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 Xbox one x £497.99 inc Forza 7 evil within 2 & 2 month entertainment pass @ Game
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Xbox one x £497.99 inc Forza 7 evil within 2 & 2 month entertainment pass @ Game

£497.99 GAME20 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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20 Sep 17
For £497.99 which includes xbox one x Forza 7 the evil within 2 and a 2 month now tv entertainment pass £450 For the console and both games plus the pass for less than £50 is a steal! Be sure to order quick as these will sell out fast - happy shopping :smile:
Latest comments (42)
21 Sep 17 #33
It's a shame Xbox one X is going to flop... Sony just have to drop the RRP of PS4 Pro by £50 anytime now and the Xbox one X will be £150 more to buy... With less good games aswell... Ouch.
Strachan01 to ZeroEx
21 Sep 17 #34
Sony fan are we? such a shame Sony rushed the ps4 pro
ZeroEx to Strachan01
21 Sep 17 #35
Gaming fan. When the PS4 pro is £150 RRP cheaper then the Xbox one X why would anyone choose it over the pro? It's not £150 better and it has less good games... Just being honest.
Strachan01 to ZeroEx
21 Sep 17 #36
I see what you mean but ps4 pro has been out a just under a year and has hardly pushed the boundaries. In a years time the xbox x will have dropped price too, it's just the way things work in electronics industry. Native 4k on selected games will be a massive selling point for Microsoft over Sony. I know it will be up to the developer, but to say the console can output at native 4k is a massive selling point over the pro, weather you like it or not. It's the first time that Microsoft really have the 'better' console in terms or power and capabilities. With regards to games, I know Sony have more exclusive but to be honest I am not a massive fan of any of them, so for me the 'less good games' argument is nonsense. Other will obviously be different, and that is the great thing about gaming!
ZeroEx to Strachan01
21 Sep 17 #37
If you put destiny 2 on the to same TV sets next to eachother on the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X I bet you can't really tell a difference - both 30fps aswell so it won't exactly feel more powerful.

Like I say when its £150 more and not really being able to tell the difference on big mainstream games... It's going to be hard to sell to people unless they are hardcore Xbox fans.
shasnir to ZeroEx
22 Sep 17 #38
Destiny 2 ! That would be by Bungie a company that has a deal with Sony on this title so I would not use that game as any comparison.

The fact is the Pro is not worth the price difference over the normal PS4 and is light years behind the Xbox1X in both hardware and features so maybe you should start by justifying the price difference between the normal PS4 and the Pro before you go anywhere near the Xbox1X.
ZeroEx to shasnir
22 Sep 17 #39
My pro cost me £110 altogether. Go on?

And yes it should be compared on mainstream games and not exclusives. After all it's going to be games like Destiny 2, Call of Duty WW2, FIFA 18 etc that people play mainly on the Ps4 Pro and XB1X for the rest of this year.

If it looks similar on both and both run at same FPS, how can you justify the £449 price to the potentially £299 price of the Pro come closer to November?
shasnir to ZeroEx
22 Sep 17 #40

Back to the question of the PS Pro and it's price difference over the PS4 which you avoided.

"The fact is the Pro is not worth the price difference over the normal PS4 and is light years behind the Xbox1X in both hardware and features so maybe you should start by justifying the price difference between the normal PS4 and the Pro before you go anywhere near the Xbox1X."

Yes all games Especially multiplayer (where the Xbox1X is always going to come out on top) should and will go side to side for comparison on Digital Foundry etc.
Destiny is an exception because Sony has a deal with Bungie on this title.

The games will run best on Xbox1X that is a simple fact as for price firstly why are you quoting Maximum RRP for Xbox1X but making up a price you have plucked out of the air for the Pro ?

As I said justify the price of the Underpowered and featureless ( no Ultra bluray ray etc) PS Pro over the normal PS4 before you do any comparisons with another brand of console.
ZeroEx to shasnir
22 Sep 17 #41
Now you just sound like an awful Xbox fan boy... If you think the differences between Pro and Xbox One X is worth £150 more then more fool you. (£150 more because Sony is expected to drop the PS4 pro RRP to £299 before the Xbox One X is released).

Compare any mainstream game next to eachother and there won't be a massive difference. FIFA 18, Destiny 2, new Call of Duty etc etc will all run at same FPS and the graphics may look a bit better on Xbox one X as it's more powerful but not worth that much money.

I paid £110 for my Ps4 Pro so the price is worth it to me. Games look much better in 4K and HDR from the standard PS4. I don't need UHD Blu-ray. I barely watch films etc. It would have been nice to have it but it's no Biggie for me.
fivoroth to ZeroEx
26 Sep 17 #42
It has Forza and Halo, that's all I need in terms of exclusives! But yeah it's sad that Halo 6 is not launch with the one X. If Halo 6 was coming on the 7 November, they would have rocked the boat.
20 Sep 17 #1
Hope next gen console wont cost up to £500
Strachan01 to Ken9041
20 Sep 17 #5
This is next Gen, there wont be another console for another 5+ year.
andypolack to Strachan01
20 Sep 17 #7
slimdavey to andypolack
20 Sep 17 #18
Ken9041 to Strachan01
20 Sep 17 #10
eh no, this is mid gen upgrade like the ps4 pro. The next playstation console could be announced 2019/2020 then Microsoft will follow suit
jimbo001 to Strachan01
20 Sep 17 #28
The moment the PS4 is shelved, microsoft will have to release a new console too.

They can't compete if they have to maintain parity with the OG Xbone.

If anything the One X will have the shortest life span or OG Xbone owners will be left behind.
jokerevo to Strachan01
21 Sep 17 #31
Lol. There will be in 2. Ps has an anniversary in 2 years. The life cycle of next gen consoles is going to shorten.
Strachan01 to jokerevo
21 Sep 17 #32
Oh so PS will release a native 4k console, not a whole lot else that they can do within 2 years. Technology wont be that different if they have already started to work it it now! Microsoft and PS have already admitted that console iteration is what the future holds. What do you expect to happen in 2 years to be classed as next gen?
jalaldevil to Ken9041
20 Sep 17 #15
There is a reason why Xbox one is lagging behind the PS4, the high price put a lot of people off.
Why would anyone pay a £100 more for a console that practical does the same thing spec wise, Sony learnt it's mistake with the PS3 at £429. I don't think they'll make the same mistake next gen either.
gopolog86 to jalaldevil
20 Sep 17 #16
Has more power than the pro so will cost more of course ms cocked up on release on Xbox one as £80 more expensive and a weaker powered machine
Ken9041 to jalaldevil
20 Sep 17 #19
MS have promoted the xbox one X like a next gen console whihc is not so it might sell slighlty more than the pro even though both are mid gen upgrade. the xbox one s and ps4 slim will be the main seller and sony as the advantage on that along wiht exclusives.
20 Sep 17 #22
Is it worth getting a One X if you only have a 1080p screen?
Ken9041 to shadders139
20 Sep 17 #23
just like pro you will get better image due to downsampling and games could run on solid/better framerate ie ps4 pro project cars 2 60fps ps4 slim dont reach that.
shasnir to shadders139
20 Sep 17 #30
20 Sep 17 #29
Cancel scorpio for this :smile:
20 Sep 17 #27
This just seem that much of a deal if I'm honest...... Forza 7 is interesting, but evil within 2?

If it has COD or SWBF2 then it would be worth it.
20 Sep 17 #6
I have a feeling that the £450 price won’t last long. We will be seeing far better prices around Christmas.
scott_w_1981 to hko
20 Sep 17 #8
I have a feeling I'm gonna win a couple of million pounds on the lottery and can quit my job and go travelling the world living a life of luxury.........very slim chance I think lol but wishful thinking
hko to scott_w_1981
20 Sep 17 #12
There are just lots of older games can support 4k and they might be bundled up with xbox one x, also we saw the price cut on xbox one s even the x was a rumour in the past. I’m not saying people shouldn’t buy it now but strongly believe there are going to be good bundles for Xbox One X during holiday. Hope you win the lottery though(angel)
Alvie to scott_w_1981
20 Sep 17 #24
I think it's pretty likely actually, Black Friday / Cyber Monday / Boxing Day (it's probably going to be £400 ish with games then)
darksun100 to Alvie
20 Sep 17 #26
That's like saying if you wait a year after a brand new car is released it will be cheaper. The intelligence of some people.....
20 Sep 17 #25
Decent price for this bundle.

Also at Tesco, £469.99 with just Forza 7.…189
20 Sep 17 #21
I was going to say classic Game and their "bundles" but this price is pretty good if you want Forza
20 Sep 17 #20
This is a good price with 2 games so heat added OP. However I'm happy to wait before I purchase, dont even have a 4k TV yet. Took me about 18 months to upgrade from xbox 360 to xbox one so will probably do same with this while I wait for a good price drop.
20 Sep 17 #3
A huge amount of money but actually to be fair this is far better than £450 for just the console, especially since Forza 7 should be a very good way to show it off (not sure about the Evil Within 2 but it's another game). The Very deal still trumps it but if you can't get that, or don't want to worry about whether they will honour this is probably the next best thing...
littlebitsofgaming to ST3123
20 Sep 17 #17
People said that about Forza 5 for the Xbox One launch...
20 Sep 17 #13
Is worth to buy xox if I have 4k TV but no HDR?
Gormond to zagroo
20 Sep 17 #14
You will still get the benefit of the increased resolution.
20 Sep 17 #11
Will the games ship on release? Less of a deal if you have to wait for the console release as the value will have gone down.
20 Sep 17 #9
nice deal. I really hope amazon offer promotions on their pre orders now
20 Sep 17 #4
Hot from me
20 Sep 17 #2
Decent bundle. I will wait until the new year or longer. Bought XB1 S on launch. No benefits for buying on launch. Especially companies like Argos that will also bundle in the future. Thanks op
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