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 THQ Nordic PlayStation Encore Bundle - From 74p - Humble Bundle (US Accounts)
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26 Sep 17
The Humble THQ Nordic PlayStation Bundle Encore

Limited offer, unlimited fun. The THQ Nordic PlayStation Bundle is back! But quantities are limited, so grab a bundle of PS3 and PS4 games before each tier sells out. You can get Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition, Red Faction, Destroy All Humans! 2, and more!

Pay what you want. Normally, the total cost for these games is as much as $334. Here at Humble Bundle, though, you choose the price!

Redeem on PlayStation. These games are available on either PlayStation 3 or 4, and for Legend of Kay Anniversary, you get both! Please check out the full system requirements here prior to purchasing.

Support charity. Choose where the money goes – between the developers, Hand in Hand International, and, if you'd like, a second charity of your choice via the Paypal Giving Fund. If you like the bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too!

Pay $1 (about £0.74) or more!

  • The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
  • Red Faction
  • Super Dungeon Bros
  • Deponia
  • ArcaniA: The Complete Tale

Pay $8 (about £5.93) or more!

  • The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
  • Red Faction
  • Super Dungeon Bros
  • Deponia
  • ArcaniA: The Complete Tale
  • Battle Worlds: Kronos
  • Destroy All Humans!
  • Legend of Kay Anniversary
  • Destroy All Humans! 2

Pay $15 (about £11.12) or more!

  • The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
  • Red Faction
  • Super Dungeon Bros
  • Deponia
  • ArcaniA: The Complete Tale
  • Battle Worlds: Kronos
  • Destroy All Humans!
  • Legend of Kay Anniversary
  • Destroy All Humans! 2
  • MX vs. ATV Supercross (PS3)
  • Darksiders (PS3)
  • Darksiders II (PS3)
  • MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore
  • Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
  • Darksiders Warmastered
All comments (43)
26 Sep 17 #1
Limited quantity. Once a tier is sold out, it's gone for good!
26 Sep 17 #2
Link doesn't work :face_with_monocle:
tsimehC to nathan3007
26 Sep 17 #3…ore

Keys for the Humble THQ Nordic PlayStation Bundle will redeem on a PSN account registered to any of the following countries:

(US) United States
(CA) Canada
(MX) Mexico
(BR) Brazil
(CL) Chile
(AR) Argentina
(PE) Peru
(CO) Colombia
(PA) Panama
(CR) Costa Rica
(EC) Ecuador
(GT) Guatemala
(SV) El Salvador
(PY) Paraguay
(HN) Honduras
(BO) Bolivia
(UY) Uruguay
(NI) Nicaragua

BuzzDuraband to tsimehC
26 Sep 17 #8
5 PS4 games for 74p. 9 if you pay the £5.93 and 12 for £11.12.

It's a no brainer, get that account set up :smile:
tsimehC to BuzzDuraband
26 Sep 17 #10
When you put it like that, sure it sounds good but I'm not sure want any of these games (maybe Destroy All Humans 2). Gonna have a think but won't be gutted as I passed last time too.

I will probably set-up a US account though, the deals they get are so much better than what we do (like TLOU). I just worry about getting banned for exploiting region price difference (it does break Sony's TOS).
SVRich to tsimehC
26 Sep 17 #15
I have had my Canadian account for over a year now and had no issues. I guess Sony could still do something about it but at the moment they aren't too bothered.
NaughtyDog to tsimehC
26 Sep 17 #20
:thumbsup:‌ :thumbsup:
You'll be fine. Even Sony exec's have multiple region accounts! :thumbsup:
26 Sep 17 #4
PWYW for The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Red Faction, Super Dungeon Bros, Deponia, ArcaniA complete \ BTA for Battle Worlds: Kronos, Destroy All Humans! 1+2, Legend of Kay Anniversary \ 15$ for MXvs.ATV Supercross+encore, Darksiders1+2+Warmastered
26 Sep 17 #5
Damn I got excited for a second before I realised it's a repeat of the last one. Heat though.
Westwoodo to Noct
26 Sep 17 #12
As did I.....a great bundle but eh.
26 Sep 17 #6
They're all PS4 unless I've marked them otherwise.

Pay $1 (about £0.74) or more!
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Red Faction
Super Dungeon Bros
ArcaniA: The Complete Tale

Pay $8 (about £5.93) or more!
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Red Faction
Super Dungeon Bros
ArcaniA: The Complete Tale
Battle Worlds: Kronos
Destroy All Humans!
Legend of Kay Anniversary
Destroy All Humans! 2

Pay $15 (about £11.12) or more!

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Red Faction
Super Dungeon Bros
ArcaniA: The Complete Tale
Battle Worlds: Kronos
Destroy All Humans!
Legend of Kay Anniversary
Destroy All Humans! 2
MX vs. ATV Supercross (PS3)
Darksiders (PS3)
Darksiders II (PS3)
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Darksiders Warmastered
26 Sep 17 #7
Guess I'm gonna have to make a US account now! Purchased the first tier before I saw the US accounts only lol
26 Sep 17 #9
I bought this the last time this bundle appeared a few months back. Well worth the money.
26 Sep 17 #11
This the same list of games they had last time they did a similar bundle?

Not home to compared what I own and don't own.
26 Sep 17 #13
What a dipstick I am! Failed to read the us accounts part and bought the $1 bundle! :fearful:

If anyone wants the code pm me!
rimz790 to rimz790
26 Sep 17 #17
Code given away! :raised_hand:
BubaMan to rimz790
26 Sep 17 #24
You do know it's p155 easy to create a US account right?
And any game you install will be playable for any user on that PS4? :blush:
Fancy spending another dollar?
26 Sep 17 #14


but might have bought same las time! Ha

for charity though innit guv
26 Sep 17 #16
I've had Japanese and US account for years and years... since I got a PS3... used to buy NCAA games on USA account and that was 2008!

Not sure they a fussed tbh!
26 Sep 17 #18
I'm torn on this. It's great value, but I'm really only interested in the remastered Darksiders games and I think they've been very cheap on Steam before. Are the DAH games any good? I get the impression they're a bit short.
reddragon105 to copperspock
26 Sep 17 #26
Any tier is worth it solely for Red Faction. I started replaying it on Steam recently and it just didn't feel right without a Playstation controller. Being able to play it on the PS4 rendered at a higher resolution with trophy support seems like a great compromise between PS2 and PC versions! And there are some other pretty good games in there as well...

The Darksiders games must have been bundled or really cheap before because I have them on Steam but don't remember how I got them!
And I played the Destroy All Humans games when they first came out and thought they were a lot of fun. I don't think they're too short for the type of game they are - probably about 10 hours each.
copperspock to reddragon105
27 Sep 17 #29
I think for the Darksiders games you got a free upgrade to the remastered editions if you owned the originals? I've decided to pass on the bundle, I can dig through my backlog while I wait for the Steam sale.
reddragon105 to copperspock
27 Sep 17 #31
Yeah, I already had them before the update so I got the Warmastered edition when the update was released. Not too shabby. The franchise pack is currently £8.99 on Bundlestars, if that helps (and there's a 5% off code which should make it £8.54).

Well you can use them on your actual PSN account so I guess that makes it HOTHOTHOT. :laughing:

Buy the bundle, create a US account, login to that account on your PS4, use the code, download the games, switch back to your regular account, play.

Basically, any two users that share a PS4 can play each other's games. You need to be logged into whichever account owns the game to download it, but once it's downloaded anyone can play it on their own account and earn the trophies from it for themselves, etc.
Scottc123 to reddragon105
27 Sep 17 #37
Just plug your PS4 controller into your PC or connect via bluetooth. I play all of my PC games via DS4!
reddragon105 to Scottc123
27 Sep 17 #41
Yeah, I know I can use my DS4 on my PC, although my primary PC controller is a Bluetooth Xbox One controller, with a few old 360 ones as backups, but Red Faction came out in 2001 - the PC version has absolutely zero controller support. And, yes, I know there are ways to set it up manually, I've done it before using various methods on various games, but nothing beats native controller support, which I will get with the PS4 - plus I have some nostalgia for playing this game on the PS2 so it just feels right to play it again on a Playstation (although I do still have my PS2...).
26 Sep 17 #19
To all those commenting that it's the same bundle as before, you know what "encore" means, right?!
joanddan7 to LankySi
26 Sep 17 #22
In an encore (/ˈɒŋkɔːr/, also US: /ˈɒnkɔːr/), “the performers return to the stage to give an additional performance — sometimes of the same piece ... [but sometimes] ... of another”

these days encore isnt usually a repeat

and to be honest I didn't even pay attention to that word until you just mentioned it.

i don't think anyone has seemed upset

I gave £11 to charity and my mate got the code in a text

he is happy.
26 Sep 17 #21
£11.12 for 12 games I've never played is a cracking deal, worth it for the Darksiders games
26 Sep 17 #23
I went for the 1st tier last time - will probably go top tier this time...
I know they gave just 1 code for tier 1 last time - does anyone know how tier 3 is given? (I'd like to gift my duplicates).

Edit: just read the previous thread - it's 1 code, whichever tier...
A small shame but better for the charity I suppose :smile:

Edit: Edit: went for it - cheers Buzz :smile:
joeydeacon to BubaMan
26 Sep 17 #25
Yeah I went top tier and you get emailed 1 code to redeem
26 Sep 17 #27
COLD would be HOTHOTHOT if i could use on my actual PSN account :disappointed:

Glad i checked here before i impulse bought the top tier.
copperspock to FRZ
27 Sep 17 #30
If you buy a game for a US PSN account, you can still play it on your UK account.
FRZ to copperspock
27 Sep 17 #32

Yea i know but its more accounts to remember details for. I already have 2 PSN, 2 Xbox Live, 1 Steam, 1 Origin, 1 Bnet, 1 Anet, 1 Uplay, 1 Nintendo plus any others ive already forgotten. (Not to mention the countless websites ive signed up to to take on half these deals.)

I know what will happen, ill get the mid tier, load the games up, play for a bit, forget about them, possibly sell my consoles and forever forget i had a US account with a handful of games on.

Its a good deal...if you can be bothered with the hassle of even more accounts to remember. I like all my stuff in one place...which is annoying enough having so many different services.
copperspock to FRZ
27 Sep 17 #34
I use this to keep track of all the games I've gotten:….pl

When I buy a game I also add a label to the order email to show what platform it's on. That way I can easily see a list of what games I have for US PSN, CAD PSN etc.
27 Sep 17 #28
Why did I have to see this before going to bed haha, bought the top tier though as I missed out last time :smile:

And to think that I promised myself no more new game purchases until Mario comes out!! :joy:
27 Sep 17 #33
Ordered Thank you!
27 Sep 17 #35
All the £11 tier codes have been bought. Now only the £6 tier Games are available
27 Sep 17 #36
Daft question time..........
I don't have a PS4 yet, I only have a PS3. I know I have to create another account from US / Canada etc for this. I just wondered, can I do so and register these games now, and if I use same ID for PS4 once I get that and set it up, will they get carried across? To the country specific account of course.

Thanks in advance, much appreciated.
BubaMan to heathenmagic
27 Sep 17 #38
Yeah - you can have as many accounts as you like on the PS4...
As long as your PS4 is marked as the primary for each account, any game installed will be playable by any other account on the system.
heathenmagic to BubaMan
27 Sep 17 #43
Thanks very much for your help :-)
27 Sep 17 #39
How come the UK is not included ?
dannykerner1990 to lageryron
27 Sep 17 #40
Licensing issues are probably to blame.
27 Sep 17 #42
I bought it for Red Faction, not really interested in the others but I'll give them a go.
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