42
hubby was gonna get one on Day one but hes holding off now till nearer Xmas and hoping they'll do a bundle if not after Xmas they'll be £400 max
19 Sep 17 #43
After Christmas be about £400 won't be before though as with any new console be out of stock most places
19 Sep 17 #44
It's the same with football fans. I think it's just a caveman mentality of wanting to belong to a "tribe"/team.

Like you said, they're just pieces of plastic/ silicon and there is no need to form allegiances to it. Just buy whichever one is best or cheapest. Or even better buy them all!
19 Sep 17 #45
I have a PS4 and Xbox One, and find myself drawn to my Xbox more - mainly because I have started to get painful RSI when using a DS4, but also find myself going back and playing a few Xbox 360 games which are backward compatible. Probably not a big deal in a discussion about the X, but having the 360 games available for me (and the kids) is very handy... add EA Access and Xbox wins in my house, although I do miss the simple PS4 interface and cheap games by using the US/Canada accounts...
19 Sep 17 #46
Definitely hold out.

I bought the Xbox One just before Christmas, and the price dropped straight after.

Its what you get for being an early adopter I suppose
19 Sep 17 #47
GPU around 5 x as powerful.
RAM has around 3 x the bandwidth.
12GB GDDR5 vs 8GB DDR3

Small increase in power?

Admittedly the GPU was crap to start with.
19 Sep 17 #48
19 Sep 17 #49
19 Sep 17 #50
Or they could drop to 400 in a couple of months.... Afters the early adopters are skimmed
19 Sep 17 #51
If that is the case, I'd be happy to take your Scorpio pre-order off your hands :relaxed:
19 Sep 17 #52
This isn't a deal. It's the RRP...
19 Sep 17 #53
Keep your limited edition order and sell it for a pretty fine profit on release day.
19 Sep 17 #54
They have it back in stock now, I just pre-ordered one:…12G
19 Sep 17 #55
Awesome, thanks mate, have managed to pre-order and it's a Scorpio version as well - get on it quick people if you want this version!
19 Sep 17 #56
Highly doubt you can sell it for profit, only difference is colours, and you can still pre order the scorpio edition on amazon
19 Sep 17 #57
Can you not do that already in dev mode? Only tried homebrew sonic game so far mind but sure saw you could send window appx files?
19 Sep 17 #58
blah blah blah
19 Sep 17 #59
They could at least chuck a game in for that price!
19 Sep 17 #60
Man I don't even have an Xbox One Nine yet
19 Sep 17 #61
I'm a gamer I want to play all the games in all the places will get one of these just not at launch
19 Sep 17 #62
I agree with the sentiment about paying the premium for being an early adopter, but I'm not sure that buying an Xbox One in December 2016 counts as 'early adopter', it had been out for 3 years at that point :wink:
19 Sep 17 #63
Quite happy with my XBOX ONE for few more years yet.
19 Sep 17 #64
How is this a deal? It’s RRP, and it’s most definitely not worth double the cost of a One S
19 Sep 17 #65
I can't see it going out of stock for long if at all.
19 Sep 17 #66
You mean like iPhones, Samsung's phone never go out of stock when released which they do even iPhone new phone which costs £1000 will be out of stock on release people do and always will want the best they can get whether that's computers phones tv's etc
19 Sep 17 #67
For me my youngest will get my xb1 (hes left out atm and has to share). Im looking forwards to some of the titles that get 4k support having the tv to support.

I own a decent gaming rig with 1070 gfx; that card cost £429 so when you think about the all in one console with the addition of a 4k blu ray it isnt as crazy as it sounds
19 Sep 17 #68
RRP so not really a deal, I doubt these will be hard to find in shops at launch.

I don't really see the point of this personally, if you want the best graphics go for a PC. The games look better and you can keep upgrading it for years to come to keep up with technology. In a few years this will be replaced by something better requiring another 450 quid.

Assuming your upgrading from an Xbox One you could alternatively use the money to get a PS4 or Switch for the great exclusives.
19 Sep 17 #69
Microsoft are going for the top end with this machine though. It's basically Microsoft listening to people who want a more powerful console, but don't want to spend the money/time to build a custom PC and want it to just work out of the box. At £450 I think M$ are taking a small hit, and I highly doubt they're making a profit from this, but if they are that profit margin will be tiny.

In my view this is the way it should have been, have two consoles, one cheaper but less powerful console, then one more expensive but powerful console. Also with VR/AR coming up you'll need a better, more powerful console, right now PSVR is naff when compared to the Vive/Rift and MS knows that so I think that's likely another reason they've went down this path.
19 Sep 17 #70
Absolute joke of a price. Why buy one of these, which is essentially an underpowered PC, when it doesn't even have a single exclusive game to really make use of it's specs? Why buy one when you can just buy a PC and get all the benefits of a PC? COLD.
19 Sep 17 #71
Isn't it the same price as the original XB1? I seem to recall that costing well over £400....
19 Sep 17 #72
Because pc's are not just pick up and play if you can't understand that then no helping you all console's are underpowered pc's so what's your point?
19 Sep 17 #73
Could not have said better. Ppl brag its the most powerful console but what exclusives does it has? Forza and halo? All other 3rd party games will also be on xbox yes but they pretend to not see how many actually exclusives does ps have that you will not find on xbox. So I guess if they want to play multiplatforms with a bit better graphics then go for that. I would rather stick with ps since exclusive games variety is huge. If xbox ha some killer games (not just 1 or 2) then I would consider.
19 Sep 17 #74
PC's tend to look awful in the living room under the telly...
19 Sep 17 #75
Build me a PC that can run Forza 7 at 4K 60fps Locked, for under that price.
19 Sep 17 #76
I've already been offered £550 for my Amazon preorder
19 Sep 17 #77
Can you link the pc that provides same or greater benefits for £449 or less?

Are 1060 gfx cards about £200 still (probably close to the xbx perhaps); then add case/memory/hdd/4k blu ray/mboard/cpu.

Thats a lot of components for £249 unless you go non branded cheap stuff
19 Sep 17 #78
£429 4 years ago this november. My day one edt still going strong
19 Sep 17 #79
Cold. Not a deal rrp
19 Sep 17 #80
Also had confirmation via email from Amazon that they will be taking pre-orders from 8am tomorrow as well, if that helps anyone.
19 Sep 17 #81
Hardly a deal. Ridiculously expensive for a console with no exclusives, no good games to use the hardware. And its RRP so no deal in that anyway. COLD.
19 Sep 17 #82
4K. And smoother game play. But yes I am not getting one due to the fact I do not have a 4k HDR TV to make the most of it. Every situation is different.

Same as the PS Pro. If you want and need more out of your experience then you can do it. Sell the original console to offset the cost.
19 Sep 17 #83
People dont even realise what this machine is capable of.
19 Sep 17 #84
This one's gonna sell out fast. Prepare yourself and sign up for stock alerts:…e-x
19 Sep 17 #85
The Xbox One X graphics are more equivalent to an RX 580 (Similar architecture and TFLOPS) which is more equivalent to a 1060 in benchmarks.
19 Sep 17 #86
I've pre ordered mine but at the back of mind is the lack of killer apps games to really show off the power. Not that fussed on Forza. The sensible thing would be wait 6 months and take a price drop and games, but I have not been that wise.
19 Sep 17 #87
People saying there not buying it well it's not aimed at you obviously, both ps pro and x1 x are aimed at the gamers who want more power because in my opinion plus others the original ps4 and Xbox were stupidly underpowered so Sony and Microsoft have released new versions of these console's and again in my opinion what ps4 and Xbox one should of been day 1
19 Sep 17 #88
Main ones are not exclusive really assassins creed, shadow of war, wolfeinstein and as you said main 1 is Forza 7
19 Sep 17 #89
knowing game, it will be bundle deals only of other games they are stuck with & cant shift
19 Sep 17 #90
Bit stupid considering you can still pre order it on amazon
19 Sep 17 #91
yeh that's what happened last time he got the xbox one at full price and it dropped straight after. he's a massive xbox fanboy and hes had every console on day one but I'm glad that he's decided to wait lol total Xbox widow here lol
19 Sep 17 #92
They would have been better to boost the CPU (With something like Ryzen) and provide a locked 60 FPS rather than the netbook CPU they currently use which will force many third party games to a locked 30 FPS. That way all current 1080p TVs would benefit from the upgrade.
19 Sep 17 #93
Why would you do that? They are both same price
19 Sep 17 #94
Poor move by Microsoft by not releasing this as a separate console. Keeping it linked to the OG Xbone is going to hold it back.
19 Sep 17 #95
I know it sounds stupid, but i prefer standard all black as opposed to the black/grey gradient and green text writing on the scorpio edition
19 Sep 17 #96
I didn't get mine in 2016?
All my controllers require the chat adaptor, none of them have the 3.5mm port they're that old
19 Sep 17 #97
Fair enough. Limited edition normally hold more value if selling in future.
19 Sep 17 #98
If you want the best, you pay for the best. It's considerably more powerful regardless of whether you want to face that or not.

Its not that expensive considering its considerably cheaper than most flagship mobile phones.

But thanks for the advice, I'll cancel my preorder :joy:

Also, lack of exclusives may be an issue facing Xbox currently (and they need to fix it really)but it's multi platform AAAs that really sell consoles to the mass market - COD, FIFA, Assassins Creed, Battlefront etc
19 Sep 17 #99
It works both ways, at the beginning of the generation Xbox fan boys couldn't tell the difference 720/900p and 1080p but can now tell the difference between 1440/1800p and 4k, they also said the PS4 had no good exclusives, swings and roundabouts...the life of worshipping a piece of plastic.
19 Sep 17 #100
Yeah that's true thing for me is us as consumer's need both ms and sony as competition us good for us gamers
19 Sep 17 #101
What's the difference between project Scorpio edition and the standard edition
19 Sep 17 #102
Writing on the pad and console saying project Scorpio and little difference in colour that's it really
19 Sep 17 #103
Improved graphical performance and frame rate in 1080, but whether you want to spend £450 for this is debatable.
19 Sep 17 #104
100% agree
19 Sep 17 #105
People buy graphics cards alone for more than this for this very reason :joy:‌ :joy:
19 Sep 17 #106
If you want the best you buy PC, it plays all those games better than console
19 Sep 17 #107
Xbox One X is perfect for 1080p screens as all games that output at 4k also render at 4k and user super sampling for output on 1080p screens.

End result is 1080p output that is basically indistinguishable from 4k when using a 1080p set.

This is the main difference Vs the ps4 Pro in terms of looking after 1080p set owners.
19 Sep 17 #108
Most causal gamers would never buy a pc so buying a console to get the best is what they would prefer to do, why does everyone say if want the best get a pc maybe they don't want 1 possibly?
19 Sep 17 #109
Absolutely, I had a decent rig last year, mid range rx 480, i5 6600k etc. Unfortunately had to downsize the setup due to a 2nd child on the way. I have to say I was gutted to sell it off and a laptop is just not for me. I suppose the Xbox One X will be the best option as you do get your moneys worth with regards to power and what the system can do. Nothing will replace my pc though. I already miss my steam library :cry:
19 Sep 17 #110
Cosmetics only.
19 Sep 17 #111
as well as not having the vertical stand in the box.
19 Sep 17 #112
When someone says "if you want the best, you pay for the best" then that's pc, I'm sorry you can't make statements like that and say only console.

Also casual gamers aren't paying £450 for this or £300 for a pro when they can play the same games for £175-200.
19 Sep 17 #113
You sure, thought stock had completely sold out weeks ago.
19 Sep 17 #114
Yes, amazon stock is on and off probably due to people cancelling
19 Sep 17 #115
I was playstation fanboy for 15 years easily and i got to the stage after buying both consoles that i was bored!

Pc gaming is on another level for games and graphics! I still console game but pc is where its at

Chuck in my nividia shield tv aswell when i wanna use my tv instead of my predator x34A

all this nonsense about 1080p 60fps is old and tired compared to pc

Xbox? 4k gaming? Lol not even gonna comment!

Love my psvr though xD
19 Sep 17 #116
Voted hot
19 Sep 17 #117

Reminds me of ps2 days lol thay was a loveley vertical stand
19 Sep 17 #118
Nvidia shield tv says hello
19 Sep 17 #119
And again not everyone wants a pc if you cant understand why then not much I can say to you, you're logic there wouldn't be a console market at all just pc nothing else
19 Sep 17 #120
That's pretty good news for people desperate to get their hands on the limited edition model.
19 Sep 17 #121
To be honest I only found out about this the other month and I would say I no every console/pc parts out or thought I did so most people wouldn't no what it is
19 Sep 17 #122
Another tier of graphical fidelity and that's it. It will run the same games as the standard xbox one. So in pecking order its;

2. Xbox One X
3. PS4 Pro
4. PS4
5. Xbox one
6. Nintendo Switch (but you can also play as a portable)

If you want the convenience of a console and the widest range of games my vote goes to the PS4 models but I also have a standard Xbox One which I think is great.

The main issue with Xbox in recent months has been a decline in their sales figures with the PS4 becoming even more dominant. Will the 'X' stop this decline I personally don't think so because of the price point. It looks to be a fine console though but I'm more than happy to continue with my standard Xbox One which will play all the same games with slightly crappy visuals. When the 'X' drops in price I can simply play the same games at higher quality then. I suspect by next Christmas the X is likely to be sub £300. I think there is going to be a huge price premium to be an early adopter and also the technology inside is quite advanced and its possible early models could be less reliable. I'm just making the point there are some good reasons to wait.
19 Sep 17 #123
And agiain you can't make a statement like that regarding gaming and not include pc, I understand what you're saying but if money wasn't an object most people would go that route as it is the best
19 Sep 17 #124
why? It's the same price
19 Sep 17 #125
I will wait until next Christmas. Will likely drop £100 by then.
19 Sep 17 #126
Yeah get what you mean I've got xbox one s ps pro and high end gaming pc, this console is aimed at stupid people like me that need the best money can buy
19 Sep 17 #127
For someone that has not been keeping up with things, can we say the X is an upgraded One, like the PS4 Pro is to the PS4 rather than a new gen console?
19 Sep 17 #128
Its exactly that xbox version of ps pro
19 Sep 17 #129
You Xbox and Playstation fanbois are going to feel so silly when Atari take back the console crown.
19 Sep 17 #130
Wikipedia states that the Xbox One has 144 console exclusives. Add to that the increasing number of backwards compatible games constantly being added. 2016 was a fantastic year for Xbox with the likes of Quantum Break, Gears of War, Forza Horizon, Killer Instinct, ReCore and Dead Rising games being released. 2017 is the first year PS4 has had the better exclusives but it has given rise to a myth that Xbox has no games. It is used by toxic Sony fanboys to try and convert people to their weird obsession over the PlayStation brand!
19 Sep 17 #131
Worth it to play the best console version of Player Unknown Battleground.

Going to look gorgeous with the Sea of Thieves water effects.
19 Sep 17 #132
Never again will I buy day one after the Xbox One Kinect debacle! And the subsequent price drops in under 12 months.
Heat for those early adopters!
19 Sep 17 #133
Just stick with your old Playstation then mate.
19 Sep 17 #134
No games.
Desperate marketing trick.
19 Sep 17 #135
Case in point. My mate just bought Black Ops 3 Zombies Chronicles on Steam... He bought it 4 hours ago and every time he boots it up he gets an exe crash error.

PC gaming in a nutshell.
19 Sep 17 #136
Yeah because nothing ever goes wrong with consoles... How many Xbox 360s failed again?

Has your mate tried to disabled his AV? That is often the issue.
19 Sep 17 #137
19 Sep 17 #138
I don't know anyone who has mentioned these games at all mate. :grin:
19 Sep 17 #139
Let me be clear. If you want the best console, you pay for the best console.

Your argument is like saying don't buy that top of the range tent, buy a caravan .... to someone who wants to go camping.

I want a small box that looks nice in my living room, doesn't need driver updates or any real maintanance, doesn't have a desktop and doesn't need keyboard and mouse to operate.
19 Sep 17 #140
You mean the most powerful right? is up for debate.
19 Sep 17 #141
In case anyone is still after a Scorpio edition, they are back again on Amazon at the minute.
19 Sep 17 #142
Wikipedia also states the PlayStation 4 has 411 exclusives and if you go to metacritic they also have the most acclaimed exclusives ,and if you want the look at crazy fanboys then look no further than the toxic Xbox fanboys on YouTube.
19 Sep 17 #143
When are people going to learn that the increased resolution doesn’t instantly make it ‘the most power console everrrrr’. It’s all marketing crap. Case in point, Uncharted 4 running on a ps4. It’s the quality of the game, not slightly smoother textures.
19 Sep 17 #144
The point is its higher graphic fidelity. There are masses of games not just a pretty decent xbox one library but also backwards compatibility with 360 and original xbox. There is a huge amount of content with some great xbox exclusives. It's not really a marketing trick they are just taking the crown again of most powerful console (for a while) until something better turns up. It really does provide much better visuals for those who really care about that and have a TV to take advantage of that.

The good is your existing xbox one library is fully compatible with upgraded visuals which is brilliant, you don't have to buy the same games again.

The bad is its not getting its own exclusive games as far as I know. There will be no enhanced games based on superior CPU power etc because its designed like ps4 pro to really just offer enhanced graphics and nothing else. It's like putting the memory expansion in the old N64, all you got was higher resolution visuals nothing more or pulling out your old dated PC graphics card and replacing it with a more powerful graphics card. Everyone with a standard xbox one model can enjoy exactly the same games.
19 Sep 17 #145
I think when people say the console is over priced they don't take into account the value of a UHD player being in built. That alone adds over 100 quid to the value if you were in the market for one of those too.

I think it's better value than the pro but depends what you prefer in the end of the day. But considering the Xbox one launched at over 400 this isn't a bad price
19 Sep 17 #146
Pre ordered from Amazon. Project Scorpio edition all ready for the 7th November
19 Sep 17 #147
Before this thread gets too out of hand I'm just going to toss my two cents into the pile as well by creating this fairly handy QA style comment.

Also, before I start this, I'd just like to highlight that I'm disregarding the "I'm a fanboy so..." statement in all of these Qs and As. If you're a fanboy of a specific console then why are you even here asking these questions?

I want the convenience of affordable but still fairly powerful gaming in my living room on my TV.
Get the Xbox One X. For many people who aren't as competent in PC building/configuring, this console is now the perfect (and arguably only) choice for somebody who wants to play games at a decent quality with decent performance for a decent price.

I really like the look of the Xbox exclusives over the PS exclusives.
Then buy the Xbox One (X). Simple.

I really like the look of the PS exclusives over the Xbox exclusives.
Then buy the PS4 (Pro). This really isn't rocket science.

I want the absolute best gaming experience possible but don't want to break the bank.
Build a Gaming PC. Don't purchase one, if you do then you've already broke the bank and you haven't got the absolute best gaming experience possible. The common misconception that PC Gaming is some entitled privilege that only Chief Executives can afford is a misconception. Why do you think that 56% of gamers play on PC? It's not some sort of thing that only the 1% of the 1% can afford.

Obviously 'break the bank' is relative from person to person, as different people have different minimum forces required to break their banks, but you can accomplish a significantly decent gaming experience through PC for approximately £800. (I am not saying that £800 is comparable to the price of the Xbox One X, that's not what this question is about.)

A decent (not amazing, but decent) Ryzen CPU mixed with a mid-high end AMD GPU and some high MHz RAM (which Ryzen greatly benefits from) can result in some glorious games in 1080p and 1440p. 4K is usually a bit of a stretch if you're not settling for a GTX 1070 or greater, but it can still be achieved if you're willing to turn down some settings from ultra to high. Please note that if you are wanting to go crazy and demand 1440p at >60Hz or 4K at >60Hz then you will definitely need to step up that GPU to a high end Nvidia card.

I want the absolute best gaming experience possible and want to break the bank.
Titan XPs in SLI with a high end Intel CPU. Go dual Xeons for ALL THE CORES. All your games on a xTB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro SSD. Move along.

I don't want to get a PC because it will look ugly/not fit under my TV.
Honestly this is just a stupid argument and I hear it wherever I go. Not all PC cases look like this:

There are plenty of small form factor PC cases that you can purchase on the market today that allow you to swap out a console for a PC under your TV without a single person batting an eye. Seriously, you can check yourself. Just Google Mini ITX PC case, and then browse through the 597,000 results that Google returns. And (most of) these cases don't cut corners, meaning that you can still fit (most of) your beefy components into this case.

If you really want to take this to the extreme then check out this video that LTT put out a year or so ago. They managed to pack a 22 core CPU and a GTX 1080 into a 'shoebox' PC.

So this argument is completely invalid. Steam even has a feature designed specifically for this purpose. It's called Big Picture mode, and it allows you to mimic the interface that consoles provide you on your PC. This combined with a small form factor PC and a controller of your choice connected through a wired USB or wireless USB receiver connection, allows you to finally put that 'ugly and huge' PC under your TV.

So you may have just read through all of that and thought, huh, that's pretty weighted towards PC, so I'm going to add these QAs in below as well.

My kids don't want the hassle of having to start and then login to a PC just to play games.
I completely understand that, and for this scenario a console of your choosing would definitely be better. (See above questions for which one to choose)

I don't want a PC. It's too difficult.
Seriously? Just Google stuff. And if that leads to more questions then Google those as well. You're not meant to understand everything in existence instantly, if you did then why do we have education? Did you really think the human race would have even made it past cavemen if we had the attitude of "I don't want life. It's too difficult."

Is the Xbox One X as powerful as a top end gaming PC?

Is the Xbox One X more powerful than the PS4 Pro?
Yes, but not a landslide nor marginally.

Is the Xbox One X more powerful than the Xbox One S?

With that I am done. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, and thank you for actually making it this far.
19 Sep 17 #148
Luke... have a day off. Let people buy what they want to, who cares??? Unless you're being paid by Sony, you geniunely have no skin in this game.

It's little wonder people think that videogames are a childish pastime...
19 Sep 17 #149
Owned an Xbox, 360 and a One, but don’t see the point of this console.

Can someone please explain what this new console offers, as I’m confused?

Does it still play my Xbox One games?
Does it play games that won’t be available on Xbox One?
Will these be a new type of disc sold separately from Xbox One games?
Can I play online games with this console with friends playing on Xbox One?
Will games for this be more expensive?

As the owner of a large 4K OLED tv I’m curious as to what I’d get by getting the new console, as I’m more than happy with my Xbox One (non S model).
19 Sep 17 #150
I think most people are comparing it to the excellent Xbox One S, it's less than half the price, has all the same multimedia features and plays all the same games.

At the prices we see on here such as £175 with a game, it's tough to see this as a good deal at £450.
19 Sep 17 #151
I can’t see PubG on a controller being much fun especially as it will be cross platform games with PC players on mouse and keyboard. It will be carnage.
19 Sep 17 #152
Picking up gear would be a nightmare without the speed of a mouse and keyboard.

It is an excellent game though, very enjoyable on the PC - looking forward to the final release.
19 Sep 17 #153
If anyone thinks a One S is comparable to a One X then I really need to question their sanity.
19 Sep 17 #154
I couldn't care less what people spend there money on but when people state things that are false then I'll pipe up, just curious at what point did I tell someone not to buy an Xbox and buy a PlayStation? with that I think you should take your own advice
19 Sep 17 #155
Seriously? It plays the exact same games at the same framerate - just at a higher resolution for over twice the cost.

The greatest difference from 4k TVs is HDR which the Xbox One S can also do.
19 Sep 17 #156
There going to give people the option to play with mouse and keyboard or controller and then who they play with, so you could play with controller only against people with controllers
19 Sep 17 #157
I agree HDR is the biggest difference maker, same with 4K films.

Im just waiting until the X is released to see if it improves on frame rate, if not I'll just get an S.
19 Sep 17 #158
I've got a scorpio edition in pre order and considering cancelling...

I've got ps4 pc with 1070....honest question why should I get this? I'm struggling to justify it? Help haha
19 Sep 17 #159
Gonna preorder 4.
19 Sep 17 #160
Cold, it will be RRP so hardly a "deal".
19 Sep 17 #161
Your PC is better, I wouldn't bother if I were you as most Xbox One X games will be out for PC too. If you want something different then maybe a PS4 or Switch is a good shout. Really enjoying my Switch ATM, has some great exclusives and fun to be able to play it anywhere - a great addition to a PC.
19 Sep 17 #162
Why do think the One X games will be run at the same frame rate as standard Xbox one games? Have you any proof this is true and will continue to be true throughout the One X’s life cycle?

If we take the comparison between the PS4 Pro and the standard PS4. The pro not only runs games in 4k/higher resolutions it also runs a number of PlayStation games at higher frame rate than the standard PS4 as there are Pro version/patches of some PlayStation games. Now given that the performance difference between the One x and One S is going to be way wider than between the Pro and PS4 why would Microsoft not take advantage of that extra power? It would be nonsensical to think otherwise.

Like with the PS4 Pro versions of PlayStation games we will see One X versions of Xbox games.
19 Sep 17 #163
Well giving the option of who you play against is much more sensible but I think I will be sticking to the PC version of PubG. Some of the glitches on that version drive me mad and the frustration would be a lot worse for me on console I think.
19 Sep 17 #164
Some older/less demanding games will see an improved framerate but for newer AAA tiles it's unlikely as the CPU isn't very good.

This is the case with the PS4 Pro too, modern games like Destiny 2 still runs at 30fps.
19 Sep 17 #165
Why do you feel the need to comment on these posts, if you don't want the console, don't buy it, you need need to persuade others not to buy it because of your opinions.
19 Sep 17 #166
Yeah I've got the ps4 already and played my friends switch the other day that I kind of liked.... I prefer my Vita weirdly in all honesty but when more games arrive the switch may be hard to resist.

I honestly think I will cancel my pre order I love having consoles on release but so far felt no need for the Xbox one and can't see that changing for the Xbox one x.
19 Sep 17 #167
I'm a bit like that too ever since my Atari 2600! But I did skip the PS4 Pro and will likely skip the Xbox One X as I don't see the point of these mid-cycle refreshes - I will wait for the next consoles which will likely be 2019.

I still have a soft spot for my Vita, it's a pity Sony didn't stick with it with first party support.

I'm still gaming on an aging 970 due to the silly prices of graphics cards (damn miners), I would love a 1070 though (a pity Vega was so underwhelming) - one can dream :grin:
19 Sep 17 #168
Why is everyone moaning about the price of this, it's a launch machine it will drop! I can absolutely guarantee this cost more to manufacture than an IPhone X and yet its less than half the price.

I will be ordering.
19 Sep 17 #169
£89.99 on Argos?
19 Sep 17 #170
It will run games at a higher frame rate, many, and not just patched ones for Xbox One X support.
Take Project Cars 2 for example it runs like a dog on the Xbox One with an unlocked frame rate, it would take work to actually force it to run at Xbox One performance levels because there is no target in the frame rate to begin with.
Obviously this won't be the case for games with a locked frame rate, but then there would be no benefit there with respect to frame rate except going from a locked 30 to a locked 60 for example. That's where patches will be used if we get any for a specific game of that nature.

All supposition mind but pretty safe assumption...I think :smile:
19 Sep 17 #171
I will get a xbx to replace my slim model, but not at launch price, i never buy anything at launch, and that goes double for console hardware, but i am happy to sit and watch from the side lines until either a price drop or a sale, either works for me, £350 max, and i get say £80 for my slim cash in a trade in, so a XBX for under 299 is a win for me. :smile:
19 Sep 17 #172
Impressive number of commas
20 Sep 17 #173
Clearly there is no balance if you game on one console and rarely use the other one except for UHD playback? The rest of your post seems to be a pro Sony spiel.
20 Sep 17 #174
haha, makes me laugh when people insist on justifying why they wont be buying one, like other people care!
I play mostly on PS but would love to get an Xbox X if I could afford one, which I can't!
Enjoy gaming on whatever platform you like people, it's all good :sunglasses:
20 Sep 17 #175
Pretty much everyone in gaming industry that I read from believes it's a marketing product,that will have very limited sales and targeted only niche market.
It stands no chance against PS4's success as the console war this gen is over and Sony has won.they sold twice the way MS can ever catch up.
Sony have exclusives because it makes sence to invest in them,there will be profit.
for MS it's not worth it as they didn't sell as much as they needed and wanted to hence no exclusives.
Xbox One X means nothing unkess it has exclusives.
also it can't even do 4k 60fps so for those who care sbout that stuff,PC is always the way to go.
for everyone else PS4 since it simply got more and better games.
end of story.
20 Sep 17 #176
Couldn’t agree more. If you have the money and can justify paying the price then why not. If you enjoy gaming and you’re happy with whatever console / computer you have then that’s the main thing.
20 Sep 17 #177
I'm not a fan boy of any console but let's be honest here, a massive improvement in power will not result in better games or even more graphically impressive games as this release is not a whole new console. It's only a stepping stone and as such will likely have no games that will even use that extra power to its fullest (couple games here and there with HDR and 4k - I assume will happen - are not mindblowing) as it doesn't make business sense to make games limited for the relatively small population that will own the XOX. In short it's an overpriced upgrade when you consider the existing example of the PS4 Pro (which is also more realistically priced) and how there are improved games here and there but not every single one is 'enhanced'
20 Sep 17 #178

I currently have the PS4 Pro and the PSP Go. I have the Nintendo Wii U and 2DS. The Xbox of course. I have enjoyed gaming on many platforms from the 80's onwards. Sega vs Nintendo through the 80s and 90s was mainly lighthearted fun. As much as I enjoy my PlayStation, I have found the rise of the toxic Sony fanboys to be detrimental to all gaming in general. The hatred some of these fanboys have for Microsoft to the point where they refuse to play a game on PlayStation if it is also available on Xbox. Even the likes of Jim Sterling has called it out! The trolling of Xbox reviews leaving negative ratings on games they have never even played. I know there are also Microsoft fanboys out there but there is no real cultish obsession for Xbox and hatred towards other platforms like you see in Sony fanboys.
20 Sep 17 #179
I apologise for being dyslexic, i know that is not much in the way to make up for the unforgiviable crime i just committed, but i don't really have anything i can offer as way of atonement that might beg your forgiveness.....i have taken further education over the years to try and help improve, but with dyslexia you hit a brick wall eventually and can go no further no matter how hard or how much ypu want to, nd that is all i can offer in my defence, this is a good as i can ever get, so again my apologies.
20 Sep 17 #180
Just build a decent PC and be done with it......... silly people!

i'll be waiting for this to drop in price before i bite (and in arctic white of course) :smile:
20 Sep 17 #181
No thats called having a potato for a gaming rig!

Edit: i own almost 1.5k games on steam and never once had a game crash!
20 Sep 17 #182
Lots of :poop: coming from people's mouths here.
20 Sep 17 #183
Why does every post about Xbox and PS turn into some sort of Fanboy argument? Or if someone makes an off hand comment and shares their opinion about any of the consoles, someone is there to jump down their throats.

I for one own a Ps4 and Xbox and like them both for their own merits. I sometimes prefer an apple for a snack and I sometimes prefer an orange (or Samsung :wink: without trying to cause another fanboy argument) for a snack. But I never would frown upon someone else eating an apple when I'm eating an orange. Its 2017, gone are the days when we used to dictate to people what they can like or not.

Now back to this Pre-order, heat for someone who wants to pre-order it now, personally I'm going to wait and watch and see what unfolds but I am very excited about the future of console gaming and the way its going :smile:
20 Sep 17 #184
So it's live and lots of bundle deals available to pre-order
20 Sep 17 #185
it's also available at Amazon at the mo
20 Sep 17 #186
...and Argos just now.
20 Sep 17 #187
All Game bundles have now been updated in the main post with links
20 Sep 17 #188
No deal, might get it next year once price drops a little and more true 4K games are available
20 Sep 17 #189
Looks like Smyths is available for console only as well now
20 Sep 17 #190
Why is it so expensive?
20 Sep 17 #191
I guess it's just a console for those who want better graphics (and are prepared to pay for them)
I'll wait til next gen.
20 Sep 17 #192
Again I will correct you :). I haven't offered an opinion on this console as to whether to buy it or not, merely pointed out that your comment about "exclusives not mattering" is wrong. I can do this all day baby.
20 Sep 17 #193
Yes but just because your configuration hasn't crashed doesn't mean someone else's unique configuration hasnt. PC gaming and gamer in a nut shell.
20 Sep 17 #194
He ended up closing a lot of background processes and eventually it opened.. But no logical solution found lol.

Yep a lot of 360s failed. And that was last generation, 4 years ago.
20 Sep 17 #195
Dunno mate, I reckon any other console fits the decent quality with decent performance for a decent price. This probably fits decent quality with decent performance at a higher price.
20 Sep 17 #196
Microsoft seems like a gambler who's getting in the hole deeper and getting more desperate by chasing his losses.
20 Sep 17 #197
They aren't bundle "deals". Just a way to force sales of games at further inflated prices.
Game did this with the Xbox One and PS4 to a shocking degree, had bundles costing up to £800-ish

At least Amazon keep it honest.
20 Sep 17 #198
Cool story bro
20 Sep 17 #199
359.99 on very for new customers ....... posted it as a deal as well
20 Sep 17 #200
As I said, 'decent quality' can be interpreted differently by different people. My idea of 'decent quality' is 1440p-4K, which is what the Xbox One X excels at. Your idea of 'decent quality' may differ from mine. :smile:
20 Sep 17 #201
Have we had confirmed hard drive specs yet?

No SSD/Hybrid component would be worrying for real world load times.

I've got the xbox one elite and love the ecosystem, but might have to move back onto PCs and steam.
20 Sep 17 #202
You have terrible taste in games and equally poor English ability.
20 Sep 17 #203
359.99 on very for new customers ....... posted it as a deal as well
20 Sep 17 #204
Didn't correct me a first time, my point still stands, if this doesn't interest you, with valid reasons. Then move along, don't post. Noone needs to know in a post about people buying Xbox one x, that your not buying the Xbox one x.

I have an exceptionally good pc, which will handle 4k comfortably. I enjoy the communities and games I play with.

But I have a lot of friends who can't afford a decent pc, I play now and again on my Xbox one s and PS4 with those people. Now I can play 4k with these people when this comes out.
Personally I feel playstation has better exclusives, although their biggest ones are remasters.
But in all honesty I mainly play multiplatform games, it doesn't put me up not down who has the best.I certainly don't go to post about PlayStation's for sale, and offer up my unwanted opinions on how I find Xbox better.
20 Sep 17 #206
What are you doing? I haven't said I'm buying or not buying the XOX in any of my posts? Are you buying one? Why are you posting in here if you're not buying one, if those are your criteria for posting? I'm interested in buying one, but maybe not on launch day, am I allowed to be in here? So confusing. :worried:
20 Sep 17 #207
My mistake then.. Your post read like you'd bought your Xbox last Christmas, so the early adopter part seemed odd.
20 Sep 17 #208
Not everyone can afford a good gaming PC that the problem. My new gaming PC cost £1500 and I could only afford that due to saving for ages
20 Sep 17 #209
It's whether i need to purchase a new TV.
So with the standard Xbox one I'm not playing at 1080? even though TV is capable? I'm confused. :neutral_face:
20 Sep 17 #210
If you pre-order from game how does it work if you want to trade in your old xbox towards this one?
20 Sep 17 #211
And you have a stupid photo thanks for commenting
20 Sep 17 #212
Ha ha. What a lot of rubbish. There’s a big difference in power between the one x and it’s predecessors.
20 Sep 17 #213
Tv needs upgrading first :disappointed:
Got to somehow convince the wife I NEED an oled tv and get rid of one of the 4 big normal led lit tv's.
Then I can upgrade my console
20 Sep 17 #214
That's because the original Xbox One should never have existed in the first place.
20 Sep 17 #215
But which of the companies on release day are most likely to deliver a console or a email offering a apology.

Amazon have been very flaky lately.

Game hmmmm full of hot air and no stock.

John Lewis, hmmm extra year guarantee and a pretty respectable stock keeping records.

I'd vote for John Lewis as the best bet.
20 Sep 17 #216
Im a console gamer aswell as i said before

Sorry your friend has a potato :cry:
20 Sep 17 #217
What ya got?
20 Sep 17 #218
I totally agree with that. Whoever made the decisions on the design of the original Xbox One lost Microsoft the console war. I had X360 for years but bought a PS4 at launch instead of the One and never regretted it. Now that most Xbox games are now on PC I probably won’t bother with a One X.
20 Sep 17 #219
Watch out mate, truth hurts some people!

Power of the cloud? Lol what a joke that was!
20 Sep 17 #220
I basically bought this one from PC specialist.…pc/

gtx 1080

i am am still trying to get used to pc gaming again after years on a console.
20 Sep 17 #221
Very entertaining discussions ongoing! :joy:
20 Sep 17 #222
Exactly. They released a below spec machine using hardware that was already well out of date by the time of its launch in 2013 and now 4 years later expect their customers to buy a new machine at nearly 500 quid because they screwed up.

The PS4's hardware was hardly cutting edge in 2013 either but the Xbox One looked like a dinosaur by comparison.
20 Sep 17 #223
Wont take long and youll never go back to console
20 Sep 17 #224
And it was right after i bought the xbox one i got into pc gaming!

I keep hearing about new consoles.... wheres the games?
20 Sep 17 #225
This is absolutely not a deal.
20 Sep 17 #226
The PS4 has had some stellar ones although admittedly it took a long time to find momentum.

The Xbox One, not so much.
20 Sep 17 #227
My advise would be to wait it out until next year, Good 4K TV price will be more affordable, and by then hopefully xbox price point will better. I also think the xbox games library on launch is little stale, so waiting until they have some decent exclusives would be a better decision. I have decent ps4 gaming setup at the moment so not worth me changing at this moment in time.
20 Sep 17 #228
Just Ordered Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition 1TB Console @ Amazon

20 Sep 17 #229
That may have cost £1500 but you don't need to spend anywhere near that to match/better a Xbox One X. A Ryzen 3 1200 and Geforce 1060 6GB would do that and only cost £650.
20 Sep 17 #230
I agree. Literally no point in having a capable gaming PC and this thing, particularly since Xbox doesn't technically have 'exclusives' these days.
20 Sep 17 #231
Think I will pass.. waste of money
20 Sep 17 #232
Said nobody in the last 2-3 years. The Xbox annual line up has been truly woeful since 2014.
20 Sep 17 #233
100% agree. I'm sitting here with a gtx 1080 build , ps4 slim , the vita and just traded my Xbox one in for the Xbox one s just this week based on the super shopto £199 deal. I play titles on all them I don't get the nonsense fan boy spout out. They all have great games. Forza 3 is an unbelievable game. Gears of war. Halo
. Backward compatibility etc. Sony has awesome games to as does PC only titles eg pubg and mods to expand your games beyond what they ever imagine on release.
As a gamer I super excited about the Xbox one X a machine that does native 4k that can sit in my living room and take virtually no space.
Look spout all the fan boy shit but nine is better they do the same thing okay games simple as that. 4k is the way it's all going and the life cycles are getting shorter of consoles. If you can afford to experience the X then do it ,you won't regret it. I'll be getting it and this time next year or be the PS5 if not before hand.
20 Sep 17 #234
Will this gen of console + games support more split-screen local co-op gaming? I skipped out on the last gen of console because very few games seemed to support local play and you had to be online for everything.

Been a long time since I've done any gaming anyway. However, what's the appeal of consoles if everything has moved towards sitting at home and gaming by yourself over the internet? That's what PC gaming is for. For me, consoles had an appeal because it was convenient to setup and play split screen with friends... Maybe I'm just becoming an old fart!
20 Sep 17 #235
Pre-ordered via Microsoft Store as 3% Quidco and Reward points.
Yes it seems expensive but with UHD player included (better one than the SI believe) and much improved disk I/O (god please do not use the internal disk for storing your games on the normal xbox and buy an external HD connected via USB) it well help significantly.
20 Sep 17 #236
In a word, no. The PS4 has some reasonably decent couch co-op titles and Sony are pushing a new multiplayer gaming system for PS4 where everyone uses their smartphone as a controller (not just party games) but it's mostly a dying genre unfortunately.
20 Sep 17 #237
He literally just said it
20 Sep 17 #238
Had the XONE since day 1. Really enjoyed it. Have ordered the XONEX from Very as new customer credit account so 20% off and gone through TCB so hopefully 7.35% possibly bringing this down to £325ish. If I can get £100 for my XONE I'll be happy enough paying out on this. Just hoping the HDR works with my 4k LG TV. It wasn't marketed as HDR but does have an option in the settings on one HDMI socket for something similar from suitable sources...
20 Sep 17 #239
He's giving people a list of options, not claiming that as his own opinion.
20 Sep 17 #240
yeah fair point, but it's worth the investment :wink:
I still think the one x is overpriced for what you're getting.
then again, xbox one was in the same ballpark, and i paid full whack for that.... presents for teenage kids don't come cheap these days *sighs*
20 Sep 17 #241
Wow - what is some statement you have made. The xbox one x is far from an under-powered PC - at worse its is a mid range gaming rig, and with optimization it will perform at a level you would need a pc with a graphics card equal or better than an overclocked 4gig 1060 possibly a 1070 - you build me that in a small form factor for under £500 with operating system the general public can comfortably use.

Why buy a console when you can get all the benefits of a pc? I will reverse that question why buy a £1000 PC just to play games at near as dammit the same quality (or worse as PC ports of consoles games are usually very demanding), when you can get it 'just working with ease of use at the forefront of the design for half the price.
20 Sep 17 #242
Firstly, it may match a 1060 for graphics but it wont match an i5 or even a Ryzen 3 in terms of processing power so the FPS will be much lower.

The advantage of building a PC is that when the Xbox 2 comes out in 2019/2020 you have to folk out another £450 to keep up where as the PC you built would just need a £200 GPU upgrade (and you could flog the old one for £100).

You wouldn't need to spend anywhere near £1000, more like £650. Also if you went for a second hand i5 PC for about £150 quid you could spruce it up in a new case and pop in an 1060 for less than the cost of the Xbox One X - And get a warm fussy feeling inside from the accomplishment :grin:

But i digress, if you want to play your Xbox games at upto four times the resolution and don't mind the high price tag then crack on and enjoy all those extra pixels!
20 Sep 17 #243
Tesco codes have expired then?
20 Sep 17 #244
4.5 increase in GPU performance and the leap from 8GB of DDR3 to 12 GB GDDR5 is what you consider small increase then you must have been really disappointed with pretty much all new PC/console release in the past few years.
20 Sep 17 #245
To me it's not the increase that's disappointing, it's the requirement for the Xbox One to be able to run all the games. The console is held back by that fact

Imagine if the NES had to run all SNES games or the PS2 all PS3 games... You won't see larger more complex games because of this, just the same games in 4k.

That was my issue with the PS4 Pro too and it's atleast much more reasonably priced.

No real advancement will come in the console space until the next consoles in 2019/2020.
20 Sep 17 #246
just ordered scorpio edition via amazon :innocent:
20 Sep 17 #247
the NUS £10.00 discount code works on this as well,
20 Sep 17 #248
I have an Amazon pre order but I'm very tempted to switch for the evil within 2 and forza edition. Hmmmm
20 Sep 17 #249
The Xbox One was £429 when it first came out wasn't it?
20 Sep 17 #250
I have no idea to be honest, if so this is certainly a lot more kit for similar money. Still on the fence, might wait until nearer Christmas.
20 Sep 17 #251
Is it just me not bothered about the lack of new exclusives? I've still got lots of games to play that were released earlier this year and they're getting 4k updates. Good enough for me! Ive held off playing GOW4, RE7 and Titanfall 2

Oh, and I bought a UE65KS900 about 6 months ago. Can't wait...
20 Sep 17 #252
happy with my PS4 also picked up a switch the other day with the amazon save £25 code so im happy dont think this is worth the money.
21 Sep 17 #253
Looking forward to this for HDR/4k gaming on my OLED/JVC Projector. Will wait until Black Friday though.

Anyone have experience of sitting up close to a 65" and gaming? 4k is really only of benefit if you sit sub 6 feet but I'd imagine that makes gaming quite hard?
21 Sep 17 #254
Great entertainment, just spent the last 10 minutes reading these Muppets to and throws. :grin:‌ :grin:‌ :grin:
21 Sep 17 #255
I got my pre order in but still undecided on whether I need it having a decent PC and a Pro. This console will be around £350 early next year after the initial sales dry up, imo of course. Watch out for some mega Pro deals in October.

My problem with the XBX is the CPU. This is way underpowered compared to the rest of the system. A lack of 60 fps games at 1080p let alone 4k means the Pro does pretty much the same for same for less.

I'm not interested in a uhd bluray player.

Still, the pre-order stays for now!
21 Sep 17 #256
No it's not, because a games console is nothing without the games, and MS are SoL on that front! Tech wise it seems great though.
21 Sep 17 #257
Sorry, had to stop reading at 'small increase in power'.
21 Sep 17 #258
Where's the actual deal here this just the RRP
21 Sep 17 #259
No worries, the rest read "and barely any worthwhile exclusives".
21 Sep 17 #260
I wasn't missing anything then, completely subjective.
21 Sep 17 #261
3% cashback on all console sales @ Microsoft through Quidco for the next 3 days
21 Sep 17 #262
That sucks. It's the only major part of console gaming that appealed to me. Ah well.
21 Sep 17 #263
Its is really the CPU holding back 60fps? I know the CPU is poor in comparison to full fat desktop CPU's but it is multi core and optimisation in code to run just for that cpu will assist considerably. Often the bottleneck in PC's s either the hard drive or more relevant with gaming the GPU and VRAM. Im sure I have watched some you tube videos of the same game played on a i3, i4 and i7 with minimal FPS gains as the GPU was the limiting factor, are we saying here the GPU is now being limited by the CPU - if so please provide me links to support this (i am genuinely interested to read about it rather than calling you out as wrong).
21 Sep 17 #264
What are best exclusives for the station? Only recently got mine (to play CB believe it or not). I always see people slate Xbox for exclusives, but other than Uncharted on Station, dont really fancy anything. Love Halo and Forza Horizon though. Confuses me that the general consensus is PS have loads and Xbox has none. Not as upto date as i used to be though.

I really can't justify the high tag on this, I'm on the verge of needing to replace my day one due to disk drive issue. But huge price difference makes it hard to spring. Plus I only have a 1080p projector. And I'm not sure the increase justifies cost enough for me. Would like one though, they look sleek.

Heat OP
21 Sep 17 #265
For me It's not all about exclusives, it's for sure a high price tag but looking at the games that are being patched and everyone will be running better than the ps4 pro counterparts. It must be pretty good to be running resident evil 7 at full 4k 60fps, a pc to do that would be a hell of a lot more money than £449.
21 Sep 17 #266
Or for the same price you could get an xbox one AND a ps4 and play all the games.. I mean isn't more options better??
21 Sep 17 #267
I'm trying to think of a reason to warrant getting one of these, but seeing as nearly all of the Xbox "exclusives" are also releasing on PC I can't think of a reason why I'd buy any games for this over my PC.
21 Sep 17 #268
If you have a mid to high range gaming PC there isn't really any point. This console is aimed at the console market. The very few play anywhere titles that are available will still be better on a good spec PC.
22 Sep 17 #269
My son is a rocket league pro player and wants a pc. But someone said this new xbox is built for gamers. Very expensive thiugh this new xbox
22 Sep 17 #270…ck/

Bungie seem to think it's the CPU. The CPU tech in the Xbox is old and given that a PC with a lesser graphics card than the XBX but better CPU can get a locked 1080p 60 FPS in the Destiny 2 Beta confirms this. Even a weak i3 would destroy the XBX CPU in benchmarks.

In many circumstances you are right, the GPU is often the limiting factor but when pumping out higher frame rates a good CPU helps alot. On the plus side, the 'proper' next gen consoles should have Ryzen or a variant. Native 4k at a locked 60 fps would look incredible on a full HDR enabled TV.
22 Sep 17 #271
Try and find a 4K blu-ray for £100 and there's your answer
23 Sep 17 #272
Trade your PS4 in to GAME and upgrade won't be as much
23 Sep 17 #273
Can't wait for this. Don't really understand people bad mouthing it. I'd have to pay way over this for a PC to do the same and I already have a 4K TV with HDR. I already own 10+ games that will be enhanced from day 1 and they've already confirmed over 100 titles that will do the same. Love the Xbox operating system and quality of life features on live. If I had a PC I'd be tinkering with the setup on the game I was playing more than playing the actual game. I'm bad enough with my tv settings from game to film to TV! :joy: On console they're optimised for me, sticking with Xbox. And no, I don't work for MS :thumbsup:‌ :joy: Hope this helps someone's decision, it's a substantial outlay.
24 Sep 17 #274
Microsoft and Sony are doing what Apple does now, a new update each year and a cost of a console now is very expensive. For this reason, PC gaming for me seems a better option! More power and it can be easily upgraded, about £200 for than this new Xbox but worth it
25 Sep 17 #275
Convinced me not to get it on release, many thanks.
25 Sep 17 #276
Yep each person is different or the world would be a very boring place.
1 Oct 17 #277
People need to stop comparing specs of consoles. I play more xbox one than ps because my friends play games I like to play on xbox. Simple as that.

I would like one of these new machines, especially since I play a lot of Elite Dangerous and would love the increased Ram and processing power, however my original xbox one still works just fine and I'll pick this up in a year, probably second hand for half the price and with many more games made for it and many of the teething problems sorted out.

Maybe I'm just getting old and boring but buying something just because it's new is not a reason to buy something in my book.
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