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 Very Positive Bundle 2 - From 81p - Humble Bundle
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Very Positive Bundle 2 - From 81p - Humble Bundle

£0.81 Humblebundle.com19 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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19 Sep 17
The Humble Very Positive Bundle 2

Think positive, and positive bundles will happen. Start your day on a good note with our second Very Positive Bundle. Yes, all of these games have a rating of "Very Positive" on Steam! Get Oxenfree, Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ Game of the Year Edition, Beat Cop, and the Middle-earth: Shadow of War pre-order (with a T-shirt, too).

Pay what you want. Normally, the total cost for these games is as much as $187. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you choose the price!

DRM-Free and on Steam. Several of the games in this bundle are available DRM-free for Windows, Mac, and Linux. All of the games are also available on Steam for Windows, and some for Mac and Linux too. Pay $1 or more to access Steam keys. Please check out the full system requirements here prior to purchasing.

Support charity. Choose where the money goes – between the developers and, if you'd like, a charity of your choice via the PayPal Giving Fund. If you like the bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too!

Pay what you want!
  • RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry [Steam: £10.99]
  • Neon Chrome [Steam: £10.99]
  • Dungeon Souls [Steam: £9.99]

Pay more than the average of $6 (about £4.43) to also unlock!
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition [Steam: £15.99]
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse [Steam: £10.99]
  • Oxenfree [Steam: £10.99]

Pay $10 (about £7.39) or more to also unlock!
  • Death Road to Canada [Steam: £10.99]
  • Beat Cop [Steam: £11.99]

Pay $80 (about £59.09) or more to also unlock!
  • Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™Pre-Order [Steam: £44.99]
  • Shadow of War T-Shirt

This exclusive Shadow of War t-shirt was designed for Fangamer by Nina Matsumoto and printed on soft, 100% cotton shirts. It's available in unisex sizes XS-6X and women's XS-4X.

NOTE: Worldwide shipping is included! All physical merchandise is expected to ship in December 2017 for qualifying transactions. To help ensure this shipping date, you must provide shipping information through your download page by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on October 10, 2017. Images are mock-ups; the final shirt is subject to change. Please see your download page for redemption details.
Latest comments (32)
2 Oct 17 #31
Got Oxenfree going spare if you'd like to make an offer as i didn't realise i already had it.
Illusionary to GQ.Man
2 Oct 17 #32
If you don't get any takers, I'd gladly accept the donation for my giveaways. :smile:
21 Sep 17 #22
Well it appears I already have neon chrome from PS+ and never realised so I might as well give it to someone who'll put it to use

Any takers?
Muig1972 to clonereeco
21 Sep 17 #23
Yes please!
clonereeco to Muig1972
21 Sep 17 #24
Sent pm :thumbsup:
Illusionary to clonereeco
21 Sep 17 #25
For future reference, see my earlier post above. :smile:
clonereeco to Illusionary
21 Sep 17 #26
Apologies I must have scrolled past it , will hit you up next time I have a spare :smile:
Illusionary to clonereeco
21 Sep 17 #27
Nothing to apologise for! Being generous is commendable, regardless of who gets the game.
Pepz347 to Illusionary
25 Sep 17 #28
Do you still want Neon? I'm getting the bundle so you can have it if you like
Illusionary to Pepz347
25 Sep 17 #29
Sure, that would be great. Thanks! :smile:
Pepz347 to Illusionary
25 Sep 17 #30
PM'ed you
20 Sep 17 #21
Went for Tier 3 as don't have any games in any of the tiers and Beat cop looka good
20 Sep 17 #20
Got it for beat cop
20 Sep 17 #19
Ultimate Chicken Horse is the greatest game of all time worth every penny
19 Sep 17 #3
Shadow of Mordor has been on my interested list for ages. Is it just batman combat though? Or a bit more strategy?
nathan3007 to jameshothothot
19 Sep 17 #4
From what I remember, pretty much Batman combat.
jameshothothot to nathan3007
19 Sep 17 #12
Thanks. I liked some of the puzzles and swinging around in batman but the combat did little for me! Will pass... Oxenfree looks good but might already have!!
nathan3007 to jameshothothot
20 Sep 17 #18
It’s just the same formula pretty much every combat encounter unless you get an enemy which is ‘different’ ie a shield or stun baton. I own Oxenfree on Xbox through GwG and through Twitch Prime on PC.
tsimehC to jameshothothot
19 Sep 17 #6
It's just Batman with the added Nemesis system - gets pretty boring but otherwise it's really fun if you liked those Batman games.

Tier 4 looks strange, why is a new release already in a bundle? :P

The system is rigged! :rage:
20 Sep 17 #17
Beat cop is the only one I'm interested in by the looks of it.
19 Sep 17 #5
Other than Oxenfree, which can be had at a better price half the time, this is another poor bundle.
copperspock to leeeastham
20 Sep 17 #16
~83p each for Shadow of Mordor, Oxenfree, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Rive etc....poor (shock)? Well okay then!
20 Sep 17 #15
I like tier 1 (as I already have most of tier 2!)

Reviews Tier 1 (reordered):
Neon Chrome Metacritic: 74% (10 critics, 8.2 from 18 users), Steam: Very Positive 95% (257 reviews)
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry Metacritic: 73% (8 critics, 7.3 from 16 users), Steam: Very Positive 94% (140 reviews)
Dungeon Souls Metacritic: 67% (8 critics), Steam: Very Positive 82% (892 reviews)

Tier 2 (Shadow of Mordor has been as little as £3):
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition Metacritic: 84% (17 critics, 8 from 1776 users), Steam: Very Positive 91% (27995 reviews)
Oxenfree Metacritic: 80% (49 critics, 7.7 from 161 users), Steam: Very Positive 93% (3764 reviews)
Ultimate Chicken Horse Steam: Very Positive 94% (3168 reviews), Metacritic: (2 critics, 8.6 from 16 users)

Tier 3:
Death Road to Canada Metacritic: 73% (5 critics, 8.1 from 12 users), Steam: Very Positive 94% (1666 reviews)
Beat Cop Metacritic: 71% (19 critics, 7.7 from 35 users), Steam: Very Positive 86% (527 reviews)

Tier 4:
Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™
Shadow of War T-Shirt

Totalbiscuit says of Shadow of Mordor "I can dig it".

Totalbiscuit: You may want to take a look at it [Death Road to Canada]

Hmm, I can like my own posts.
19 Sep 17 #14
Wouldn't mind Death Road to Canada and Beat Cop but already have five of the titles in the tiers below.
Oxenfree is superb, easily made my top five last year.
19 Sep 17 #13
Decent bundle, if not exceptional. As always, if anyone has any spare keys, from here or elsewhere, donations to my weekly giveaways are always very welcome! :smile:

19 Sep 17 #11
Hmm buzz making my wallet twitch again.
19 Sep 17 #10
Only on HUKD could you look at Shadow of Mordor GOTY for ~£4.50 and think - that's expensive :blush:

Tempted by the BTA tier, but I just got Oxenfree as part of Xbox Games With Gold.
19 Sep 17 #9
It's OK to be disappointed Gentlemen, we are all disappointed but not surprised. :face_with_monocle:
19 Sep 17 #8
Looks like a pretty strong line-up to me.

Though already played through vanilla Shadow of Mordor.... and that was easily enough of that game!
Don't get me wrong, it's good at what it does, but it's an extremely repetitive game loop; imagine Assassin's Creed 1.... but with less variety, and less interesting environments.

Can't see why there's any interest in SoM 2.
19 Sep 17 #7
6X Shirts? Wearing that you'd definitely not simply walk walk into Mordor.
19 Sep 17 #2
Direct Steam Links

Pay $1 (about £0.76) or more!

Pay more than the average of $6 to also unlock!
Pay more than $10 to also unlock!
Pay more than $80 to also unlock!
In the $1 tier Rive is a lot of fun and definitely worth the price of admission if the two rogue likes aren't your thing.
19 Sep 17 #1
Yeah... I resign.
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