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 [Xbox One] Gears of War 4 - £9.99 - Go2Games
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[Xbox One] Gears of War 4 - £9.99 - Go2Games

£9.99 Go2Games20 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
20 Sep 17
Please Note: Multi Language Packaging [featuring English, German, French and Dutch] - Game Play available in Full English

A new saga begins for one of the most acclaimed video game franchises in history. After narrowly escaping an attack on their village, JD Fenix and his friends, Kait and Del, must rescue the ones they love and discover the source of a monstrous new enemy.

Key Features:

  • Never Fight Alone: Enjoy two-player co-op with friends locally via split-screen or over Xbox Live. Player 2 can select either Kait or Del
  • Redefined Cover Gameplay: New close-cover combat moves and combat-knife executions turn each piece of cover into an offensive opportunity
  • Brutal New Weapons: An incredible arsenal of new weapons includes the Buzzkill and Dropshot, which can shoot around and over cover, raining destruction from all angles
  • Explosive Versus Multiplayer: Compete online in new and favorite game types, all at 60fps on dedicated servers. A new visible ranking system means fairer matchmaking for social, competitive and professional players alike
Latest comments (42)
20 Sep 17 #5
Damn thought this was for the PC for a second then! Hot though if you've got XO
Nuwidol to parasitemol
20 Sep 17 #6
Isn't this one of the play anywhere titles? Does that mean you can buy on Xbox & play on PC? I don't have any of the games that are so I don't know how it works. I just know that this game is one of them..
parasitemol to Nuwidol
20 Sep 17 #9
I thought that only worked with digital versions that were redeemed via your Xbox account on XO or Windows 10, I didn't think it was possible with a physical XO release. Will look in to it now you've said this though :blush:
BuzzDuraband to parasitemol
20 Sep 17 #10
Digital titles only :disappointed:
amazingichigo to Nuwidol
23 Sep 17 #42
Yes gears of war 4 is on both console xbox one as well pc it has to digital game
20 Sep 17 #8
do you think this game could be free for gold member anytime soonish?
amazingichigo to bozkurt1881
23 Sep 17 #41
Xbox game cloud is all ways been free if you have xbox live gold
21 Sep 17 #27
Oh listen to the genius.
1) I don't buy discs
2) I'm in top 3000 so rarely get handled on this game.
3) You have no idea what you're talking about because if you did you would know the hardcore gears fans hate this game and the coalition.

Your comment translate to

Im a keyboard warrior and a lil virgin.

All you fanboys can't reply all day and I'll troll you all day long.

Games trash.
madeofbraille to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #30
Jimmies successfully rustled :raised_hand:

I really hope the 76 in your username doesn't apply to your DOB... :worried:
nexus76 to madeofbraille
21 Sep 17 #33
Next kid
Ballie11 to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #31
Top 3000?

So you're saying it's trash but you (allegedly) are still playing it.

*cough* Bullsh*t *cough*

And I notice you never denied being a PlayStation fanboy in your rant, which to me means you definitely are, and have never played Gears 4.

No one is fooled by your trolling.

nexus76 to Ballie11
21 Sep 17 #32
1) I do not own a PlayStation but will buy one just for shenmue 3 and i am a grown man so do not imply i give a toss about some 10 yr olds rant about what consoles best. Leave you gamertag an ill invite you and slap you all over the map.
GB only no power weapons
Scrat to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #34
How you gonna do that? You clearly said it was unplayable online....
Ballie11 to nexus76
22 Sep 17 #36
You maybe a grown man but judging by your inane comments on here, and your quite obvious anger management issues, that you are not grown up in any sense of the meaning.

Also you say you don't give a toss about what other ppl say about you but yet here you are still commenting like a child.

And FYI, I am in the top 1% in the world on Forza Motorsport, and various other racing games, so touche as I would destroy you in any racing game.

P.S. You are so easy to wind up and can imagine the raging and abuse when you die online. Lol.
nexus76 to Ballie11
22 Sep 17 #38
Take your meds boy and have a nap. And try harder if you think anything anyone says here bothers me, I am just laughing at you all nothing more. So easy to troll.
This game sucks haha...... Next?
Ballie11 to nexus76
22 Sep 17 #39
So, you've admitted that you are, in fact, a "troll".

There's nothing more to be said here as I do not associate with such people. :wink:
nexus76 to Ballie11
22 Sep 17 #40
I'll troll anyone who wants to bitch back about my opinions, said it way back. Off to bed boy daddies waiting for you.
21 Sep 17 #28
Time to stop running your mouth like your someone Lil kid, off you go back to you daddy breasts.
madeofbraille to nexus76
22 Sep 17 #37
I think you love "daddy breasts"... :joy:
21 Sep 17 #35
You really know nothing about this game do you. Off you go puppy
21 Sep 17 #18
Your clearly mad. No one in the community is happy with this game online and I've been playing gears also since day one and only play for online and the latest QOS update has killed this game so if you think playing on US or further away servers is great you must be a sponge who needs lag compensation and I suppose you think the RNG packs are good also or the season pass is value for money or the fact that after nearly a year of being put this games basically a beta version and every update from these clowns makes it worse! You know nothing . This games garbage get over it and TC are the worst thing to happen to the franchise, fact!
Scrat to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #21
I'm definitely sensing anger. You are ranting at people who are entitled to their own opinion as are you. :grin:
nexus76 to Scrat
21 Sep 17 #22
your comment is hypocritical clown
Scrat to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #23
nexus76 to Scrat
21 Sep 17 #29
Called an opinion just like my opinion is you are a moron!
madeofbraille to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #26
Someone's autism is playing up again. That fedora must be pretty tight on your head there chum as you seem to be well triggered...
Time to give the Mountain Dew and Cheetos a rest bro.
20 Sep 17 #4
Garbage game and unplayable online. Overpriced trash from moron devolopers.
oldskoolpug to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #11
That's not really accurate......
nexus76 to oldskoolpug
21 Sep 17 #13
Pretty accurate to me it's utter trash, the worst gears and made by clowns who are fired from every job they ever had. Hopefully this one also.
oldskoolpug to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #15
Again, that's not really accurate as anybody who has played the gears series which I have since 2007 knows which game is the worst.....aka Judgement.

This gears has flaws but online is still going strong, plenty of players and updates are still flowing out from the coalition..... the game is not dead at all
Scrat to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #17
I'm sensing anger here... :dizzy_face:
nexus76 to Scrat
21 Sep 17 #19
No your sensing disappointment and the end of a franchise I've supported since day one. Just like millions of others are!
stevenjameshyde to oldskoolpug
21 Sep 17 #14
Yeah. It is no longer overpriced
oldskoolpug to stevenjameshyde
21 Sep 17 #16
Lollllll maybe..... a steal at £10 tho
Ballie11 to nexus76
21 Sep 17 #25
Translates as:

I bought the game day 1 for full price and have had my a$$ handed to me online since, and thus raged quit (either smashing my xbox or snapping the disc in half) and now I need to trash the game at every opportunity.


Never played the game and is a PlayStation fanboy.

Take your pick which one is right.
21 Sep 17 #24
Excellent game but not as good as Gears 2 in my opinion which is the pinnacle of the Gears franchise so far.

However, the campaign is the 2nd best, again in my opinion, especially when you get to the end of Act 2 which is when it really kicks off and becomes a Gears campaign.

Horde mode is great but don't really play versus that much as I just don't have the time to play regularly anymore to stay good.

This is a bargain at this price. Heat added.

P.S. Ignore the obvious troll in the comments. You always get one.
21 Sep 17 #20
I got this as I've never played gears before and I've given up on the story mode as it gets pretty stale. The game looks great and some of the weapons are fun, but my word it's so weak

Saying that, is it worth a tenner? Every day of the year. Heat.
21 Sep 17 #12
Is this a digital game or physical copy?
20 Sep 17 #7
Worth every penny. Enjoyed this one
20 Sep 17 #3
Good price for this.
20 Sep 17 #2
:sunglasses:‌ :thumbsup:
20 Sep 17 #1
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