Battlefield 3™ Premium includes expansion packs...
Back to Karkand
Close Quarters
Armored Kill
End Game and Aftermath.
If you buy Battlefield 3™ Premium, these should be accessed through the in-game store and NOT DOWNLOADED FROM Xbox Games Store or you will be charged twice.
Take your Battlefield 3™ experience to the next level with Battlefield 3™ Premium! Containing a staggering amount of content, Battlefield 3™ Premium gives you five themed expansion packs for Battlefield 3™! You will also receive unique in-game items including a knife, new dog tags, exclusive soldier and weapon camos, and more. Premium members will also get access to features such as the ability to reset their stats, queue priority into servers, and new decals for their Platoon emblems. All this for a one-time fee. For more details, head to
Latest comments (25)
17 Sep 17#23
This is free with Games with Gold - it appears to come with all the DLC - I have no idea why this offer is necessary.
oUkTuRkEyIII to J1MB0
18 Sep 17#25
Sarcasm? Or did you not read the previous comments? Battlefield 3 with GWG doesn't include this, they are just mandatory updates that you need to play the premium pass.
17 Sep 17#24
don't think it does
17 Sep 17#22
I bought the premium for Hardline and then realised that they were just multiplayer maps, with no one now using them and therefore a total waste of time now....will this be the case for BF3 premium?
17 Sep 17#21
Is this bf where the tower block collapses ...
17 Sep 17#20
Favourite game in the past, but naturally the playerbase (on console) is super low now. Just a warning.
17 Sep 17#19
It is £3.74 people confused because they probably previously owned it like me
17 Sep 17#18
only downloaded the game yesterday... was hoping the dlc was free after sll these years.... but not to bad i suppose
17 Sep 17#17
Maybe, I don't remember owning it though. Although I do have battlefield 3 still on disc from way back when so who knows.
17 Sep 17#15
I got it for free. I went onto buy premium add on and it was free.
johnwillowlfc to tink179
17 Sep 17#16
You must of already of owned it?
17 Sep 17#10
Base game is free on games with gold and premium content is free for all who own the base game. This is a pointless deal.
oUkTuRkEyIII to tink179
17 Sep 17#11
No it's not, they are just updates that are in your ready to install list. The expansions are not free.
BuzzDuraband to tink179
17 Sep 17#12
I'm becoming increasingly confused. Are you referring to these? [Link]
johnwillowlfc to BuzzDuraband
17 Sep 17#14
In the older battlefield games they force you to download the expansions to play multiplayer, however you need an unlock license to play them, its so people can use the weapons/vehicles/mods on the dlc in the base game maps
powerbrick to tink179
17 Sep 17#13
17 Sep 17#7
Good expansions included with these, well worth it as I bought this back in the day, are these expansions part of EA access?
BuzzDuraband to johnwillowlfc
17 Sep 17#9
Just the base game mate
17 Sep 17#4
It's free with Xbox gold and yeah get the pass free with it.
BuzzDuraband to Raphbatz
17 Sep 17#6
I’m not sure what it is you’re saying? This isn’t the base game that’s currently available with GwG, this is a pack of the 4 separately priced £9.99 expansion packs for it.
Opening post
Battlefield 3™ Premium includes expansion packs...
If you buy Battlefield 3™ Premium, these should be accessed through the in-game store and NOT DOWNLOADED FROM Xbox Games Store or you will be charged twice.
Take your Battlefield 3™ experience to the next level with Battlefield 3™ Premium! Containing a staggering amount of content, Battlefield 3™ Premium gives you five themed expansion packs for Battlefield 3™! You will also receive unique in-game items including a knife, new dog tags, exclusive soldier and weapon camos, and more. Premium members will also get access to features such as the ability to reset their stats, queue priority into servers, and new decals for their Platoon emblems. All this for a one-time fee. For more details, head to
Latest comments (25)