Seen this leaked online. Hopefully will be confirmed soon.
Xbox One - DmC: Devil May Cry will be free from October 1 until the end of the month, while Shadow of Mordor is said to be available from October 16 until November 15.
Xbox 360 - Likewise, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will reportedly join from October 1 until October 15, followed by Blood Drive from October 16 until the end of the month.
Latest comments (82)
25 Sep 17#82
You need to have a Xbox live gold membership to play the games so you use a 1 month code you can only play the games for that month
25 Sep 17#81
Looks like Trusted Reviews have been fooled hook, line and sinker:
Yeah no Rockstar game has been free since GWG started and very unlikely to give such a big game away for free. Maybe it will be free as a pre-order bonus if you order Red dead 2 but they would only work if they allow you to play before Red dead 2 came out as they'd much rather have you on that and on Red dead online
25 Sep 17#77
Hottest deal of the day and it's not officially been confirmed? Daily Star quotes an online source as the leak, which is probably this post on hukd.
If true looks like a fantastic month, will vote when/if confirmed.
25 Sep 17#75
Did you buy the GOTY edition though? They are actually separate games for some reason with their own achievement lists. So you can play GOTY and then go play the standard release and get them all twice
25 Sep 17#74
Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition goes on sale regularly on both Xbox One and PS4 for less than $5.
Not much to be jealous of, it is tedious as open world games go anyway.
25 Sep 17#73
As someone else already pointed out, this is clearly fake. MS never uses images of cases with PEGI or ACB ratings, always ESRB.
Besides, Shadows of Mordor Game of the Year Edition with all the add-one is a regular Xbox store sales item for the average price of $4
[email protected]
25 Sep 17#72
Daily star gaming section is well known (well by me anyway) for dodgy clickbait articles. The paper also seems to be similar. :grin:
25 Sep 17#71
The Daily Star have it on their website but I still think it is fake. Just clickbait.
25 Sep 17#70
Im paid up to Feb 2019 thanks to the game deal a few months back when it was £27 for 15 months
Eh it's too good of a month for Xbox, I don't believe it till it's confirmed.
25 Sep 17#68
should I give up waiting for red dead redemption.
25 Sep 17#67
Unfortunately when you have a company that dominates the market you tend to find they bump prices when there is no viable alternative.
25 Sep 17#66
Another month with a game in my back catalog. I really need to catch up on old games
25 Sep 17#65
Doesn't work like that anymore
25 Sep 17#64
Noooo I've been holding off for shadow for an age and then bought it on recent sale and now typically this happens:/ ! Now I know what it feels like when I see this type of comment every month when the games with gold announcement happens
25 Sep 17#63
If that's legit - it's got to be one of the strongest GWG
25 Sep 17#62
I heard it was Friday 13th
25 Sep 17#61
Wow this makes me jealous as a PS owner. Shadow of mordor looks epic.
25 Sep 17#60
Where is the source for this? I'm dubious this is real.
25 Sep 17#59
great month but I have them all in some capacity. Finally fallen victim to a sneaky sale on a upcoming GWG title in Shadow Of Mordor. Haven't even touched it either. Just added it to the backlog
25 Sep 17#58
Unconfirmed so not voting hot.
25 Sep 17#57
Cold and should be deleted. This isn’t official. Site losing any credibility it had left.
[email protected]
25 Sep 17#56
Nice month. Great idea to "give" Shadow of Mordor away.
25 Sep 17#55
I own all of these games but that's a good month and very wise of WB to give the first mordor game away!
25 Sep 17#54
Disagree with an open world game like this, I would get fatigued with the combat etc (why I never finished the dlc). If anything you'd want people to spend money on the original if they enjoyed the sequel.
25 Sep 17#53
Will wait for Major Nelson official release
25 Sep 17#52
Regardless of this being blatantly fake for other reasons, giving away the previous game in a series before a new release is a good idea, it gets more people interested in buying the sequel
25 Sep 17#51
Yeah, that's what it says :angry: :joy:
25 Sep 17#50
Why would you give away Shadow of War a month before the release of your new game. It doesn't make sense. Definitely fake
25 Sep 17#49
25 Sep 17#48
There was also another Thursday, the 31st :thinking:
25 Sep 17#47
Any where to get 1 month cheap?? Ill join to get both months games so they in my library ☺
25 Sep 17#46
Cold until proven otherwise
25 Sep 17#45
IF this is real, then Xbox wins yet another month again. Good timing with the Shadow of War and XboxOne-X around the corner, played Shadow of War at EGX, fantastic sequel.
25 Sep 17#44
This is great thanks
25 Sep 17#43
Looks like a fake to me. Neogaf have debunked it as a fake.
25 Sep 17#42
Surely this isnt real, DmC is on game pass why would it go GwG
25 Sep 17#41
Hot if true 4 great games
25 Sep 17#40
Ah mannnn, I was one of the many that bought SOM when it was going cheap the other month, still that was the GOTY edition and I don't need gold.
Great month for xbox though :smile:
25 Sep 17#10
What a month! Only, on Xbox One!
Smash41 to benjammin316
25 Sep 17#39
Except for when DMC was on PS+ in January 2014 LOL
25 Sep 17#1
Shadow of Mordor is a must get.
jacjacatac to joshbreeze55
25 Sep 17#38
Shadow of Mordor was a fiver on a digital offer about 2 months ago. And like a numpty I bought it. :persevere:
25 Sep 17#35
It's fake the games have different region ratings on them
lucifon to Lewis47
25 Sep 17#37
Good spot and very true. Disappointing, but this should be expired.
25 Sep 17#36
Great games here!
25 Sep 17#31
Its not a leak, it was made up by someone and every month people fall for it, we will find out tomorrow officially from Larry H as its always released the last Tues of the month
BuzzDuraband to drewbles82
25 Sep 17#34
September's was announced on the 24th August. That was a Thursday, there was also another Thursday that month - the 31st :smile:
25 Sep 17#33
Time to sell my unplayed copy of DMC before it's worthless :persevere:
25 Sep 17#32
Hasn't dmc been done?
25 Sep 17#30
Fudge bought both xb1 games recently on sale
25 Sep 17#26
No one pointed out this is a fake yet? The ratings on the boxes aren't even from the same countries :laughing:
frakison to xp_version1
25 Sep 17#29
25 Sep 17#6
Heat! See this deal setting my iPad on fire! :raised_hand:
frakison to bargain_up_the_wrong_tree
25 Sep 17#28
It shouldnt be doing that, are you sure you didnt buy a fake Hi-Pad??? :thumbsup:
25 Sep 17#20
The leaks haven't been accurate in recent months, so I'll wait for the official announcement.
joanddan7 to Avenger1324
25 Sep 17#27
wait to do what?
true or fake we all have to wait until October...
25 Sep 17#25
3 Great games next month. Superb value.
25 Sep 17#24
Wow if these confirmed
25 Sep 17#18
Not really sure we should be posting potentially fake 'leaks' as deals now on HUKD.
Killer month if true, but this isn't a deal until it's announced.
Bure11 to lucifon
25 Sep 17#23
Under normal moderation, these posts are in misc until confirmed.
Under HUKD drunk moderation, anything can happen.
25 Sep 17#8
DmC is such a great title, though I believe it fell under the radar for some and others may not have enjoyed the "new look" Dante. Great title though and one of the best Ninja Theory has ever made. I would love to see a new DMC title from NT, but I believe it's not going to happen.
cannibalwombat to Moonky
25 Sep 17#22
Totally agree, I loved DmC and think it's among the best in the series. People got very pissy about the new Dante aesthetic (and the fact that the developers anticipated and mocked this). If you can get past that (it certainly didn't bother me), it's a fantastic game.
25 Sep 17#21
Heated for the quality of the games but poor for me as I own both the Xbox One games. Good as these games may be, being so popular I bet a lot of people are in my boat too. While I own these games physical versions so at least could sell them but I don't think I will as my Shadow of Mordor is GOTY and on the PS4 Pro so will have 4K visuals. Might let DMC go as I don't think it's Pro optimised and imagine the Xbox One and PS4 versions are near identical?
Really wish Sony and MS would make allowances for those who already have the monthly games e.g. a second alternate set you could have instead if you already own them or even a small pool of other titles to choose from, so annoying paying (via gold sub) for something you already own. :disappointed:
25 Sep 17#19
awesome line up - props to MS
25 Sep 17#17
shadows is great, not keen on the rest.
Should this thread be up before it's actually confirmed though?
25 Sep 17#16
25 Sep 17#13
That's two great months in a row. Thanks for posting mate, you can't go wrong for £49.99 £39.99 a year :raised_hand:
MasterChief2017 to BuzzDuraband
25 Sep 17#15
25 Sep 17#14
"Own both games - poor month. One is a remaster and has been free on ps+"
Now that's out of the way....
heat. I do own both but still great and two BC titles are ones I haven't played.
25 Sep 17#12
Good line up. Shame I don't own an Xbox one anymore and very unlikely I will again.
Will add them to my account incase the next generation has BC as well.
25 Sep 17#11
If this leaks true its a killer line-up imo. Here's hoping psn follow suit as they have been doing good lately. Happy me..
25 Sep 17#9
Awesome month! What a time to be alive
25 Sep 17#7
This is a brilliant month for Games With Gold. 'Shadow Of Mordor' is brilliant, I sank hours into it.
25 Sep 17#5
Damn it, I've already got a digital version of Shadow of Mordor, so can't get rid of it lol The only consolation is that it's a GOTY edition.
Anyway, it looks like a good month to me for a change :smile:
25 Sep 17#4
Blimey what a good month hopefully we'll see a discount on castlevanias dlc
25 Sep 17#3
Damn hot month. Just finished Shadow and it was fantastic. Really nice to be able to try DMC and Castlevania has always been a series I've wanted to try.
Opening post
Seen this leaked online. Hopefully will be confirmed soon.
Xbox One - DmC: Devil May Cry will be free from October 1 until the end of the month, while Shadow of Mordor is said to be available from October 16 until November 15.
Xbox 360 - Likewise, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will reportedly join from October 1 until October 15, followed by Blood Drive from October 16 until the end of the month.
Latest comments (82)…223
If true looks like a fantastic month, will vote when/if confirmed.
Not much to be jealous of, it is tedious as open world games go anyway.
Besides, Shadows of Mordor Game of the Year Edition with all the add-one is a regular Xbox store sales item for the average price of $4
The paper also seems to be similar. :grin:…996
Ill join to get both months games so they in my library ☺
Good timing with the Shadow of War and XboxOne-X around the corner, played Shadow of War at EGX, fantastic sequel.
Great month for xbox though :smile:
What a month! Only, on Xbox One!
And like a numpty I bought it. :persevere:
true or fake we all have to wait until October...
Killer month if true, but this isn't a deal until it's announced.
Under HUKD drunk moderation, anything can happen.
Really wish Sony and MS would make allowances for those who already have the monthly games e.g. a second alternate set you could have instead if you already own them or even a small pool of other titles to choose from, so annoying paying (via gold sub) for something you already own. :disappointed:
Should this thread be up before it's actually confirmed though?
£49.99£39.99 a year :raised_hand:Now that's out of the way....
heat. I do own both but still great and two BC titles are ones I haven't played.
Will add them to my account incase the next generation has BC as well.
Here's hoping psn follow suit as they have been doing good lately. Happy me..
Anyway, it looks like a good month to me for a change :smile: