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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
28 Sep 17
Offer valid from 29th September 2107 until 9th October 2017

Trade-In Original PS4 500GB Console (Not Slim) and Get PS4 Slim 1TB Console with FIFA 18 for £79.99

Trade-In Original PS4 500GB Console (Not Slim) and Get PS4 Pro 1TB Console with FIFA 18 for £199.99

Trade-In Original PS4 1TB Console and Get PS4 Pro 1TB Console with FIFA 18 for £179.99

Trade-In Any PS3 Slim Console and Get PS4 Slim 500GB Console with FIFA 18 £124.99

Terms & Condition Click here

Original Console older Version

All comments (1396)
28 Sep 17 #1
If you had a 4 year old launch model, this isn't the worst deal ever. Newer, fresher model. Updated warranty. New game.

Actually tempted to vote hot...
28 Sep 17 #2
voted hot. looking through website, is this only for fifa bundle?
28 Sep 17 #3
Good deal, but is it only on the FIFA bundle? Not a fan of football games, but if there's other bundles I may be tempted. Either way, voted hot :thumbsup:
matthews9479 to scruffy.doug
28 Sep 17 #26
trade/sell fifa back to game and buy a different playstation game of your choosing
28 Sep 17 #4
Huh that's not actually that bad
28 Sep 17 #5
Game are good with the upgrade deals, I traded in my 360 for Xbox one with a bundle of games and only paid about £80
28 Sep 17 #6
Good deal would be nice to see it on other PS4 Pro bundles though as FIFA ain't my thing either. Makes it difficult to do a console migration from the old one to the new if you have to take it in to the shop. Guess backing up is the answer.
28 Sep 17 #7
Who is going to do this? You'd be paying £124.99 for FIFA 18 :thinking:

"Trade-In PS4 Slim 500GB Console and Get PS4 Slim 500GB Console with FIFA 18 £124.99"
Hiltron09 to johnthehuman
28 Sep 17 #13
Surely that's an error. It just doesn't make any sense.
cruncher75 to johnthehuman
28 Sep 17 #27
£79.99 for the 1tb version which would make it £30 to up grade to a new console as the game is £49.99 in game
johnthehuman to cruncher75
28 Sep 17 #31
Yeah I know I understand that deal.

I'm specifically talking about the deal which I quoted in my post :thinking:
Actually reading some of the comments on here, that deal is starting to make sense...
FocusST to johnthehuman
28 Sep 17 #29
I might actually do it. I have the original 500gb PS4 that I bought on offer when No Mans Sky came out, so it's not that old but it only has the original 500gb HDD in which is nearly full now.

So currently I need to upgrade the HDD on it, and my son wants Fifa 18 so for me it is a good deal as a new 1TB HDD and Fifa would cost me more than £80, plus I get a new console/controller and new warranty etc.

Edit: I see what you mean now, didn't see that deal down the bottom, just saw the first one!! :grin:
londonlad19 to FocusST
28 Sep 17 #38
They are referring to the trade a slim 500gb for a slim 500gb plus fifa
28 Sep 17 #8
Hmm... Could be a way Sony are incentivising the Pro model now that Xbox One X is coming out? I wonder whether we'll see this price for the Pro in January anyway?
28 Sep 17 #9
This isn't too bad a deal if, like mentioned above, you have a launch console.
I can't seem to find the link though that directs you to the page. :thinking:
28 Sep 17 #10
I'm tempted - I picked up one of the original's in last years deals for £149 with FIFA; already starting to run out of space though & the idea of a new slim with double the space is very tempting!

I would imagine there is a way to backup eveything from the old unit, onto an external HDD for example then restore the data onto the new machine?
28 Sep 17 #11
Is fifa a physical copy
28 Sep 17 #12
Been contemplating upgrading to a Pro for a while now.

Black Friday isn't too far off though, so I think I can wait for a decent deal to crop up then.
28 Sep 17 #14
tried to type in ps4 when asked what im trading and it says this item isnt accepted for trade in -- wonder do they take a faulty ps4 lol
johnthehuman to carinamagee
28 Sep 17 #19
Nope they don't take faulty consoles, it needs to be working.
28 Sep 17 #15
Only issue is the transfer of all the game data to the new console.

But I'd say the Ps4 is due its seasonal price drop, once the xbox x hits the shelves, Sony will unleash some killer deals.
28 Sep 17 #16
does it have to work lol, mine broke a while ago so i bought a slim, but wouldn't mind another one! Have to see if i can get it working and then this is well worth while for me.
28 Sep 17 #17
This is actually a pretty good deal, effectively makes your 4 year old PS4 worth £150 - and that's a good value for a standard model.

28 Sep 17 #18
Heat added. Tempted to buy fifa anyway so for another £30 i can get a newer PS4 with larger hard drive.
Silly not to really.
28 Sep 17 #20
Does it need the original 500gb hdd? Swapped that out years ago.
johnthehuman to 5Rivers79
28 Sep 17 #23
^ It needs a working 500Gb HDD. There's no way of knowing if it's the original HDD.

All these questions "does it need to work?". Nah mate they'll take a hollowed-out PS4 shell, they're not fussed if it switches on or plays games :thinking:

28 Sep 17 #21
Seems like a great deal if you plan on buying FIFA anyway.
28 Sep 17 #22
Does it have to include a controller?
28 Sep 17 #24
Great deal. Controller broke recently so was going to spend £30-£40 on a new one. Thanks OP
28 Sep 17 #25
I have a old white PS4 no box and different colour controller red. Anyone know if they'd still accept that thanks.
28 Sep 17 #28
When does this start?
derbylad1983 to mrjackson90
28 Sep 17 #30
28 Sep 17 #32
Just rang local know nothing of this deal?
derbylad1983 to scott_w_1981
28 Sep 17 #36
I popped in to my local store yesterday and they have the folder with the offers under the counter, it’s even on the instore t&cs
28 Sep 17 #33
I was eyeballing the pro, but with no 4K TV or HDR on the horizon for me, I think I'll wait. That slim deal is pretty tempting though. I can ditch one of my controllers with worn out thumbstick rubber, upgrade my HDD, effectively renew my warranty and get a console that doesn't sound like a hoover. I'll glady sell on Fifa too if it's a disc copy. Anyone know if it is?
28 Sep 17 #34
Yeah this is a good deal in terms of the old model, that slim model offer is just stupid!

I recently managed to get a decent trade in with my Pro and Destiny 2 got £301 trade in value for them against the White Pro Destiny 2 bundle, so had to pay extra £49 for it but obviously got another years warranty and also the season pass for D2 :smile: (Elite membership required)
28 Sep 17 #35
Bought a second hand PS4 for 100 pound from Gumtree (which was a deal in itself!) but am tempted to do this, just mainly for the warranty. I assume I do not need the box for the console? Just the console, Pad, power and HDMI?
28 Sep 17 #37
Does anyone know if you have to trade in a controller too? I wanted a spare so for £80 I'd get FIFA 18, another controller and a bigger HDD?? Sounds like a good deal to me
28 Sep 17 #39
I have the white PlayStation 4, will this count as a original PS4?

The 79.99 for upgrading the slim and getting Fifa with it is amazing. (That's if you were already buying Fifa anyway for say £40/£45 ish).
28 Sep 17 #40
Seriously tempted by this! My launch model spots the disk out every now and then and the controller has seen better days! Would love a pro.

My launch model is a 500gb which I upgraded to a 1tb... Think they'd accept that as a 1tb?
johnthehuman to dannyjones106
28 Sep 17 #42
If the drive is playing up when they test it, they won't accept it.

I've got a launch PS4 that occasionally holds onto discs, and needs a bit of persuasion to eject. They wouldn't accept it :disappointed:
28 Sep 17 #41
32113103-ie9Kj.jpglooks like it was a mistake, it's when you trade in a slim PS3
benjefreys to meathane
28 Sep 17 #79
Yea i was thinking to do my old ps4 and get the slim but now prob going to trade in my boys ps3 slim and put the ps4 away for Christmas for him. Least he go play upstairs in his room instead of hogging my game time in the front room
28 Sep 17 #43
Am I being thick or is the first offer saying - trade in an 500gb 'old' PS4 and get a 1TB 'new' PS4 for £79.99? Is that right?
28 Sep 17 #44
do you need to wipe the drive before you take it or will they do that as part of testing? Obviously don't want my account etc still active when they pass it on to someone else!
28 Sep 17 #45
Hi does anyone know if they'd accept a ps4 with the stickers at the back out. I removed them to clean the dust
Ken9041 to uzman
28 Sep 17 #47

wipe it all out clean the console they can still test it when you bring it to the store
Themadcow to uzman
28 Sep 17 #50
Same... although I also changed the thermal paste.
28 Sep 17 #46
You can trade it now but youll have to go back and collect the bundle at the midnight launch or tomorrow. If your ps4 controller is worn then they say they keep the new one and you keep your old one.
28 Sep 17 #48
I cracked my PS4 open recently to try and remove dust as it sounds like an aircraft taking off, so removed warrenty sticker. Still might give this a go - currently £36 cash for Fifa 18 in CEX so (if game is physical), £44 for 1TB hard drive, smaller form factor and warranty. Also get to take out my previous 1TB hybrid drive and use it for something else :smile:

IF the game is physical...
28 Sep 17 #49
For those that don't want FIFA, you'd probably get around £30 for it at the moment (depending on whether it's digital or physical copy) making the upgrade only £40 :grin:

Seriously tempted!
28 Sep 17 #51
Just been into my local they know nothing of this deal
thedvdmonster to brum4884
28 Sep 17 #66
Standard for all offers last year, staff were clueless until you show them the website.
28 Sep 17 #52
Amazon listing for the bundle has Fifa down as a boxed copy. My local game store think the same is true. Deal is live tomorrow.
28 Sep 17 #53
Does it need a box and is the offer valid from today cuz I can't see anything about it online
28 Sep 17 #54
From tomorrow right?
28 Sep 17 #55
If you do this remember that the fat ps4 is better as it has an optical cable for those you use it for higher quality sound like me
28 Sep 17 #56
If it's this bundle, it's a physical copy of FIFA 18. Makes it easier to sell on…445
28 Sep 17 #57
Hows this work exactly?

Tempted to upgrade my launch PS4 (mainly due to space restrictions!)

Do i have to take the box and the original controller too? or literally just stick the console in a bag and take it in, without controller?

I have the original box and pad still, just wondering thats all.

Also, how do i go about backing up my ps4 easily to simply transfer all the data over to the new one?
wideawakewesley to matman050988
28 Sep 17 #59
28 Sep 17 #58
very tempted, with a 1080 tv is there any benifit to the pro? I have a pc and rift so I wont get psvr
wideawakewesley to badasschris
28 Sep 17 #60
benjefreys to badasschris
28 Sep 17 #83
No just get the slim if you have the old one that overheats, sounds louder than a hoover after half hour and spits out disks now and then.
Ken9041 to benjefreys
28 Sep 17 #91
do you own a pro console?
28 Sep 17 #61
So how much is it because the prices are misleading. I have a ps4 original 500 GB.
28 Sep 17 #62
Guys if you have an original PS4 don't forget you won't be able to re-download the PT demo. So plan for this before you trade-in.
fozzeh to hotmep
28 Sep 17 #75
Incorrect :face_with_monocle:
28 Sep 17 #63
The HDMI pins on my PS4 got messed up, can't put a HDMI cable in but nothing else is wrong with it, would they still take it?
thedvdmonster to Aldnoah
28 Sep 17 #65
They do a full test for working. So no.
28 Sep 17 #64
Mine is fully working, just sounds like a rocket taking off from the fan. Wonder if they take it?
28 Sep 17 #67
Do I need to trade in controller too?
chaos86 to SRM_87
28 Sep 17 #70
I'd like to know this too. Been on live chat for an hour now and still haven't been able to chat to anyone!
Ken9041 to chaos86
28 Sep 17 #73
yes you will have to trade in the controller too
dunc360 to SRM_87
28 Sep 17 #77
Don't forget to take a USB charger cable for the controller too...

When I traded in my PS3 they wouldn't accept it without the USB cable for the controller : /
28 Sep 17 #68
My PS4 is an irradiated goat carcass covered in papier-mache with PS4 written on the side in crayon. Would they still take it?
GibsonSt19 to Quilldew
28 Sep 17 #69
Don't be ridiculous, you'd have to spray it black aswell.
28 Sep 17 #71
My OG PS4 came in the Gamer bundle with 2 controllers, v1 camera and Killzone. I'd hope they don't expect me to trade in any more than just the PS4 and 1 controller.

The more I think about this deal, the more I feel like going in on it, but there's a voice in the back of my head telling me to wait for Black Friday instead
sanandreasgangstar to Rob_1304
28 Sep 17 #72
what sort of deal are you expecting to be better? Is it the game that is putting you off?
Rob_1304 to sanandreasgangstar
28 Sep 17 #101
I suppose it's a mixture of the game being of no interest to me (yeah I can sell that and recoup a few quid) and a hope that there will be some really good deal on the Pro at BF. Fact is though, that £150 trade in for my old launch console is pretty damn good. I'm very indecisive with things like this!
28 Sep 17 #74
Does anyone know when this offer will be on until
sanandreasgangstar to jemmarocks
28 Sep 17 #76
until stocks last i'd imagine...
28 Sep 17 #78
You need to trade in exactly what you bought, or would expect to buy again.

1 Console (working, with an HDD inside). Tamper seals intact.
1 Controller (working - as in, will connect to the console, and operate the console).
1 Power lead.
1 HDMI lead.
1 USB Cable.

You might get away with not having the little chat earphone, depending on the store.

They will try to install and play a game. If it doesn't work, for whatever reason, it won't be accepted.
MoyesIsTheBest to johnthehuman
28 Sep 17 #84
Sorry if I appear stupid, but what do you mean by 'tamper seal intact'?
johnthehuman to MoyesIsTheBest
28 Sep 17 #99
There's two(?) little stickers on the back of the console, covering up a couple of screws.

They clearly say "Warranty void if removed / damaged" or something close to that.
28 Sep 17 #80
Is the ps4 pro really that much better than a ps4. I have just got a 4k TV and it's ok at upscaling games... would it make a huge difference or not ?
Ken9041 to YikYak
28 Sep 17 #88
PS4 pro plays games at 4k, games at better frame rate actiavting boost mode improves old games that are not patched for stable frame rate and you owning a 4k tv get more benefit from the console
dijital to Ken9041
28 Sep 17 #102
It upscales to 4k, absolutely no the same as playing them at 4k.
Ken9041 to dijital
28 Sep 17 #105
No mate ps4 pro plays game at native 4k checkerboard 4k, cant blame you since you dont own one and sony didnt market it well. I can give you a link for all the ps4 pro enhanced 4k games if you want
dijital to Ken9041
28 Sep 17 #120
Incorrect "Checkerboard" is a Reconstruction filter. its just fancy upscaling, while many games will run higher than 1080p, they are not running at 4k natively. Running natively would not require the Checkerboard technique.

And I did own one for a few months to try and replace the PC but went back.
Ken9041 to dijital
28 Sep 17 #121
Here is the list of the official announced games:

- Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection (Native [email protected])
- Battleborn (Native [email protected])
- Bound (Native [email protected] + MSAA x2 upscaled from MSAAx8 in normal gameplay / in VR mode: rendering to 4K internal screen which is then supersampled to 1080P display in PSVR + new effects like volumetric lights + sharper shadows)
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (Native 4K)
- Burly Men At Sea (Native [email protected])
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition (Native 4K (dynamic resolution: 2160p in normal scenes, 1080p in heavy scenes)@60FPS / improved ambient occlusion + enhanced bloom)
- Dragon’s Crown Pro (Native [email protected])
- Farming Simulator 17 (Native 4K)
- FIFA 17 (Native [email protected] + Higher resolution depth of field buffer)
- forma.8 (Native [email protected] + 8xMSAA )
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (Native [email protected])
- Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA - X HD (Native [email protected] / Video quality of 3D drawing is enhanced)
- Homefront: The Revolution: playable secret game (TimeSplitters 2) (Native [email protected] +HDR)
- Hustle Kings (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Kingdom Hearts HD: Dream Drop Distance (Native [email protected])
- Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix (Native [email protected])
- Locoroco (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Mantis Burn Racing (Native [email protected] / Native [email protected] for 4 player split-screen / + HDR)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Native 4k (most of the times but scales down to 80% of it which is 3072 x 1728 in heavy scenes) @30FPS)
- MLB The Show 17 (Native 4K + HDR)
- NBA 2K17 (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Neon Chrome (Native [email protected])
- Ni-Oh (Native [email protected] + slightly higher resolution shadow maps)
- Paladins (Native 4K (dynamic resolution: lowest recorded res: 3264x1836) @60FPS)
- Parappa The Rapper (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Patapon (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (Native [email protected])
- Pyre (Native [email protected])
- Rez Infinite (Native [email protected])
- Sine Mora EX (Native [email protected] + better particle effects)
- Smite (Native 4K(dynamic resolution)@60FPS)
- Sonic Mania (Native [email protected])
- Tethered (Native [email protected])
- The Division (Native [email protected] + improved shadows, reflections, AA and Temporal AA)
- The Elder Scrolls Online (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Edition (Native [email protected])
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II (Native [email protected])
- The Last Of Us Remastered (Native [email protected] with the best shadows + HDR)
- The Witness (Native [email protected] + 2xMSAA + HDR)
- Thumper (Native [email protected])
- Viking Squad (Native [email protected] + 2xMSAA)
- Wheels of Aurelia (Native [email protected])
- WipEout Omega Collection (Native [email protected] + 4x8 EQAA if motion blur is disabled)

Still more like Fifa 18, nba 2k18, gtsport and so on

Could give you list of checkerboard 4k games which runs 4k but not native take for example destiny 2…i5A
Chuggee to dijital
28 Sep 17 #114
And that is why I bought a Ryzen PC with an overclocked GTX 1070. :muscle:

Uncharted is good for exclusives though, still have my PS4 for that.
Ken9041 to Chuggee
28 Sep 17 #117
so you own a ps4 just to play uncharted? they are other good exclusive, like i said to the other poster I could link you to the ps4 pro enhanced games native 4k, checkerboard 4k, 1440p and so on.
28 Sep 17 #81
Would have done this as I have a launch console but I've removed the stickers (warranty ran out anyway) to open the case to clean out dust. I'd imagine they wouldn't accept it?
28 Sep 17 #82
No sure this is as good as it sounds I traded in a PS4 launch model for a Pro Destiny bundle a few weeks back and I got the pro for 200.00 they seem to have devalued the PS4 trade on price to make this offer seem better
benjefreys to haritori
28 Sep 17 #87
What? Its the same deal just different game. Fifa 18 instead of Destiny 2.
28 Sep 17 #85
Do you think it would matter if it was faulty?

asking for a friend.....
Ken9041 to victoriadoran0308
28 Sep 17 #90
console will have to be working
sanandreasgangstar to victoriadoran0308
28 Sep 17 #92
they will check if everything works, of course not...
chaos86 to victoriadoran0308
28 Sep 17 #93
Yes it would. They test every machine before accepting it.
28 Sep 17 #86
Is this just a deal on launch, or any idea how long it will be for??
Ken9041 to darkchickenex1
28 Sep 17 #89
seems like a fifa launch deal might run through the weekends
28 Sep 17 #94
hmm now do I trade in my original console even if I have a 1080P HD Sony television but my controller sometimes throws a wobbler and does whatever it wants in game, not too fussed at all about FIFA...decisions, decisions....
Ken9041 to Jukesy224
28 Sep 17 #97
if you own a 1080p screen you get benefits like downsampled images from 4k(better images textures and so on) and better frame rate
28 Sep 17 #95
This is actually a decent deal.

PS4 500gb is worth around £120-150 cash on sphock gumtree.

So it's a fair offer. If it was a 500gb and games to trade up. I'd see it as typical Game doing their usual.
28 Sep 17 #96
Do you think they would accept as my controller works but heats up and the light turns off?
28 Sep 17 #98
Do you think they would accept just the controller and no PS4? :grin:
28 Sep 17 #100
The PS3 Slim trade in is actually pretty good.
28 Sep 17 #103
I was planning to trade my Slim 500Gb in for credit this weekend, but reading some of these comments I think I'll wait a bit.

Can see myself stood behind a massive queue of people asking "does it matter if it works?" "oh did you want a controller lol", "what's an HDMI lead?"...

Value my sanity over a bit of store credit.
28 Sep 17 #104
Tempted to upgrade to the pro and get rid of my original ps4 , could do with the extra hard drive space and running at higher frames on my 1080p TV would be nice
28 Sep 17 #106
Think they’d be stingy over not having the headset or charging usb?
Ken9041 to jemmarocks
28 Sep 17 #108
No as long as you have the power plug controller and the console working fine thats all you need
28 Sep 17 #107
Will it be declined if warranty void stickers are removed? (even if warranty was expired).

Removed mine to clean out the dust.
Ken9041 to zan87
28 Sep 17 #110
Just try also its the old console dont think any one cares about the warrnty as long as the console is working
28 Sep 17 #109
Only thing stopping me from upgrading to pro, is lack of 4K blu ray support. Shame.
28 Sep 17 #111
HEY GUYS! Will they accept no HDMI cable, no USB, no headset, and no controller. Warranty seal is missing, console is also missing, oh and I've also lost the box. BUT GUYS - will they accept?!
Ken9041 to Kiyoshi
28 Sep 17 #112
yes they will accept £350
28 Sep 17 #113
Fairly mediocre deal for me since I don't care about FIFA and would have to sell that.
I'd rather put the money towards a GTX 1070 and keep my old PS4.
Still, hot deal if you're looking for a new console or FIFA.
28 Sep 17 #115
whats the best way to transfer all the save data and applications prior to offering for a trade? cant see them assisting in store while a queue of people form to do the same!
28 Sep 17 #116
How much to trade in a ps4 slim 500gb for a pro?
28 Sep 17 #118
Any idea if they're doing a similar deal for Xbox?
28 Sep 17 #119
Just sell your PS4 yourself and use the money for new one, am sure you will get a lot better price for it.
28 Sep 17 #122
Here is the list of the official announced games:

- Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection (Native [email protected])
- Battleborn (Native [email protected])
- Bound (Native [email protected] + MSAA x2 upscaled from MSAAx8 in normal gameplay / in VR mode: rendering to 4K internal screen which is then supersampled to 1080P display in PSVR + new effects like volumetric lights + sharper shadows)
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (Native 4K)
- Burly Men At Sea (Native [email protected])
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition (Native 4K (dynamic resolution: 2160p in normal scenes, 1080p in heavy scenes)@60FPS / improved ambient occlusion + enhanced bloom)
- Dragon’s Crown Pro (Native [email protected])
- Farming Simulator 17 (Native 4K)
- FIFA 17 (Native [email protected] + Higher resolution depth of field buffer)
- forma.8 (Native [email protected] + 8xMSAA )
- Futuridium EP Deluxe (Native [email protected])
- Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA - X HD (Native [email protected] / Video quality of 3D drawing is enhanced)
- Homefront: The Revolution: playable secret game (TimeSplitters 2) (Native [email protected] +HDR)
- Hustle Kings (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Kingdom Hearts HD: Dream Drop Distance (Native [email protected])
- Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix (Native [email protected])
- Locoroco (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Mantis Burn Racing (Native [email protected] / Native [email protected] for 4 player split-screen / + HDR)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Native 4k (most of the times but scales down to 80% of it which is 3072 x 1728 in heavy scenes) @30FPS)
- MLB The Show 17 (Native 4K + HDR)
- NBA 2K17 (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Neon Chrome (Native [email protected])
- Ni-Oh (Native [email protected] + slightly higher resolution shadow maps)
- Paladins (Native 4K (dynamic resolution: lowest recorded res: 3264x1836) @60FPS)
- Parappa The Rapper (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Patapon (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (Native [email protected])
- Pyre (Native [email protected])
- Rez Infinite (Native [email protected])
- Sine Mora EX (Native [email protected] + better particle effects)
- Smite (Native 4K(dynamic resolution)@60FPS)
- Sonic Mania (Native [email protected])
- Tethered (Native [email protected])
- The Division (Native [email protected] + improved shadows, reflections, AA and Temporal AA)
- The Elder Scrolls Online (Native [email protected] + HDR)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Edition (Native [email protected])
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II (Native [email protected])
- The Last Of Us Remastered (Native [email protected] with the best shadows + HDR)
- The Witness (Native [email protected] + 2xMSAA + HDR)
- Thumper (Native [email protected])
- Viking Squad (Native [email protected] + 2xMSAA)
- Wheels of Aurelia (Native [email protected])
- WipEout Omega Collection (Native [email protected] + 4x8 EQAA if motion blur is disabled)

Still more like Fifa 18, nba 2k18, gtsport and so on

Could give you list of checkerboard 4k games which runs 4k but not native take for example destiny 2…i5A
28 Sep 17 #123
£80 for Fifa 10 and 1TB hard drive is a good deal, However I like my optical out port so it's not worth it for me.
28 Sep 17 #124
If you have PSN Plus - backup saves onto the cloud - if not then use a USB stick.

When I tried to backup my OG PS4 - I had to have an external HD with the FREE SPACE equal to PS4 , and it took hours and hours.

My advice would be to backup save data ,and just reinstall / redownload everything else
28 Sep 17 #125
Selling it to others has its own pitfalls. If you sell on Gumtree, more likely than not, the buyer will like to see it working so you have to invite a stranger into your home. eBay has chancers who target sellers with low activity.

Rather do this with GAME but I already got FIFA downloaded for tonight so don't think it's worth the hassle.
28 Sep 17 #126
Don't forget to delete USER's and deactivate them.

Very tempted ,I have a PS4 Pro - and an OG PS4 .....

OG PS4 sounds horrendous hence getting a pro - but now its being left unused - £80 for a new console /new controller and FIFA to trade-in .... too good to miss
28 Sep 17 #127
A bunch of PS3 updates and 2D games, Sonic mania? lol. Sort it out mate.

Anyway I'm done here, I'm sure we both have better things to do with our time than this.
28 Sep 17 #128

A bunch of ps3 update okay then?
28 Sep 17 #129
Tried to contact GAME online but they told me to contact my local store, as it is a local store offer. However, my local store won't pick up the phone(!) and I am worried that they won't have enough in stock tomorrow. What do I do?
28 Sep 17 #130
Well firstly Destiny 2 came with the season pass too.. but my point was that Games trade in was this anyway, so its a standard thing, not really a deal, but im not bashing the OP im bashing GAME lowering trade in values to then promote this as an incentive.
28 Sep 17 #131
what is PT Demo?
28 Sep 17 #132
Trade-In Any PS4 Slim Console and Get PS4 Slim 500GB Console with FIFA 18 £124.99

Why are you paying £125 to trade in a PS4 slim just to get FIFA 18?
28 Sep 17 #133
It was a tech demo for a survival horror game which was pretty good..
28 Sep 17 #134
Keep ringing?
28 Sep 17 #135
Trade in PS3"""""

Go onto the website at the bottom it states "PS3 Slim or Super Slim""
28 Sep 17 #136
ah thank you, website is blocked at work unfortunately
28 Sep 17 #137
Is this available now or from tomorrow?
28 Sep 17 #138
When does this deal go live?
28 Sep 17 #139
Everyone who is asking if it has to be working and adding a "lol" to the comment, it's not lol.
28 Sep 17 #140

They updated the picture for the PS3 trade-in, really tempted now:

Anyone know if they'll accept consoles with void warranty stickers?
28 Sep 17 #141
Thanks mate.

And yeah, the warranty sticker is an issue for me to. I opened my one up 2 months ago to give it a proper clean after too much dust built up inside.
28 Sep 17 #142
of course not ffs
28 Sep 17 #143
Not sure if already answered but yes they do decline ps4s with the warranty stickers removed or tampered with, that's mine out unfortunately as I quite fancied a pro.
28 Sep 17 #144
What is the best way to transfer all my saved data, user account, trophies to a new PS4?

As I have 2 UK accounts, 1 US account, and 2 further UK accounts that have never even been online.
28 Sep 17 #145
Great deal! I have a c chassis 500gb and I would love to use this deal. I'm outside of UK until sunday- does anyone know expiration date?
28 Sep 17 #146
so so deal if you have a launch PS4 .. but still, £200 for a PS4Pro ...
28 Sep 17 #147
Is C chassis the worst?
28 Sep 17 #148
Been in to my local store (Fareham) confirmed the offer with them, they said they have plenty of 1tb consoles. Also co firmed, needs controller and all leads.
28 Sep 17 #149
Will fifa be a digital download or physical copy as I would want to sell it?
28 Sep 17 #150
28 Sep 17 #151
It's not too bad, but warranty is almost over (bought last year on those 150 crazy deals) and I'm running short on space already. I also want fifa anyway. So A brand new console with brand new controller, twice the hdd, fresh warranty and a brand new game which I was going to purchase anyway for 80 quid, I call it a good deal :smile:
28 Sep 17 #152
Do they have a deal for the 1tb ps4? Like an extra £20 off or something?
28 Sep 17 #153
I have a launch day console, so I guess the slim is much better in every way? i.e. temperature, noise, etc
28 Sep 17 #154
28 Sep 17 #155
I've not had a slim but I had original a chassis and now c chassis. I believe slim should be better in these regards. Only con about it that people mention is lack of optical out, I don't use one so it doesn't bother me too much :smile: if I had a launch day console which is like 4 years now, I would not hesitate taking up this deal at all
28 Sep 17 #156
Anything on Xbox one deals
28 Sep 17 #157
Call me thick or is the first offer saying - trade in an 500gb 'old' PS4 and get a 1TB 'new' PS4 for £79.99? Is that right?
28 Sep 17 #158
My controller works perfectly, however its been opened - will they object to that?
28 Sep 17 #159
Glad I saw this post! Definitely would prefer an optical port!
28 Sep 17 #160
Yes. Old launch style PS4 500gb for a new 1TB Slim with Fifa 18 for 79.99
28 Sep 17 #161
Might be a daft question, but I need to ask:

If I swap out the 2tb I have in my Original PS4 without formatting it, put the old 500 back in, trade in, strip the 500 out of the slim, put the 2tb back in the slim, will it recognise all my downloaded stuff or will it wipe the 2 tb as soon as it's put in the new console?
28 Sep 17 #162
New console will format the new drive straight away .
28 Sep 17 #163
As long as you can shove HDMI cable up the a... , I would think yes. :wink:
28 Sep 17 #164
PS4 pro has optical port, only slim ps4 doesn't have it.
28 Sep 17 #165
Sorry for sounding thick, but does this only apply to the "launch model" consoles, and not the C-chassis ones which were on sale for £150 last year?
28 Sep 17 #166
Do you need the box
28 Sep 17 #167
I have a Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain edition with the box will they take this in?
28 Sep 17 #168
Can someone kindly remind me what cables the original 500gb came bundled with as I want to trade mine in and don't want to make 2 trips to GAME just for cables? Thank you.
28 Sep 17 #169
I have over £130 of game vouchers and nothing to spend on so this is a very tempting deal for me.

Only doubt I have is we might see some good ps pro bundles during black Friday and the run up to Xmas...
28 Sep 17 #170
I did this when switching from my OG ps4 to a c chassis ps4 (£150 one from last year). I got it all working without wiping the 2tb. I think I booted up the new ps4 in safe mode with 2tb and did rebuild database, It then booted up with all my data intact. It can be done as I did it I just cant remember what I did 100%
28 Sep 17 #171
Just phoned up Aberdeen store. They are open at midnight for FIFA 18 launch but guy had no idea about the offer and asked his supervisor who said the same. Guess I'll wait till tomorrow or weekend and get back in touch.
28 Sep 17 #172
They'll want a controller. Not just the console.
28 Sep 17 #173
Could i add some additional games to lower the price for a Pro or do they just want the console?
28 Sep 17 #174
Just remember the slim does not have optical out if you need it. Good deal though
28 Sep 17 #175
Lol, I was thinking that this wasn't for me, then I remembered that my PS4 is 1 inch too big for my liking. So could be a deal for me...
28 Sep 17 #176
This doesn't feel like a good deal but I only got my 1TB about a year ago.
28 Sep 17 #177
No optical audio on the slim... oh well
28 Sep 17 #178
Tempted to upgrade my original PS4 to a pro even though I don't have a 4k TV. Great deal.
28 Sep 17 #179
Course you can just trade in on same day
28 Sep 17 #180
Very tempted to trade in my launch day ps4 but not sure which to go for, does anyone know if the pro console would make any difference when using the psvr headset?
28 Sep 17 #181
Mine works on and off, if I take it in and it happens to work would they reset it or would I have to reset it?
28 Sep 17 #182
How long does it take for them to test the console? And do you need the box?

Dont fancy finishing work at 7am, hanging around town for two hours to be told I need the box.
28 Sep 17 #183
CEX took 30 minutes to test my Nintendo Wii when I traded it in. I'm sure it'll be the same at Game, just depends how busy they are.
28 Sep 17 #184
Offer valid from 29th September 2017 until 9th October 2016, sorry but I for one cannot quantum leap
28 Sep 17 #185
It will wipe the drive.
28 Sep 17 #186
I traded my old Xbox 360 in towards a Switch back when they had the 30% extra trades promotion.
Took them about 15 / 20 minutes to test the console and they didn't need the box, just the controller + cables it originally came with.
This was at about 10:00am so obviously the quiter the store is the better!
28 Sep 17 #187
Thanks for the reply. To be honest, it'd once in a blue moon the eject thing plays up so I'd have to be very unlucky for it to do it in the shop!

I'll ask them about the 1tb HDD upgrade being acceptable or not.

Seriously tempted by this....was considering xb1x but I can't bring myself to drop £450 on one!
28 Sep 17 #188
This has been corrected on the website: Trade in any slim or Super Slim PS3 console
28 Sep 17 #189
Seems a good deal but just wait for the pending price drop when the Xbox one X releases
28 Sep 17 #190
Power cable with 3 pin plug (obviously, I'd hope)
HDMI Cable
USB Charging cable for controller
28 Sep 17 #191
I'm tempted by the Pro as I have a 4k TV but I don't feel like I need it so will probably refrain.

Plus my OG black controller is broken, and I wouldn't trade in the other coloured editions. I'll have to break out the tools again as I replaced the battery twice but the light bar only stays on for moments before shutting down again.
28 Sep 17 #192
This is a great deal! Imo anyway. Effectively you're getting a 500gb hard drive, a new machine, new warranty etc and a copy of fifa 18 for £80. Even if you don't want fifa, sell the code/disc for at least £30 and you've just got a refresh and an upgrade for £50. I'm tempted. Heat.
28 Sep 17 #193
glad i didn't buy the Destiney 2 deal now - this is much hottttter! Just P****d they won't give me more money for upgrading to a better, 2TB hard drive
28 Sep 17 #194
Definitely a good deal if you're looking to upgrade, for the slim it's 80 quid for a newer machine, warranty, newer controller and more HDD space.

One thing to keep in mind is FIFA 18 will be probably only worth 25 quid I can imagine resale wise due to a lot of people trying to sell it
28 Sep 17 #195
If you have PS plus all your game saves are stored on the cloud, not sure about screenshots and stuff but I'm not fuseed about those. It will be one of those things though that you've just have to leave your PS4 in rest mode for a couple days whilst it downloads all the games etc from the store
28 Sep 17 #196
I popped into my local game. Wasn't aware of the deal but found ou and confirmed it starts tomorrow
and ends Monday apparently. Said it would be difficult testing machine tomorrow but would probably be done but only due to the FIFA launch. I asked what was needed to do it and simply was told:

hdmi cable
power cable
usb charging cable

he did say if I had a box it would be great but not necessary. Gonna pop in first thing to try and sort mine out.
28 Sep 17 #197
Knackered my original ps4 usb charging cable time ago, could I just put a substitute in?
28 Sep 17 #198
yes any black usb cable will work
28 Sep 17 #199
Just spoke to them on the phone about this. He said as long as it is a working HDMI or charge cable, then all is fine. Heading in first thing tomorrow! GL people!
28 Sep 17 #200
Coulda saved you the bother by reading the thread, I posted that exact list 5 hours ago.
28 Sep 17 #201
Nothing for my original launch PS3 then :cry: Too FAT!
28 Sep 17 #202
Any chance of them both taking and providing white consoles?
28 Sep 17 #203
Not a great deal . Better off waiting for a decent package to come up and selling the bits .
i bought the ps4 500gb slim with extra controller and horizon for £199 an drew sold my old ps4 for £110 and the extra controller for £35 , played horizon and then soldier that for £30 so in total only payed £25 for a slim ps4 which is a lot quieter cooler and more energy efficiently with a new warranty and new controller
28 Sep 17 #204
Curious - How do they test the console?

Take it out back and do it behind closed doors or do you get to see the whole process?

My HDMI cable is abit bent too due to being pushed up against a cabinet, would this matter?
28 Sep 17 #205
That’s really decent. I just upgraded my model to a 2tb hard drive. If I hadn’t I definitely would’ve gone for this
28 Sep 17 #206
Just buy a cheap one from Poundland
28 Sep 17 #207
Im thinking that too - but if the pro drops, the the launch model ps4's will probably be worth even less on the second hand / trade in market.
28 Sep 17 #208
Why are you worried about being able to watch them do it? :thinking:
HDMI cables are usually quite bendy. Do you meant to say that it's broken?
28 Sep 17 #209
I spoke to them this morning. I also have the white one, they said original box is not required however you need a white controller. Also HDMI cable and charge cable.
28 Sep 17 #210
I can't help but think 'why are they wanting old PS4's.. are they going to be collectible down the line..?' Hmmm... my cynicism gets the better of me.
28 Sep 17 #211
Wasnt worried, just curious.
HDMI works fine, its just the first part of the wire is now bent in an upwards position. the connector itself is fine.
28 Sep 17 #212
Interesting point...
28 Sep 17 #213
Original box is not required
28 Sep 17 #214
Why not sell the game to cex and £36.00 cash to save you some money ?
28 Sep 17 #215
Black Fridays not that far away, there's bound to be much better PS4 deals out there, like last year
28 Sep 17 #216
I got the same deal 2 weeks ago dor the pro but got the white console with Destiny 2
28 Sep 17 #217
I opened my old PS4 to clean all the dust out, do they still accept it if the seal is broke?
28 Sep 17 #218
Yeah exactly. Whichever way you spin this it's a good deal. Not so great if your console is only 6 months old but if your console is out of warranty and has seen better days then this deal is fantastic for a cheap upgrade to a Pro.
28 Sep 17 #219
Am tempted myselg 8 still got day 1 cobsoke
28 Sep 17 #220
The website is a joke
28 Sep 17 #221
You may joke but I have had a couple of spare super slim ps3s sat around for ages and I have noticed them going up in value on cex. I'm just too lazy to reset them :wink:
28 Sep 17 #222
How long does the USB cable have to be?
I've misplaced the original and only have a 1m Anker one handy.

‌ :thumbsup: That's exactly what I plan to do with my launch day system.

I just hope my local store is involved in the offer.
28 Sep 17 #223
When is this deal live? Midnight?
28 Sep 17 #224
Many thanks you've helped me spend my money again.Brilliant deal
28 Sep 17 #225
I have the black console but have a blue controller as the black one was replaced as it broke .. wondering if theyd accept it? Hmmmmm
28 Sep 17 #226
Any idea if a ps5 is on the horizon?
28 Sep 17 #227
I certainly never regretted trading in my old launch model in around March/April this year when Argos had the ridiculous offer of the PS4 Slim/extra controller/Horizon Zero Dawn and the possibility of being offered (as I did) another game choice (Resident Evil 7) for £199.99, especially utilising a code which knocked a tenner off that.

So for £189.99 I had a game I wanted (Horizon Zero Dawn) an extra controller and sold my old PS4 to CEX for £130 cash and got something like £32 cash at the time for Resident Evil 7 as it was a pretty new release.

With this deal, for anyone just after the change of console it would not be hard to get £35 for a sealed copy of Fifa 18 (providing it is a physical copy in the package)

Advantages of the Slim are its reduced manufacturing APU die, cooler, more energy efficient, removable lid without having to invalidate the warranty for cleaning the fan and a vastly superior V2 controller.

I have no regrets in upgrading, particularly to the glacier white model, not everyone is a fan of the redesign but personally think such as with the PS3 Slim the redesign is nicer.
28 Sep 17 #228
Had my 4k TV for a while. Tempted to buy a ps4 pro just for this , is it worth the upgrade?

Also purchased games from psn store. Do they stay on your account?
28 Sep 17 #229
You read wrong. It's trade in a PS3 slim or super slim
28 Sep 17 #230
Sweet, Just been into Game and done the pre-order deal on the 1TB slim.
Reasons; new warranty, new slim console with 1TB HDD rather than 500GB, new v2 controller (usb compatible reduced gamer lag) and old one was on last legs, 5ghz WiFi, quieter & more ECO....
Fifa is currently being bid at £40 on fleabay so all in all looking at a new system for £40 ish outlay, absolute no-brainer..........HEAT HEAT HEAT from ME ME ME.
28 Sep 17 #231
What if you just put new warranty stickers back in place ?
28 Sep 17 #232
can be announced 2019 released 2020, ps4 is selling well for them
28 Sep 17 #233
I didn't read anything wrong, I copied and pasted that.
28 Sep 17 #234
Read it again - It is trade in a PS3 slim 500GB Console for a PS4 500GB Console with FIFA 18 £124.99
28 Sep 17 #235
Thanks for confirming!
28 Sep 17 #236
I want to do this but how do you transfer the data from one console to the other? Can you do it in store?

Hate to be lose all my witcher 3 saves and many hours clocked up
28 Sep 17 #237
GAME have updated the website and corrected the error. It said PS4 before hence the original comment.

Backup your stuff to an external hard drive/USB via the backup and restore menu within settings.
28 Sep 17 #238
Ive been in today and had my console tested, took about 20 mins to test.

game are looking after the console and will be traded in tonight for the launch.

Question is, Do i go for a Slim Or Pro?

I dont have a 4K Telly yet and i carnt see myself getting one untill my tv dies
28 Sep 17 #239
How do you transfer your profile over to your new PS4?
28 Sep 17 #240

did they say anything about your controller, my local game said because the analouge sticks were worn they would not accept it and just keep the new controller from the new bundle.
28 Sep 17 #241
Cloud backup if you've got PS+ or to a usb stick. Do a Google lookup
28 Sep 17 #242
Will be done as part of the set up process.
28 Sep 17 #243
You will never see this many dumb questions on an Xbox deal.

I have enjoyed reading this thread

‌ :grin:
28 Sep 17 #244
Hi is the Pro worth the upgrade ?? i have a brand new ps4 not open just never got round to playing it hmm :disappointed:
28 Sep 17 #245
In the Terms and conditions its Says ANY PS3, worth a try! and refer them to the terms and conditions on their website. ANY PS3..
28 Sep 17 #246
How did you transfer your profile over to new PS4
28 Sep 17 #247
Yep, they gave me a receipt and a raffle ticket :party: so all I have to do is pop in tomorrow and pick it up. BUT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO TONIGHT??? MIGHT HAVE TO CONVERSE WITH THE WIFE!!
28 Sep 17 #248
Would they accept a ps4 with a broken warranty seal? I opened mine last year to vacuum out dust as it was making a lot of noise.
28 Sep 17 #249
Really only if you have a 4K tellie....
28 Sep 17 #250
So do I just log out my current PS4 and log in to the new one with my log in details and my PSN will be on there?
28 Sep 17 #251
That's Pants!
28 Sep 17 #252
Just been to game
500gb fat ps4 . Contoller. Usb. Hdmi and power lead hand over 79.99 for new 1tb with fifa 18 or slim ps3 and 129.99 for the seal. Goes live at midnight but local store wont do it till tomorrow . Or trade in this evening and pick-up at midnight when game released
28 Sep 17 #253
No i do not have a 4K tv but is the new ps4 faster ?? or is the old one worth keeping hold of to mod ??
28 Sep 17 #254
Its a PS3 SLIM not the PS4 slim you have to trade in!!!!!!!!!!!

28 Sep 17 #255
28 Sep 17 #256
Do you need the box to trade it In or is it okay just the console does anyone know
28 Sep 17 #257
Technically, if you're planning to pickup FIFA 18 anyway and you have the original PS4, you are getting a brand new PS4 Slim with 1TB for £29.99. Pretty good tbh.
28 Sep 17 #258
This is answered above. No box required.
28 Sep 17 #259
I'm very curious about the dates this is valid. 29th September 2107 until 9th October 2016?
28 Sep 17 #260
The website was updated to fix the error some time after that comment was posted.
28 Sep 17 #261
do this for the xboxone x and i'll be interested, already have a ps4 pro
28 Sep 17 #262
Bear this in mind - A Game reward account is required to participate
28 Sep 17 #263
So is the bundle avaliable at midnight or tomorrow morning? Any help will be appreciated.
28 Sep 17 #264
Cheers tebbo lad, I do have ps+ so should be easy enough to do!
28 Sep 17 #265
Question is, Do i go for a Slim Or Pro?

I dont have a 4K Telly yet and i carnt see myself getting one untill my tv dies

but ive been reading reandering and graphics look better with the pro ona 1080p tv?
28 Sep 17 #266
Can anyone confirm if you get the 1tb slim or normal 1tb console. Looking at the £79.99 deal.
All advertising says normal 1tb phat version but comments by people saying u get a 1tb slim version.
28 Sep 17 #267
Anybody want any vue vouchers from the Tesco promotion? I have a few left that need using tonight, I put a discussion up but it’s not getting noticed
28 Sep 17 #268
How have you done this? It doesn't go live until the 29th. Or are you basically saying you reserved one or put your name to one? The staff cant do anything as the launch of the game isnt officially til tomorrow.

I have been aware of this deal for a good few days before it was posted, my local have saved me one, but no early testing or exchange can be done until tbe 29th.
28 Sep 17 #269
28 Sep 17 #270
You trade in your normal console (original ps4) and then you pay £80 for slim or £199.99 for pro
28 Sep 17 #271
Yes my D pad was not working correctly for some reason, so i told them just to take the one from the new console
28 Sep 17 #272
Says that the console must be in working order and in satisfactory condition

Wonder what they mean by satisfactory condition. My console works fine, but one of my dogs scratched the side/top of the console when she was freaking out when fireworks were going off last year........
28 Sep 17 #273
I regret upgrading my 500gb drive now. Original drive is long gone so no way to trade it in now. Awesome deal though!
28 Sep 17 #274
I just went to Game in coventry Ricoh. Apparently the deal has been pulled by EA no idea?
28 Sep 17 #275
I need to know this
28 Sep 17 #276
It's a pre-order so mine has gone I paid the £79.99 and will pick up new one tomorrow.
28 Sep 17 #277
Not sure if amended, but advert 124.99 for ps4 is when trade in a ps3 slim or super slim, which seems not a bad price?
28 Sep 17 #278
Dont think thats true
its a console bundle with game
28 Sep 17 #279
Ive already had my console tested and the staff have kept it to one side in store, resdy for me to collect the new 1 tonight

just wouldnt let me pre order it as the trade in has to happen the ssme time as the console is purchase
28 Sep 17 #280
Forgive me if this sounds daft, hows that work?
You already had the machine tested and paid the difference? So you have a store credit or receipt to swap over tomorrow?

I wasnt offered that, just told we have put one aside for you.
28 Sep 17 #281

No box is needed - wasnt needed for mine anyways
28 Sep 17 #282
Ive already had my console tested and the staff have kept it to one side in store, resdy for me to collect the new 1 tonight

just wouldnt let me pre order it as the trade in has to happen the same time as the console is purchase

so ill be getting it tonight on the lsunch, just not sure wether to get soim or pro
28 Sep 17 #283
Do you need a working ps4 controller when trading in your old ps4?
28 Sep 17 #284
So they only want the slim PS3 and not the super slim then, that's a shame as I have a spare super slim.
28 Sep 17 #285
28 Sep 17 #286
Yes, but you maybe able to persuafe them to take the new one from you bundle you buy
28 Sep 17 #287
Picture never loaded on phone to start with and just see the writing stating slim as it don't say super slim in title
28 Sep 17 #288
Will this be released at midnight?
28 Sep 17 #289
Yes but i doubt they will test on launch night
28 Sep 17 #290
Thanks for the info, If I bought the pro it looks like I would have to unplug the hdmi that leads from the pro to the vr box If I wanted to play the games on the tv, looks like I"ll be getting a slim then.
28 Sep 17 #291
Do I need to wipe the PS4 before trading or can I just go in as it is? Controller, hdmi, charging cable and console is what I have with the original box
28 Sep 17 #292
Is it possible to pre order? There’s a pre order option on their site but just takes you to the trade in page with no further options
28 Sep 17 #293
I want to trade in my PS3 :persevere:
28 Sep 17 #294
Pro all the way, Games just run better on it, even older games are boosted…ro/
28 Sep 17 #295
Anyone know if elite members get a boost?
28 Sep 17 #296
Phat consoles are not produced any more. They were all sold out last year in the crazy 150 deal with fifa 17 every retailer has been doing. Having said that, its not possible to buy phat brand new anymore, so the chances are less than 0 they would create a bundle with that console and fifa 18. It's slim 10000000%
28 Sep 17 #297
Will they take an original 500gb PS4 but one with an upgraded 1tb disk drive in it?
28 Sep 17 #298
Best phoning your local store
28 Sep 17 #299
Damn I upgraded mine to 2tb hard drive a few weeks ago.
28 Sep 17 #300
How about s PS3?
28 Sep 17 #301
Wonder if I could have a white pro console if I take a white original ps4 in :P
28 Sep 17 #302
Yep old PS tested and they kept it. I've paid, 79.99 got a receipt and they have me a raffle ticket to I D my order.
Not daft question as it looks as if different stores do different things.
Hope that helps.
28 Sep 17 #303
Yeah I guess so. I just wondered if by chance someone had already asked.
28 Sep 17 #304
Would advise you to initialise unit (restore to original state) to ensure none of your personal details gets out there!
28 Sep 17 #305
Tempted by this deal. If anyone's planning on buying fifa anyway your getting the option of a ps4 pro for £160. Heat added
28 Sep 17 #306
I think you get fifa 18 icon edition
28 Sep 17 #307
I’m gonna go into store Saturday, see if you need box and controllers but I’ll just sell of fifa and get a brand new PS4 for £40
28 Sep 17 #308
That's correct, the box states this
28 Sep 17 #309
anyone enquire about trading in a ps3 super slim for the ps4 pro with fifa? cant ring now its all shut
28 Sep 17 #310
And they say Mike Ashely doesn't have a clue when it comes to sport related products :angry:

‌ :thumbsup:
28 Sep 17 #311
I walked in to check earlier. You need hdmi, power cable, ps4, dualshock 4 and cable for controller to charge.
Side not the dualshock 4’s thumbsticks shouldnt be worn away although not sure how good the condition should be of the thumbsticks
28 Sep 17 #312
The pro seems to be the best value as it retails at around £349 so your getting £150 for your old console
28 Sep 17 #313
So worn thumbstick = no dice. Poop. What if you have replaced with aftermarket thumb grips?
28 Sep 17 #314
its a slim ps3 for 124-99p
28 Sep 17 #315
Does anyone know if i will need the box as ive lost mine?
28 Sep 17 #316
No, you just see the same dumb questions on repeat instead.

The confusion between xb1, xb1s, and xb1x being the most common. Keep calm and carry on trolling...
28 Sep 17 #317
Why do you need to be 18 to do this? It makes no sense at all.
28 Sep 17 #318
If I had installed a 2tb hard drive on my 500gb ps4 would I be able to reinstall that same 2tb hard drive on a ps4 pro?
28 Sep 17 #319
Dude is it a physical copy of the game?
28 Sep 17 #320
Ok I seemed to have stumped PlayStation support on twitter, i'm backing up my game save data onto a USB stick. I'm currently running the 5.00 software Beta. Will my saved data still work on a new PS4? Or shall i downgrade back to 4.7x before backing up?
28 Sep 17 #321
What about the transfer of the 1TB of games?
28 Sep 17 #322
You have read that incorrectly. It’s swap a PS3 slim for a PS4 slim NOT swap a PS4 slim for a PS4 slim32119203-dtwkc.jpg
28 Sep 17 #323
Yes you can, they use the same hard drive size
28 Sep 17 #324
Is it the Icon edition of the game or the Ronaldo edition?
28 Sep 17 #325
Fifa 18 is on blue ray disk and is the icon edition
28 Sep 17 #326
I stupidly just realised mine is a 2tb, not a 1tb! Crap. I may have to see if I have a 1tb drive, otherwise I guess I will have to consider the 500gb swap at £20 more.
28 Sep 17 #327
so do they mind if the warranty sticker is tampered?
28 Sep 17 #328
When i replaced my OG PS4 for a PS4 Slim the Slim was so much better in every way can't go back to the Fat OG PS4
28 Sep 17 #329
Excellent deal for the pro, considering your getting the Icon edition as well
28 Sep 17 #330
Yes that will work fine don't worry and using your game data and related data on a previous firmware is no problem :smile:
28 Sep 17 #331
How so? Just watched a video saying all the internals are the same
28 Sep 17 #332
Changes have been made like making the APU smaller with Finfet tech new wifi adapter etcetc read this for in depth tech analysis of the Slim compared to OG PS4…000
28 Sep 17 #333
Thank you! - PlayStation actually finally responded saying "the Beta has been recalled for further test" (...would have been nice to have been notified/emailed) so i've downgraded back to 4.74 just to be on the safe side :blush:
28 Sep 17 #334
No box is required
28 Sep 17 #335
Is it 100% the Icon edition
28 Sep 17 #336
What's the icon edition?
28 Sep 17 #337
Thanks for this, what about the original box? Do you need to take that too?
I have a launch Knack bundle, if I have to take the box would they expect the game aswell? Hope not I gave it away years ago.
28 Sep 17 #338
Thanks op will take it tomorrow
28 Sep 17 #339
28 Sep 17 #340
How do you know??
28 Sep 17 #341
Yes if this is the packaged bundle
28 Sep 17 #342
Looking at the bundle on the website, doesn't look like the Icon edition. You get three loan icon cards. The true icon edition has R9 Ronaldo on the cover, and comes with 40 packs (which I can't see mentioned on the website). This looks like the standard version with a little bonus on top.
28 Sep 17 #343
28 Sep 17 #344
28 Sep 17 #345
28 Sep 17 #346
Yeah if you are you out of warranty with the jet launch model this could be an awesome God send :-D
28 Sep 17 #347
What if I got a phat 1tb version? Will it still being 79.99 for a new slim? Or they are not accepting the phat 1tb?
28 Sep 17 #348
Can you go to midnight launch and trade in or will they only do cash/card transactions at this time?
28 Sep 17 #349
Don't think that's right. The Icon edition is over 80 quid. I'm sure it's the standard edition with a few bonus bits.
Stand to be corrected.
28 Sep 17 #350
32119957-Xb2st.jpgI'm going on what's displayed here. Not that big on fifa tbh so not sure about all the editions available
28 Sep 17 #351
Before trading it in, it might seem obvious to factory reset it (Google initialising ps4 and make sure you choose "full")

But also you need to deactivate as your primary PS4, so that your PlayStation Network account isn't associated to the PS4 anymore.
28 Sep 17 #352
32119993-yoy7M.jpgThis is the cover for the Icon edition.
28 Sep 17 #353
It also looks to have a 'Not to be sold seperately' mark on it, which I'm not sure if it'll affect trading into CEX or the like.
28 Sep 17 #354
Yea looks like it's just 3 icon loan players exclusive to bundles and ONE ultimate team rare player pack. NOT THE FULL ICON EDITION
28 Sep 17 #355
The icon edition is £89.99?

That can't be right?
28 Sep 17 #356
Looks good :smile:
28 Sep 17 #357
"console is also missing" :laughing:
28 Sep 17 #358
Can you explain the process to the deactivation? I know you used to do it online via PSN account? Is it still the same, or does it only let you deactivate everything? I have PS4, 2 Vitas and a PSTV, so ideally don't want to deactivate them all lol
28 Sep 17 #359
Very tempted for this deal - new PS4 slim looks ugly though compared to my launch model but 5ghz wifi may be worth that compromise and the extra warranty for the new console lastly (I hear) better controller - I think I'm won over.

Quick question though. Considering the Xbox One S with FIFA. What trade in would I get for this or would be the same type of deal? If anyone happens to know I'll be grateful. :wink: .
28 Sep 17 #360
I went onto online chat and they sorted mine out - Playstation support page
28 Sep 17 #361
Great shout. I initialised but didn't deactivate but fortunately you can do a remote deactivation once every six months.
Here's the how to link for anyone who needs it,…on/
28 Sep 17 #362
If I had a pound for everytime someone wrongly told me I'm mistaken about this deal, I wouldn't need HUKD anymore

28 Sep 17 #363
It states you get this. Doubt it's the icon edition?

A physical copy of EA Sports FIFA 18.

A FIFA Ultimate Team Rare Players Pack and 3 ICON loan players, exclusively only in FIFA 18 PS4 bundles.
28 Sep 17 #364
Not the full icon edition
28 Sep 17 #365
How to deactivate your primary PS4

Select your user account on your PS4.

Go to [Settings] > [PlayStation Network/Account Management] > [Activate as Your Primary PS4].

Select [Deactivate] > [Yes].

Your device is now deactivated and you can activate another PS4 as your primary system
28 Sep 17 #366
Spot on
28 Sep 17 #367
My PS4 is on its last legs. Sounds like an aeroplane taking off, £30 basically for a new PS4 slim with more storage. Awesome deal
28 Sep 17 #368
I have a launch PS4 looking upgrade to the pro considering I have a 4kTV is it really worth it?
28 Sep 17 #369
Can trade in at midnight?
28 Sep 17 #370
Does GAME wipe your device or should I factory reset before?
28 Sep 17 #371
Do we know if all stores are having this deal? May be worth callingin before making the trip with your PS4.
28 Sep 17 #372
Out of interest, I noticed '

PlayStation Pro 1TB FIFA 18 With Destiny 2 And NOW TV 2 Month Entertainment Pass

' at 369. Wonder how much trade in the original 500gb ps4 usually gets?
28 Sep 17 #373
I would...
28 Sep 17 #374
I'd do it before and deactivate as primary console..
28 Sep 17 #375
Do they need the controller as well?
28 Sep 17 #376
Game is not a franchise. This will apply to all their stores.
28 Sep 17 #377
I done 3 quick formats on the machine

but if you have time, do a full format
28 Sep 17 #378
Assuming value of destiny is 30 and the now tv pass is 10 (rough but educated guesses), that still makes the resale value of the ps4 to be in neighbourhood of 150. Doubt you could get that much on gumtree/fb marketplace, even though they are chancers (I've seen a guy selling an Xbox one s 500gb new but unsealed for 200 quid, I quickly pointed them to game's deal with forza and fifa for same price, so he could reevaluate) :smile:
28 Sep 17 #379
Depends on your store id say, as thry need to test and this can take 20-30 mins
28 Sep 17 #380
28 Sep 17 #381
Would have gone for this but my launch model packed in last week. Bugger....
28 Sep 17 #382
I have a launch PS4 with 1TB hybrid drive i installed. Will I need to back up all my saves to the cloud and start again when I remove it and put it into a new slim? Or will it just work?

I will put the original drive back in and give to game as it was originally (no warranty stickers were touched to change drives I think).

Second hand price of FIFA gonna tumble quick!
28 Sep 17 #383
Great deal, 35 quid for an upgrade to a new console with double the memory. Hothothot.
28 Sep 17 #384
Save data to cloud on PS4
28 Sep 17 #385
My controllers sticks are worn. Anyway around the this? Don’t want them to take the new controller as a replacement
28 Sep 17 #386
You didn't read it correctly, that's for the PS3 trade in not PS4.
28 Sep 17 #387
I paid £300 for mine and now I am expected to spend another £80.
And, I like the rhombus look of the classic PS4.
This deal seems hot but doesn't interest me
28 Sep 17 #388
You're late to the party. Game made a mistake and changed it later on.
28 Sep 17 #389
Dont think so
28 Sep 17 #390
Would you guys trade in your old Ps4 If it was white for this deal?
28 Sep 17 #391
Problem is I have PT on my hard drive
28 Sep 17 #392
Depends on how you look at it. You get a brand new console/controller + new warranty. You also get a copy of fifa (if u dont want it, you can sell for £35+) and 500gb extra.
28 Sep 17 #393
whats that?
28 Sep 17 #394
Wish I didn’t know! It’s a super scary teaser game that was abandoned and is no longer available to download.

Think my friends will be pleased I can’t unleash it on them unbeknownst anymore :joy:
28 Sep 17 #395
Anyone who's successfully traded in do you need to take the HDMI wire and the headset thst came with it originally

I tried to ring Game to ask a few hours ago but after waiting in a queue for 47 minutes I gave up
28 Sep 17 #396
Is this a wind up there's a typo in the t&cs 2107 2016
28 Sep 17 #397
Actually, that's not true. HDMI carries higher bandwidth audio. That's the way to connect if you are using an AV amp.
28 Sep 17 #398
I rang my local store before they shut tonight. This offer is on for 10 days from tomorrow and they said it’s being funded by Sony itself that’s why it’s such a great deal!

They said you need the console, controller, hdmi and power lead. All the original ones. They didn’t mention the chat headset. They said if any of the cables are missing you can give them the new one out of the box or pay a bit extra and they’ll put their 3rd party one with your trade in (usb charging cable would be £7.99). They don’t need the original box.

It takes about 20 mins to test the console.

The console and FIFA aren’t in a bundle but both separate, I didn’t ask which version of FIFA it is but I’d assume standard edition.

Hope this helps!
28 Sep 17 #399
A demo that can nolonger be redownloaded for the now cancelled Kojima Silent Hill game.
28 Sep 17 #400
Very tempted by this! Whats the best way in terms of backup? Saves to ps plus cloud then just redownload your games from the purchased library?
28 Sep 17 #401
thanks for this! i wonder what they would be doing in that 20 mins as I assume most people would clear all accounts/data and maybe a full reset. Also, that PT game sounds amazing :O
28 Sep 17 #402
What dies the Sony HDMI cable look like?
28 Sep 17 #403
I'm pretty sure my USB cable for charging the controller won't be the original one...... not sure if that'll make a difference, it's a black wire, how different can it be
28 Sep 17 #404
Can confirm it's the standard edition, I'm at the store now.
28 Sep 17 #405
Just stood outside game, spoke to the staff and they can't trade the console tonight as it's against company policy?
They have offered to sell me a gift card for 79.99 and hold one back to collect tomorrow....

So not a completely wasted journey. Oh and they expect the console to be reset to factory settings.

Good luck!
28 Sep 17 #406
Mine is the same, we had a unit fall off the wall and it cracked the top of it, we replaced the hard drive and it works but not sure they'd take it
28 Sep 17 #407
That's strange SRM_87, I'm at Leeds white rose branch and they're testing it now and ready to sell for 12am
28 Sep 17 #408
Stage a break in :joy:
28 Sep 17 #409
Will they be giving out the consoles tonight in leeds?
28 Sep 17 #410
What about if I wanted to trade in my 1TB PS4 older version for the PS4 Pro ?
28 Sep 17 #411
Ha the Xbox one is sat next to it so that would have to go awol too :joy: I have 4 gamers, I'm not sure I could deal with that :joy:

We have got a ps3 we could possibly slip away with but my husband wants the pro version really
28 Sep 17 #412
They are at the White Rose shopping centre, I can't confirm the others
28 Sep 17 #413
That's perfect thanks, all that I needed to know.
28 Sep 17 #414
Fair enough, I'm out all day tomorrow so doesn't bother me too much; at least I now have one set aside in the event they all sell out tomorrow / weekend

They did try and blag me with an in-store price until I shown them the website offer then they soon backed down
28 Sep 17 #415
Lol to be honest as it’s damaged it doesn’t sound like something they would accept as from the comments it’s sounds like they are fussy.
28 Sep 17 #416
Tell me about it ...


Out of interest, what's the difference between the PS4 Pro, and the non Pro?, thanx. :-)
28 Sep 17 #417
Make sure you have warranty stickers...

I got mine repaired and the stickers weren't on the back so two stores wouldn't let me swap.

I've bought the stickers off bay gonna restick and see if they'll accept it
28 Sep 17 #418
It’s now 23:52 and I arrived at Game Ocean Terminal about 15 minutes ago with the PS4 500GB I bought in December 2014. All tested with no problems and just waiting until midnight when they’ll put through the PS4 1TB with Fifa 18 for £79.99. Happy days!
28 Sep 17 #419
Cheers op

im currently waiting for mine - but all paid for
28 Sep 17 #420
Store in Harlow not testing till tomorrow so have to come back
29 Sep 17 #421
Anyone confirm which Edition of FIFA 18 it is?
29 Sep 17 #422
Standard, but comes with
29 Sep 17 #423
Where are you seeing this? The 124.99 deal is trade in a ps3 not 4, which is pretty good.
29 Sep 17 #424
Then its 179.99
29 Sep 17 #425
Got it
29 Sep 17 #426
Does the console have to be originally bought from game
29 Sep 17 #427
We were seeing it this morning for a few hours until Game updates the website.
29 Sep 17 #428
Whatever you do, just make sure the thumb sticks on your controller are in good order!
I took mine in only a week ago and the console was/is immaculate. Dust free, clean, no marks, looks and sounds like it did day one on release. Fully boxed, all cables and instructions. Basically, everything was as new despite the age, except for the left thumb nub on the controller which had a third of the rubber worn away. I did have thumb caps hiding it but thought I'd point it out. Anyway, despite saying it's the best/cleanest looking console he's seen come in in ages, he couldn't take it because of that bit of worn rubber on the controller. He even pointed out to me that the consoles he has in the back are scratched, dust in the vents etc, but couldn't take mine just for that small reason. I even clocked the one in the display window, dints in the side and scratches all over the top.
So, bemused, I went to another Game store further into town. Same thing. The guy said it doesn't matter the state of the console as long as it works, as long as the controllers have the rubber on them.
I don't know about you, but if I was buying a second hand console, the quality of the system is way more important to me than the controller.
Just be warned if your controller is the same, folks.
29 Sep 17 #429
I’ve just got back from my local store with my new PS4 slim. They said they only honoured it because I rang the store earlier. Charged me for a new charging usb as mine wasn’t the proper one
29 Sep 17 #430
29 Sep 17 #431
29 Sep 17 #432
Hope I don't get any grief first thing in the morning when I visit my local.
Wouldn't they let you give them the cable out of the new system?
29 Sep 17 #433
They didn’t even tell me they were doing it I just gathered when I saw the bill. Couldn’t be bothered to say anything as I’d already waited an hour for everyone to buy Fifa.

People were picking up their mini snes’s as well and it’s tiny!! Mine should be delivered later today, 2 new/old consoles in one day
29 Sep 17 #434
29 Sep 17 #435
My store wernt bothered, i took a sky hdmi cable in and a random phone charger cable

they accepted mine with no issue
29 Sep 17 #436
Those with P.T on their HDD that don't want to lose it:

Upload your saves to the cloud, then delete everything off your HDD except for P.T.
Stick a 4gb minimum USB stick into the console and go to settings and select to backup to USB storage device. It'll take a few mins and will be around 3.5gb once copied.
When that's done, deactivate your account from the console and wipe your HDD fully, factory restoring it.

When you get your new console, stick in the USB stick and select to restore data from it before you Dowland/install anything else. It'll install P.T and once you're logged into PSN, it'll work. It wont work until you log in. Despite it no longer being on the store, the activation is still linked to your account and will show as unplayable until you log in for the first time.

Really easy to do, and it's one of those games that's worth keeping. You can also keep it on the USB stick as a back up in case anything happens to your PS4 in the future. Bare in mind though, you can't just add it to an already active PS4, it needs to be added at the time of settings up the console for the first time.
29 Sep 17 #437
A bit perplexed about the thunbstick being worn thing. My console is 3 years old and has been well used - how can they expect launch models to still above thumbgrips in an immaculate condition?
29 Sep 17 #438
Think I may just grab some replacement thumb sticks off eBay and replace them for the sake of a couple of quid.
29 Sep 17 #439
Not to mention it being a common issue with the DS4 controller. A design flaw even.
29 Sep 17 #440
So can anyone who's got this deal confirm that the copy of FIFA 18 is a retail one that can be traded in, or is it a bundle copy in the console box itself?
29 Sep 17 #441
So tempted by this, got original PS4 which I got on Day 1, but the sound of it at times is crazy, sounds like a jumbo jet trying to take off. Don't have a 4K TV so doubt I'd go for the Pro for this reason, very tempted to try it with the Slim though
29 Sep 17 #442
Traded mine into my local store with no issues at 12.10am. Got the PS4 slim 1tb, Fifa 18 inside the console box and two months free NOW entertainment too. Happy customer! Note the copy of Fifa inside the box has no barcode and says not to be sold sperate, however, I have traded similar items into CEX before no problem.
29 Sep 17 #443
Anyone now if its only the console they want and not the controller with it?
29 Sep 17 #444
Didnt know they have 24 hour game stores
29 Sep 17 #445
Fifa 18 is a bundle copy inside the console box... No barcode on back says "not to be sold separately" instead of. Also has not to be sold separately on front cover as well.
29 Sep 17 #446
Does the pro justify a £120 difference in price? Can buy the pro and a game for £350 online so doesn't seem that great a deal for that compared to getting the slim
29 Sep 17 #447
So altogether they'd need a Power cable, USB cable, PS4 controller, PS4 for a swap!

I might take my launch ps4 500gb in, I have up till 9th October to make my mind up.
I just don't know what to do ha.
29 Sep 17 #448
Stuck between slim and pro...
29 Sep 17 #449
HDMI cable too. I'm gonna go tomorrow, there's no way this deal is gonna stay live until 9th October!
29 Sep 17 #450
And HDMI wire
29 Sep 17 #451
Is data transfer an issue, all saved data, recordings etc can be transfered? Great deal btw
29 Sep 17 #452
Can i trade in my white ps4?
29 Sep 17 #453
Thanks! Just ordered replacement thumb sticks from Amazon for £3.50 prime evening delivery and have just followed a YouTube instructions to swap out.…sck
29 Sep 17 #454
Go in ready prepared for this. I will be. Terms and conditions state satisfactory condition, that basically means working but not excellent or perfect condition.
29 Sep 17 #455
Probably needs to edit his comment then.
29 Sep 17 #456
How thoroughly do Game test the controller? My console was brand new when I got it and after a week or two the trackpad developed an issue where its a bit stiff when you click it. All these years on, it still does it. The press always registers, it's just a bit annoying. It's otherwise working fine.

I've also got a white controller that's close to pristine but guessing they won't take that with a black console.
29 Sep 17 #457
Thanks for your replies Leehardacre, GeordieRob.
And damn I just looked at my black 2nd controller that I never use anymore that I had with my launch ps4 the left thumb stick rubber has gone on the left bottom side, they won't accept that would they?..
29 Sep 17 #458
Yep! Traded in my glacial white ps4. No problems. Didn't have the original hdmi or USB charger cable either
29 Sep 17 #459
Is there limited stock? Don't think I can get to a store till next week.
29 Sep 17 #460
I bought a new PS4 slim from elsewhere and transferred over my data via Ethernet. Everything is fine but I am having trouble with psn games. They only work on my account but not for any other users. I don't have psn plus by the way
29 Sep 17 #461
I cant find the deal online to check the t&cs
29 Sep 17 #462
Very tempted too - may pop down to my local later
29 Sep 17 #463
Yeah that is my question too, do they really reject units where you have a larger (and more likely better) HDD that you have replaced? My 500GB has a 1TB 7200rpm HDD in now, with the 500GB long gone. Seems weird they'd not accept a larger capacity unit that would be easier to sell on. I could understand them say only offering me £199 against a PS4 pro (and then making a tidy profit on the resale).
29 Sep 17 #464
I traded my PS4 in a month or so at Game with an upgraded 1TB in it and got more cash for it so should be no probs!
29 Sep 17 #465
Yeah would be interesting to see whether they scan anything on the console or check the model/serial no. to verify whether it's an original 1TB unit or not. I realise it's only £20 more to pay if they class it as a 500GB unit, but they will make more money from it in the end.
29 Sep 17 #466
Sounds like your PS4 is not set as the primary device. Login to PSN and set it as primary device.
29 Sep 17 #467
Do you need to reformat a hard drive to save existing data on old ps4?
29 Sep 17 #468
How do I get this deal
29 Sep 17 #469
Do you wish to save existing data on the PS4 to a hard drive? If so, then as long as the hard drive is using FAT32, then you'll be fine and it shouldn't need reformatting.
29 Sep 17 #470
I tried that and it already said it was my primary device on all my accounts.

Any other suggestions would be very welcome.
29 Sep 17 #471
I created a FAT32 partition on a 2TB drive then backed up the data to there. Currently initialising PS4 now. I have two so I'm tempted to trade in both if they'll let me.
29 Sep 17 #472
29 Sep 17 #473
Thanks, I cant see any mention of if you need to have a controller aswell. My original broke so bought a custom controller so dont want to trade that in as it was expensive. Also anyone know how you get the hdd's to work for os again after formatting them for external storage?
29 Sep 17 #474
You do need to take a controller
29 Sep 17 #475
Are u getting a physical copy of Fifa 18 in this deal or a digital download?
29 Sep 17 #476
Ok so I'm going to do this today, but I have P.T. so I know I need to be careful. I'm going to back up my most of my stuff onto my 2Tb portable HDD before wiping it, but please can someone spell out the steps i need to take so i don't screw it up?

- use backup feature (selected games only, especially P.T. - I'll redownload others as required)
- deactivate primary PS4 status at this point?
- wipe/Factory reset
- box it up, go to Game, get shiny new Pro
- sign into new PS4
- activate as primary now?
- perform restore from portable hdd
- Bob' uncle?

Worried I've missed something or the order is off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I only care about retaining P.T. and getting online instantly with no hiccups.
29 Sep 17 #477
Guys. If I do this, will it mess up the game sharing me and my friend do. He recently bought destiny and I logged j to his account and downloaded it as well as loads of other games.
29 Sep 17 #478
They accepted mine
29 Sep 17 #479
Question... Do you actually get a SLIM model with the £79 trade-in? Ready the T&Cs, the word SLIM is not mentioned....unless all 1TB consoles are slim and I just don't know that?
29 Sep 17 #480
You get the slim yes
29 Sep 17 #481
Would any of you guys trade in your original white PS4 for this deal, or is the white PS4 'rare'?
29 Sep 17 #482
Yeah u will need to do everything again on the new console
29 Sep 17 #483
Spoke to my local GAME store.

The rubber on the controllers has to be good and not worn - launch day model and finding out it was a manufacturing defect thats annoying

PS4 must have the original size HDD present

I upgraded my PS4 to 1TB and then upgraded my PS3 to 500gb using my PS4 HDD so I am not going to be undoing that.

Don't know if its worth buying another HDD and replacing thumbsticks as it will add another £40 onto this 'great' deal.

Such a good deal for original 500GB model, probably because they know only a few people will be eligible :disappointed:

With some deals coming out at £200+ for slim model with a game(and/or slightly more for a controller), I suppose its whether I feel my ps4 is worth £100 to me which it is.

£120 to upgrade (taking in costings of buying hdd and thumbsticks) or £220 for new ps4 slim while also being able to keep my old one, Black Friday is approaching, I am hoping for some good Pro deals.
29 Sep 17 #484
My PS4 won't restart (but will power down and power up ok) unless I unplug and plug in the power cord. Anyone know a fix? Seems that replacing the PSU sorts this which is £40 for the parts, however a new machine for about the same is attractive! Anyone have the same issue or think they will notice?
29 Sep 17 #485
What do you mean everything? Just set the primary account etc and that's it? Will the licenses of the games mess up?
29 Sep 17 #486
£199 to upgrade to ps pro? :laughing: what a rip off !!
29 Sep 17 #487
It's essentially £150 trade-in for a 4 year old, well out of warranty launch PS4. Not bad in my opinion and worth it for a more powerful console with fresh warranty (and a sellable game to offset the cost by £35-40).
29 Sep 17 #488
29 Sep 17 #489
I wouldn't waste your breath. If you need to explain it to someone, then they shouldn't be allowed to breath the same air as us.
29 Sep 17 #490
In the Newcastle branch now and the lass behind the counter telling me the condition of the ps4 doesn't matter, as long as it works
29 Sep 17 #491
Just found a buyer FIFA for £40
29 Sep 17 #492
And they won't accept it without the following being present:

Original controller
Usb charging cable
Power cable
29 Sep 17 #493
So I have the original launch version PS4 500MB and I need to buy Fifa 2018 for my nephew so do I go for the PS4 Slim 1TB (don't know which chassis) or do I just opt for PS4 Pro. Don't really use my PS4 that much but I do have a 4K TV.
29 Sep 17 #494
I guess it depends on whether you want to splash out £79 or £199? If you don't use the PS4 much, then go for the slim and save your money.
29 Sep 17 #495
Interested in trading in my slim PS3 160gb version, local game guy just said over the phone I wouldn't get the full discount as it's only the 160gb. Strange that, as it says any slim model and price is reduced to £124.99.
29 Sep 17 #496
In the Terms & Conditions, it says any PS3.
29 Sep 17 #497
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer valid from 29th September 2017 until 9th October 2017. Purchase a PS4 500GB Fifa 18 console for £124.99 (normal price £199.99) when you trade-in a slim or super slim PS3 console and use the total trade-in value received against such purchase. Offer available in store only and during store opening hours. Trade-in must be completed in the same transaction as purchase. Console must be in good working order and of satisfactory quality. A Game reward account is required to participate. GAME reserves the right to refuse any offer to anyone believed to be representing a trade buyer. Game trade-in terms and conditions and Game Reward terms and conditions apply please see for details. Trade in and cash prices are subject to change. Store manager’s decision is final. Offer can be removed at any time without prior notice with reasonable cause.

It seems that some of these shops haven't got a clue what the offer actually involves!!
29 Sep 17 #498
Can anyone confirm if Cex are taking the fifa 18 bundled copy in for trade?
29 Sep 17 #499
Would like to know this myself.
29 Sep 17 #500
Looks like they have changed the Terms & Conditions! Originally it did say when you trade in a PS3 console.
29 Sep 17 #501
Only if you're HILARIOUS with it
29 Sep 17 #502
Well that's up to you to choose what ones you want to reinstall :smile:
29 Sep 17 #503
Would transferring all my games to my external 2tb harddrive then transfer it to the new PS4 work ?
29 Sep 17 #504
Why am I tempted to update to a Pro, I don't even have a 4k TV (yet :blush: )
29 Sep 17 #505
Dunno whether to get the pro or slim?! Don't have a 4K TV yet but it's in the pipeline! Is £200 a decent deal??
29 Sep 17 #506
This is what I'm going to have to do. Now that there's a backup/restore feature on PS4, it should be straightforward. I've got PT to think about though, I'll be gutted if I lose that.
29 Sep 17 #507
I've a launch 1tb ps4. Should and can I trade it and although i have a 4k tv is a pro worth it?
29 Sep 17 #508
Can you transfer downloaded games to a new ps4?
29 Sep 17 #509
Should I delete/ factory reset my old PS4 before I take it in do you think? And will they accept a C-Chassis or is this ONLY for the launch models?
29 Sep 17 #510
I was offered Destiny 2 or Overwatch as well as FIFA for an extra £20 (£99 total)
29 Sep 17 #511
29 Sep 17 #512
Only you can know whether you want to trade your PS4 or not. I wasn't sure whether you were saying you have a 4K TV or not? If you do, then yes it may be worth going for the Pro, but if you don't have a 4K TV and don't plan on getting one any time soon, then I would say no, don't get a Pro.
29 Sep 17 #513
Anyone know if you need the original box to trade?
29 Sep 17 #514
Yes, they have already stated that you should reset your PS4 before trading it in. Make sure you remove this PS4 as your Primary device too.

In relation to your other question, you're probably better off ringing your local store for confirmation.
29 Sep 17 #515
Apparently no, you don't.
29 Sep 17 #516
You would have to backup the whole of your PS4 to an external hard drive and then restore to your new PS4.
Otherwise if you have PS Plus then make sure your latest game saves are stored on the PS Cloud and use these on your new PS4 when you set it up. You will then of course need to re-install any game that you had on your old unit.
29 Sep 17 #517
Just took mine and was refused cos the serial number under control pad has worn out!!!
29 Sep 17 #518
Thanks that's good to know.

Can't seem to find a local store number anywhere, just a generic 0208 one which tells me all their lines are busy & hang's up :rage:
29 Sep 17 #519
This is becoming ridiculous!
What if you said they could keep the new controller and you'll keep the old one?
29 Sep 17 #520
I did the but they said somethimg about serial number of new controller matching ps4 pro and it being a bundle
29 Sep 17 #521
pro is still worht it if you have a 1080p set
29 Sep 17 #522

I took my PS4 500GB original boxed, with a random HDMI, random charge cable, headset, controller, power lead.

They rejected the controller based on cracked rubber on one thumb stick, the compromise was they swapped out the new one and left me with the old. Mildly frustrating but not a biggie.

They gave me the original headset back.

They were not aware of the Trade in deal - checked and read the T&C's displayed on my phone.
Total paid £199.99
Straight to CEX -> £36 cash for FIFA.
Outlay = £163.99 for a new 1TB PRO :smile:
29 Sep 17 #523
I can't believe how strict they are being with this trade in! Do they honestly think everyone is able to keep all of the equipment in 100% condition after so many years? They're having a laugh.
29 Sep 17 #524
Sounds as though you had someone with half a brain. It's just a shame they can't all get their crap together and be more generic across the board, rather than being a lottery for a lot of us.
29 Sep 17 #525
Done and dusted!

Word of warning, Make sure you have 2x Proof of Address with you. I had to go to the bank and get a statement printed out as I didn't have one. After that, they tested it (took about 20 minutes) and then gave me the new console.

My pad was in good condition, all the cables were 3rd party (apart from the Power cable) and the console was in good condition, but the top Glossy bit was wrecked lol a lot of scratches on it. Guy didn't say anything about it, just took it and done.

Now to get rid of Fifa!! Was going to try sell it to someone in the line but it was so busy that I think I'll just jab it on Ebay or Gumtree. Anyone in Bromley want Fifa 18 with the ICON pack? Game asking 55 I think, Would do for 45?

Good Luck all, now to restore the console!
29 Sep 17 #526
I didn't get asked for any proof of address

Did you already have a Game Reward card?
29 Sep 17 #527
Does anyone know if you have to hand in a controller for the trade?? Or just the console
29 Sep 17 #528
No proof of address needed here.
Game reward card only.

Additionally, FIFA does state 'not to be sold separately' thus reducing the resell value imo. CEX don't care.
29 Sep 17 #529
All done. Left my console in with them shortly after 9am this morning. Only needed my driving license as ID. Had a random USB cable and HDMI cable with it (not the original) and they were completely fine with it. Picked up the console bundle an hour later.
29 Sep 17 #530
Does it have to be the original controller ? Mine died last year :disappointed:
29 Sep 17 #531
sorry to ask same question again, anyone know if elite members are gettign any boost?
29 Sep 17 #532
I'd contact Sony
29 Sep 17 #533
You guys were lucky! I had a reward card too... Guess it just depends on who is behind the counter. Think mine was the manager or supervisor.

I assume you guys got the half price Papa Johns voucher and the 2 for 1 at Alton Towers too?
29 Sep 17 #534
What's the best thing to do in terms of game saves please?
29 Sep 17 #535
Yes, and the NOW TV 2 months code (entertainment)
29 Sep 17 #536
That's a joke - how can a controller that is a few years old not have its serial number worn out lol
29 Sep 17 #537
I didn't get that? Didn't get offered Destiny or Overwatch for 20 quid either :disappointed:
29 Sep 17 #538
Seems a bit of a lottery like someone else mentioned. Does Game no favours (I'm usually Anti-Game).

Stonking deal all round, but Game should have one communication for all.
29 Sep 17 #539
There's some ambiguity around various stores on this point. I just spoke to the Reading store who advised that they would only accept a console without a box in 'immaculate' condition (i.e. no marks). Mine is a White 500Gb PS4 and there's a couple of scuffs even though it's fully functional. They advised this would be classed as a C grade console and worth £30 less when trading in. Although the rep did then say that at the moment, the grade B and C consoles were 'unusually' showing up as both having a trade-in price normally associated with a C grade console.
29 Sep 17 #540
Got mine plus an extra controller for £30 and destiny 2 for £20.
29 Sep 17 #541
Yeah - OK MATE :grin:‌ :joy:‌ :sunglasses:
29 Sep 17 #542
Does the new model take the same type of hdd. I upgraded my hdd but would put the old one back in ?
29 Sep 17 #543
So does anyone know if you can trade in the FIFA to CeX?
29 Sep 17 #544
Just traded my PS4 into game, the main guy behind the counter said they will accept the console in any condition as long as it works.

I traded:

PS4 (Fairly worn out/abit dust/scratched)
Original HDMI
Original Power Lead
Random Black USB cable

Note: my orginal PS4 controller had been sold, so i took in a red controller with the rubber sticks worn off, they did not accept the controller becuase of the rubber, but they allowed me to give them the new PS4 controller from the box.

No ID needed just games reward card

And then went to CEX sold FIFA for £36 BIG CASH :smile:
29 Sep 17 #545
The PS4 PRO should of been the PS4 from the off. Thats just a kick in a teeth releasing the ps4 and then upgrading it couple years later. I might of considered it if the pro had 4K blu-ray player.
29 Sep 17 #546
Yes u can
29 Sep 17 #547
Called Crayford store about the order on original PS4 to PS Pro upgrade...

? What if the controller is showing some wear and tear on the sticks - Sorry we couldn't offer you the deal.
? What if the controller has the serial number rubbed out - Sorry we couldn't offer you the deal.
29 Sep 17 #548
Re the comments above re B and C categorisation - apparently mine was graded a ‘C’ but that was immaterial for their purposes of this offer - as long as the console is functional they don’t consider grade any further.
29 Sep 17 #549
ridiculous rule about the controller serial number....
29 Sep 17 #550
over 63 million owners dont care, ps4 pro is a mid gen upgrade for those who want more power than the ps4
29 Sep 17 #551
Can we add something somewhere in the listing details to say what you need to take to get the trade? Just to save the hundreds of comments asking if you need to take a controller.

I know why people are asking, it's because the comments on here have gone crazy so it's difficult to read through them all.

Usb cable
HDMI cable
Power cable
29 Sep 17 #552
which number is the serial number? If it's the one under the barcode I'm ok. Don't really feel they should be allowed to keep the brand new controller like that though, that's shady.
29 Sep 17 #553
Seems like a great deal, but how do you transfer your digital games and saves over to the new console - seems like the old and new console have to be networked to do it and I can't see Game allowing you to do that with their network in store?
29 Sep 17 #554
done mine this morning - got rejected due to serial number worn on joypad, all other cables generic and mine was US PS4 too. told them to take controller out of box. trading in a few old games for store credit too and walked away with a new PS4 for £21 !!

the women who served me said after 30 days if I had issues I would need to contact Sony Direct, as this is their promotion and that's why they had to be strict as all the trade in's were going back to Sony

the deal is a no brainer - thanks OP
29 Sep 17 #555
Testing mine now. Wish me luck!
29 Sep 17 #556
Read my post on page 11 buddy. That explains it. But yes, that's pretty much what you have to do.
29 Sep 17 #557
Does anyone know if you can buy and trade in the new pro FIFA bundle (for virtual £350 and use that for another bundle?)
Don't want to jump hurdles for FIFA and on paper, if you can trade for destiny bundle then can get more cash back I guess.
29 Sep 17 #558
Just been to my local game and they knew nothing about this deal. Could only point me in the direction of existing offers
29 Sep 17 #559
Just dropped mine off at Bright on store to be tested. Will be picking it up later today
29 Sep 17 #560
Which store is that?
29 Sep 17 #561
Did you show them the website which says it's an in-store deal?
29 Sep 17 #562
This Game Reward Card - is it a physical card, or can you use the app?
29 Sep 17 #563
I've got a physical card
29 Sep 17 #564
The woman that served you hasn't a clue - they can say what they wnt, but the contract of sale is between you and GAME, so they can be contacted for any issues. It might be quicker and easier to contact Sony directly, but GAME can't back out of their legal obligations
29 Sep 17 #565
It's no different to Mobiles, PC's, Cars etc.
No one is forcing you to go and buy a Pro!
29 Sep 17 #566
Refused trade in at Newtownards Game due to worn left joystick on controller. Seemed to be looking for excuses not to honour the deal.
29 Sep 17 #567
Cheers OP, swapped my OG 500GB PS4 for the 1TB PS4 bundle. Painless and given the age of my machine and how much Game were attempting to sell the game on its own for (£52 in-store!!!!!!) really happy to have replaced.
29 Sep 17 #568
you can just tell them to keep the new controller out of the box instead
29 Sep 17 #569
You didn't just 'swap' it though, did you?
29 Sep 17 #570
This game rewards card thing, is that the same as this game elite thing I see on their website £36 for a year? Also does the controller have to be the same colour as the console or doesn't it matter as long as it’s original?
29 Sep 17 #571
Question about backing up your PS4 before wiping it...

I haven't got an external USB drive / stick, am I right in thinking all my settings and game saves etc are backed up to the PSN network anyway?

Basically, apart from the time it would take to re-download settings, games, game saves etc, is there any difference to backing up to USB or to the 'cloud'?

Thanks in advance
29 Sep 17 #572
He handed over his old unit and got a new one in return - don't be so pedantic
29 Sep 17 #573
im so two minds.......
29 Sep 17 #574
Didn't think to check but wonder if the pads that come with the bundle people are picking up today are the v2 DS4.
29 Sep 17 #575
No. Only game saves can be backed up to the cloud. I did try backing my saves to a usb but they were all the same as what is already on the cloud, so didn't bother.

I've just deactivated my account from the console and now formatting/initialising it. I rather do this myself.

Are people going for the Pro or just the 1TB? Think to just get the 1TB.
29 Sep 17 #576
You're right, no. Like everyone taking advantage of the deal, I traded in against it. I apologise for the choice of wording. Consider me told!
29 Sep 17 #577
just spoken to my local store, they said worn off serial number on the controller is fine :grin:‌ :grin:
29 Sep 17 #578
This is a great deal, heat added. Just traded my original PS4 in which I suspect it’s days were probably numbered anyway, I would have bought FIFA18 (as I’m sad like that) today anyway so basically got a brand new console/controller with warranty and bigger HDD for £30. :heart_eyes:
29 Sep 17 #579
Has anyone traded at either Wardour Street or Shepherds Bush Westfield branches? Would like to know their thoughts on worn out serial numbers on controllers before I head out... it all seems a bit pot luck...
29 Sep 17 #580
Its worth noting you cannot trade in your console if you have ever opened it up (for cleaning) etc. I learned that the hard way.
29 Sep 17 #581
Did anyone answer this question if the C-Chassis model is accepted? Believe that is the model i purchased last year with fifa 17 for £150 deal. Also does anyone have an idea if stock is likely to be a problem? Not back in the country until Sunday. Thanks
29 Sep 17 #582
I did! I opened it up in an attempt to clear the dust that caused it to overheat.
The console was on its last legs anyway so traded in for the 1tb this morning. Didn't have the original power lead (was using a Sky one!) So swapped it for the new lead.
I've sold the fifa game on a buy and sell fb page for £40 also . A rwally good deal for me.
29 Sep 17 #583
Mine had been taken completely apart (new thermal paste).
No issues.
29 Sep 17 #584
Just left abbey centre in Belfast. Left my PS4 in with a blue controller (bit of a dodgy one), not the proper usb cable and not the proper hdmi cable. Said it would take about half an hour to test so went and got a munch. Came back and it was sitting behind the counter waiting on me. Dude did try and say that they only offer a 28 days warranty with the PS4 and to contact Sony if any issues. I asked was it brand new. He said yes. He was then informed that was nonsense and if any issues I’ll be coming back to you as that’s where it’s been bought from and it’s a year warranty so don’t talk sh*te.
29 Sep 17 #585
OK, thanks for the info. I think I'll pick this up today then....…325

I think I'll be going from the 500gb 4 year old original PS4 to the PS4 pro .

It might be beneficial for a few to remember that this deal if currently also running:
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer valid in-store ONLY from 07/09/17 to 18/10/17. Customers will receive an extra 20% credit on top of the standard in-store credit price when they trade-in ANY Phone or Tablet at a GAME Retail Limited store during opening hours. The 20% extra credit will be applied automatically at the till. Credit may be used in-store or placed on a GAME gift card for later redemption.

I've got an old iPad 2 laying around doing nothing which should get me £111 credit so I'll be trading that in.
Also got the wife's old iPhone 6 - the battery shows full charge but runs out in about 3 hours, but if they accept it for trade in according to the values quoted on the website it's worth £203 which would be boosted to a lovely £243 in store credit!!
29 Sep 17 #586
Dropped mine off this morning at 9am and have just picked up the 1tb slim. Was going to buy fifa anyway so perfect for me to get the less noisy version. Wonder if the Mrs will notice the PlayStation has had a transplant lol!
29 Sep 17 #587
Providing you've got a ps plus subscription your saves will be in the cloud
29 Sep 17 #588
I'm hoping they do, opened mine to clean it especially when ti sounded like a jumbo jet taking off. Nothing I can see in their T&C states this either so that'll be my counter argument, that it stats good working order and satisfactory quality
29 Sep 17 #589
Does this happen automatically unless you select otherwise
29 Sep 17 #590
I can't recall whether it's set automatically or not, but here is what you can check:

How to enable Auto-Upload. Auto-Upload automatically adds save data from your primary PS4 to online storage. Select your local user and go to [Settings] > [PowerSaving Settings] > [Set Features Available in Rest Mode] > Tick the check box next to [Stay Connected to the Internet].Next, go to [Settings] > [Application Data Management] > [Auto-Upload] > Tick the check box next to [Enable Automatic Uploads].
29 Sep 17 #591
Picked mine up earlier.
Make sure you're on the latest firmware version or they will have to install the latest update while testing. This will delay the procedure by around 20 mins (depending on their Internet speed).
29 Sep 17 #592
Great deal but not ready to give up my Panasonic 1080p plasma just yet so not much point upgrading I don't think.
29 Sep 17 #593
Any one tried a Liverpool Game store
29 Sep 17 #594
Yes friend done it this morning in the Liverpool one.
29 Sep 17 #595
Everyone who called their local store, was it the 020 number you called? Can't seem to get through.
29 Sep 17 #596
Anyone know what will happen you have a newer larger capacity drive in and you swap out the hard disk you have for the original 500gb and wipe/reset etc....if they refuse the swap for whatever reason could you simply pop the larger capacity drive back into the ps4 and be back up and running or will the ps4 wipe the thing and start over?
29 Sep 17 #597
Just upgraded my launch console for 80 quid. Absolute bargain! It sounded like a jet engine and the controller was slightly bashed in. Ridiculously good upgrade for 35 quid!
29 Sep 17 #598
I went on FB and if you do a search for your store there is a local number listed under the about section.
29 Sep 17 #599
Have a search on Google, you might be able to find the direct store line (look for a local area number).
29 Sep 17 #600
That should be fine, you can generally swap hard drives as long as it's the same console. Hard drives are encrypted to the PS4 they belong to, so you can't swap them between consoles however.
29 Sep 17 #601
They traded it in no problem despite a damaged pad? were the thumbsticks ok though or were they worn?

Seems to be the biggest issue people are reporting so far.
29 Sep 17 #602
Just made an account to say, went to my local game, wouldn't take mine in because the seals had been tampered with and tried saying my Controller was dodgy too. Waste of time for me tbh. Told him anyone could just reapply the seals what difference would it make. Just looked at me and said sorry mate.
29 Sep 17 #603
Traded two in for a slim and pro this morning. Had no problems apart from a short usb cable so he took the new one out of the slim. He said he had to inspect them for pricing but they were hardly used so it was £150 credit for each. Took both copies of FIFA18 to CEX and got £72 cash without any quibbles.
29 Sep 17 #604
Hi guys,

I’ve done some calculations to see if it’s worth upgrading to the PS4 Slim or the Pro 1TB

Predicted reduction when the Xbox 1X is released is 25% - that’s a drop from £230 to 173 (Slim); £350 to 263 (Pro)

Trade-in value for PS4 at Game is £120

Therefore if you waited until Xbox release, slim version is predicted to cost you £53, Pro will cost you £143 after trade-in
29 Sep 17 #605
Just to check on this
I upgraded from a 500GB to a 2TB
I've just removed the 2TB and put the original 500GB back in
When I get the new slim model and bring it home, can I just slip the 2TB HD back in? Or do I have to do something else?
29 Sep 17 #606
I went into GAME to do this with my gen 1 console. They said they can only take B grade consoles, i.e. no significant scratches or many small ones, i thought mine was in good shape but they didn't. Also the controller must be in good condition too, so no weary analogue sticks. Otherwise they will offer you the same deal but for £150.
29 Sep 17 #607
I got destiny 2 for 20 quid too. 99.99 for a 1TB Slim, FIFA and destiny. CEX give 31 cash for destiny. I had to ask the guy behind the counter to scan destiny after he scanned the PS4 as he didn't know about it.
29 Sep 17 #608
Shame. I would of upgraed my slim to a pro for a decent price like this.
29 Sep 17 #609
All of them, I shall hold out for a cheaper deal for a pro and then network the data across
29 Sep 17 #610
Which cables do u have to give in
29 Sep 17 #611
Fella took his PS4 in. Told it would be 2 hours to check it and when we got back after 2 hours, it still had not been checked.
Fella got the slim 500gb PS4 with Fifa for £48.99 so essentially payed for just the game which he wanted anyway and got the free upgrade. Either way he is happy as did not need the additional storage!
29 Sep 17 #612
Lol Im upgrading to pro while the mrs is at work im not going to say anything and hope she doesnt notice
29 Sep 17 #613
I'm predicting that interest rates will rise soon, giving you less disposable income, so the real-time value of the PS4 Pro would increase.

Also, as this country is going down the pan, I predict that we will suffer rolling blackouts, giving you less time to play your afore-mentioned PS4 and so making each minute's play more expensive.

This is sarcasm btw.

Predicting future price drops is ludicrous.

Also you haven't reduced your trade in values - do you think they would stay the same IF the sale price of consoles drops by 25%?! I don't.
29 Sep 17 #614
Rang my local store.
They are willing to swap the controller from the new bundle if there is wear on the thumbsticks.
29 Sep 17 #615
Just traded my old 1st edition in for the pro, no problems with the trade in controller had worn labels on the rear but thumbs OK. Was told I could trade in FIFA18 there and then for £30 if I didn't want it.
29 Sep 17 #616
Just done the trade - here's some info which may help others...

I had a day1 C-Chassis with 500GB, but I had upgraded it with a 1TB SSD last year. So with a bit of hassle I backed up all accounts saved data and trophies to USB. My son would not be happy if I wiped his Minecraft creations or Rocket League stats, and sub accounts do not get backed up to the PSN cloud, like the primary account does. Hope no one gets caught out with that one.

Then I re-installed the old 500GB drive (which required me to download & install latest Playstation software via a USB stick - formatted to EX-FAT and software installed into PS4/UPDATE folder which had to create first). Had to boot to safe mode (hold On Button on console for 7 seconds until you get a second beep) to load the software and then again to do factory reset.

I bundled a HDMI cable, power lead, Micro USB cable (not the original one) and original black controller (with stick rubber worn off slightly). The guys at the store rejected the controller - as I thought they might - so I took another V1 red controller with me. They rejected that too for this deal as had to be black (although rubber and condition was fine) but instead they swapped out for free the Red one for a Black secondhand one so I could complete the trade. Was very good of them to do that (thanks Reading store!). Told to come back in 40 mins...

When I got back, all was good. What I didn't realise was I could get a 500GB PS4 SLIM with FIFA18 for just £49.99 on top, instead of the 1TB SLIM for £79.99. As I had my 1TB SSD sat at home, was much better deal for me. BTW, the FIFA18 has "Not to be sold separately" printed on the front & back cover.

I have sold my FIFA18 copy for £40 already, so I have a quieter, smaller PS4 with 1 year warranty and new V2 controller upgrade for £10. Thanks OP - very happy. As long as those saves transfer across ok later,,, :worried:
29 Sep 17 #617
29 Sep 17 #618
Myn has been done, swapped fat 500gb for a pro. Controller wasn't in good nick with the left anglog stick part the rubber was warn down, so they took the one from the pro box instead.
29 Sep 17 #619
Just sold my copy of Fifa for £40.
That gives me a brand new updated model console with larger 1TB HDD and the updated controller for <£40.

Thank you Sony for subsidising the deal :smile:
29 Sep 17 #620
They've got to sell it somehow I guess, if you already had a PS4 there really is no worthwhile benefit in upgrading to the PRO and it's gimped 4K
29 Sep 17 #621
So for those who went in and managed to trade in their old ps4, did you have to have warranty seals on? Guy looked at my ps4 and within 2 seconds, rejected it for not having original warranty seals
29 Sep 17 #622
Anyone swapped theirs for a white one? I don't want to the black one as the rest of my AV setup is white
29 Sep 17 #623
Anyone swapped their PS3?
29 Sep 17 #624
Same thing happened to me. Looked at the seals and said nope.
29 Sep 17 #625
Mine wasn't sealed.
No issues.
Game lottery deal :thinking:
29 Sep 17 #626
What are you guys doing with your warranty seals :thinking:

If you're opening the system to clean or whatever you can usually use a hairdryer to heat up the sticker so you can lift if off without voiding.
I used to do that on the 360 back in the day. I assume it will work on the PS4.
29 Sep 17 #627
Thumbsticks were in surprisingly good condition but the plastic on the controller was slightly bashed in round the bottom from where I'd dropped it. Not particularly noticeable but definitely not in great condition and felt a bit weird when holding it.
29 Sep 17 #628
Can't find the box. Is it still worth the drive
29 Sep 17 #629
32128075-lGzKB.jpgThanks OP!!!

Flogged FIFA to a guy in the queue for £48, as the store had run out.

£32 for a new console, 12 month's warranty, £6 game points and a now TV pass!! Well happy! :thumbsup:
29 Sep 17 #630
I've bought some warranty seals off ebay and gonna apply them to the back, then go in and try again. The consoles actually never been opened or tampered with, but the stickers have peeled off over the years due to the heat from the fans
29 Sep 17 #631
Should be:
Console must be traded in with an official controller & charge cable, HDMI cable and power cable. Console does not need to be in a box to trade in
29 Sep 17 #632
Did anyone else get the extra bit in the box?

32128155-M8n8j.jpgThey rejected my controller but just swapped out for the one in the box.
29 Sep 17 #633
I went 2 stores to sort this trade off.

1st store - Took 500gb model and leads. Took ps3 - almost all leads

Lady tested ps4 and said no trade due to power button not turning off ps4. At home it was working fine.

Ps3 trade to ps4 500gb model did not go ahead due to me leaving power cable at home. She asked me to get ps3 power lead if I want to trade.

I walked out of store empty handed.

I didn't give up. I then went to 2nd store.

Guy said ps4 testing would take 2 hours. 1st store did it in 5 mins and rejected. I left ps4 there with leads after they asked me to show proof of address.

I asked about ps3 he looked ay and said warranty sticker is coming off so no trade. Also before i went to 2nd store grabed power lead for £1 from pound shop.

Now that I had power lead went back to first store she tested ps3 and gave me new for £125. Nice.

Aftet 2 hours went to 2nd store they gave me 1tb new ps4 :smile:

Funny how this worked out in the end.
29 Sep 17 #634
Result! They spent less then 5 minutes checking my old console worked, didn't look at any seals or look at my controller in detail. Picked up the pro with destiny 2 for £220. Also flogged fifa to a guy in the queue for £45 so well happy. A new ps4 pro 1 tb with destiny 2 for £175.
29 Sep 17 #635
WARNING! Took my fully working ps4 model in today and they said because the glossy part had a couple scratches they wouldn't accept it as a trade offer. Something to do with console grade quality. Again, mine was more than satisfactory and they'll never find old 500gb consoles with no scratches on the glossy part unless it's brand new out a box. Nothing of that mentioned in the Terms of service either which is BS.

Probably hoped I'd just trade it in for the non trade deal. Nope. Took my original model right out of there. Has anyone experience anything similar?
29 Sep 17 #636
Now I need a find a buyer for fifa 18 and ps4 500gb model with fifa18.
29 Sep 17 #637
I traded mine in fine and got the Slim 1TB. My 500gb original was 2nd hand and the glossy part was super scratched up. I thought they would reject it but must have been overlooked due to how busy it was in the store.

As this deal goes on for a while, you can always buy a replacement cover from ebay. They are around 10 pounds, or, you could just try another store. Seems like some stores are being a lot more strict that others!

Good luck!
29 Sep 17 #638
What a joke. Mine had a lot of scratches on it due to the Wii U sitting on it for years. No issues (Edgware store).
29 Sep 17 #639
What if I trade in my ps4 500gb and my 80gb PS3?
29 Sep 17 #640

Give another game store a try or go in another day when the staff members not in
29 Sep 17 #641
you say anyone could reapply the seals, but you didn't reapply the seals?

seems legit :thinking:
29 Sep 17 #642
I think it's down to pot luck with the staff and how they have been briefed with this trade in and how busy the store is. The gentleman I spoke with didn't remove the consoles from the boxes prior to issuing the credit note probably due to around a dozen people waiting behind me.
29 Sep 17 #643
Gutted. Slim doesn't have optical out, got issues around audio now.
29 Sep 17 #644
I really want to do this deal BUT when I have got home to get my PS4 ready I have realised I have chucked my black plastic bit from the left hand side that hides the hard drive. I do have a official blue one on. Wonder if they will still accept it?
29 Sep 17 #645
The issue was that they could reapply seals themselves I.e get fresh ones, (I don't keep a fresh spare seals at home) As in anyone could just get seals and put them on. I had my old seals on but they were obviously tampered with.
29 Sep 17 #646
The point being that they don't want to, why would they want the hassle of selling on something that you've potentially had a fiddle with?

I thought you were implying that you could have tampered with it, then re-applied new seals, and traded it in.
29 Sep 17 #647
Got mine! Lady at the counter said this has been really popular (someone else in the queue behind me was also doing the offer). The rubber on my controller is worn so I let them keep the new one. I was going to buy Fifa anyway. Works out at £24 for a new PS4 (and a upgrade to 1tb which I really needed) if you include the reward points! Also got a 14 day ps plus code and 50% off papa johns wich is a nice bonus. In and out in 10 minuets. :grin:
29 Sep 17 #648
I really hope they keep this offer on until the 9th Oct. Hope they don't pull it before then
29 Sep 17 #649
sony must be enjoying the positive response since its moving stock so it will last
29 Sep 17 #650
Any reason other than cost as to why they chose the slim over the pro? As I don't own a 4k tv I don't know if there's any point in a pro for me. Would like to take advantage of this offer tho
29 Sep 17 #651
Took mine into the Ricoh Arena Store in Coventry. First of all they acted as if they had no knowledge of the deal. Then said they wouldn't be able to accept it due to it being a c grade, literally their are light surface scratches on the glossy part and it didn't have a box. After I argued them down on their own terms and conditions on their website they decided to accept it but then rejected it because the plug is apparently not official, however it's the one I got in the box?

Anyone know the best way to continue now?
29 Sep 17 #652
Mine is getting tested now and i didnt have the box
29 Sep 17 #653
Brilliant offer, just got mine! Traded the old ps4 500gb. Was thinking of increasing the hard drive all these years, but i guess an offer like this works! Plenty of stock too.
29 Sep 17 #654
If you want better visual; graphics, texture and all those buzz words, better frame rate, faster loading times then pro. if you don't mind all that then get the slim.
29 Sep 17 #655
tell them to take the plug from the new one you want to get (if you are trying to get the slim ps4) or try another store
29 Sep 17 #656
Got the Pro at the Lakeside branch by trading in the old PS4 500GB. No issues but all in all it took 35mins as the queue was long. Cheers Op
29 Sep 17 #657
Tried getting the pro version. First of all they told me it strictly had to be the slim 500gb for the pro

Just called a different store and they said they'd take a replacement plug
29 Sep 17 #658
go for that
29 Sep 17 #659
Fancied picking up the pro myself however changed my mind after reading about the hdmi problems when using it through the psvr, grabbed the 1tb fifa console with destiny 2 for £100
29 Sep 17 #660
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to whoever posted this originally!!

My launch day PS4 was sounding like it was requesting clearance to take off and had seen better days.

Now I’ve sorted out my space challenges, got a much smaller unit with new warranty AND got FIFA 18 and Destiny 2 all for £99.


And thanks to those who helped by saying what you had to bring etc. - much appreciated!!

29 Sep 17 #661
Yes I swapped my C-chassis in today no problems - unsure on stock though I'm afraid.
29 Sep 17 #662
Just got back from my trade, noticed my warranty stickers were dodgy and remembered I'd opened it to clean it a year or so ago. They didn't seem to care though and accepted the trade. I gave them the controller from my new one as the only controllers I have are special ones (and a new silver one), so I wasn't willing to part with them. Just restoring my system now. It's so much quieter!

I didn't get a now TV code though, bit disappointed there
29 Sep 17 #663
Can anyone tell me what the official plug for the original ps4 says on it/looks like?
29 Sep 17 #664
Awesome! Thanks :-)

£148 for PS4 Pro!! Followed some other users on here and as soon as I'd bought it, I flogged FIFA 18 to someone in the queue for £45. Also had some credit on my reward card and got rid of SW Battlefront for a coupel of quid, so all in all - really happy. Thanks again!!
29 Sep 17 #665
Such a farce over at Coventry Ricoh, First it had to be strictly 500gb original for the slim, slim for the pro, corrected them on that, then it had to be higher than a c grade console for the deal, box and all.. corrected them on that, they said they couldn't do it. All staff and manager making a scene. Manager sticking his long ass finger nails in to the rubber grips on the bottom of the console trying to find something up with it, he then says after I argued him down that he'll put it through "this time" and told the guy at the till to "clean it up right", next thing the guy says the plug isn't official and he can't "physically accept it", I thought f*** it at this point and walked out cause they were blatantly taking every step they could to not honour the deal. Scrutinising the console for light scratches on the glossy part, they're not even deep, you can't feel them with your finger but nope, thats a C grade apparently. There is no 4 year old ps4 console without scratches. It's a joke. I think im going to make an official complaint about this, it's not the fact I didn't get the console this evening cause I'll get it elsewhere tomorrow, its the exhaustive and humiliating efforts they all went to to make a scene and reject my attempt at getting this deal
29 Sep 17 #666
29 Sep 17 #667
Anyone been to Westfield in Stratford Game store? Any issues with the trade? Off on Sunday to get mine done, but first need to find my 500gb HDD I replaced!
29 Sep 17 #668
Was thinking this would be good to upgrade to a 1tb slim.
But then someone told me, why don't you just uninstall games you do not play as much , as your saves don't get wiped.

In that case , now storage isn't an issue, is there any other reason to upgrade to a 1tb slim?
29 Sep 17 #669
Who says interest rates = less income? People without mortgages/debt are unaffected. People with large savings will benefit. Your prediction on blackouts is laughable

Sarcasm btw

Fair point on the trade in value. 25% reduction was seen in the black Friday deal last year so yes it is possible and gives an idea of what it will cost now Vs black Friday.
29 Sep 17 #670
Cheers mate, what does it look like on the back side?
29 Sep 17 #671
5ghz wifi, quieter, more economical.

Negative - I prefer the look of my launch console compared to this. No optical connection.
29 Sep 17 #672
its just a plain black power plug dont know why the store is making a fuss about the trade
29 Sep 17 #673
Am I right in saying the brand of official ps4 power plugs are I sheng? This is whats written on the back of mine and also the same brand of plug with my sony blu ray player in the bedroom
29 Sep 17 #674
Went to one local store. They checked my PS4, said it would take 5 hours to test, then realised they had no stock of the new one.

They kindly called another local store, who had plenty of stock and said it'd take an hour, and they were right.

They only asked for one form of ID.

Bear in mind the full reset process takes over an hour - I did this at home. Game said they only do a quick reset, which doesn't sound very thorough to me.

Also, you can copy your saves to a USB, and back onto the new console. That also takes a while if you have loads of Minecraft saves like my little one has!

Overheard them say it doesn't matter whether the trade-in is A, B, or C grade. They all equal £150 value on their system. Mine had one scratch but they didn't mind.

The game is a physical copy inside the console box, and says "not for resale" on the cover.
29 Sep 17 #675
hmm im interested in getting a pro but dont mind waiting for a better deal around christmas. not sure if one will come though (especially with the trade-in/upgrade offer which takes away the hassle of selling my old ps4 on).

decisions decisions..
29 Sep 17 #676
does the c chassis model qualify?
29 Sep 17 #677
29 Sep 17 #678
Thanks everyone for the helpful replies hoping to get mine on Sunday.
29 Sep 17 #679
Guys i havnt got a GAME reward account - do you really need this?

Or can you sign up instore when doing this?

Any advice is much appreciaited.
29 Sep 17 #680
Thanks, will be going to the Westfield Stratford branch with a friend on Sunday to do the deal :raised_hand:
29 Sep 17 #681
Let me know how it goes.
29 Sep 17 #682
Sounds like a right nightmare. Hopefully you get a better experience at another store.
29 Sep 17 #683
I didn't have one either, they signed me up for one in store :thumbsup: it was mentioned that I needed two proof of address, but I only gave one.
29 Sep 17 #684
You do need one - i signed up in store.
29 Sep 17 #685
Cheers for all the tips guys! Got mine ready to go tomorrow (serial number on the controller intact!)

Is the Overwatch / Destiny 2 deal nationwide or store specific? Might be tempted to throw in Overwatch if so!
29 Sep 17 #686
that's an understatement.

Went back up with the cable I had, which was in fact the genuine one that came with the console, once I proved this to them they all of a sudden couldn't test it today cause they shut in 40 mins and had "4 consoles currently being tested". The shop was empty by the way. The manager was a dick once again as be was earlier, no doubt because I knew more about his companies offers and policies than he did so I took their name and am complaining to head office . I've never seen such a bunch of incompetent, misinformed, arrogant, rude and unprofessional retail staff in my life!
29 Sep 17 #687
Purchased today my local store was fussy wanted a near perfect t controller and an HDMI lead which I didn't bring so had to buy for 5.99.Got the deal for the 199.99 quoted and could of traded In FIFA for £29 so put it towards project cars 2.Happy with deal :thumbsup:
29 Sep 17 #688
Guys, greatest thing about this Pro? I'll no longer get confused over which button ejects the disc and which one turns the PS4 on/off!
29 Sep 17 #689
Can confirm is a hard come in reatli box for the game.
29 Sep 17 #690
My son has an Xbox 360. he wants a ps4 are there any deals that take the 360 and let me up grade to ps4
29 Sep 17 #691
Is there a white pro that's in this offer?
29 Sep 17 #692
Completely crazy day tryin to trade in my ps4 the first store
Was Southend what a waste of time they didn't know the deal was on then they told me to leave the console for checking only to tell me 2 hours later the usb ports were not working which of course they were so that was a waste of time, basildon tested it but had it for over 2 hours and said it was fine but all in all 4 hours of hanging around for this deal.
29 Sep 17 #693
Got a 1tg slim today in Motherwell branch.
Took all leads including charging cable all orginal.Pads thumbstick had slight wear.Console was rated c category.Was told it would take an hour for testing.Went back in hours time and new console was ready to go.No issues.Signed up for reward card in store.Got an impression when i first went in they werent going to entertain it but im overjoyed.Sold fifa for 45.My brother is going to try tomorrow.
29 Sep 17 #694
For those thinking about upgrading to slim:

"Yes, we've had hands-on time with the PS4 Slim..... It's cooler, quieter and more power-efficient"
29 Sep 17 #695
To all that have successfully traded in consoles today

how did you get on with your controllers & leads

Were the leads official - if not any issues?

Did the controller have any damage to the joystick. Again if so any issues, what was the resolution?
29 Sep 17 #696
They did not accept my controller, as the rubber was worn on the joystick.
but said we can take the one from the new Playstation box nd keep your original controller. So that's what I done.
29 Sep 17 #697
traded mine in today at the Bolton town centre store - no issues at all - thanks OP
29 Sep 17 #698
Very unlikely with the 360. Xbox one might have more of a chance but you get this good a deal unfortunately. Best bet take it in and give it a go. Just wipe it first.
29 Sep 17 #699
Anyone in Bristol manage to get this?
What condition was ya ps4 in?
29 Sep 17 #700
Just registered to post my experience. It was fine, in and out in 30mins forte shopping centre Birmingham branch. Traded 500gb ps4 4 year old. It was in great condition. Before even testing it the guy said its grade b as expected. A grade is like new.

Mine was fully boxed with everything you would expect including original usb cable, power adapter, hdmi cable and controller with serial number showing. Although I dont think they were too bothered.

Also traded in fifa 15 albeit for 30p. Far cry4, assassins creed syndicate and the last of us.

In total paid £176 for the ps4 pro.
29 Sep 17 #701
They wouldn’t accept my controller as the rubber was worn ,so asked them to take the new one out of the box as a exchange ,which they did . power cable ,hdmi and usb cable were just random ones out of the cupboard. Took about a hour and half before I walked out with my new ps as it was busy
29 Sep 17 #702
Hey, did your power cable have a white 'important' sticker at the plug end of the cable? Is there anything specific on the power lead that specifies it being a original? Thanks!
29 Sep 17 #703
Went to Croydon Game this afternoon got told they couldn't take trade-ins at all because of a computer problem. Wasted £3.70 on the parking and an hour or so to get there and back. Pretty annoying. Are some stores trying hard not to honour this? It sure seems like it based on some of these comments.
29 Sep 17 #704
Went in there today. Big queue mainly for FIFA. A guy checked the ps4 over in the quue but told me they’d reject it as the rubber is perished on the controller. He offered to sell m a second hand one for £38 so I could do the deal. I politely declined. I have other controllers at home so will try again with a better one tomorrow.
29 Sep 17 #705
Excellent deal. Traded in my old model for a new 500gb console. Got rid of a few old games too and got a nice shiny new console with a game and full warranty for a whopping £18.99.
29 Sep 17 #706
Thanks for that info! I will be going with halster on sunday, both our consoles are a year old today and are in very good to excellent condition :thumbsup:
29 Sep 17 #707
Well this is a no go for me then as I've only had 3 controllers, the 2 launch controllers, which one is totally destroyed(donated the semi decent thumb sticks for the second launch controller as it started to creep when not touching the stick) the second launch controller looks like this(and this is the donated analogue sticks) and now my custom controller. :cry:
29 Sep 17 #708
Doesn't sound good! I was thinking of using Game in Southend, but it sounds like they're going to be a joke too.
29 Sep 17 #709
I 'brushed' the glossy plastic on my ps4, anyone else do this and try take it in?

This is what I mean by brushed.
29 Sep 17 #710
Ok had a tough time with this one but worked out well for me. Went to first store they had stock but wanted ID which I didn't have also wanted new pad as mine was worn. 2nd store had no stock but didn't need ID but also said pad was no good. He tested mine asked me to come back in 40mins. On return said all good would order me one online deliver to store and I keep the new pad. Result
29 Sep 17 #711
Tried trading mine in at Leeds White Rose this evening. Drove 30 minutes to get there and stood in the queue for 20 minutes to be told it was too late for me to trade in and to come back tomorrow. That was over an hour before closing too!
29 Sep 17 #712
Had quite the experience with this deal on my effing day off today, drove to my local store, paid the extortionate car parking fee, got to the store, queued, was met by a surly lad, who was unsure whether they could accept a white one... His manager confirmed what I'd already knew. I kept the original box with all the original accessories including the never been used headset. Was told it would take TWO hours to test, I'd literally been playing 16 that morning (having sold 17 on eBay), it's close to four years old, but been kept well. I had to to put another three quid on the car and hang around Birkenhead.

Returned to be told they couldn't accept it because the R1 button on the pad was loose, when they say loose it's something I've not noticed because I've used it so much but fair enough, what's the option? 'we can't take it mate sorry'

OK fine, annoying but fine. The lad shows me the box I give it a glance and think fine I'll just order the game off amazon and continue to use my "loose" R1 button.

Get home and realise they've, for some bizarre reason, taken the headset out and not put it back. It's tiny, I missed it in the bag of wires in the shop. It's not worth the time, petrol, parking or effort to go back but I'll never go back to Game again, the dismissive gobshites, no wonder the high street is dying.
29 Sep 17 #713
It states trade in ps3 and get the PS4 fifa 18 for 124.99
29 Sep 17 #714
I dont think so.The 360 is no longer in production either plus the x one does backwards compatabilty so no one wants the 360 at all.Ive got two which isnt even worth trying to sell.Try waiting black friday and see what comes about.
29 Sep 17 #715
Hi guys. Apologies if this has already been asked. Do I need the box, all cables, one controller and a headset. I don't have a box or a headset so does anyone know if they'll accept? Thanks in advance
29 Sep 17 #716
I rang today as going in tomorrow. The bloke I spoke to said condition of controller is relevant as long as it works as they are able to take any grade of controller for this deal.
30 Sep 17 #717
Belfast - Game in Connswater. Just got a trade in for fat 500gb to a 1tb slim for £80. They gave me a 500gb slim by mistake and nearly charged me £50. For more info my controller was beat up as it was a launch controller from day 1 (console in good shape). A new trainee was not gonna do the deal it seemed but the manager kept saying yes its all good. Nice fellas tbh. The manager also said last one to other staff. I asked am I the last to get this deal and he said yes. Im not sure if he meant today as it was late on. At the end I got a 1tb and a new controller plus 5ghz wifi plus a new machine with warranty. Then fifa 18 which I will sell and recoup some money. I was gonna buy a new controller anyway for the console I traded in so just added a few quid more got a new system to. Thanks for the heads up. BTW bring photo ID.
30 Sep 17 #718
Went in after work and spoke to the Store Manager yesterday. Think after speaking to him I am gonna go for the Pro version.

Trading in my Old PS4 1TB which should knock the price down to £179.99

Trading in the Below for Store Credit:

Playstation TV - £20
Xbox 360 E 500gb - £41
PS3 Slim - 320GB - £45

Been advised I can use the Store Credit from the other products to further off-set the cost of the Pro so in theory it should only cost me £73.99.

Might look around to see if I have any old PS3 games laying around and trade those in too.

Can anyone confirm if the bundled copy of Fifa is Physical or Digital as I might even trade that back in too to get more money off.?
30 Sep 17 #719

There are also two offers available in store when you're buying a console, Destiny 2 for £20 and a new ps4 controller for £30. Not ideal i guess but if people are having to keep their original controllers and really want the updated version, it's an option i suppose!
30 Sep 17 #720
has anyone done this at the Metro Centre store and if so were there any issues?
30 Sep 17 #721
You need the and headset doesnt matter.
30 Sep 17 #722
That looks original to me. Done mine today. Scratched up. Lottlepaint on side. And controllers had rubbers missing. Still took it.
30 Sep 17 #723

Has anyone who done this deal struggling to gets gta5 working. Not sure if common fault as there are a a lot of people o YouTube struggling to Get gta5 to install. Don't know whether it's the new console. Tried all the fixes on YouTube cleaning disc etc. Just fails to install. Worth trying a different disc. Anyone in Manchester got gta5 and I could possibly try it lol.
30 Sep 17 #724
If you have another game to try and install try that. They used FIFA 18 to test on my PS4 that I traded in.
30 Sep 17 #725
whats the error code?
30 Sep 17 #726
Just to put my experience in....

My console had a few light scratches and the barcode on the back of the controller rubbed off. That was no issue though.

They didn't really seem to know much about the deals available. He said they weren't including the Pro version as an option but I could buy it for £350. So I showed them their website and he put it through. I also had to wait two hours (I went at 1pm) so try to go as early as possible to try and avoid this.

Just to be clear...

You will need:
- A full drivers license OR a provisional with a bank statement/a bill with your address on it that is the same as the provisional.
- 1x PS4 console
- 1x Official power lead
- 1x USB to Micro USB cable (mine was not official)
- 1x HDMI cable
- 1x Controller
30 Sep 17 #727
Did this in Game broadmead. Had the C chassis from last year. It was graded B and was in immaculate condition with box and original accessories. Used the cables from my ps3 so didn't use the HDMI, power or usb cable.
30 Sep 17 #728
They didn't seem to have a issue that my micro usb was worn out and dodgy along with the controller as they are old. You are right not to add the a mic to that list. Again they didnt worry about it. Imo as long as your console is in good shape and controller can be used to navigate plus system leads like power you should be good to go. Every store is different tho. Mine just was not busy and had good staff on.
30 Sep 17 #729
Swapped my fat 500gb for a PRO this morning. Staff were all nice but only one of them knew of the deal. Had to wait an hour for testing as store was busy. Got back and was served by another guy (guessing he just turned up for work as had no clue of the deal and was aksing me to prove it). His colleague kindly guided him through it. All in all a pretty straightforward trade.

Glad to have traded it in as the console stopped reading a few discs mid game....especially fifa 17 ironically.

selling FIFA 18 on gumtree now :smile:
30 Sep 17 #730
Great deal. In and out in 30 Minutes . Staff in Stockport were helpful and fast. They wouldn't take my pad due to the D pad being 'noisy' but they just took the new one out of the box. Thanks OP
30 Sep 17 #731
Can it be a 500gb White console ?
30 Sep 17 #732
Can not praise the staff in Telford enough , perfect all the way , proud owner of a pro now , cex gave me £36 cash for fifa
30 Sep 17 #733
Try another store
30 Sep 17 #734
Its a ps3 slim not a ps4 slim
30 Sep 17 #735
Traded my white one yesterday
30 Sep 17 #736
Did you try Cov city centre?

Do you know if they will accept console from Poland?
30 Sep 17 #737
Word of warning. My local flat out rejected mine because I'd removed the warranty stickers on the back for cleaning. Said they couldn't guarantee it hadn't been hacked.

Well that was a waste of a trip....
30 Sep 17 #738
Going to cov city centre store shortly.

Not sure about the polish consoles
30 Sep 17 #739
Anyone tried trading in a PS4 classic mini?
30 Sep 17 #740
A what?
30 Sep 17 #741
Knowing how fussy most branches are being, I would say no to a Polish machine. Crikey, some are refusing machines due to all sorts of ridiculous reasons. I wonder what today's reason will be "Sorry sir, we can't accept that as it has some small particles of dust on the unit"
30 Sep 17 #742
Did the deal yesterday in Braehead in Glasgow. No problem. Did have to go to poundland for a USB cable as was asked for it. Guy actually suggested that as they sold them for £7.99
30 Sep 17 #743
A PS4 classic mini, never heard of that one before. Sounds like it’d be worth keeping
30 Sep 17 #744
I was seriously considering changing my ps4, but all of this grief people are getting, I'm not sure I can be bothered. I think I would explode if I changed my hard drive and packed everything up and made my way down to my local, only to be told some load of old crap!
30 Sep 17 #745
A chancer with a faulty Slim that's out of warranty? :thinking:
30 Sep 17 #746
Did you buy that on eBay from China by any chance? :grin:
30 Sep 17 #747
Same here
30 Sep 17 #748
Same boat I’m in, ps4 hasn’t moved an inch since I got it. Other than to clean under it yet somehow it’s still got scratches on the top. Pad is obviously warn too. Dunno if I can be bothered. Wouldn’t be so bad if I could take It like it is and clear all the data in the store. But would annoy the hell out of me to do it now then get rejected.
30 Sep 17 #749
Someone's got that headache to look forward to then! Let's hope it's not a disappointed child at Christmas...
30 Sep 17 #750
Got rid of my launch PS4. Like many others it started to sound a bit rough (never hear this tested in shop) controller was fine, cables weren't the official ones but weren't that bothered by it. Picked up a Pro and literally gave every voucher going, Papa Johns 50% off, 2 month now TV entertainment pass and 2 for 1 voucher at Alton Towers etc. Great deal and glad to get rid of my creaking PS4.
30 Sep 17 #751
Everyone here seemed to get different experiences when trading in. My experience was fairly pleasant, with the whole transaction only taking 5 mins (including testing; no games were tested, he just reset the system). I forgot to bring the USB cable which would of cost £7.99, but the manager was in a good mood and didn't bother. Got a brand spanking new 1tb ps4 with a physical copy of Fifa. Couple things to note for you all: make sure you have all the accessories (earphones not mandatory), you might not get lucky like I did. Also make sure the controller cosmetically in decent condition (I.e rubbers on the joysticks...) p.s went to store in central London
30 Sep 17 #752
Just got my new PS4 slim from Game Newcastle. No hassle with the process, only thing was some wear on my joysticks so they kept the new controller but happy with that as the controller is fine anyways. Took 20 mins all in all.
30 Sep 17 #753
Traded mine in Maidstone and had no problems whatsoever. I even had a slight tear of rubber on my thumb stick, and they still accepted it! Love the slim, it’s so much quieter!
30 Sep 17 #754
Spoke to customer services via chat, apparently they say shouldn't be a problem if the seals are gone on an out of warranty console.
30 Sep 17 #755
Just says the disc needs cleaning. It's been happening to loads of people. The disc is fine.
30 Sep 17 #756
Can you trade in 2 as both kids want this deal?
30 Sep 17 #757
Yes the fif18 works fine. But gta takes installs to about 50% then gives me the dirty disc prompt. It's happening to loadsa people. Sooo frustrating. Should I go to game and reverse the deal. Not sure what to do
30 Sep 17 #758
Traded in my old PS4 no probs in Weymouth. I just had to sacrifice my p.t. Demo :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #759
I'm interested in the deal for a Pro, but my original black controller has damage to the rubbers on the left thumbstick. I have a second controller but it's BLUE. It's a lot of effort to switch my 2TB for the old 500GB (which I'm using in the TV) if they won't accept the blue controller. Any ideas?
30 Sep 17 #760
Console must be traded in with an official controller & charge cable, HDMI cable and power cable. Console does not need to be in a box to trade in.
This is a great deal, but does anyone know if FIFA is separate boxed copy and can be traded straight away? No interest in it. Going to take my PS4 with me and find out I guess!
30 Sep 17 #761
Previous posts have mentioned that it is a boxed copy of FIFA
30 Sep 17 #762
Other posts have stated that they won't accept anything other than a black controller. Some people have been lucky enough to exchange the controller for the new one i.e. the shop keeps the new ps4 controller.
30 Sep 17 #763
I have a non slim ps4 and looking to get a ps4 pro is this the best option for me?
30 Sep 17 #764
Went to game yesterday they refused to trade it because "cover on top was loose" even though its supposed to be be as it slides off! They also refused my pad which had a slight tear in the thumb stick amd wanted ID!

Went to a different branch they took it the trade and gave me a brand new 1TB ps4! So its pot luck and some cases jobsworths!
30 Sep 17 #765
Was thinking about doing this today, but typically my Bly-ray drive has started trying to eject randomly and the machine keeps beeping. Get a feeling that would be a no.(ninja)
30 Sep 17 #766
Traded mine in OK this morning. Took about 30 mins to test.
30 Sep 17 #767
No, the best option is to sell your PS4 and get an Xbox :thumbsup:

Just kidding. Only you can answer that one I'm afraid.
30 Sep 17 #768
How much better is the slim than the original fat one, other than hard drive space? the pro actually worth it?
30 Sep 17 #769
Ah man, I really wana do this but I'm not sure as I have the batman PS4.
30 Sep 17 #770
More compact and apparently quieter. You will get a years warranty with it too.

Downside f there is one, no Optical Output although there are workarounds for this.

Pro - More worthwhile if you have a 4k TV in my opinion. It has its pro's and cons otherwise - see Google :sunglasses:
30 Sep 17 #771
Pretty tempted... though upgraded my hard drive from 500gb to 2tb...
30 Sep 17 #772
Same here, but I kept the old 500gb which could go back in if needed.
30 Sep 17 #773
Pretty sure I must have it kicking about somewhere, I'll have to have a look this aft!

My original is pretty fricking loud these days!
30 Sep 17 #774
sorry to ask another question but 20 pages i don't want to scroll through them all..

How to you save the game data? Is it only save data you need to keep as well or actually game installations?
30 Sep 17 #775
You can move it to a USB stick, or if it is "Sony corps. PS+ only cloud backup" then you'll have to buy PS+ to back it up to the cloud.
30 Sep 17 #776
Fab. Just traded old 500gb for new slim 1tb. Also got destiny 2 for 20 quid. Sold fifa and destiny for 70 quid so the console only cost a tenner. Got a selection of other vouchers too. Now TV, papa johns code etc! Thanks OP
30 Sep 17 #777
I traded in my PS4 for a new one and Fifa for 49.99
30 Sep 17 #778
my PS4 had missing screws, scratches all over it and dusty. The guy said he seen worse and accepted them aswell
30 Sep 17 #779
Just picked up my pro from Highcross Leicester. I called them yesterday and they confirmed they would take the controller from the new box if my controller was unsuitable. My controller had the barcode sticker completely removed but was otherwise fine. Took it in, manager checked it over, didn't mention the controller and put the trade through. They thought the Destiny for £20 deal wasn't part of the deal but I asked them to scan it anyway. Also went through fine. I hate Game, but the service this morning was spot on.
30 Sep 17 #780

Went into cov city centre game and it went through just fine. Told them about the problems at Ricoh, they said there was no problems what so ever with my console and they didn't know why they were being like that. Asked about Destiny 2 which they didn't know about, scanned at £20and they printed all the other vouchers with my receipt for the movie pass and pizza. And they said never go to Ricoh again lol. Which I won't!
30 Sep 17 #781
Decent result finally! :thumbsup:
30 Sep 17 #782
good you got it all sorted out
30 Sep 17 #783
Anybody got Watford branch number?

My local said they already have too many PlayStations to test for the day to take another in.
30 Sep 17 #784
How do you find a store number? The one on Google is a premium 0843 number
30 Sep 17 #785
Got mine traded in for a 1TB Slim with no headaches! The controller was fine, no major scratches and all tested with no issue!

The only thing they did say was that the power cable I took in wasn’t the original it came with (had a plastic pin instead of metal) Swapped it out the new one though no problem!

So all in all a spanking new console with a bigger hardrive, a Now TV pass and Overwatch GOTY for nowt (after trading some games in with it)
Vey happy with that
30 Sep 17 #786
Have you Googled Game and the place? If I do mine then I get an 0843 number, but it differs to the main number for Game, so maybe they all use the premium number these days.
30 Sep 17 #787
Quite tempted by this.

Only thing stopping me is that II have the silent hill demo on mine. is that worth anyting?
30 Sep 17 #788
I want to trade in FIFA but it says not to be sold separately. Can I still get take it cex or use gamexchange?
30 Sep 17 #789
Yes you can.
30 Sep 17 #790
Does anyone think there is a PS4 pricedrop coming in the near future?
Especially with the Xbox One X out shortly...
30 Sep 17 #791
one X cost £420 to £450 why should there be a drop? official price drop in the future no but you will still have your normal promotion like this one.
30 Sep 17 #792
Im going to try my luck tomorrow morning. How are you also getting Destiny 2 for £20 as well though? Can't see that deal on their website?
30 Sep 17 #793
So has anyone traded in a 500gb that they've upgraded to a 1tb? Im wanting to do this to trade in against the pro.
30 Sep 17 #794
Traded a ps3 slim in great condition with no problems at the store
30 Sep 17 #795
Wondering the same thing. How would they know the difference? Especially it the hdds are the same make
30 Sep 17 #796
Dedcided to bite the bullet.

deactived as primary ps4, made sure saves updated to the cloud and now currently doin a full initialisation, does it really take over an hour? Going so slow!

also decided might as well you trade in metal gear phantom pain too as it’s free next month.

just hope the stores got decent staff in today.

saying that, my PS4 seems faultless and never not had issues, I don’t even think it sounds too loud
30 Sep 17 #797
Just returned from the Sunderland store - refused due to no warranty labels. Have fired off an email to customer services for clarification as it is not listed on their things to check page:
  • Is unit in good condition?
  • AV/HDMI Cable present and in good condition
  • Power cable present and in good condition
  • Appropriate hard drive present
  • Controllers in good condition
  • Does the unit power on?
  • Does the controller connect to the hardware?
  • Does the unit load disc based software?
  • Do all controller functions work?
  • Does the unit play a movie discs? (if applicable)
  • Are parental controls / passcodes / security disabled?
30 Sep 17 #798
Yay I traded mine in just now. With the blue hdd plate aswell. 199 pro but I had 55 already in credit. Opened box, went to cex over the road. Got £36 cash for Fifa. Awesome
30 Sep 17 #799
So I'm the only one that's been rejected for the store having too many consoles to test to take another in?

I feel quite unlucky right about now..
30 Sep 17 #800
Hi mate. When I was just about to pay for everything I asked about Destiny being £20, told them I read it somewhere, they were like "we can try it", they scanned it and it went through at £20. Worth it even if you just trade it for cash at cex, think they're offering £31 cash.

Just ask them to scan it and should go through
30 Sep 17 #801
Yeah I'll be taking it straight to cex lol. Cheers for that.
30 Sep 17 #802
Im guessing if the store staff are switched on, the CU model number stamped on the uni would be different - but surely they would be okay with this as it's the size of the HDD that matters?

My 500gb was upgraded to a 1tb sshd. I could just swap back to the 500gb and sell the 1tb for at least £20 on eBay, but can't be arsed with the hassle.
30 Sep 17 #803
Re PT... I had it previously and updated my hard drive, and lost it.

I don't know how it will work with a new PS4, but I was able to re-download it the other week, using this guide...…70/

You need to have had it in your library previously. I assume though it'll work for anyone who did, regardless of whether you're on your new / original console. Anyone out there able to give it a go?

"In order to make this work, you’re going to set up your PS4 to use your PC as a proxy. To do that you’ll need to download a program called SUWI. While you’re installing SUWI, leave all of the options ticked. Make sure to download an IP checker so that you can write down your IP address.

On your PS4, go to settings, then network, then set up internet connection. Choose custom setup and select the right network. After that, hit automatic for IP address settings, do not specify for DHCP host name, select automatic for DNS settings, automatic for MTU settings, then hit use for proxy server. After all of that, enter your IP address and make sure to set your port number to 808. Hit next to complete the setup. Then go into your PS4 game library, find PT, and set it to download. Note that this method only works if you had previously downloaded PT. If you never had the game on your hard drive then you are out of luck.

To find out more about the technical side of how this all works, make sure to check out’s detailed guide. Below, check out Eurogamer’s video walkthrough on how to get it all set up."

Just remember to set your network settings back after!
30 Sep 17 #804
I did the same. He initially said it was only when trading for a 500gb model but tried anyway and it worked. Traded it in for 11 quid profit.
30 Sep 17 #805
Let me get this right... you got a new PS4, Fifa 18 & Destiny?
30 Sep 17 #806
Destiny is £20 on top
30 Sep 17 #807
Yep, understand that - cheers. Just makes my upgrade even cheaper!
30 Sep 17 #808
Mines being tested as we speak. The guy served me had no idea of such offers. Opened the box and instantly said can't take controller. That's fine I'll keep my own. Wouldn't accept the USB to micro USB lead either lol. It was a white Samsung one I had laying about. Hopefully all is ok.
30 Sep 17 #809
Can the original ps4 500gb traded in for a 500gb slim? My friend says hes read a few comments stating that it has been done...
30 Sep 17 #810
If anyone doesn't need their rare players pack + 3 icons code, let me know
30 Sep 17 #811
Not according to this thread... you get a 1tb slim. Why would you want smaller?
30 Sep 17 #812
Oh not me, was enquiring for my friend...I am getting the 1tb slim and on game's website it states that you can get a 500gb slim if trading in a ps3 slim or super slim...
30 Sep 17 #813
just traded in my 1TB (not 500GB) Original PS4 and they took a further £20 off meaning the price i paid for the Slim PS4 was only £60 so if yours is a 1TB be sure to mention it when trading in
30 Sep 17 #814
Just waiting on my exchange. For 1 hour 20 so far.
Good thing is my old games I seem to get a lot more trade in value than the website suggests.
Thought I was getting 85 quid for the games.... scanned through at 140 quid trade in.
Will finish my food in a bit and go back to get the pro plus extra controller which with trade ins is costing under 70 quid. Not bad for a release ps4 and old games.
30 Sep 17 #815
You traded for the 1tb slim I assume, not the pro?
30 Sep 17 #816
Ahh... your original comment said PS4 slim!
30 Sep 17 #817
I've just bought the PS4 Pro deal in Game in Cheshire Oaks. I was in first thing. They were very helpful but wouldn't accept either of my controllers because the rubber was slightly split. They just kept the new one from inside the console.... No issue.
Excellent deal.
30 Sep 17 #818

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer valid from 29th September 2017 until 9th October 2017. Purchase a PS4 500GB Fifa 18 console for £124.99 (normal price £199.99) when you trade-in a slim or super slim PS3 console and use the total trade-in value received against such purchase. Offer available in store only and during store opening hours. Trade-in must be completed in the same transaction as purchase. Console must be in good working order and of satisfactory quality. Console must be traded in with an official controller & charge cable, HDMI cable and power cable. Console does not need to be in a box to trade in. A Game reward account is required to participate. GAME reserves the right to refuse any offer to anyone believed to be representing a trade buyer. Game trade-in terms and conditions and Game Reward terms and conditions apply please see for details. Trade in and cash prices are subject to change. Store manager’s decision is final. Offer can be removed at any time without prior notice with reasonable cause.
30 Sep 17 #819
Thanks for that! One other question, I cannot find my Game Reward account card, but I do have an active account, I guess that will be fine...
30 Sep 17 #820
I just attempted to trade mine in (original 500Gb to Pro), i was already in two minds if its actually worth upgrading as there isn't a massive difference and i don't want Fifa. sold it to myself on that i'd been planning on replacing the controller anyway. they wouldn't accept the controller due to it being worn on one of the thumb controllers.

They offered to swap it with the new one out of the Pro, i said no thanks. they made no reference to any of the cables, which i don't think are the ones that came with the unit 3-4 years ago.

Made the decision for me, said thanks but no thanks.
30 Sep 17 #821
Yea, they normally just ask for postcode and can match it up in store.
30 Sep 17 #822
Quick question too many posts to read them all, so sorry if it's been answered, but do you need the box?
30 Sep 17 #823
can i ask , why you did this?, as far as I am aware the slim is not worth the upgrade (if HD capacity is the same) it feels like your just paying £60 for fifa 18. Or am i missing another reason why the slim is better?
30 Sep 17 #824
No box needed :thumbsup:
30 Sep 17 #825
Super hot. Just been in touch with Worthing branch and they already have 4 old machines to check over so no time today, but have put one by for us for tomorrow. £30 for a new console/controller and a warranty - sold.
30 Sep 17 #826
Thank you :grin:
30 Sep 17 #827
Was your local branch on an 0843 number?
30 Sep 17 #828
Some people will do it for the years warranty alone. Apparently the slim is also supposed to be quieter too.
You may also have intermittent issues with your machine, so I guess there are several reasons why you would.
30 Sep 17 #829
Great deal .. thanks OP ! straightforward deal with fifa and destiny at union st glasgow store - staff professional and efficient... painless process.
30 Sep 17 #830
I need some help. For anyone whose ps4 sounds like a jet engine how did you reduce the noise and did your console get accepted. Cheers
30 Sep 17 #831
I've been just now in Game in York city centre shop, they refused to trade in, because my ps4 haven't had warranty stickers on. I've removed it earlier to clean the dust inside. What about that? I don't have lucky this time :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #832
Went to the Kingston game branch and they informed me that their wifi is down, so cant run any tests till Monday.

Gutted :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #833
Rejected because of the absent warranty stickers. Gutted. Didn't even know they were gone, as I bought the machine 'like new' from an Amazon Warehouse Deals thing near launch time and never shifted the thing once it was plugged in.
30 Sep 17 #834
I traded mine in, they ran out of 1tb models so got a 500gb slim model for £50 upgrade and sold FIFA for £43.

£7 for a new console
30 Sep 17 #835
Although I had a 500gb I did it for the warranty and the fact I will be getting a 4K tv in less than a year. As I had vouchers it's cost me just over 100
30 Sep 17 #836
Having just done this offer atGame in Kingston this morning,I would say this branch thoroughly checks your PS4. Mine was good but then I don't really use it and had all the bits still in their bags. Takes them about 2 hours to test.

Great deal though although I do think the old PS4 looked nicer/iconic
30 Sep 17 #837
I took mine into the warrington store this morning, told me that they wouldn’t accept my controller because it was worn and that they’d take the new one instead.
Left it for a few hours for testing, just gone to pick it up and they haven’t took the new controller out.
I didn’t think they’d accept the console as it was scratched and marked on the top.
Staff there were very helpful and friendly, although they did talk me into getting the pro instead of the slim haha
30 Sep 17 #838
All done for me at Stafford store.

Couldn't have Destiny 2 for £20 though. They tried it. It didn't work; went through at £54.99 or something obscene like that.

While I was tempted by the Pro, I just couldn't justify it. I don't have a 4k TV. I won't be buying a 4k TV any time soon.
30 Sep 17 #839
Just done mine but they rejected my pad. TOld me to take the new one. At the end they handed me the bag with the box in, pad included and the Mrs said ‘what about your xontroller’ And the bloke Was like thanks for reminding me. Took the new pad away and haven me the old one back.

doesnt seem that’s quite to me. Other than the initial booting up I can’t tell the difference between this and my old one.

is it meant to have a circle that looks like a dent on the top?

also. Tried to restore all my saves from the cloud and it all failed due to not having the application. When I install the games again will it automatically get the saves from the cloud for me
30 Sep 17 #840
Yeah tried destiny but didn't wor
30 Sep 17 #841
You bit the bullet then.
Which did you go for, the slim or Pro?
30 Sep 17 #842
Thanks for Posting the deal. Nothing Advertised in store for this.

Just traded my Original PS4 500GB from 4 years ago (that I upgraded to 1TB Drive) for PS4 Pro. Went through fine, they queried my controller as the right thumpad had very slight peel on rubber but they still let it through and Marked it as "C Grade".

They still honoured the deal for the price advertised online so the grade was irrelevant (the PS4 was perfect condition mind).

Very happy (but will take a while to re-download my library of games!)
30 Sep 17 #843
Just the normal slim for me. Got destiny 2 for £20 which I sold to cex for £31 as I already own it.

even without the new pad it’s a decent deal
30 Sep 17 #844
I'd be locking her in the kitchen for a while for that!
30 Sep 17 #845
Did they know that it was originally a 500gb? Were they cool with it being an upgraded model?

Im in the same boat.
30 Sep 17 #846
wheres the best place to sell FIFA for a decent price?
30 Sep 17 #847
Anyone’s else’s have no serial on the console or box to register it’s warranty
30 Sep 17 #848
Just came back from the Surrey Quays store near Canada Water. No problems with the staff, very helpful. Only problem is that there were too many people coming in for trade-in (I believe the lady said she tested 7 PS4's so far today) so I had a 3 hour wait. They graded my PS4 (no idea what the grade was but it equated to £150 in-store credit - I brushed the shiny surface so I was worried about that, went through no problems). Also got Destiny 2 so totalled at £100. Thinking about taking that and Fifa to cex but gonna try them both first.
30 Sep 17 #849
Which model did you get?
30 Sep 17 #850
Oh yeah, I understand if upgrading to the pro, just not sure the slim is worth £80 (£40 without FIFA)
30 Sep 17 #851
Did it today in notts. Worked a treat, now i just need to cover Ronaldo's face on the box :kissing_heart:
30 Sep 17 #852
Got the 1TB Slim
30 Sep 17 #853
Traded my old PS3 slim for a 500gb Ps4 slim, sold fifa and Destiny 2 for pure profit of £47 and used rewards from yesterday's trade in, cost me £60 all in for the upgrade. Bargain. Brilliant deal.
30 Sep 17 #854
Thanks OP

Went to Leckwith Cardiff but none in stock, so they phoned another store in Cardiff, none in stock, phoned Barry, none in stock, phoned Talbot Green and they had stock. So drove down , got there and the traffic was horrendous, took 30 mins to park.
Got told it would be 2 hrs but the manager said to do it straight away so 20 mins later and that's done. Just my luck to have the dopiest sales assistant ever, 15 mins of explaining everything and it was sorted, he put the console on the counter and went out back. I had to ask other staff if he had finished which he had. It then took me an hour to get out of the car park.
Went straight to cex and traded in both Fifa and Destiny so £32 to upgrade to a new console.
30 Sep 17 #855
Well they were fussy on the control pad and refused it. Said they would take out the new one and could keep old one. Told them nope, I will take advantage of these offer of v2 ps4 controller for 30 quid when buying console.
So took old controller back which had zero marks and the pads had no wear and kept the new one from the pack.
Snazzy controller with the little led reflection on the touch pad.
Destiny 2 didn't work on the pro with fifa.
I guess they trying to keep new controllers to re sell as mine was almost mint bar the bar code faded.

Just need a 4k tv now... and to off load fifa
30 Sep 17 #856
Think in gonna whack my original 500gb back in and sell the 1tb sshd on eBay - will save about another £10.

After which I'll no doubt order a 2tb sshd for the pro!
30 Sep 17 #857
Traded at Leicester High Cross. Pleasant staff but no evidence of offer in shop. Really busy, 2 HR wait in town but everything went smoothly. Deciding whether to trade FIFA and Destiny or not now. Good deal in my opinion, Thanks OP.
30 Sep 17 #858
Have swapped 500gb for new PS4 Slim. Happy with purchase but noticed a rattling noise when taking console out of box. Sounds like something loose inside near the disk drive. Anyone else have this issue? Many thanks
30 Sep 17 #859
Leave her. Leave her now.
30 Sep 17 #860
Great deal, i'd do this myself but my controller is quite badly worn out and the stickers peeling off the back :rage:
30 Sep 17 #861
£30 without it. Fifa is £50 (£52.50) in my local game store. Worth it for the warranty and personally I'll never waste my money on the "pro" I'll prefer to hold off for PS5 when it'll actually make a difference.

I'll. e much happier with 5ghz wifi too and an updated controller - thank you for reminding that doing this deal was very sensible (especially as I'll keep fifa too :wink: )
30 Sep 17 #862
So buy the extra controller for 30 quid and give them that ? Ok it adds 30 onto your total. But you get to keep a shiny new pad as by the sounds of it you'll need a new pad anyway ?
30 Sep 17 #863
True, true... Might just try to get the swap but let them keep the new controller if they can do that. The thumb pads are still like new because I always use grips, its just the sticker/label and lots of cosmetic scratches. Dont really want to fork out another £30 for the controller when I sold my blue one a few weeks back :blush:
30 Sep 17 #864
I can understand. Old games to trade ? I got 5.50 each for 2 ps3 games today !! Also games you would think low value are higher. Rayman legends 15.60 credit, black ops 3 11.70 resident evil 7 which is 15 quid at Tesco I got 18.20 credit having just bought it and completed it !!
Trade some games you wouldn't play now for the 30 quid credit to negate the 30 quid for a controller.
I'd forgotten I had most those games and were in the loft. Only found them by chance looking for my ps4 box :joy:‌ :joy:
30 Sep 17 #865
Which PS3 games were they out of interest?
30 Sep 17 #866
Thanks. I've done it. Got the Pro. Not sure if these have been answered but:
Yes, it needs to work. They test it there.
You do NOT need the box.
Yes you need a controller. (mine only worked plugged in, they didn't seemed to mind)
You need the console, HDMI and micro USB lead.
You get a physical, boxed copy of Fifa 18. I just sold mine for £45 on Ebay. It does say not for resale, but I like living dangerously.
It also come with an extras disc for FIFA, and the 14 day Plus trial.
They don't give you the option to transfer your things, but it's not too much of a b*llache to download things again.
My ps4 was from launch, and with as I said, a knackered controller. I managed to offload it for the equivalent of £195. This is a great deal.
30 Sep 17 #867
Very simple today in Edinburgh Cameron Toll. Thanks OP :thumbsup:
30 Sep 17 #868
Ghostbusters and the last of us
30 Sep 17 #869
Cheers, but I have neither :persevere:
Just looking now to see whether any of my old PS3 games are worth anything. Looks like a couple are 3.50, but some are only a £1 or so.
30 Sep 17 #870
What are people going on about with Destiny 2? It there some sort of deal related to that game and this or something?
30 Sep 17 #871
What is the Destiny 2 deal? Is it a discounted price because you are buying a new console? I didn't get Destiny 2 but thinking I should get it for £20 if on offer.
30 Sep 17 #872
Had a good experience, in the end with all of my Trade ins the Console itself only set me back £14.99 ... absolute bargain!

Traded in my 1TB PS4 to get the PS4 Pro for £179.99

Sold loads of Blu-Ray Movies for abound 15 quid.

Proceeded to sell my PS3 Slim for about 45 quid in store credit and Xbox 360E 500gb for 41 quid a PSTV for 20 quid and finally Sold FIFA18 that came in the Box with the Pro back to them for 37 quid with a few games I took in.

All in all job well done.

Do note I had all the boxes and cables apart from Micro USB charge cable for controller and I still got away with it no questions asked. Sometimes it just depends on the Store and Staff with what you can get away with.
30 Sep 17 #873
Got mine today and sold fifa to cex for £36 cash
30 Sep 17 #874
Cex took mine for 36 cash or 40 voucher.

i was opening my PS4 bundle box in the shop as game and cex are opposite each other :joy:
30 Sep 17 #875

I'm not sure but I think I've missed a trick there. Looks like it could have been easy profit :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #876
Nice clear out whilst updating your tech. :thumbsup:
I'm just thinking about trading in my old Nexus 5 for £91 + 20% offer, so should get around £107 for it. Decisions decisions.
30 Sep 17 #877

no problem :smile: although technically your buying fifa for £50 in that case (which seems very high to me, sure it would be cheaper elsewhere)
but yeah 30/40 quid for the warranty , and i will look into what advantages the 5ghz wifi bit does. Thanks
30 Sep 17 #878
I did well traded my old ps4 fist model out ...and my xbox one s which i only bought for a 4k player and only used once i got extra 10% off for trading 2 consoles in .. price for my new ps4 pro was £62.49 then asked the lady to take fifa out of the box for me and went round the corner and traded fifa 18 to cex for £36.. game would not match cex .. total for my new ps4 pro was £26.49 ..... i was buzzing with my new ps4 pro untill i arrived back at my car for a parking ticket that cost me £35 .... It could have been my best deal this year :rage: .... But the lost legacy uncharted looked good at 2160p HDR on my 4k Tv.. :dizzy_face: now to look for them true HDR Games out there..
PS4 BLACK Trade In £150
Xbox One S Trade In £137.50 10% Extra For Trading in 2 Consoles
Total £62.50
Sell Fifa CEX £36.00
Total £26.49 For New Ps4 Pro
Was asked if i wanted Destiny 2 Bundle in white for same price(Dont like White and Trade in for Destiny 2 was same price at CEX)
30 Sep 17 #879
Traded in the 500gb PS4 I bought exactly a year ago yesterday for £150 (w/ FIFA 17 that I sold for £35). Got the 1tb slim and sold FIFA 18 to the guy in the queue behind me for £45. £35 for a 1tb slim console and 12month warranty. Can't ask for more than that.
30 Sep 17 #880
Can someone advise me on the deal that involves destiny 2 aswell as fifa?
30 Sep 17 #881
When you trade in, you can get Destiny 2 for 20 quid.. at least I managed to earlier today.
30 Sep 17 #882
FIFA 18 is physical and is virtually the same cover as retail version but it's marked with 'Not to be sold separately' in a yellow box at the bottom. I've heard that cex will still accept these but I sold mine privately.
30 Sep 17 #883
Traded in my OG PS4 today for the 1TB slim PS4 THEN sold FIFA 18 to CEX for £36 which I think is good as it's instant cash, so £44 all in all. PS4 pro doesn't interest me as I don't have 4k and would rather wait for the PS5, hopefully they will have got rid of this "no more generations" stuff by then, generations work, mid cycle upgrades should go away for both games consoles and phones.

When trading in, all the wires had to be original and the pad had to be in good condition, I think the thumbsticks have to not be too worn but with a 4 year old system there is gonna be some wear on them.

Was a little concerned with trading in my launch ps4 as it looks sleek and thought the slim wouldn't be but it's really sleek and thinner than expected.

One last thing, I got £6 reward credit for doing the trade which is a bonus and you can always sell the fifa/ps plus 14 day code for a few quid as well :smile:

If anyone is on the fence with this I can definitely recommend, personally I can't see other deals being much better trade-in wise as they'll probably start selling the OG PS4's for around 130-150 or maybe less when black friday comes around.

Get it while you can :smile:
30 Sep 17 #884
I formatted mine but they told me they'd prefer it not to be as it's easier to test, and that they format it anyway before sale. Adds about 5/10mins to the testing time so I'd say format it and then hand it in just in case.
30 Sep 17 #885
Looks like I'll be getting the 500gb slim model for £50 to replace my 500gb c-chassis tomorrow...get rid of fifa, so it'll cost upto £14 for a newer smaller console and a new 1 year warranty :raised_hand:

not a avid gamer like I used to be, nowadays I am choosing to play certain games that are taking my fancy...I have a few digital purchases that I need to play and am willing to download them one by one when I am ready to play them by leaving them to download overnight. Plus got a external portable 2tb hdd that I can use if I need extra hdd space, but I tend to delete all the downloaded files for a game after I complete them, so 500gb will suffice :thumbsup:
30 Sep 17 #886
Taking forever to install my games. Any idea why it’s so slow?

never had this issue With my original one. Its also just as loud but then again my original wasn’t very loud anyways other than the initial start up.
30 Sep 17 #887
Look up your branch on Facebook and they should have a direct local number listed.
30 Sep 17 #888
which console did you get?
30 Sep 17 #889
Took advantage of this deal today and they turned my pad away as it had no serial number.
30 Sep 17 #890
Just went through this.

The person on staff didn't seem familiar with the exact deal and tried to get me to pay £20 more, but accepted it on showing him the website.

It took them 2 and a half hours to check out my old PS4 and mine was apparently the last they were accepting today as they didn't have time to do more. I saw two people in front of me trading in consoles too.

I got a physical copy of FIFA 18 with can't be sold separately printed on which they said they'd have no problem accepting in trade. They did £30 credit for it, so I traded it at CeX which gave £40 credit or £36 cash.
30 Sep 17 #891

It costs £79.99 to trade in for the fifa 1tb bundle which costs £229.99 otherwise however I asked my local store (Cwmbran) if I could trade in for a different fifa bundle and they had no problems letting me trade in for the fifa 1tb console and a choice of destiny 2 or overwatch which is priced instore and online at £249.99. this means you get destiny 2 for just an extra £20. worth pointing this out to your local branch if you go for the trade in
30 Sep 17 #892
To all with the PS4 slim 1tb console - where the hell is the serial number?! I'm trying to register the PlayStation and it states the serial number is 17 characters but I can't find anything like this at all (e.g 00-12345678-1234567)
30 Sep 17 #893
Google is your friend -…n-1
30 Sep 17 #894
Any deals for PS4 Slim + FIFA + 2nd controller ???
30 Sep 17 #895
So i took the plunge today and swapped my original ps4 console for the 1tb slim, firstly the store said that my original console had failed their test....what?????? They played a game and did something and the console turned off and wouldn't I come on, I've never had any problems with it, never touched the inside or anything... only this morning backed up saves to cloud, deactivated console as primary in my account and did the full initialise...tested before taking in so know it was working.
Then finally after 15 mins of trying to restart the ps4 it came.on and apparently it was.some sort of upload issue so my hands on the PS4 slim.
Now my main problem, I can't get passed any game screen that prompts me to press 'x'? What's going on? Today has been a nightmare from start to finish...any ideas please?
30 Sep 17 #896
broken 'x' button - just a guess
30 Sep 17 #897
I have a slim PS3 and a PS4 500GB, I am currently planning to get rid of both and get a slim PS4.

Anybody know the most economical way to do this?

The trade in value of PS3 for cash seems fairly low.

Would I be best to trade the PS3 in with this deal and then try to get a trade in the PS4 500Gb for cash?

- I am seeing £100+ for boxed PS4 on cex website if I am reading correctly(never used them before) but their store is next to Game, are cex trade in pricesin store the same as online?.
30 Sep 17 #898
Got my 1Tb PS4 pro today from Game in Bluewater for the old fat ps4 500gb, had a 2 hour wait as they have to test console and seemed everyone was also doing the same with queue almost out the door. Great deal, but please note they get funny about controller pad rubber being worn down and try to keep your new one. I didn't allow that and bought their pre-owned and gave them that instead, cheeky f***ers . Now not making a fantastic deal anymore but i didn't mind as I had 16.99 off from my ps4 Kinect version which I never used.
30 Sep 17 #899
Yeah had the same issue using the Lan cable. when I selected Wifi it was back to normal download speeds. Weird have been advised to update network update in safe mode if the Lan cable issue persists. Not bothered as the Wifi works great.
30 Sep 17 #900
they knocked back my controller for a bit of wear on the left thumb stick so I have to take my other controller in to get a new controller. This is a release day PS4 and by their own admission these had wear problems. The Manager started to get a bit nasty when I wasn't happy as I had been to the store 3 time - yesterday when they turned me away as they didn't have enough time to test. This morning when I dropped off my console as it was over an hours wait. He started spouting about how my console was borderline as it was very noisy and overheating.

Exept for the bit of thumb stick wear it was in immaculate condition Andy had been lightly used over the term. Only doing this offer because my eldest is switching from Xbox to PS4.

so when I go back Monday that will be 4 trips

anybody else had issues with getting this deal with thumb stick wear
30 Sep 17 #901
Successfully traded my PS4 in at the Croydon branch 1st thing after was turned away yesterday because of an apparent computer problem preventing trade-ins. Tried to do the Destiny 2 offer for an extra £20. The guy said it didn't apply a discount, but I couldn't actually see the till. Seems weird that lots of people here got that deal. He claimed it was online only, and I know the stores don't have to match the web deals. Your mileage may vary.
30 Sep 17 #902
Their T&Cs state satisfactory quality - I think Game want brand new in the box - allowances should be made for wear on items that are used - i.e. Thumbstick
1 Oct 17 #903
Got mine today in Kettering
The last 1tb they had
Also included a 2 month now TV pass (£10)
And a 50% papa John's discount code (£15)
Traided FIFA at cex for a couple of uhd Blu-ray's

Very happy
1 Oct 17 #904
Shall we take the ps4 upgrades we got to tesco and try and exchange it for something better
1 Oct 17 #905
It came up as that price for me £134.98 total, I said there was supposed to be some sort of deal to get it for £20 , then another assistant told him that it was the NOWTV deal, it then came up as £99.99 total.
1 Oct 17 #906
For anyone asking if you need to include charge cable / controller / hdmi cable etc. Terms and conditions from the game website -
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer valid from 29th September 2017 until 9th October 2017. Purchase a PS4 1TB Fifa 18 console for £79.99 (normal price £229.99) when you trade-in an original 500GB PS4 console and use the total trade-in value received against such purchase. Offer available in store only and during store opening hours. Trade-in must be completed in the same transaction as purchase. Console must be in good working order and of satisfactory quality. Console must be traded in with an official controller & charge cable, HDMI cable and power cable. Console does not need to be in a box to trade in. A Game reward account is required to participate. GAME reserves the right to refuse any offer to anyone believed to be representing a trade buyer. Game trade-in terms and conditions and Game Reward terms and conditions apply please see for details. Trade in and cash prices are subject to change. Store manager’s decision is final. Offer can be removed at any time without prior notice with reasonable cause.
1 Oct 17 #907
I've created an account to detail my experience. Went to nearest game first in first, testing took under five minutes for my original PS4. While the cables I had supplied were accepted (although none of them being original ones), and having accepted my original controller was too scummy and worn, they had agreed to take the new one for the deal instead. The console was turned down since it had a little trouble taking discs, often stuttering and even stopping halfway when the employee put in the Fifa 18 testing disc. We were told the console was unsatisfactory, and was sent home with no deal. Having looked online,I found using an alcohol dipped q-tip, it was possible to clean dust from the disc motor, causing it to work perfectly again. This then meant that it would be good to trade in again (although I went to another GAME, since we knew the original frustrated employee would refuse to test mine again). At the next GAME store, testing took around 10 minutes, with an initial 10 minute waiting time. My scummy, loose joysticked, barcode missing/faded controller was actually accepted, and I was able to keep the new one no questions asked. So I came out with a brand new PS4 pro, Fifa 18 (which I don't care for too much but still), and a new controller to replace my four year old nasty one. I must note that this GAME was not offering the Destiny 2 for £20 offer, instead offering 10% off when bought with any console which made for a measly <£5 saving when GAME charges £10 more than any other retailer anyway.
1 Oct 17 #908
To be truthful i was going to buy Fifa anyway for £40 or so and decided it was worth £20 for the new model as my old ps4 sounded like it was going to take off. Also just for peace of mind that the console will last longer for a minor price
1 Oct 17 #909
How much do they charge for a preowned controller?
1 Oct 17 #910
Just as an update on my story (rejected in first store due to warranty stickers on back missing)

Went to next closest store 10 miles down the road (Brentwood), they had no idea about the deal but checked all their paperwork and went through smoothly.

Didn't check for the stickers. Testing took about half hour. Got my Pro for £200, sold FIFA to a mate, great deal.

Got there in the end - classic case of 'results may vary' by store. Just keep tryint
1 Oct 17 #911
Fantastic deal even if you don't, 'need' a new console. Will add a another few years life to your console getting a new one!!

I was wondering how much longer my launch console would last. No worries now.
1 Oct 17 #912
1 Oct 17 #913
Ebay it. They are selling for about £9
1 Oct 17 #914
Did this yesterday, got my PS4 on launch day so well worth upgrading to a pro for extended warranty too. Was the last one in stores for me solihull so need to get on it quick
1 Oct 17 #915
I'll sell you mine for £5
1 Oct 17 #916
It still amazes me how some branches are still denying all knowledge of this deal!
1 Oct 17 #917
Some guy got offered 2 controllers for £20 when buying this deal apparently
1 Oct 17 #918
Can anyone help? Tried to reinstall Spotify on my new PS4 slim I got in this offer and it won’t let me as it’s still connected to the old PS4 I traded in which I deactivated.

Had a look on google but couldn’t find much to help :disappointed:
1 Oct 17 #919
The now TV deal? Im hoping to get destiny for £20 but don't have much faith my in local Game - do you have any more details on what I'd need to say to Game for them to put destiny through their till properly at £20? Cheers.
1 Oct 17 #920
1 Oct 17 #921
Might as well ignore this comment as you get the slim 1TB for £79.99......
1 Oct 17 #922
It’s a a weird one. It must be part of the bundle deal Not the trade in deal.

the bloke who served me knew nothing about the trade in offer. He had to ask his manager and refer to a booklet. Yet he knew about the destiny for £20 offer (when I mentioned It) he also mentioned the new controller for £30 offer without mentioning it.

it done come up as about £145ish on the till but he pressed some buttons and it went to £99 (1tb slim and destiny
1 Oct 17 #923
Yeah exactly, but im happy me a pro whoop whoop :wink:
1 Oct 17 #924
The person serving me wasn't aware of the Destiny deal but manager confirmed. After printing the receipts, a bunch of other receipts shot out. Turns out, those included now tv for 2 months, 50% off papa johns, a 2 for 1 Thorpe park ticket, 1 hour entry to the 'belong gaming arena' and a voucher code for Destiny 2, says 'kill tracker'.
1 Oct 17 #925
Cheers for the comments re destiny, guys. Hopefully my branch can sort it out with the pro!
1 Oct 17 #926
This is what the standard trade in gets you:…445

However the Destiny & Now TV bundle is £20 more...…026

So see if they will tag the game & pass on to the trade in for you. Should then price at just £20 more.
1 Oct 17 #927
Is the game a boxed copy or a download/bundle copy?
Wondering if it will be tradeable
1 Oct 17 #928
Cheers, Mikey. So in theory should this work when buying a pro, too?
1 Oct 17 #929
Not sure. I can't see that bundle online. However they do have, at the same price as the pro, this bundle:…847

Not the best game, but worth a go if it makes it free.

Or this, for an extra tenner:…847

I don't know if these will work, just speculating!
1 Oct 17 #930
Nope. I tried and got told the destiny 2 deal is for ps4 slim only.
The 30 quid for an extra controller is for any console purchase.
Exeter branch were reasonably useless as no one including the manager knew of the extra controller deal despite a huge poster in the ps4 section advertising it.
1 Oct 17 #931
I'm not sure the Destiny bundle is meant to be part of this deal TBH. It's just some stores being a bit naughty and taking your PS4 in at a trade-in value of £150.

Great for those that get it. But I wouldn't bank on it.
1 Oct 17 #932
I think it's a bit of a loophole. It's sold as an upgrade... see my post above. Probably as you say not meant to be used with this offer, but it works.
1 Oct 17 #933
Seems like I missed a trick with Destiny 2. I should've got it for £20 and sold it to CEX for £31.
1 Oct 17 #934
Can I trade in a white ps4?
1 Oct 17 #935
You get this in the PS4 box. But as you can see on FIFA, it says 'not to be sold separately'.
1 Oct 17 #936
Went to the Hayes branch with my old PS4 500GB and they just did not want to give me this deal.... the first guy i spoke too said we wont take it in if the console is scratched up..... this was before he even looked at my console.. he was just assuming and being a dick.... a second guy looked at it and took the controller out and said the L1 button was sticky so its faulty and would not take it in. the L1 button was fine... there was a bit off dust stuck in there and i explained this to him but he just like 'no..cant take it ..sorry' was just being a jerk....

Took it to the slough branch and they were great.. was in and out with my new ps4 slim within 15 minutes...

Game stores vary.. some have great staff and some have complete aresholes .. am going to complain about the staff in hayes to their head office..

Sold fifa on ebay for £40 within minutes of listing it....
1 Oct 17 #937
No 1tb in stock and not the original HDMI with my console, did me the 500gb one and swapped hdmi out new one. £50 new console and FIFA 18. Fifa is 52.99 on its own in game, no brainier :joy:
1 Oct 17 #938
Check the rubber foot on the bottom if its auto ejecting
1 Oct 17 #939
Its trade in a PS3 slim for a PS4 slim though!? If the game is £50, that's £75 to upgrade
1 Oct 17 #940
My local store were rubbish.

Initially refused the whole trade on the basis that my controller thumbsticks were split and they weren't willing to take the new controllers in replacement. Managers discretion apparently... I asked to speak to the manager, he was too busy, so the girl said they'd just do it anyway.

Explained it had been upgraded to 1tb, but I only wanted the slim still... left if for testing.

Returned 45 mins later - was told they weren't happy to take it as the fact I'd replaced the hard drive meant it had been tampered with...

Ridiculous. Gonna try somewhere else tomorrow I think.
1 Oct 17 #941
Got the exact treatment at Hayes Game also - the guy said my ps3 is fine and fifa works great on it but the left analogue felt "dead" even though it worked fine which he stated??! seems like this store is trying everything they can to not honour the deal so I didn't even bother attempting taking my ps4.

May try Slough, was the store busy at all?
1 Oct 17 #942
Cracking deal. Did it in Wood Green...they said yesterday there was a queue 2 hours long but I was first in today.
Did the regular checks and a stress check on the console. All worked fine and did the trade. Got 2440 points as well.
They said regardless of grade they were offering the deal. Can' ask for much more
1 Oct 17 #943
Do they still have stock on 500 or 1tb? I might go now to visit them if so
1 Oct 17 #944
Anybody have luck in Camden town or white city Westfield?
1 Oct 17 #945
Yeah they said they still had some in stock. This was about 2hrs ago
1 Oct 17 #946
Will this work with the white ps pso
1 Oct 17 #947
I went to Camden this morning and they said they can’t check the consoles as they are now in a new store inside a Maplin.
So don’t waste your time...
i was really annoyed as I was there 10 minutes before they opened to make sure I wouldn’t queue for hours...
I might try Wood Green tomorrow in the morning, hoping they have the pro in stock..
1 Oct 17 #948
Traded in today. Swap ps4 500gb original for ps4 pro for 200£ in local store. Took half hour. Great deal
1 Oct 17 #949
How were the staff? How long it take you? And I'm guessing you had your seals intact?

Anyone been to the Westfield in Stratford yet?
1 Oct 17 #950
The staff were fine at Wood Green. Looks like they'e had to do quite a few of these swaps. Didn' say anything about the seals, it' only been opened under warranty
1 Oct 17 #951
Gonna whip the 1tb out of mine and trade it at CEX for a 500gb, then try again... leaves me with £6 CEX credit too.
1 Oct 17 #952
Good deal..just paid £179 after trading in a 4 year old console and got a brand new pro with fifa 18...
1 Oct 17 #953
Went to get the pro earlier trading in my release date 500gb model - but last year I took my ps4 apart to clean it out as it was getting dusty - they wouldn't accept it as the void if removed stickers were missing off the screws at the back of the ps4 - gutted ! My ps4 is probably in better nick than 90% of the other trade ins. Oh well £200 saved I guess.
1 Oct 17 #954
Wasn't busy at all... But that was Thursday afternoon... might be busier now on Sunday but I say take it in.. slough staff are nice and friendly and always talk to you and have jokes.. not like miserable Hayes branch.
1 Oct 17 #955
Just try another store. Seems some are more picky than others.
1 Oct 17 #956
Heat just upgraded to ps4 Pro nice one OP
1 Oct 17 #957
out of stock everywhere near me :cry:
1 Oct 17 #958
After looking through my receipts from yesterday I noticed one of them contained a code for a 1 Month NowTV Movies Pass too! Making the deal even better
1 Oct 17 #959
You can buy a new set of eBay for 6.99
1 Oct 17 #960
I really don't understand some people's frustration at them not accepting a PS4 where the warranty sticker has been removed. What did you expect?
1 Oct 17 #961
Well when a console is out of warranty already years after and sounding like a jet engine, people generally thought it would be okay to open to blow out the dust and didn't think would pose an issue trading.
1 Oct 17 #962
If Game are going to sell these on, anything could have been done to the inside of the machine if warranty sticker has been removed. Sony made the PS4 HDD upgradable without removing warranty sticker for that purpose
1 Oct 17 #963
All sorted! Chester branch were really helpful. Took it in at 11am, 20 mins to test.

I'd bought some replacement thumbsticks on eBay for £1.99 and fitted them to save any hassle - sticker on back of controller was worn but serial number still visible.

I put my stock 500gb back in and will sell the 1tb for about £40.

Got Destiny 2 for £20 with the pro - they initially told me it was only with the 1tb slim although when I mentioned it was an offer with now TV they scanned it in and put it through for £20.

FIFA 18 & Destiny 2 traded for £67 cash at CEX. Will sell icon pack on eBay for about £8 or so.

Total deal cost £220, but after trade in's & selling other the other stuff it should work out about £110 total outlay to upgrade to the PS4 Pro...not a bad deal at all!

That being said, it's closer to £200 in reality as i bought a 2tb sshd haha.

Great deal, many thanks to the OP!
1 Oct 17 #964
Anyone has a link where it says you can buy destiny 2 for extra £20
1 Oct 17 #965
Me and my friend finally went and got our 500gb slim models...we went to the Ilford Exchange Mall branch...wasn't that busy and they only had the 500gb slim in stock. Both our c-chassis models were like new along with the controllers.

Took our PS4 c-chassis models in, didn't keep the earphones but took everything else, didn't ask for id, took around 40 minutes to check both ours, and got offered destiny 2 for £20 which we took and flogged off to cex along with fifa 18 for a total of £67...then got 2359 points which equates to £5.95...2 months now tv entertainment pass for free...I believe we're £3 better off! :raised_hand: So a new slim looking console (definitely prefer the slim to the original design!) and a new 1 year warranty, happy days!
1 Oct 17 #966
I think people are managing to get This bundle instead. But it only seems to go through in some stores
1 Oct 17 #967
Just upgraded to a pro at the Keighley branch. Took about 15 mins. Happy days!
1 Oct 17 #968
Nice, thanks - I’ll take a look. Is it just below the eject button?
1 Oct 17 #969
For those who got a slim and a pro, do you hear a rattle like sound when you switch off the console? :worried:
1 Oct 17 #970
Tried to trade my ps4 in this afternoon and refused as warranty sticker removed! Had to wait an hour to be told that!!
1 Oct 17 #971
Buy some off eBay
1 Oct 17 #972
Whats the going rate for selling the rare players pack and 3 icon loan players voucher codes?
1 Oct 17 #973
Traded in my 500GB yday for 1TB Slim, took about 45 mins from when I went in the store, them testing it and leaving with the new console. Love how much smaller and lighter the slim is and quieter too. Just need to sort out getting my 2TB added and it'll all be good!

I have just suddenly realised I forgot to take a game disc out my PS4 though :blush:
1 Oct 17 #974
Just sorted mine out, thanks OP & everybody for their helpful comments.

I took two controllers with me, he said the one with half the rubber missing wouldn't be accepted, no serial numbers checked.
I had a random HDMI, USB. £79.99 & a near 4 year old machine which I have had plenty of use out of for a 1TB Slim & FIFA I was going to buy anyway is a steal!
1 Oct 17 #975
Do we have a list of what London stores are testing ps4s in reasonable time and accepting them without being jobsworths?
1 Oct 17 #976
Anyone ask about the fat Ps3?
1 Oct 17 #977
Got my pro today from Game at Sutton and it was all good. Very happy customer
1 Oct 17 #978
Just traded my old ps3 in and got this deal that's 3 ps4,d in my house now one each for the boys great deal for me
1 Oct 17 #979
I noticed a rattling sound coming from around the disc drive area when I unboxed the slim yesterday. Haven't turned it on or tested it yet as going to take it back to exchange in the week.
1 Oct 17 #980
About £9. Don't forget to sell the Destiny 2 dlc code if you got Destiny 2 as part of the deal. That sells for about £7.
1 Oct 17 #981
Thanks OP. I traded in my OG PS4 1tb and was offered PS4 pro 1tb for £170. I already had a £35 voucher and traded in an old phone for (LG g3) for £93 which meant I only paid £50 for the new ps4 pro with FIFA 18! Cheers!
1 Oct 17 #982
Got my pro today in Lisburn Northern Ireland all went quick and easy. Got a few games traded in aswell so ended up getting pro for £147.
1 Oct 17 #983
Well the original warranty expired ages ago from when it was first bought. It wasn't frustration it was more forgetting that I took them off to clean it.
1 Oct 17 #984
Where can I sell them? not sure if i can sell them on ebay...
1 Oct 17 #985
I suspect it's much more accurate to say people generally didn't consider it. It seems rather obvious that a store would not want to accept any console which has signs of being opened.
1 Oct 17 #986
I sold sealed copy of fifa 18 with codes that came with the game. Both are sealed. This guy text me back saying fifa 18 codes are used? What do you guy think are they linked with console? I did not open any of discs.
1 Oct 17 #987
Has anyone tried their fifa 18 codes? I am surprised that guy saying they are used.
1 Oct 17 #988
Sounds like the guy is lying and wants to get his money back and a free game
1 Oct 17 #989
Those that have upgraded to the Pro without a 4k TV - what's your initial impression. Can you notice a difference/benefit on a 1080p TV as tempted to trade in my day1 ps4 but on fence to go with the 79.99 slim or if worth extra for 199.99 Pro deal.
1 Oct 17 #990
I told him that how it be used when cooy of fifa 18 was sealed.

Also rang my newphew who got ps4 trade done yesterday. He said his codes worked fine.
1 Oct 17 #991
Is there anything that someone could do to a console that they've opened up that would:
a) not cause it to fail the testing they do to it and
b) detrimentally affect its usability for the next buyer?

Users who have taken it apart to remove dust build-up are likely to have actually increased the lifespan of the console.

If their policy is to refuse all opened consoles it would make sense for them to include this in the list of things to check.…le-
1 Oct 17 #992
OK. So people who opened it to reduce dust may have increased the lifespan of the console. But on the other hand, people who have had some third-party repairs done, from someone of an unknown skill level, may indicate a console that may be far more liable to fail.

Now, you might say to that 'well, the PS4 isn't a console that has common fixes like the Xbox RROD'. Maybe. But stores don't have different policies for different consoles depending on the frequency of issues. Granted, they should list it on their checks, but it seems common sense to me.
1 Oct 17 #993
Haven't seen this much heat before lol
1 Oct 17 #994
Has anyone traded in their upgraded 500gb to 1tb console without swapping back the original HDD?
1 Oct 17 #995
You missed the original fleshlight deal then :grin:…936
1 Oct 17 #996
Is Destiny DLC in the case or the receipt that was printed off, the killer tracker?
1 Oct 17 #997
Is there a way to backup the data from my current 500GB PS4 so it's ready to go onto the 1TB if I trade in?
1 Oct 17 #998
On a receipt paper
1 Oct 17 #999
Dam, its expired :sweat_smile:
1 Oct 17 #1000
Fab, got 2 of those.
1 Oct 17 #1001
you get 4k gaming better frame rate so its a decent upgrade horizon zero dawn should be your first showcase on the pro
1 Oct 17 #1002
Not sure that really answers the question? He has a 1080p TV.
1 Oct 17 #1003
I was in the same boat as you and I've decided to upgrade to a Pro (well, tomorrow). Whether I see any improvement, I guess I'll find out, but I just thought I'd regret it in the future if I did upgrade my TV before the PS5 comes out. At least the Pro would be worth more if I came to sell it. I guess it depends on whether you can spare the extra cash? I'm trading in a mobile at the same time to cut another £100 off, so that helps me out.
1 Oct 17 #1004
Did you know the person?
He is most likely lying.
1 Oct 17 #1005
Is the pro much better and if so how?
1 Oct 17 #1006
If you have PSN then save it all to the cloud
1 Oct 17 #1007
oh with 1080p you get benefits like clearer images better textures less jaggies, better frame rate, faster loading times. Also future proof, and with this deal its a great time to upgrade.
1 Oct 17 #1008
Took my PS3 that was just gathering dust in at the Blackburn store and got the PS4 500GB.. traded in quite a few PS3 games and all in all ended up paying 75 quids rather than 125..took 15 mins to test and trade.. great deal.. thanks..2 PS4s now and no more arguments between 3 lads.. :thumbsup: saver..
1 Oct 17 #1009
if you want more power get the pro, if you want 4k gaming get the pro, if you own a 1080p display and want great visual get the pro, if you want more frame rate for better gameplay get the pro. If you want to future proof your ps4 get the pro. Also get horizon zero dawn after getting the pro crazy visuals.
1 Oct 17 #1010
Just bagged mine up ready to take in tommorow. Will go for the 1tb slim and will miss my original 500
1 Oct 17 #1011
When did you take it in? They said they were out of stock today.
1 Oct 17 #1012
Just before closing time today so to miss any queues around 4ish..
1 Oct 17 #1013
No sold it on gumtree for £40
2 Oct 17 #1014
Sounds good
2 Oct 17 #1015
Did it today. They ran out of 1tb so just got 500gb. Sounds stupid, but FIFA is worth FIFA and they charged an extra 7.99 as I didn't bring the micro usb wire. Annoyed me because if I got one from the pound shop they wouldn't even know.
2 Oct 17 #1016
Did anyone else notice the T & C?

'Offer valid from 29th September 2107 until October 9th 2016'.

Messing up two dates?

2 Oct 17 #1017
Was tempted by this as currently have 500gb original and was gonna go for the slim but remembered they dropped the optical port for it which I need and don't see the point me upgrading to pro just for the sake of extra 500gb and power, my baby is still going strong but looking at upgrading hard drive to 2tb as sick of having to delete games to make room for others
2 Oct 17 #1018
Couple of questions from me regarding this offer:

1) In the terms for these PS4 trade ins it says "A Game reward account is required to participate" Is this right or are people just taking the old consoles in and swapping with no issues and with no Game reward account?

2) Has anyone had any issues with stock when they have gone in to do the trade or does there seem to be plenty available?

Looking at trading in my 1tb PS4 for a pro on Wednesday so hoping there won't be any issues. Might ring and see if they have any in stock/can reserve me one on the day.
2 Oct 17 #1019
I went in yesterday to get a 500gb slim along with destiny 2 and got asked if I have a game reward account, which I do, but a friend went Saturday afternoon to the same branch i went to, was asked the same question and he said no and they still put it regards to stock looks like the 1tb slim and pro models seem to be flying off the shelves, so I would say reserve the console you want at the branch you're going to if they have it stock...I reserved my 500gb slim before going in...
2 Oct 17 #1020
Thanks for your reply. Be interesting to hear if anyone else said they did/didn't have the reward account and whether they had issues or not in regards to trading consoles

I'll ring up today and see if I can reserve for Wednesday

Thanks again
2 Oct 17 #1021
Anyone had any experience complaining directly to GAME head offices about a bad experience they've had instore? I tried their online chat (which i didn't get through to) and calling them on Saturday (gave up after being on hold for 35 mins) so decided to send a formal letter today about the abysmal unprofessional and time wasting staff (including the store manager) I experienced at the Coventry Ricoh store on Friday, just wondered what they are like in this department?
2 Oct 17 #1022
Did Sony missell the ps pro bundle, can someone confirm we get the version of fifa mentioned on their own site?…ge/

Headlining the new range is the PS4 Pro and FIFA 18 Ronaldo Edition bundle. The PS4 Pro lets you experience FIFA 18 in Dynamic 4K resolution and HDR** for stunning visual quality.The FIFA 18 Ronaldo Edition included in the bundle features FIFA 18 on Blu-ray disc, as well as numerous FIFA Ultimate Team items including a Cristiano Ronaldo loan item (5 match loan) plus 20 Jumbo Premium Gold FUT packs (1 per week over 20 weeks) and additional FUT kits.
2 Oct 17 #1023
You can reserve online to pick up at your store. I believe they hold it for a couple of days.
2 Oct 17 #1024
Was a fool not to set up reward account. I did it at the same time as ordering and ended up with over £8 in rewards back
2 Oct 17 #1025
I would be interested in this too as I had a nightmare experience in store.

I had to pay £230 for the pro deal as they said my trade in console was scratched and considered a grade C condition therefore they would not honour the £150 trade in value to give me the deal for £200.

They also retained the PS4 pro power lead as mine was not an official Sony power lead. I now have the issue that my old power lead (launch ps4 500Gb) does not fit the pro.

Going to see if I can contact Sony today to buy a replacement.
2 Oct 17 #1026
And you still traded it in? I'm sure ps4's sell on gumtree for about £150 so it's not that much of an amazing deal.
2 Oct 17 #1027
Me and my partner went back and forth with the staff at Ricoh Coventry over the grading, they said it had to be 'B' which apparently in their words, mint and boxed. The terms state that it has to be of satisfactory quality and does not require the box, nothing about a grade. My partner works in retail so knows the ins and outs and if its not specifically written in the terms they cannot move the goal posts. I went to the City centre store the following day, they said it was C grade.. not due to cosmetic blemishes but due to the lack of back but it was fine as all the consoles traded in for the deal were valued at £150 so it wasn't an issue. As for the power cable, that's crazy. Sony PS4 plugs are 'I SHENG' as are the blu ray player plugs, my new pro plug is I SHENG also, I was denied my first attempt flat out cause it was apparently "third party and not original". It was definitely original. I suspect it was part lack of product knowledge/poor training and part agenda as I showed all their staff up big time.
2 Oct 17 #1028
Yep - I was going to buy a pro anyway and would never have used my original ps4 again so £120 trade in value plus £36 I'll get back for FIFA.
2 Oct 17 #1029
They have missold anything - that's a different version with Ronaldo edition.
2 Oct 17 #1030
I traded in my white 500GB PS4 for the 1TB Slim Black yesterday.

Nice wee deal :relaxed:
2 Oct 17 #1031
I’m going to trade my day one 500gb in this afternoon. Hopefully I’m in and out and not having a 2 hour wait.
2 Oct 17 #1032
Where do you get that bundle then?
2 Oct 17 #1033
traded my launch ps4 for ps pro at fareham game: no issues couple of points : power lead for pro is different to 4, sales person said offer ends tonight at midnight despite being advertised till 09th. swapped fifa for crash.
2 Oct 17 #1034
Went ahead and traded my PS4 for a Pro this morning without any issue. Grabbed Destiny 2 for £20 too.
2 Oct 17 #1035
I hope that's not true. No chance I can get to a Game store until Wednesday due to work commitments. Reserved one to pick up on Wednesday. Hopefully this deal isn't pulled before then. If anyone else takes up this offer today and hears the same/different I'd really appreciate it if you could post on here.
2 Oct 17 #1036
Damn, I didn't think you could get Destiny 2 on a Pro deal :worried:
2 Oct 17 #1037
Hoping the deal don't end today like some are saying
2 Oct 17 #1038
To all the people who are trying to reserve a console for the trade-in.
I was informed by the staff (Derby) that this wasn't possible and that to just call prior to going instore to check on stock.
They were very helpful and were the ones who told me that they were more than willing to keep the new controller as mine is damaged.Hope this helps someone
2 Oct 17 #1039
Guys top tip - these consoles especially the slim 1tb is selling out like hot cakes.

The testing time in Trafford Centre is 1 hour 30 mins at moment.

To make sure you get hold of a console I'd recommend you reserve the item off the website.

I saw handbags happening yesterday as the 30 consoles sold out within 25 minutes of store opening.
2 Oct 17 #1040
Also thanks OP - best offer of the year for me :thumbsup:
2 Oct 17 #1041
Hoping to get one wends has waiting for new stickers has I opened it to give it a clean
2 Oct 17 #1042
My local branch told me there was no issue with reserving a Pro, so that's exactly what I did before going down to see them.
2 Oct 17 #1043
Yeah i didn't realise till i was dropping my friend off to his house that he saw comments about getting reward points. So checked our receipts saw we gor 5.95 worth of points a d then registered the app and got an extra 250 points! They're points at us!
2 Oct 17 #1044
I signed up to elite membership when I was putting my console bundle and destiny through, had about 80p on there and checked the app yesterday after it all updated and now have £21.33, boom
2 Oct 17 #1045
Just got the Pro at Chapelfield Norwich

No issues at store and got Destiny for £20 then £11 profit from CEX

Happy days
2 Oct 17 #1046
Struggling to find any stock near me :disappointed: Even Birmingham Bullring has sold out

Edit: For the Slim 1TB bundle
2 Oct 17 #1047
Anyone traded in a ps4 slim for a pro?
2 Oct 17 #1048
Well game in gt Yarmouth have o clue what they are doing. However that's just worked massively in my favour. I went in with my 1tb ps4 and said about the deal they had no idea told me it was online only. Luckily I had guessed that may be the case and printed off the offer before I went in so showed them that eventually they worked out how to process . Checked my console there and then no wait . Next I said about the destiny 2 deal again no clue told them it was a now tv deal and they managed to put it through . Great I think all sorted 200 pound needed now for a ps4 pro and destiny 2. NOPE THEY ASK FOR 160 POUND. So I paid this and left with my console and game. Just got home and looked at the receipt and they have also traded in fifa 18 for 39 pound. I never traded in or asked them too and I still have fifa which I wanted . So I've got my pro and destiny for 160 pound . Well happy plus I got all the voucher deals too

Thanks original poster have done heat
2 Oct 17 #1049
I managed to get it work by deactivating the new ps4 as my primary and then reactivating it again
2 Oct 17 #1050
Just traded in my 500gb PS4 for the 1TB slim. Happy enough to give the Pro a miss until I get a better TV.
2 Oct 17 #1051
Just got back home with my new shiny PS PRO - thanks OP. :thumbsup:

Took about an hour to test my console - everything was fine. Even my old controller was accepted. :grin:

20 mintues later I was on my way back home.

One thing I would say is: do not forget to take with you a form which has your name and address on it (utility bill or bank statement) as you will need it to do the trade! I had to go back home and get one just to complete the trade.

you will also need one form of identification (passport or driving license).
2 Oct 17 #1052
I called into Worksop branch Saturday - they had just sold the last 1tb

Staff could not do more for me - lots of options offered

They offered me the 500gb for £49 - which is a great deal in itself

Then offered to 'do the deal' to guarantee price for collection this week when they get more stock

To my surprise they then rang the next nearest branch and got them to reserve a 1tb for me ....

Great service from both stores .

Destiny 2 for £20 is a steal ... will sell on FIFA after my son had played it .... don't imagine an open or sealed fifa will vary in value
2 Oct 17 #1053
Took mine in today, wasted journey. I have some slight scratches on the glossy part of my PS4 HDD cover (not sure what they expect from such an old console that was prone to scratching from the release date). Manager said it would class as B condition and only offered me £120?! Walked away I knew there would be clauses. Congrats to those that managed to get theirs though.
2 Oct 17 #1054
Sorry if this has been asked before, but ... I really don't want FIFA, so has anyone asked if they can do it without or if they can trade it in before they give it to you and knock if off the price? Basically, I want to give them as little cash as possible :grin:
2 Oct 17 #1055
I believe you can trade it back in, but it has to be sold with the console for the upgrade as it is a bundle and comes in the box
2 Oct 17 #1056
All the stores near me appear to be out of stock on the PS4 Pro package. Anyone happen to know if I can walk into the store, trade in my PS4 and then have them ship the replacement PS4 Pro out to me as if I'd ordered it online? Thanks.
2 Oct 17 #1057
Do they definately wipe the HDD?
I was planning on trading a PS4 500gb for a 1TB slim.
But decided to trade an old PS3 500gb slim at the last minute instead. They took over two hours to test as they had 3 other people waiting to trade up etc.
I did asked beforehand, and they said it would be wiped.
Just having doubts now as i didn't ask when i went back to do the deal.
2 Oct 17 #1058
Hi could somebody explain the destiny 2 part of the deal to me please?. And also I can't find the deal on Game's website is it still up?. Thanks
2 Oct 17 #1059
They will wipe it, it will be given to sony(apparently) it will have to be sold on so all saved files will be gone.
2 Oct 17 #1060
can you call your local store and ask?
2 Oct 17 #1061
just ask them for destiny 2 fater you have done the trade and it will be £20 extra if you are lucky, the deal is done in store
2 Oct 17 #1062
Well, Wrexham store rejected my pristine PS4 because "it's not sucking discs as fast as it should".

It's never sucked the discs in any faster since I bought it!
2 Oct 17 #1063
If 1tb are not in stock you can go for 500gb for £50. I have 3tb external hard drive so went for cheaper version. They didn't take it in one shop cause of damaged rubbers on controllers and they expected a new controller after 4 yrs of using. Bunch of noobs. They accepted it in 2nd store with replacement rubbers that I was using with no problem. Depends on staff in the shop. I was served by a women. She was also testing my console
2 Oct 17 #1064
You paid £36 to sign up to Elite though, so you've still got to trade in a hell of a lot of games / consoles JUST to break even :thinking:
2 Oct 17 #1065
Just went to my local, said it'll take an hour and a half to test it, rang me said that the ps4 is too loud so they can't take it.
2 Oct 17 #1066
45min on the line to complain.. no answer..dont even try haha
2 Oct 17 #1067
I'm just back from my local Game (Cambridge), and they allowed me trade in the bundled FIFA 18 before I paid - and put another £4 off on top of the £30 they gave me for the game. I paid a total of £165.98 for the PS4 Pro. I also received approximately £9 worth of reward points. Testing took all of 5 minutes.
2 Oct 17 #1068
I think they said you get 10% back on any game you buy, so averaging at £50 a game you get £5 a purchase. There's loads of other stuff, there is currently a deal on till end of Oct where if you trade in games whilst buying a new one you get an extra 50% trade in value on top, I've got a pile of games I price checked on their site and added 50% on top and i'll net over £200 in trade in value, that'll be me sorted for a while.

Even if you don't get £36 in value out of it they'll refund the difference at the end of your year sub so you haven't really lost out
2 Oct 17 #1069
Try West Brom, its where i got mine.

Can only assume you live localish if you tried the bullring.
2 Oct 17 #1070
Thinking about it I don't think I ever deactivated my PS4 before trading it in

I just reset and initialised it, is this going to be a problem going forward?
2 Oct 17 #1071
Do i need the original box?
2 Oct 17 #1072
No you don't.
2 Oct 17 #1073
No you don't
2 Oct 17 #1074
a full initialization (as opposed to quick) will deactiviate as primary in the process
2 Oct 17 #1075
You can deactivate it online, just sign in to the main ps site and you can deactivate it there.
2 Oct 17 #1076
I do remember it saying deactivating when I was doing that, but just had this feeling something would go wrong or not be done properly

Cheers, do you know where I'd find that just so I can double check and be on the safe side? Will it have the serial number or summit to confirm which PS4 I've got activated
2 Oct 17 #1077
You can only do that once every 6 months though so be careful. Someone hacked my account and activated their PS4 as primary with my account. Took a while on call with PSN for support to change it back due to the 6 month rule.
2 Oct 17 #1078
I'm not sure you are right. I did a full initialization and then logged in again only to find out it was still activated as primary
2 Oct 17 #1079
Same here, you have to diactivate on the console didn't allow me to via Sony's website..
2 Oct 17 #1080
It is right, I did it to mine.
2 Oct 17 #1081
Took my old ps4 down this morning for 1tb slim model then took fifa to cex for 36cash back, 44quid for a nice new fresh ps4 with new v2 pad plus all under warranty its a deal :thumbsup:
2 Oct 17 #1082
Glad they helped you! It was Fareham that were really awkward with me over my controllers (weren't going to accept my trade and wouldn't swap with controllers in the box), and then more pickiness over my hard drive... gave up in the end!
2 Oct 17 #1083
2 Oct 17 #1084
My only thinking is as I’ve traded it into Game they will check and deactivate it? Spoke to them on phone just and they said they wipe everything completely when stuff is traded into them so that’s my only hope now
2 Oct 17 #1085
That is true, but as you say there is a work around (I.e. ring Sony).
As in this case, I don't think there is any other option if you don't do it on the physical console before you trade it in. Unless you know of a way?
2 Oct 17 #1086
Worst case look here:…em/

As pointed out (as well as when you do it) you can only do this once every 6 months, but hardly a major issue as far as I'm concerned.
2 Oct 17 #1087
If anyone's traded in FIFA the icon pack in the box is going for about £9 on eBay.
2 Oct 17 #1088
2 Oct 17 #1089
32154781-IqrvI.jpgJst sold this for a tenner too comes with bundle look on ebay :thumbsup: so only cost 34quid booom
2 Oct 17 #1090
Cheers mate
I've logged in and active devices just has my PS3, PS Vita and a PS4 - doesn't appear to be a way of knowing for sure which PS4 it is either the current one or my old one
2 Oct 17 #1091
if you end up deactivating the new one you can always activate it again
2 Oct 17 #1092
Does the Ps4 need to come in the original box? Also, do you need reciept and original HDMI? Dont wanna take my ps4 all the way to town to get rejected :blush:
2 Oct 17 #1093
No box required or receipt needed not sure about hdmi tho
2 Oct 17 #1094
From what people have said on here it's been hit and miss about original cables, best thing I'd suggest (from what others have done) is to just take any HDMI with you, if they say needs to be original suggest they take the new HDMI cable out of the box and keep that
2 Oct 17 #1095
They were gonna take controller out of mine bcoz the thumb stick rubbers had come away and tried hiding with some thumbgrips i reluctantly said ye ok but they forgot to take out new controller i checked the box outside the store then ran off through town to car before he realised and shouted me back lol
2 Oct 17 #1096
Interesting, the Norwich Inns Game wouldn't do this, they don't know their arse from their elbow in these stores.
2 Oct 17 #1097
YESSSS! God I hate GAME with a passion, great to hear you got one over on them
2 Oct 17 #1098
Got myself a 1tb deal this afternoon from the hull store. Checks only took around 10 minutes so not that bad.

They wouldn’t give me destiny for £20 because apparently this is a online deal.
2 Oct 17 #1099
Seriously!? What is the speed that it's supposed to suck it in at!?
2 Oct 17 #1100
They knew all about it £150 trade in but not Destiny 2 but we’re happy to try and it worked

bit of a sales talk on paying £36 for better reward card and extended warranty but just said no

also that branch is closer to cex
2 Oct 17 #1101
1tb slim with fifa bundle sold out in my local (both console and fifa) and so issued a £150 gift card and told to purchase online with free delivery as the same bundle would cost £79.99 after £150 gift voucher

However after checking website can get a 500gb slim with fifa and destiny 2 for £69 plus a now tv 2 month pass so saving cash and getting more for money!

I think i can live with the -500gb as my old console was 500 anyway. Once fifa is sold and now tv pass this is a ridiculous deal
2 Oct 17 #1102
Shame on Sony for making this a Game exclusive and encouraging illegal employment practices.
2 Oct 17 #1103
You get 2 month Now TV with 1tb slim
2 Oct 17 #1104
I was second time in different branch. Mine Ps4 was rejected because there is no warranty stickers on it lol. There is no mention anywhere about warranty stickers on their site.
2 Oct 17 #1105
Apparently the same speed it ejects it. Mine takes about two thirds of the time to eject it as it does to feed in.

Absolutely ridiculous.
2 Oct 17 #1106
Buy some online. I've bought some for £6 off eBay, took it back in and was able to trade it
2 Oct 17 #1107
Just wanted to add my experience with this today. Ended up being able to leave work early which meant I could call in unexpectedly at Game at Xscape, Castleford. No issues whatsoever. Bloke in there was really helpful. Original 1tb swapped for 1tb pro with FIFA. My console had a scratch on top of it so was surprised I ended up being able to swap without any issues. Got destiny 2 for £20 and actually ended up purchasing a VR headset and camera
2 Oct 17 #1108
Have people who don't have warranty stickers had any issues? I had my HDD upgraded to 1TB and got it cleaned at the same time, so it doesn't have any warranty stickers on it. Not going to waste my time if they won't accept it!
2 Oct 17 #1109
Great experience at the clacton store today. Got the Ps4 1tb slim with fifa,destiny and a load of vouchers for now tv etc. Fantastic deal thank you everyone that has commented and to the person that posted the deal in the first place. Anyone want to swap my destiny bonus code for a now tv code or anyone with a now tv code that just dont want it please send it my way :grin:
2 Oct 17 #1110
Generally speaking they won't accept it if the seals been tampered with. Although with the HDD upgrade, I'm not quite sure. Some have got it done with an upgraded hdd
2 Oct 17 #1111
God I seriously hate Game! Complete bunch of #######.
Decided to traded in my old 500gb PS4 today at the Gloucester branch. All was going fine until the muppet behind the till questioned the controller. One of the thumbsticks rubbers had been replaced. He went to speak to his manager and came back and said we can't accept the controller (what do they expect from a controller that has been used for 4 yrs). I tried to argue Games T&C's state the controller need to be working order and doesn't mention anything about the condition of the thumbsticks? But they just came back with some rubbish about we can't sell on these controllers (yeah right!!!). The did say I could do eventually swap the PS4 and they would take the new controller however conveniently they had sold out of the 1tb slim but did have the Pro available. I decided to refuse the trade as I didn't see the point in paying nearly £200 and for those scumbags to remove the new v2 controller.

Has anyone contacted game to find out why they are being such a holes about the original rubbers still being intact on the controller especially after 4 yrs. I can't help feel this is something coming from the store manager and not Head office especially as some people on here don't seem to be having this issue?

Thinking of trying another store later this week, but to be honest don't know if I can be bothered with the hassle again.

The sooner game disappears off our high street the better in my opinion

2 Oct 17 #1112
Well I'm aiming to put the original 500GB HDD back in the PlayStation in order to do the swap, but don't want to head into town with a large box if there's no chance of it being done!
2 Oct 17 #1113
Did mine today in Newport game, excellent staff. They tested console whilst we went shopping, went back and got my PS4 Pro, Fifa 18 and destiny 2 for £220 with a ton of vouchers and points.
2 Oct 17 #1114
Took me nearly 3 hours and same thing happened
My controllers home button is a bit stiffed and they don't accept it
I had to carry on without the controller because of the time wasted
Anyway, I sold FIFA for £45 straight out of box outside the store to the guy next to me at the queue in store
2 Oct 17 #1115
Anyone know how much the FIFA code for rare player pack is?
2 Oct 17 #1116
Do they give you a code for Destiny 2 dlc in the game?
It's still sealed and I don't know if it's better to sell it sealed or to sell to cex then sell the dlc if there is a code for it?
2 Oct 17 #1117

How much did you get for your 1tb console
2 Oct 17 #1118
Bonus code is on a reciept not in the box
2 Oct 17 #1119
Got my ps4 slim reserved to pick up tomorrow. My old ps4 is in great shape never tampered with. Let my hot UK bruddas know how it goes tomorrow. Peace.
3 Oct 17 #1120
I've no idea.
3 Oct 17 #1121
Well my understanding is that you can't, hence the original comment. Anyone that saw that or sees it today, may make plans to get a bundle that doesn't even exist.
3 Oct 17 #1122
Does the PS4 need to be boxed when traded into game? Many thanks
3 Oct 17 #1123
No, box is not required.
3 Oct 17 #1124
Good to hear, I plan on trying this store later - did you happen to notice if they had plenty of stock?
3 Oct 17 #1125
So assuming you sell Fifa for £36 and assuming you can get destiny 2 for £20 and sell for £31

then you are getting a slim 1tb for £33 if Destiny deal doesn't work for £44 by trading your original ps4 in.

OR pro for £153 or £164

Is it worth it?
3 Oct 17 #1126
My son has an original PS4 but it makes a lot of noise from the motor/fans . Would game accept it ?
I don't want to waste my time going into town with it if they definitely won't take it . Thanks for any advice
3 Oct 17 #1127
I traded my old launch model in at Folkestone store on the weekend. Decided to treat myself and go for the Pro. It had a dodgy HDMi and some rubber coming off the controller. Luckily it passed the test ok and no issue with the rubber on the controller. Couldn't get the Destiny2 deal though.

Yesterday I traded my c-chasis for a 500gb slim in the Stratford store. The controller had a tiny nick in the rubber and they wouldn't take it so reluctantly let them swap it for the one in the box. Got the Destiny2 deal here with all the other codes that people have mentioned getting (now tv, papa johns etc). Sold Fifa to 2 lads in the queue and will flog destiny to Cex and now tv codes to a friend. Will actually make a small profit in the end on this one for my hassles plus I get a nice quiet slim under warranty. Well worth the effort.

Just goes to show how store specific the trade in conditions are and how they are applied and the extra 'deals they will let you have'.
Thanks to the OP for this deal. Cost me a few quid for the Pro but well worth it.
3 Oct 17 #1128
Easier said than done when they don't even answer the phone!
3 Oct 17 #1129
Are the consoles in these bundles typically pre-owned? Just reserved one for collection at my local store and it says it’s pre-owned
3 Oct 17 #1130
Any ideas if the London shops have it back in stock? I popped by the Oxford circus GAME on Sunday and they told me that last they heard it was only the White City store that had ps4's (slim) in stock, and that they didn't know when or if they would get more... :angry:
3 Oct 17 #1131
The guy in my local game had to call head office to put the Destiny 2 deal through but it all worked in the end.
3 Oct 17 #1132
This deal is with GAME not Cex. Worth a try though. Seems to be down to your luck with this.
3 Oct 17 #1133
Should be new consoles in a FIFA18 promotional box. The game is included in the box.
3 Oct 17 #1134
I 'forgot' to include the HDMI cable with mine (reality was I don't know where the original ps4 hdmi is being used and the one that was plugged into the console is wired up through allsorts and would have been a pain to take out). They noticed it but accepted a £1 hdmi cable from the local poundshop. It was still in its packaging too.
3 Oct 17 #1135
Cheers. Still have mine so will flog it off. Already sold fifa to a guy in the queue for £45. Gutted I didn't opt for Destiny 2 and make a tenner on that as well but as it stands, if I can sell the codes for £10 then my upgrade is down to £25 :blush:
3 Oct 17 #1136
Loved this deal, best deal in ages for me, really benefited from it. Glad it's hit 3000 in heat.
3 Oct 17 #1137
Anybody traded in at Belle Vale (Liverpool) or St Helens? Can you reserve online for collection?
3 Oct 17 #1138
Mans changed his fine today but there was teeth marks on sensory pad from my little boy jammer... They said keep the pad and we'll take new one out. Fine by me. Hot deal still. Now to sell fifa....
3 Oct 17 #1139
Thanks OP.

I've traded mine in and got Destiny 2 for £20 too.

I registered for Game Rewards and put the app on my phone only to forget to mention it until after I'd paid.

I bought my PS4 on launch for £399.99 with Killzone Shadow Fall. I played that game but have only used the PS4 as a Blu Ray player since; not a gamer at all and there were no good games on the system then anyway. I thought about selling the PS4 and getting a Switch to try gaming again (I used to be a gamer and best memories are of Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64) but did some research yesterday about the 2 systems and it seems the PS4 has a lot of good games these days and much better hardware even though it's 4 years old.

£100 to try gaming again with 2 decent games and a new warranty on the console seemed worth it to me - voted hot.

Would like to try Horizon Dawn and Gran Turismo.

Wife is going mad at me for wasting our money :astonished:
3 Oct 17 #1140
No way! that sucks!.......................................................................
3 Oct 17 #1141
Upgraded from a launch edition PS4 to the Pro yesterday on this deal, its worth warning that the branch I went to (York - Monks Cross) checked my Playstation thoroughly, so much so the first time I went in they refused it because the controller had some wear to one of the thumb sticks - fair enough I guess. You also need a HDMI, Charge Cable, Power Lead, Controller and Console lol. If you have any cracks, marks, or non official joypads - don't even bother.

And for the whole Pro argument - it's honestly worth every penny, The difference in quality for the latest Fifa is unbelievable.
3 Oct 17 #1142
Mine tried this.

First the plug wasn't standard for testing so I had to go home and get a EU compliant plug for testing.

Then he had to load a game, and update it. He had to play online which he couldn't because he said he forgot his psn details.

Then oh the disc wouldn't come out properly. Definitely didn't want to trade it. He sprayed the inside with air.

And only traded it when the guy behind him said just accept it if he's getting the pro, and he was like we will take it but only because you're trading if u wanted cash it would be a reject.

So finally after being in the store for 40+ mins hoping it would be okay I came out with pro model
3 Oct 17 #1143
The link doesn't seem to take me to the offer specifically.

What sort of proof do i need to take? (incase they have no idea of the offer, like so of the other posts seem to suggest)
3 Oct 17 #1144
So at lunch went and traded first day PS4 for 500gb slim (I don't play much) and didn't bother with pro as only have 1080p TV and if you don't have 4k TV games actually look worse, don't believe me a quick google will say so. Due to the upscale and downscale.

So all in all after selling fifa and destiny at CEX the new console cost me £3 with loads of free vouchers too. Not bad.
3 Oct 17 #1145
I got the pro on the 1080p looks okay but I am planning on upgrading when I got the cash so yes early investment
3 Oct 17 #1146
They don't check storage size
3 Oct 17 #1147
Thanks for posting this deal OP.
I upgraded my original 500GB to a Pro. I use a 1080P projector. Wipeout is visibly improved, other games are still downloading.
I reserved online before a 30 min drive (there are 4 stores in my area all about 30 mins away). Of the top 3 only Andover was showing (limited) stock of the pro. You can check in store stock online - look about half way down the page of the item you are interested in and enter your postcode. I tried phoning Andover store but no answer. The Game site store phone numbers are generic - you get an automated response which is voice driven. As usual I completely failed to get this thing to understand me. Playstation 4 pro console was translated into an xbox game so I gave up. Google the store and you should be able to find a direct dial number.
Reserving online takes time - within 2 hours you should get a confirmation text and email, I gave up waiting after 2 hours and was able to reserve a pro at my 4th closest store - Reading. Got a confirmation within 30 mins.
Given the 30 min drive I thought I would phone (thanks google) the store and check they could do a trade that evening.
I was told to get in before 7:30pm (store shuts at 8pm most evenings) and it would be fine.
Around 5:30pm I got a text and email to say the Andover reservation was a mistake and was out of stock.
I got in at 6:45pm. My PS4 was boxed, original controller in good condition, original HDMI cable still wrapped/unused in box, same with the ear piece (not required but I aint gonna use it), original power lead - isheng on front, short usb cable not original and nice clean ps4. There was a queue but they were happy to test the console. "as long as its grade B it will be fine" - I think the web site says grade c - it doesn't mention how good the items have to be just that they are working - but I let this comment go. First thing they do is get it out of the box and stuck chucking it around. Give the controller a good looking at and the guy starts using his thumb nail to scratch away at the right thumb stick. If they had rejected the controller's rubber thumb stick - which lets face it is a "Sony using the wrong type of rubber" issue I would have been pissed.
Anyway all is good he starts testing and says come back in half an hour. I went back after 15 mins and it was pretty much done.
When it came to paying I mentioned the £20 Destiny offer - they said its wasn't possible as far as they knew - but they tried it anyway and it scanned for £20. It also came with a till printed download code for Kill Tracker G. They also tried the controller for £30 but this came up at £39.99 so I declined. The store was quiet so both Marcus and the Manager were helpful. I got £8.31 added to my regular reward card. Also got a bunch of till printed vouchers.
3 Oct 17 #1148
Just went in to get the Pro and walked out with the Destiny 2 Pro bundle instead with the same trade in deal. Far better value than the Fifa bundle :smile:
3 Oct 17 #1149
Traded my fault 500gb ps4 in
Gave everything genuine but usb charger that was a random

Got the 1TB one and destiny 2 for £20 and it’s only offered with the deal

CEX buy destiny 2 for £31!

I’m happy

My console had replacement warranty stickers put on and had the eject issue!

Stickers were bought on eBay and the eject thing was just my luck, took 15 min to test
3 Oct 17 #1150
Not sure what you've been reading but that's not correct. Some games might not be that much optimised but for the most normal games are taking advantage of the extra power the pro gives. One reason I got the pro was because of future games like GTA. When GTA 5 was released on the PS3 it was amazing but you could tell it was pushing the hardware to it's limits. Not talking about resolution here but I think in the future you'll be able to tell a big difference in the likes of GTA when running on the pro, even in 1080p.
3 Oct 17 #1151
I wish you hadn't said that, about the Pro being worth it. I'd convinced myself it wasn't, but now I'm not so sure.
3 Oct 17 #1152
My missus moaned at me all weekend for wanting to upgrade to the pro with this deal, but as soon as she saw uncharted 4, and even fifa in 4k/hdr she was sold on it. She hates football so that's a big win.

It does look great.
3 Oct 17 #1153
You are most likely correct. But when that time comes the PS5 will be around the corner. At the minute there's small if any gain at 1080p imo from what I've seen.
3 Oct 17 #1154
you own a 1080p display and a pro and ye you see no difference, you dont get the better framerate?
3 Oct 17 #1155
Handed my console into the local store. They made a point of saying that they hoped I'd reserved a console (click & collect) from their website as stock is almost depleted. Currently been testing for 2 hours though, hope all is well because I want my pro! :joy:
3 Oct 17 #1156
It's not just about resolution though, that's my point. For games optimised by the pro especially games like GTA or RDR you're going to have a much better experience gaming on the pro with higher frame rates or more going on or less pop ups in the distance. For anyone that was buying Fifa anyway, this was a £150 upgrade to a brand new console which has more power and retails around £330.
3 Oct 17 #1157
I was hoping they were doing other bundles in the deal. What ps4 console did you trade in and how much did you pay in total?
3 Oct 17 #1158
Never bothered with the Pro myself for 2 reason
1. I only have a 1080p TV not 4K and have no intention of upgrading my TV just yet - maybe when the PS5 is here I will
2. I understand you have to mess about with wires to use PSVR on the Pro (unplugging and swapping cables about) but on the slim there is no need to
3 Oct 17 #1159
1. No game reward account required
2. Call ahead
I traded in my 1tb PS4 and you get an extra £20 off either new slim or pro as opposed to trading a 500gb model
3 Oct 17 #1160
Er, no it's not.
3 Oct 17 #1161
I got the Pro because I could :sunglasses:
3 Oct 17 #1162
Anyone else annoyed with the way ps4 handles save states, backed all mine up on usb but can only transfer over the game saves once that game has been installed. Guess they'll just sit on the usb or cloud till i need em.
3 Oct 17 #1163
+1 - went to download all only to have to skip 95% of them as I hadn't installed the games!!
3 Oct 17 #1164
I did exactly the same thing - I should point out that its only worth it should you be fortunate enough to own a 4k TV. The difference really is amazing tho, was surprised at difference.

I figured it this way, not that you probably need any more convincing...

The deal is £199 for the pro and Fifa, I wanted Fifa anyway so that made the pro a £150 investment, with a new 1 year guarantee, and if you have any old games to trade in, you might be able to get the number down slightly :grin:
3 Oct 17 #1165
If you haven't got a 1080p TV don't bother... would be my opinion. PS5, no one really knows on that, I'd wager at least 2 years tho. If you have got a 4k TV, personally the pro is worth every penny.
3 Oct 17 #1166
Similar thinking behind my purchase, although I yet to have a 4k TV :sweat_smile:
However, if I come to sell it when the PS5 materialises then I would like to think I would get more of my money back Vs a slim.
3 Oct 17 #1167
Blinking annoying
3 Oct 17 #1168
Why does everyone relate the Pro to just resolution? The Pro brings advantages in others things like FPS, less screen tearing, more things going on at once. Think GTA 5 for PS3 and the PS4 port. Getting to the end of the PS4 lifespan, you'll see games performing much better on the Pro over the base model.
3 Oct 17 #1169
Really wanted the pro but couldn’t justify spending the extra when I haven’t got a 4K TV yet. Thanks for posting this, brand new system,controller,Fifa and Destiny 2 for £100. Game at the East Midlands Designer Outlet where spot on and took around 1hr to test my system, even saved me a console because I couldn’t get yesterday due to work.
3 Oct 17 #1170
still unsure about this deal. dont know if its worth the risk formatting ps4 etc.. if the shop are going to be anal when testing it. also wouldnt have thought there are many bundles left. tried to call my local game. more chance of getting blood out of a stone than them actually answering the phone.
3 Oct 17 #1171
blame sony for not promoting this well, so many dont know how powerful the console actually is
3 Oct 17 #1172
you still get good benefits if you own a 1080p tv
3 Oct 17 #1173
Picked up a pro today. Traded in the old fat PS4. Fifa 18 has not for resale on the box so may not be able to cash in...
3 Oct 17 #1174
CEX will buy not for resale , I got £36 for it :smile:
3 Oct 17 #1175
Well I initialised mine, but they also did one after check up.

Maybe if you're interested, go for it and if it works I'm sure they'll reset it for you, and it will save you time being tested as you'd have a game with the update already on the ps4.

I think the pro is a better investment even if you don't have a 4K TV like me, if you upgrade in the future then it will be future proof. I'm sure more people will get 4k in the future I'm sure the ps5 or w.e will be ready for it.
3 Oct 17 #1176
If anyone sells their 14 day free trial ps+ code, make sure you state that whoever buys it must not have redeemed a free 14 day trial code previously on their psn account...
3 Oct 17 #1177
took mine to connswater belfast but they said it was "too loud" so they couldnt accept it. :grin: i didnt think the sound was anything out of the ordinary, console was well kept and full original packaging etc.

So I popped into the Game in town and they took it no problem, staff were very helpful. Tried to get Destiny for £20 but the discount wouldnt show, ah well.

Now got myself a pro and 50% of papa johns, happy days
3 Oct 17 #1178
thanks for the advise I'm just in the process of initalising mine now. its worth a try nothing ventured nothing gained. shouldn't be any issues with it i hope its been well looked after.
3 Oct 17 #1179
Took mine in store and got the Slim 1TB. Traded a few games in so it cost me £25 in the end. They wouldn’t knock the price of FIFA off the trade in, so I decided to sell it instead of accepting the £26 cash offer

Overall, it was painless (apart from I forgot my ID the first time), they took my generic plug and hdmi cable and the test pretty much consisted of a game of FIFA - then I had to stand there and bat away their attempts to sell me everything under the sun to get more money off me - no dice
3 Oct 17 #1180
Still not sure what to do.. My PS4 500GB is nearly 2 years old (2nd model) works great and is in great condition. Not sure if it is worth to trade it for a Slim 1TB.
Any thoughts?
3 Oct 17 #1181
Why not trade in for the slim 500gb model. £30 less and pays for itself if you can get the Destiny 2 deal with now tv etc.
Slim is indeed slimmer and quieter.
3 Oct 17 #1182
I created a system backup and then restored that. Game saves were all there before the games re-downloaded I believe.
3 Oct 17 #1183
i need to get the Glacier White PS4 Pro Destiny 2 is that possible ? or this is only thw fifa 18 bundle ? should i need to format my old ps4 ?
4 Oct 17 #1184
I've already traded in for a pro model. Have 4k so wanted to get the best out of PS4. Sold FIFA and destiny plus all the dlc's for both so will work out about £100 for the pro upgrade after I've sold my old 1tb sshd.

That being said, the 2tb sshd for the pro cost me £83!
4 Oct 17 #1185
Does anyone know if this offer applies to Northern Ireland stores? I tried contacting them but got no response.
4 Oct 17 #1186
Does anyone know how long they'll reserve one of you do it through the website, I could do with reserving one till payday in a few days. Cheers.
4 Oct 17 #1187
How do I know if my PS4 is the original version? Is there anything printed on the sticker? Model number prefix
4 Oct 17 #1188
It's just the first model 500gb phat
4 Oct 17 #1189
2 days.
4 Oct 17 #1190
Yes.. swapped my day one PS4 in abbey centre store last night. Took destiny for extra £20 then traded it straight back to them for £27 cash.
4 Oct 17 #1191
I traded in an original PS4 500gb. The only 2 bundles they would offer for £199 was the Fifa and destiny ones. The destiny one includes the season pass as well as the standard game
4 Oct 17 #1192
How’s that then ? You either get Fifa, or destiny 2 plus the expansion pass. Ones worth £40 the others worth £65 !
4 Oct 17 #1193
Yes you can, I got the destiny 2 bundle yesterday :smile:
4 Oct 17 #1194
Because Destiny is crap. Plus most of us were able to purchase Destiny 2 for £20 (when buying the Fifa bundle) and then sell it for a profit.
4 Oct 17 #1195
Which of the games is crap is a matter of opinion ! As for the deal itself, my point stands.
4 Oct 17 #1196
If you say so....
4 Oct 17 #1197
"2 days" if you reserved it today they will hold it until the end of business tomorrow.
4 Oct 17 #1198
done this glasgow fort easily done no problems
4 Oct 17 #1199
Went down with my bro's Ps4 1tb for the pro & my 500gb for the 1tb.

1. They checked the look of the ps4 & controller for scratches etc.
2. They told me to come back in 30-45mins while they check the ps4 to see if it works etc. NOTE: PS4 should be wiped of all data.
3. They said they take Grade C & above (whatever that means idk)
4. Must have working ps4, working pad without any damage to rubber grips, working hdmi, charge cable & plug.
5A. I'd advise making an account with them online first because doing it in the shop is a p-take.
5B. Also, look up what an elite account is before you go in or you'll have to listen to them go on how much cashback/reward you'll get before they tell you the catch at the end. Wasted our time because we assumed it was for the free reward account we had, but it wasnt.

Trade In:
The 1tb was relatively new (Grade B) compared to my ebay bought 500gb.
Simple procedure: Traded, asked if we want elite or insurance, paid for, done.

The 500gb was an issue. It was scratched up pretty badly but they said it's fine because it's a Grade C.
However, because the rubber was worn off on the pad, they refused to give me the offer. Said I could take it, but they'd keep the new controller.
Obviously I refused.

May take in another pad, or simply replace the thumb grips for like £2 & try again.
4 Oct 17 #1200
Both Cambridge Games wouldn’t accept a 1st gen complete with box and cables still bagged. They complained of faulty controller... but it nearly new as my son uses his crystal controller. Took too long to load FIFA! They told my son they had turned away loads of people.

Son took it to CEX next door... they tested and it is passed and he got £113. Went next door to Game and bought FIFA18 Console for £199.99... so it cost him £86.99 rather than £79.99
4 Oct 17 #1201
Sweet, cheers. It looks like there's no PS4 1TBs in stock in Derry going by the website, I might have to travel further afield to find one.
4 Oct 17 #1202
Okay another question folks:
The 'PS4 Slim 1TB Fifa 18' bundle is currently not in stock at my nearest store (Londonderry), but the PS4 Slim 1TB console is.
Does it matter if it's the bundle, or will they be happy to give you the PS4 S 1TB and Fifa packaged separately?
4 Oct 17 #1203
Anyone been to the game in white city? How were they?
4 Oct 17 #1204
Definitely go for it. The extra space will come in handy sooner or later. The quieter system is worth the upgrade alone!
4 Oct 17 #1205
Took my boxed day one PS4 into a busy Newcastle store last night (student discount night). Had reserved a 1tb and was told to come back in 30 mins. Got back and still hadn't been tested so we just said we'd wait while he tested it, he loaded up FIFA 17 had a quick check and handed over 1tb pack. with a couple of trade ins cost £53, I'll give FIFA a go before deciding to keep or trade in (I've already got PES 2018)
More than happy with either £53 or potentially £17 for the upgrade for a near 4 year old machine and controller
4 Oct 17 #1206
4 Oct 17 #1207
just went to glasgow braehead with my launch console. Guy done the testing there and then, took 20min. I noticed whilst he was testing my PS4 displayed "corrupt data" onscreen for some reason at the game launch screen (even tho i initialized it before taking it in). anyway, he seemed to ignore it as a test game launched fine. all in all im very happy :smile:
4 Oct 17 #1208
Yes, I went on Monday night at about 7.30pm and they turned me away because they had too many to test. They close at 10pm so I thought it would be fine but they weren't very helpful.
4 Oct 17 #1209
@akash402 did you find out if this is possible?
4 Oct 17 #1210
Been to Bradford (Broadway) this morning to trade in my original 500GB for a Pro. Only took about 15 minutes to test. Like a lot of people my old one sounded like a hairdryer but had no issues on testing. They wouldn't take my original controller (frustrating, but there is rubber coming off the thumb stick) so I suggested they keep the new controller which was fine. Tried to get Destiny for £20 but when scanned it was full price. Overall happy, will be selling FIFA for £45 to a colleague so good deal IMO. Looking forward to trying Horizon etc on the Pro! Cheers OP.
4 Oct 17 #1211
anyone got a copy of fifa they don't want? following this deal, message me for sale :smile:
4 Oct 17 #1212
Is this only for the Black Fifa bundle? Or can you get the 1tb slim in white? not really fussed with Fifa as will probably just sell on.
4 Oct 17 #1213
Just wanted to add my experience of the trade in
Harrogate were spot on and very accommodating.
I had initially asked if they had stock before I went home and got the console, they said they did and advised the process will be significantly quicker if I leave myself logged into PSN (otherwise they need to log in with a mock account and install a demo game to test)
Came back, was told leave it with them for 15 minutes.
No quablles at all, upgraded to the pro
I asked out of interst what they graded my console (not that it matters under the deal) they said B, only ever get A if its brand new which surprised me considering it was blowing hot and noisy
I'm happy, game will have a sale and I'm sure sony will be happy about the sudden uplift in sales numbers!
4 Oct 17 #1214
picked up a pro 1Tb as all that was left. testing didnt take long. looking to sell fifa on. what's going to be easier ebay or cex, also got a 14 day psn trial as well.
4 Oct 17 #1215
Just for reference people trying to also get the destiny 2 deal for 20 pound . You need to tell them it's a now tv deal code they use. Nearly didn't get mine as they scanned it and it came up full price. But then I mentioned it was a now tv deal they found the code and I got it for 20 pound
4 Oct 17 #1216
Anybody replaced the tamper proof warranty seals with new ones off ebay and traded their console in?
4 Oct 17 #1217
According to a few posts on he thread, yeah.
4 Oct 17 #1218
im sure this is store specific but i opened my ps4 to clean it a few months back so my warranty sticker was missing. i went in store this morning and they never even checked it (or werent bothered). he did have a good look at the condition of the console tho. i thought i would have to buy the ebay sticker replacements to trade it in but guess i got lucky.
4 Oct 17 #1219
I bought them from eBay I stuck them on! No problems they cost like £6 for a full set but be careful you only get 1 chance to stick them right. Mine was slightly bent but it was okay
4 Oct 17 #1220
Took the old PS4 to Game and said we want the 1TB with fifa. They said they have the 1tb in stock. Happy days! They said they need to test the old one and that they’d call in 40 mins. Went back to the branch 1 hour later (after not receiving a call) and were told they’d sold out of the 1tbs... huge frustration since they told us they had them in stock when we arrived at the branch. But they said reserve one when they’re in stock and come back before the 9th... so reserved one and went back only to be told they won’t accept the old one because warranty stickers were peeling. Showed them the paper from 2 days previous which said they’d accepted the old PS4 but they weren’t having any of it. Hugely disappointed with the incompetence of the staff at Game. Let us down on day 1 and let us down again the next time we went to them.

Hot deal but I guess we got unlucky.
4 Oct 17 #1221
Replacement warranty stickers on eBay for few pounds. Worth it (and worth taking it to a different game store perhaps)?
4 Oct 17 #1222
I couldn't recommend Game in Wood Green more highly. I was given my brand new Slim 1TB PS4 with FIFA yesterday in exchange for a very scratched up PS4, a controller missing its sticker on the back and with fairly extensive wear to the rubber as well as unoriginal HDMI and USB charger cables.

If anyone in North London is looking to exchange and the Wood Green store still have any bundles in stock, I'd get down there.
4 Oct 17 #1223
What happens to the games you have got from ps plus when you get a new console? How would I install a psn plus game that is no longer available (e.g a game from July)
4 Oct 17 #1224
i backed mine upto a external hard drive. no idea if it has worked. will find out tonight when a boot the new ps4 up and transfer everything back.
4 Oct 17 #1225
Why would it be no longer available? If you've signed into your PSN account you can re-download at any time.
4 Oct 17 #1226
What store was this? Name and shame them.
4 Oct 17 #1227
if you purchased/downloaded any game from psn it will be in your library and you can download it all back at anytime.
4 Oct 17 #1228
nope phone lines always busy and my local game is 20 min odd drive
4 Oct 17 #1229
Finally got mine yesterday. Game staff in Chelmsford tried really hard to make this trade in as difficult as possible. First time said no more slim consoles in stock and tried to push the pro but I didn't want it. Came back an hour later to ask if they could order slim and they said they got some in the delivery in the morning... Make sure you bring your ID as well, they check the pad thoroughly. First time refusing it but came back second day as I didn't have my ID on me first time and they accepted the pad this time...they check the seal sticker on the back. Had to wait an hour. Came back and still didnt start to test it. Testing itself didn't take too long (15 minutes). All fine. Finally got it after 3 visits over the 2 days. It was worth it though. Good deal
4 Oct 17 #1230
If I currently have a usb external hdd formatted by ps4 for extended storage, can I use that same drive for backing up the ps4 internal drive without needing to reformat it (accepting only if has sufficient free space) i.e. is ps4 storage format same format as for back ups ?
4 Oct 17 #1231
Guys, can I trade in an OG PS4 with an internal 2TB hardrive in to get the Pro for less than £150 or does it only to be 500GB & 1TB?

4 Oct 17 #1232
Went to the White city store. Staff were great, guy took my ps4, just checked through himself, had unofficial hdmi and usb cable (although my cable was a slightly more expensive threaded one lol) made me sign some stuff and said would take 30-45 mins to check. Although it took a bit longer than expected about an hour. Didn't know about the destiny offer, so had to mention it to him about the now TV, he checked was surprised, traded in an old game too. Overall pretty straightforward. Also, this may be store specific, and I did confirm with customer services. If you've got your ps4 upgraded to 1TB, it shouldnt really matter, better yet if it'd the same make as stock. Sadly my 1tb needed updating and didn't have time so swapped back to 500gb now got a 1tb that's doing nothing.

TL;DR - white city store, great stuff, took me an hour and a bit, smooth transaction, original power lead, others non original. Good guys.
4 Oct 17 #1233
500gb or 1TB only.
4 Oct 17 #1234
What's this twenty pounds Destiny deal?
I traded my console for the new one yesterday but wasn't aware of this Destiny deal at the time.
Is it too late? What do I need to do?
4 Oct 17 #1235
Scarborough Game were great. Left my launch PS4 with them for 20 minutes. When I returned they had the Slim/fifa pack ready to go, £79.99. I'd even changed the analogue sticks on my controller to cheap plastic ones site to rubber deterioration - they either didn't know or didn't care. Sold the copy of FIFA on eBay buy-it-now for £49.99. New updated warranty and ps4 with double the memory for £30. Cheers easy
4 Oct 17 #1236
Birmingham Bull Ring Store. You’d think the main one in Birmingham city centre would be half decent but it was ridiculous and I’m not an overly fussy customer.
4 Oct 17 #1237
Not a bad shout. Especially since the warranty stickers on it have never been tampered with and the guy today just felt like being awkward when his colleagues earlier in the week had no issue with it
5 Oct 17 #1238
Hope you have better luck with another store dude. Let us know how it goes!
5 Oct 17 #1239
Has anyone got a direct link to the 1TB PS4 Slim deal? I saw it on the site yesterday but can't seem to find it this morning. I want to make sure I can reserve one before heading to my local. Thanks!
5 Oct 17 #1240
5 Oct 17 #1241
This is the original bundle that's part of the deal, it doesn't show when searching for it through the filters:…445

The one posted above seems to be store specific, some people have got it, whilst others have not. Good Luck :smile:
5 Oct 17 #1242
Look at my post I made. Search for "PS4 Very Game"
It beats this offer, could even bag yourself a ps4 pro cheaper than the game offer.
5 Oct 17 #1243
Just got the deal for 1tb Fifa 18 :sunglasses: also got Destiny 2 for £20 and took it straight to cex and got £31 cash for it so for £68.99 new console with double memory ,new guarantee, Fifa 18 and new controller , 2 months entertainment pass for Now tv and last but not least half price Papa Johns pizza- remember greed is good :grin:
Thanks op great deal :thumbsup:
The chap in Portsmouth Game was very helpful and professional and knew all about this offer .
5 Oct 17 #1244
5 Oct 17 #1245
I saw that deal it was very good.

Unfortunately I’m not a new customer to Very so I won’t be able to benefit.

Thanks anyway
5 Oct 17 #1246
After being rejected by Wrexham store (my pristine PS4 apparently didn't suck discs in fast enough), Game in Cheshire Oaks accepted it (although took them a few hours) and I went for the Pro.

I find it a bit deceptive though that the new PS4's are invariably advertised with a stand, yet they don't come with one :disappointed:
5 Oct 17 #1247
Just rang Game Cribbs Causeway. Asked if they had stock of ps4 slim 1tb. Girl said 'you mean the pro 1tb'. I said no, the slim, 1tb version. She patronisingly replied 'the pro only comes in 1tb!' She completely talked over me and focused on a product I hadn't asked about. How blinking rude!
5 Oct 17 #1248
Just phoned my local but they no longer have the 1TB Slim in stock. Said they have lots of 500GB slim and happy to take £50 for it. Worth doing?
5 Oct 17 #1249
Would it be possible to get the deal now? I went for the pro version on the 29th September and wasn't fully aware of the Destiny 2 deal... was thinking of going into the store and asking them to add it on with my receipt. Any feedback would be appreciated :smile:
5 Oct 17 #1250
Just traded in my launch day console for the PS4 slim 1tb in Game Worcester. My console had a few scratches on the shiny part and controller was a little worn, but no problems trading it in, took 10mins to check. They have 3 more 1tb slims left if it helps anyone. Gutted though I didn't know about the Destiny 2 for £20 deal. Now to sell Fifa 18 and get the much better Pro Evo
5 Oct 17 #1251
Just done this in Lion Yard Cambridge.

I mentioned the destiny 2 deal and they thought it didn't exist. asked them to scan it and do the now tv code and it worked. They were both very surprised. Got plenty in stock I think too
5 Oct 17 #1252
Got the 1tb PS4 today. Game mk where very helpful. Could get destiny though. Still a good deal.Thanks op
5 Oct 17 #1253
Just traded my old white PS4 in for the Pro with Destiny. The guy in the Guildford branch was friendly and helpful. Just mentioned the Destiny 2 add on using the NOW TV code and everything went through fine. Went straight to CEX to trade in Destiny 2 for £31. Overall a great price for the PS4 Pro!
5 Oct 17 #1254
Took mine to the Trafford Centre and the console was rejected due to it not accepting discs some
of the time on test, I can honestly say it has never had a problem. I don’t play it often as I got an xbox instead, but saw this offer and thought why not, tested it when I got home, didn’t reject the disc once, not even a stutter. So I’m quite dubious. As I say, I don’t play it often anyway so wasn’t overly bothered, but I won’t be taking anything to Game after this experience.

Just to add, the controller was quite worn, so they advised they would swap that out and take the new one back, which I expected from reading here and was quite happy with.

A good deal for those that want it, but I suppose I’m £79.99 and a PlayStation plus subscription up
5 Oct 17 #1255
Traded my c chassis 500gb ps4, for a ps4 pro FIFA 18, took about an hour for them to test and do paperwork but no problems, game at merry hill West Midlands.
5 Oct 17 #1256
Anybody have any joy with this deal Derry store (Richmond Centre) ??
5 Oct 17 #1257
Worth a try but doubt they will do it now has to be done in the original transaction
5 Oct 17 #1258
I would change, new pad, new console, 1 Year warranty, cost you only £3, purchase destiny, then sell fifa and destiny for £67.
5 Oct 17 #1259
Got me a Pro today, thanks OP (now to sell FIFA!) :sunglasses:
5 Oct 17 #1260
Damn! I wish I didn't jump the bandwagon on the first day. Oh well, it's not like I'll get time to play Destiny 2 anytime soon with the backlog I have.
5 Oct 17 #1261
does anybody know if they test the console online??? my old launch ps4 is blocked online thanks to my son and certain gta microtransactions :disappointed:
5 Oct 17 #1262
What is this Destiny deal about for an extra £20?
5 Oct 17 #1263
when my console was tested it was simply to make sure that it connected via wifi. they didnt actually do anything online so to speak. if you do a full initialise it will wipe your ps4 anyway. try it worth a shot
5 Oct 17 #1264
yes, they will check if it connects to the internet (not play games) so if you have a banned ps4, you will most likely be out of luck.
5 Oct 17 #1265
How much did you pay for the PRO? £200?
5 Oct 17 #1266
Worth a try
5 Oct 17 #1267
Mate, please tell me the steps on wiping out my ps4 data.. Do you deactivate first then initialise? what about my games & apps? would they automatically be saved on the cloud? I'm about to initialise my ps4 tonight, making my trip to game tomorrow. I'm also about to take out my 2TB internal hard drive & swap it for a 500GB in time for tomorrow.

6 Oct 17 #1268
You can get Destiny for £20 when bought with the PS4 bundle. Some stores will say you can't, that it's only 10% off, but it's actually a now TV bundle where you get it for £20 so you may have to point this out and be fairly firm about it.
6 Oct 17 #1269
£199.99 , if you trade FIFA 18 in at cex then you will get £36 for that so £163.99 overall.
6 Oct 17 #1270
Can i trade in a ps3 to game and get the ps4 and then sell the ps4 to cex or game for a profit farfetched but i have a ps3 i wanna get rid of without a controller so im thinking if theres anyway to make some profit
6 Oct 17 #1271
The PS3 trade in offer is included in the original post, it's £124.99 + the trade of any Super Slim or Slim PS3 for a 500GB PS4 Slim + Fifa 18, but you must have a controller, HDMI & charger cable for the PS3 also.
6 Oct 17 #1272
Decided personally that this isnt really worth it. Aside from the effort and possibly farce of trading at game itself, selling fifa and destiny on. Best scenario upgrading to a 1tb slim for £30..but still , i think its a bit of a waste of £30.

But only because my launch ps4 is in pretty good nick (not a huge gamer, maybe an hour or 2 a day).

The upgrade to 1tb would be nice, but i am quite happy to uninstall the less played games at a time to free up space if required.
The slimline does LOOK better, but again the console is just shoved in a tv unit, so don;t see it anyway.

If it was on its last legs though, i would totally do this.
6 Oct 17 #1273
Probably too late, but here you go any way.

Make sure your saves are updated via the PS cloud if you have the PS Subscription. Otherwise back them up to a USB device.
Sync Trophies.
Deactivate Primary device.
If you are taking out the drive any way, then just stick the 500GB in the unit and then re-install the Sony PS4 - follow the steps here (bottom of the page, How to reinstall a PS4) -…re/

You will need to re-install your games when you get your new console, then download your saves from the cloud / USB afterwards.

Yes you can take a complete backup, but then that would take hours and you would need another external drive that's big enough.
6 Oct 17 #1274
I think it is. Swapping a launch day ps4 for the 500gb slim with destiny. Selling the games along with the fifa icon pack I was £3 up overall. Wasn't that much hassle, made a profit and got a new more energy efficient console and controller under warranty out of it.
6 Oct 17 #1275
Traded in mine yesterday along with an old iPad for a pro and its a nice improvement. Tried a few games last night an frame rates were much smoother and graphics looked much sharper - not to mention the how much quieter it now is :smile: I know this deal isn't for everyone but I'd been thinking about upgrading for a while so perfect timing for me :sunglasses:
6 Oct 17 #1276
Anyone know what kind of a deal I’d get trading in the original PS4 500gb and a Xbox One 1tb Forza edition against the Pro
6 Oct 17 #1277
Really pleased with how this deal turned out for me and surprised at how helpful they were in the shop.
Managed to trade in my original PS4 for a slim 500GB but they gave me the ronaldo edition one and also got Destiny 2 for £20 so £70 in total for the upgrade and games.
6 Oct 17 #1278
how did you do this?

I assume you basically paid £100 for the switch, fifa and destiny?

At best you could sell fifa and destiny for £80 if you're lucky.

So is the fifa icon pack really worth ~ £23?
6 Oct 17 #1279
I only got the 500gb slim as I only buy a few games so was £70 for the trade with destiny.

Sold fifa and destiny for £67 then the icon pack for £6 - £73
6 Oct 17 #1280
oh cool, yeah defo worth it then! didnt realize they traded to 500gb version for cheaper.
6 Oct 17 #1281
Just swapped my launch day PS4 for the Pro \o/
Rang the store first and they said they had stock. Had to go into town anyway, so popped in.
Asked me to leave it with them for an hour as someone else was trying to do the same.
Went back an hour later and all ok, had to swap the controller though, but thought this may be the case.
Really tried to push the Elite membership though, even though I kept saying no.
The other guy wanted to trade in against the destiny 2 bundle, but they told him that it was Fifa only.
Fairly pleasant transaction as it stands and now re-installing everything before the savage comes home from school.
6 Oct 17 #1282
Your wife's a teacher too?
6 Oct 17 #1283
I flew over to London for a day for a gig, and chanced my hand at trading in my original ps4.
Went to Wood Green based on the advice of someone on here (cheers BTW!), and got it sorted. PS4 1tb slim, FIFA 18, destiny 2 & 2 months nowTV for £100, sweet.
It took them about 30mins to test it all. Kept my old controller as it had some cosmetic damage, as well as my USB as the system said it needed official Sony USB.
Wood Green still had stock of the 1tbs when I left.
6 Oct 17 #1284
Just traded in my two year old PS4 for a Pro. Plus picked up Destiny 2 for £20. Used some store credit to soften the blow. Great deal all round. Heat added.
6 Oct 17 #1285
Glad you got sorted. Bit further away than abbey centre though lol
6 Oct 17 #1286
My expirence with White City Westfield. Before i went to game my ps4 was working absoultly fine disc was ejecting no screws misssing from my ps4 controller. After they tested my ps4 they told me my ps4 would not eject ps4 games so i tested and for some reason i have now a disc eject button is not responding properly plus my controller is missing 1 screw from the controller. They have completely tampered with my ps4. Worst expirence i have ever had. So be carful allowing game to test your console, tell them you want to do it infront of you as you mite end up with a screw missing from your pad and an eject button that isnt reponding properly. Apparently the dude that tested my ps4 was Julian. I will be contacting custormer service for a complaint for tampering with my ps4 . Absoulte shambles
6 Oct 17 #1287
Take photos on your phone of the console and controller, including serial numbers, before taking it to Game. That way, if they tamper with it or if they test it and refuse it you can make sure you get the right one back and have evidence of the condition.
6 Oct 17 #1288
That's exactly what I did when I took mine in, but my store in ilford were very good. .
6 Oct 17 #1289
did they test the console behind the desk. i saw mine being tested. it was very basic no tampering involved. sorry to hear they've ruined your console.
6 Oct 17 #1290
I just had a very similar experience at the game in Ealing. I left my PS4 with them at lunch time and went back after work. They said they couldn't complete the test because the R2 button on my controller didn't work. Before I went to game I took my controller apart to change the thumb sticks because the rubber was ripped. When they told me R2 was broken I assumed I didn't put it together correctly again. I very stupidly didn't look at the controller in store.

I've got home now and had a look at the controller. It is 100% a different one. I took it apart so know that the serial number was half worn and the sticker over the top had come off. The one I have now has a complete serial number and a pealing sticker.
6 Oct 17 #1291
They asked me to come back in 2 hours while they tested my ps4, the guy even said my original ps4 controller was the best condition they had seen. I have never had any problems ejecting disc or entering them in the 4 years i have owned this console. Before i went i was well confident they would accept this console as its prestine condition no problems at all but they done something to mess my eject button maybe they kept ejecting and inserting discs which has caused this problem. I get the console home i plug everything in, my ps4 wouldnt even accept the disc so i looked online and apparently if you hold the eject button for to long the console wont accept disc so i did that and now its back to fully accepting discs again. Very poor service from julian terrible tester and should be fired for tampering with my controller. I now have full proof the console ejects and accepts discs justr fine tried about 100 time with no fault so the guy had no idea what he was doing. Surly i cant be the only one who had this problem anyone else?
6 Oct 17 #1292
So who is responsible if they break someone's fully working ps4 while testing and then tell you it was already like that?
6 Oct 17 #1293
I think your best bet is just take it to another store.
6 Oct 17 #1294
You'll probably have to trade in that same PRO when the PS5 comes out in 2019..
6 Oct 17 #1295
Cheers for the heads up, chose that store to get it sorted, was a doddle.
6 Oct 17 #1296
Sony aren't exactly keen on backwards-compatibility.
6 Oct 17 #1297
Game Bluewater this evening were excellent....

After an absolute nightmare 2 hour journey to get there and just 20 minutes before the store was due to close I picked up the Pro I reserved earlier in the day. Absolutely no issues with my Fat PS4 and it was tested in less than 10 minutes.

Picked up Destiny 2 as well..... it's a download only though? and one month (I thought someone mention 3 months) of Now TV
6 Oct 17 #1298
Yeah same with me...

Visual check of rear ports
Connect gamepad (by USB)
Run a game (Fifa 17 I think was used)
Check gamepad buttons

All done in about 5 minutes.
6 Oct 17 #1299
Seriously?... so you'd let some unsuspecting kid (for example) buy it second hand and be inconvenienced or completely lose out?
6 Oct 17 #1300
It's amazing how service from one store to another can be so different. I'm tempted to trek across London to Wood Green!

Does anyone know an email address I can send a complaint about the Ealing branch to?
7 Oct 17 #1301
I got a 2 month nowtv pass & a physical copy of Destiny 2. Curious. Maybe they realised people were selling them on to CEX?
7 Oct 17 #1302
dont be silly, the console would be returned to game if there are any problems!
7 Oct 17 #1303
I was going to that store tomorrow, think i'll go elsewhere
7 Oct 17 #1304
I don't have warranty stickers is it even worth me trying
7 Oct 17 #1305
That's some great insider knowledge right there. Well until then, I've got a new console, twice as much storage and 4K gaming for £100. I'll manage.
7 Oct 17 #1306
What?! You know there are problems with it which you don't want tested, so don't try the 'if there are any problems' nonsense. Are you seriously suggesting that having to go back to the store and try to get a refund, perhaps months or even later down the line, is not in any way to "be inconvenienced or completely lose out" ?
7 Oct 17 #1307
Destiny 2 as part of the offer is the physical disk version
7 Oct 17 #1308
Tried both stores in Sheffield and both didn't have stock. :angry:
7 Oct 17 #1309
Yeah I don't know why people have to make that kind of comment, who cares when the PS5 is out! If some of us want to upgrade to a Pro whilst an offer is available 2-3yrs ahead of the next console release, then so be it.
7 Oct 17 #1310
That's like saying don't bother buying a 4k TV cause in 3 years a better technology will be out
7 Oct 17 #1311
They swapped my 500gb for the new slim 1tb. And fifa 18. 79 buff
7 Oct 17 #1312
Just finally done this for a Pro upgrade. As mentioned by others, my controller thumbpads were damaged however I had a sensible member of staff who just kept the new pad and gave me mine back with the Pro. Thanks op :thumbsup:
7 Oct 17 #1313
Traded my phat PS4 for a 1tb Pro today in Bexleyheath because they ran out of the 1TB slim one. More than what I wanted to spend much it's worth it I guess.

The guy said my controller was acting weird when it was plugged in and he wanted to replace the controller from the new Pro PS4 I bought. Luckily it started to get busy in the store and there was a queue forming so he forgot and I quickly walked out the store keeping my new controller :grin:
7 Oct 17 #1314
Cracking deal..... I only paid £59 quid as I traded in a old 1tb console... I'll probably sell fifa for £40. So I've effectively paid £19 for a new console and new warranty... Happy days
7 Oct 17 #1315
Traded my 500GB OG in for the 1tb slim. With destiny for £20 and now TV , and Papa John's voucher. Thanks OP! Sold destiny and FIFA , and the DLC code that comes with Destiny is worth like £5 on eBay ! . So cost like £28 all together !
7 Oct 17 #1316
How did you manage this? My local game said that it had to be a 500gb - I was trying to trade in my 1tb c-chassis for the 1tb slim ps4 with fifa. I wouldn’t even have minded if they even honoured the deal at the same price as the 500gb trade in offer.
7 Oct 17 #1317
Sorry this has probably been answered but cant be bothered to trek through 33 pages....

Is FIFA physical or a code?

Thanks in advance.
7 Oct 17 #1318
Right I’ve packed my mint console, reinstalled my original 500gb hard drive, controller as new except rear barcode sticker worn, but thumb sticks as new due to protectors fitted at new, hdmi and power cables and one usb charge cable, an original box and an ear piece cable I never used.

Off to Game to see they will uphold their end of the deal.

Pictures and video of it working and serial numbers in case they try to swap it.
7 Oct 17 #1319
Got the 1tb Slim this afternoon from the Hinckley store. They had been showing as out of stock all week so was expecting to have to venture further afield but showed as in stock today do I reserved one.

Traded my 2.5 year old og 500gb PS4 in, controller had small rip to left thumb stick but they said that was fine. 40 minutes to test. They wouldn't even entertain the Destiny 2 deal quoting that deals couldn't be combined and I didn't want to push it since they had taken my slightly damaged controller.

Walked straight next door into CEX to swap FIFA for £37 hard cash.

Happy with £43 to get rid of the jet engine noise of my old PS4, new controller, new warranty etc, although I don't think the Slim is as good aesthetically as the original. Thanks to all who have posted info.
7 Oct 17 #1320
7 Oct 17 #1321
Great experience in York today. Everyone was lovely, tried to convince me to go Pro but I don't have a 4k TV and I believe the ps5 will be it by 2019, at which point I think 4k tellies with low lag HDR might actually be affordable.

Got the 1tb slim, FIFA 18, destiny 2 & now movies pass for £99.99
The staff member hadn't heard of the destiny deal so she was impressed at the cost of the haul in the end.
Cex buy both for £68.

I had gone into my ps4 to clean the dust out and renew thermal paste to the processor. I also had SUPER worn thumbsticks.
£6 for new warranty stickers, £3 for 2 new thumbsticks, and a bit of furniture polish (taking care of my London Launch Event ps4 helped too)

Saved PT to a hard drive. Gonna reinstall it on setup.
I'm very happy with this deal.

7 Oct 17 #1322
Thank you.
7 Oct 17 #1323
Got this deal today. Took just over an hour for them to check my playstation and controller worked.

Just make sure you deactivate your profiles before giving it to them so it's easy to transfer them over ot your new playstation!

My playstation was bought when they first came out so this is a cracking deal. Thanks Op! (Voted Hot Obvs)
7 Oct 17 #1324
Traded my release day PS4 at Woking store today for 1tb slim. Weighed up going for the Pro but concluded if going to spend that much would likely get more value from putting it towards a xbox1s or switch (i.e. managed to talk myself out of it).

They wouldnt entertain the destiny add on. Said thats a separate deal and 79.99 trade only applies to fifa bundle on its own. Oh well, at least they tested my console in 10 mins with me and didnt pull any controller swap or eject speed stunts and were friendly thoughout.

Went straight next door to cex and traded fifa for £37, so £43 for new 4 year younger quieter console, dualshock and double storage which happy with.
7 Oct 17 #1325
After 30 mins in Costa, I returned to a new Pro and they were kind enough to let me off the usb cable and let me keep the ear piece but hopefully they can sell my old one as it has the original poster and box.

They were surprised how quiet it was - cooler was a good investment but now I have to buy a new cooler lol.

Very happy with the service.

Thanks O.P! :rage:‌ :sweat_smile:
7 Oct 17 #1326
Traded my 4 year old 1TB ps4 for a new pro at Reading today.

I was worried that I had a non original charging and hdmi cable, and that the thumb rubber grip had split. But it didn't seem to matter and made the required grade B categorisation.

Seemed to make it easier because it was boxed. The pro was 180 and with 30 from trading in Fifa, I was very happy with the 150 I paid for the new console.

Thanks Op - great deal.
7 Oct 17 #1327
Did this today. First store didn't want my worn left thumb stick and discs were not being pulled in properly. Took it home, cleaned it a bit and put a disc in and out a few times. Second store took it (didn't try the worn controller again). May miss the optical out, new amp time?

Now voucher was a bonus.
7 Oct 17 #1328
Tried to trade a ps4 today but no barcode on remote it’s 3 years old must have rubbed of they won’t take it
7 Oct 17 #1329
There are ways around the missing optical connection. Just Google it for options.
7 Oct 17 #1330
Traded launch day PS4 console in today at St Helens store. No problems at all, the guys where really helpful. Left it with them for an hour for testing. Walked away with a 1tb slim and got the £20 Destiny 2 offer also. Sold Fifa for £40 too.
7 Oct 17 #1331
Meadowhall had pro and 500gb in stock.

I took in a launch 500gb and a 1tb that I got on the Amazon deal from last year(or was it the year before!) along with a dusty 120gb ps3 slim that hadnt been switched on for 3 years, half a dozen old ps4 games and about the same ps3 games. Took the elite membership (i know :angry: ) to benefit from increased trade in value and walked away with a pro, a 500gb slim, 2x now tv codes etc for £125 and a few pennies. Ill trade in the one of the fifas and add to the £15 credit I earnt. Means I'm in for about £80. I'd have bought fifa anyway so for a £35 increased spend I've got 2 spanking new consoles.

Happy days
7 Oct 17 #1332
Just for info, Facebook marketplace is a great place to shift your copy of FIFA18 if you don't want it. Sold mine for £40 within 24 hours.

Don't all do it though, or you'll flood the market! :wink:
7 Oct 17 #1333
I was mistaken.... it is a physical copy of Destiny 2, I misunderstood when the assistant said it's "Online only" that there is now solo/campaign mode.

We've been playing on it today but only on our main 1080P Sony TV (tomorrow I'll try it on the small 4K TV I have in the bedroom). But at 1080P the graphics look really nice, much different to the PS4?.... probably not, or perhaps it's very subjective but I definitely felt that the colours were more vibrant and detail was sharper. Very happy with the deal though.
7 Oct 17 #1334
Yep it is... I was mistaken.
8 Oct 17 #1335
4K? lol You mean Checkerboard 4K? with unstable fps?.. Have fun :thumbsup: .

PS. You could get a 2.5TB internal hard drive for £60 and really have twice the storage :smile:
8 Oct 17 #1336
Yeah.. Smart business move in Sonys part.. Making Zombies double dip on the same console by throwing buzz words like "4K" & "Powerful" without telling the whole strory.. fair play to Sony.
8 Oct 17 #1337
Unstable FPS??? Have you been reading the Sun newspaper or something?
8 Oct 17 #1338
We get you can't afford the Pro, now move along please.
8 Oct 17 #1339
For anyone tempted in Coventry, richo arena was asking for boxes or a grade no scratches but town took unboxed, also offered extras destiny 2 for 20, controller for 30 and 3 months psn for 10
8 Oct 17 #1340
Brought my old original PS4 and few free games yesterday to GAME in milton keynes. Controller was worn and scratches on the glossy part of the PS4 too. 1 hour later got the 1TB slim with fifa 18 for £55. Gotta love the deal! Cheers for posting
8 Oct 17 #1341
I managed to grab a console and sell FIFA. I've got the Ultimate Team Rate Players Pack and 3 ICON Loan Players Vouchers still. Was going to put it on For Sale/For Trade but cannot find that section anymore? Can anyone guide me or want to purchase it?
8 Oct 17 #1342
I'm on the fence about upgrading an original PS4 500Gb to the Pro.

Is it really worth it? Has anyone who has made the switch got an opinion on this?

There are some obvious improvements such as the double hard drive but ill be honest I play 1 or 2 games at a time so its not important to me. I have a 4k tv but its not HDR.
8 Oct 17 #1343
I was the same last week! I have a 4k with HDR, but even with HDR turned off the benefits are appreciable in the games I've tried. Witcher 3 looks sharp on the Pro, as does Horizon Zero dawn, Uncharted 4. For me, as an occasional player, I appreciate the better rendering when I do play.
8 Oct 17 #1344
Hell I got a Pro and only have a 1080p TV and can see a difference with Battlefield 1 :thumbsup:
At the end of the day if you can afford it and fancy a change, then why not!

Queue the Pro haters :stuck_out_tongue:
8 Oct 17 #1345
Bracknell Game do not accept the gloss finish PS4 because it can have scratches on the piano black cover - apparently they are turning away a lot of customer trade ins for minor issues like this.
8 Oct 17 #1346

Thank you both for taking the time to reply. I decided to go for it and I'm in the process of backing up my saves now ready to make the trek into town.

As well as your comments I decided that with the PS5 not likely until 2019 theres so much gaming to be had til then with the new metro, wolfenstein, last of us 2 and red dead to come out. If you can notice it as an occasional gamer then I'm sure I will as a regular.

P.S If I dont, I will be sending you both the bill... :angry:‌ :wink:
8 Oct 17 #1347
I think Gibson should pay more as he responded first :sweat_smile:
8 Oct 17 #1348
Fantastic deal, I went in yesterday and actually got the deal for 59.99 as my PS4 was a 1tb version. Added destiny 2 for £20 too!
8 Oct 17 #1349
Got this deal done at Romford Game. Had a mate who done his at ilford's Game we both got through pretty quickly. Testing was done in front of us (took max 25-30mins). They do try to upsell you with warranty and other things to buy at the end to increase the sale, but stay strong
8 Oct 17 #1350
Does "until 9th October" mean this expires end of day today?Or tomorrow?
8 Oct 17 #1351
Just done my trade in for the pro. Took about half an hour to test and do the exchange. There are really keen on the controllers. Most of the time he was testing my console he was looking at the controller and kept going back to his manager, who didnt seem bothered. He was saying the label on the back is worn so we might not be able to exchange. I said to him its a three year old console what do you expect? In your terms and conditions it clearly states that the goods must be in working order which they are. Then he went back unplugged my console and went on with the exchange. Ive flogged fifa for 40 quid within minutes on facebook so im pretty happy.heat for you op!
8 Oct 17 #1352
I can't afford a Pro? haha how typical coming from a casual console peasant haha. Have fun with your checkerboard 4K :thumbsup:

Games like he witcher 3 & Fallout 4 looks amazing on the Pro with 20fps :laughing:
8 Oct 17 #1353
I take it you haven't played games like The Witcher 3 & Bloodborne on the Pro then? haha Go on.. i dare ya
8 Oct 17 #1354
8 Oct 17 #1355
I take it you're an Xbox lover judging by all your negative comments?
8 Oct 17 #1356
Xbox lover? haha Wrong again.. PC my friend, never looked back :smile:

Have fun with your Checkerboard 4K & 20fps :thumbsup:
8 Oct 17 #1357
Touch a nerve did I?
8 Oct 17 #1358
Nope, but I must of annoyed you :joy:
8 Oct 17 #1359
Thought so, it had to be one or the other hey. It also explains why you don't have a clue too.
8 Oct 17 #1360
the only problem is it cant connect online.. so yes i will try and trade it in eventually. if GAME fail to test it properly then thats there fault. i dont feel bad at all about gaining from a multi million pound ripoff company. each to their own
8 Oct 17 #1361
It's pretty evident my sympathy would be with the people who end up buying your banned console from GAME, not the "multi million pound ripoff company". The people who actually end up with the inconvenience and problem of your banned console are likely to be on the other end of the income scale, considering they're buying a pre-owned old console rather than a new one. 'Each to their own' isn't a throwaway sentence to excuse scummy behaviour.
8 Oct 17 #1362
i dont consider it anything like that.. my console isnt perfect but il see what game offer me for it. not like im at a boot sale selling it to some poor soul without a word. would you not try and trade a game in if it had a scratch or two on the disc? stop being so judgemental
8 Oct 17 #1363
Traded in my old PS4 today - had to leave it with them for an hour, but, all sorted. Managed to get Destiny for an extra £20, and both games straight to CEX on way home - so new console for £31.99!
8 Oct 17 #1364
I believe these consoles are getting sent back to Sony.
8 Oct 17 #1365
I'm happy to be judgemental against those trying to trade in a banned PS4 hoping Game won't notice. As for the car boot comparison, I guess you're fine with offloading it as long as you don't have to meet the people who buy it unknowingly. And I'm pretty sure 'a scratch or two' is slightly different from "banned online" - unless you're also knowingly trying to trade in non-working games...
8 Oct 17 #1366
It would make no sense for Game to test for this on a traded-in console, yet still accept them as valid trade-ins to then return to Sony.

Unless you mean they get sent back to Sony when a customer reports one as banned - sure, but then they've still got the massive inconvenience of buying and returning a banned console.
8 Oct 17 #1367
Why wouldn't it make any sense? It was a Sony promotion.
8 Oct 17 #1368
It's a Sony promotion for Game to specifically allow banned consoles to be traded in as normal and to be sent back to Sony?!?!
8 Oct 17 #1369
I didn't mention banned consoles, I mentioned they were going back to Sony as someone mentioned some poor person was going to buy a broken PS4.
8 Oct 17 #1370
a) Your comment about them going back to Sony was a reply to my post in which I specifically talked about a banned console in response to paulanscombe's previous posts.

b) I'm pretty sure Game don't trade in broken PS4s for this Sony promotion either!
8 Oct 17 #1371
The overall comments were about trading in broken consoles and them being sold on to potential buyers. My comment was the consoles are getting sent back to Sony, so it wouldn't matter either way about potential buyers buying broken consoles from game as they are going to Sony.

I never said they did trade in broken consoles. The whole point of the comment was someone could get a broken PS4 when they can't as they are going back to Sony.
8 Oct 17 #1372
OK, then there was some confusion over the wording used - I thought by "these consoles" you meant the banned consoles I was talking about, not 'all' consoles traded in under this promotion.

But I'd want to know whether it's actually true that all of them are going back to Sony and not to be resold - without knowing that, the act of knowingly trading in a banned console that someone else may buy unknowingly remains wrong.
8 Oct 17 #1373
The fact that the price of the traded in console always fetched £150 regardless of what grade they were (Yes some people had trouble trading in) means that surely they were all going back to Sony otherwise Game would be stuck with thousands of PS4 consoles of varying quality that they had paid £150 for.
8 Oct 17 #1374
If that's your evidence that they're going back to Sony, it's extremely weak indeed.

The price of the traded in console shows on the receipt as £150 because that's what it's set up on the system as, to make the deal work at the tills. It is a deal probably subsidised by Sony, but there is no way Sony are buying back old PS4 consoles just to dispose of, when they'd much rather Game sell them to attract new PS4 gamers...
8 Oct 17 #1375
That and I was told by a Game worker. But it makes logical sense they are going back or why would game be buying thousands of PS4s for £150 regardless of what grade they are? In other words Sony will use them as refurbished consoles while getting their sales of consoles up running the promotion. It makes so much more sense than thousands of consoles stuck at game waiting to be resold.
8 Oct 17 #1376
Because they're not. As in my last post - it's a deal probably subsidised by Sony - so Game might actually only be paying £75 for each one, which they can then sell for more. That's an arrangement which would benefit both Game and Sony.

It's not as if the only two possible options are Game paying £150 for the old PS4 or Sony paying £150 for the old PS4.
8 Oct 17 #1377
Why do people persist on having arguements in these forums, hot deals is about the deal and nothing else.
8 Oct 17 #1378
Perhaps you'd prefer another anecdote about worn thumbsticks :wink:
8 Oct 17 #1379
WHen I got my Pro the other night I made a point of asking what they would do with all the FAT PS4's. I was told that they would be sold by game as second hand and indeed in the the window they had a Fat PS4 for sale for £184 (if my memory serves me correctly)
9 Oct 17 #1380
Last day of the promotion party people :-
9 Oct 17 #1381
£150 isn't as amazing a deal as it seems. Game offer £120 for an original PS4 in any condition (£130 for a slim), and are offering 10% extra when you trade in against hardware. So the subsidy by Sony (if any) is only £18.

Clever marketing though.
9 Oct 17 #1382
Plus they keep the brand new controller it seems in most cases.
9 Oct 17 #1383
If it ends today, does anybody know if they will be replacing it with a new game in the near future?

I'm unfortunately going to miss out this time around!
9 Oct 17 #1384
tried 2 stores but was rejected due to no waranty stickers
9 Oct 17 #1385
its a no brainer really, new quieter console, twice the memory, new warranty, new controller and FIFA. did mine this morning, only one 1TB set left at Game deepdale
9 Oct 17 #1386
Just tried to trade my 500gb original PS4 at game in Warrington and they refused saying this offer finished yesterday (8th). Anybody managed to trade today 9th?
9 Oct 17 #1387
The post above yours
9 Oct 17 #1388
I've just been in and was told the same. I got them to check their website, both the trade-in page and the t&c page and they've agreed to give me £150 for my existing console. They are testing it now and I'm going back after work to collect it.
9 Oct 17 #1389
It's still on the main page of their website, so I'd certainly be going back & pointing that out. I don't see the point in advertising an expired offer all over your website, I'd expect it to be removed tomorrow.
9 Oct 17 #1390
I was tempted by this offer but prefer the design of the original PS4 (C chassis; all matt finish) with the large pulsing light & position of the USB sockets, the slim has a socket flush to the right side of the console which is a strange design choice. In my opinion the PS4 slim looks like a console made on the cheap but have to agree the extra 500gb storage/new warranty is very tempting, also I read online that the new controller actually works as a true wired controller when plug in so Multiplayer response times will be beneficial compared to the old controller. So I totally understand everyone whom took advantage of the trade but personally I'm happy with the original console. Anyone who missed the offer, Black Friday & Cyber Monday are coming up so you will probably be able to get a similar deal. It will also be interesting to see if the trade in value of the original PS4 500gb dramatically drops after this.
9 Oct 17 #1391
I managed to call the store in Northwich and they said the deal did indeed end today. Called in and traded my 500gb original in for a PS4 Pro and a copy of Destiny 2 for an extra £20. Warrington store should be ashamed of themselves, a girl working there tried to help but the two guys there were a complete waste of time and offered no help whatsoever. Different story altogether in Northwich where the guy couldn't have been more helpful.
9 Oct 17 #1392
I called into Game after work at 16:30, they were in the process of taking the posters down. They were great with me, I have to switch out the controller, as to be fair it had been mauled by a dog (literally). I had a cheap old short charger cable and hdmi cable. They only replaced the controller. So everything else is a brand new swap out. Took 10 mins to boot up and test with one game.

Its not the deal of the century, but by the time I sell FIFA 18 I have upgraded my day one PS4 for a console with twice the memory, smaller, brand new and a fresh 12 months warranty on it for around the price of a tier 1 game. Not bad if you ask me.

I asked the guy if any new better deals were in the pipeline, he said no, as they have recevied more interest in this offer than they anticipated.
9 Oct 17 #1393
Thats a shame, I’ve missed this deal. Have to hope for a Black Friday price drop now
9 Oct 17 #1394
There's a chance there'll be an offer on when the xb1x comes out too.
9 Oct 17 #1395
definitely there will be more deals come black Friday, cyber Monday i hope there is lol I missed out on this deal sadly, but the ps4 might drop in trade value.
9 Oct 17 #1396
Went into White City around 7.30 (closes at 10) - said couldn't do it because they had too many consoles to check and had to run a theft check with 'the met' on all of them which was holding them up.

So await an Amazon deal on Black Friday by the look of it!
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Nerf Battle Racer
3 stars +101

Nerf Battle Racer

£149.98 costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games
4 stars +357

PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
3 stars +143

Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
3 stars +187

Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
3 stars +122

Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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3.5 stars +281


£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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