... And dammit, I only bought Day-tonaaa a couple of weeks ago, for six quid!
7 Sep 17#69
Heads-up to anyone interested in Strider, if you have a PS4 it's £2.49 on their store.
Tempted as I used to play the original back on the Atari ST.
5 Sep 17#24
Curious phenomenon, why can't I buy and install certain BC games straight from the console? Can't even do it on the app. Weird. Heat added for SoR collection, wish Sega would acknowledge and stick in Bomber Games fantastic SoR Remake in there.
Johnmcl7 to jacjacatac
6 Sep 17#61
Agreed, it seems crazy they've managed the very difficult job of getting the games working on the Xbox One but then haven't properly integrated payment for the games on the Xbox One. I can't remember how I ended up buying the games last time but there was a lot of frustration.
daveridesdonkeys to Johnmcl7
6 Sep 17#65
For Xbox 360 BC purchases, you can't use your Xbox account credit. You have to put another payment method on file. It was frustrating to buy store credit top up card, then find out I couldn't use it for the 360 purchases on the One.
Payment options had to be updated. I had to put them in again, although there was nothing new to input and then it finally let me use the payment method of choice.
Funny enough, the first time I did this was for a 360 BC GWG, lol so I didn't get charged anyway. Have had no problem since buying digital BC games.
Edited - just to add that MS support told me I can buy 360 games with account credit and if the game is BC it can also be downloaded on One. Game saves are interchangeable between both consoles as long as you sign in using same account. Or something like that.... I've never tried it - yet... :relaxed: Someone will know more, I guess?
gemvis to daveridesdonkeys
7 Sep 17#66
Yes regards saves if say you have a 360 downstairs and play a bc game it saves to the cloud if you then have the same account on your Xbox one upstairs and play same game it retrieves your save from the cloud.
gemvis to daveridesdonkeys
7 Sep 17#67
Also you can use credit to buy 360 games bc games BUT you need to do it from your 360 or a pc then as long as it's the same account the games will appear on your Xbox one.
daveridesdonkeys to gemvis
7 Sep 17#68
I knew someone would no more detail. Thanks gemvis. I can't try it out either, because I don't have a 360. I went for the One S instead and decided to dabble a little in BC 360 digital purchases. I never had the 360, but in hindsight I think I was a bonehead for investing so heavily in PS3 games. So this gen I won't buy anything else for PS4 unless it is an exclusive. Xbox One physical games only to be played on the X and maybe next gen if I'm lucky? Not sure if strategy will work out, but worth a try maybe?
6 Sep 17#64
Sorry guys. Bit of a silly question but the forza 5 that was included in this months games with gold. Is that the GOTY that includes everything? I ask because I'm thinking about getting the car pass or VIP. Thanks.
5 Sep 17#51
Until the only media that remains is downloading I will refuse to join purchase games via download. Although in this case the cost is reasonable, in general the cost is unjustifiable and removes the second hand value of a game.
MasterChief2017 to Th3.Ripper
5 Sep 17#52
Thats my general opinion. I only download when the game is cheaper than a physical copy and there is hardly any sell on value.
daveridesdonkeys to MasterChief2017
6 Sep 17#63
Agree. This is a good strategy to adopt.
frakison to Th3.Ripper
5 Sep 17#53
This crops up EVERY time, find a friend and gameshare, 50% off!! These games are pretty worthless in terms of resale anyway, but I can honestly say that I haven't traded in a game since I was a kid, I just research first and NEVER buy on launch unless its heavily discounted :thumbsup:
6 Sep 17#62
Is it me but why can't I see streets of rage And daytonna in the list?
Odd I've found them via the link but don't show in the store on the Xbox.
5 Sep 17#25
Daytona USA.
It took nearly 18 years to get a true to arcade port onto the consoles. Make sure you buy it.
powerbrick to vulcanproject
5 Sep 17#30
theres me thinking it was relesed on the Saturnn a couple of years after it hit the arcades, oh well :stuck_out_tongue:
vulcanproject to powerbrick
5 Sep 17#31
Go and look at the Saturn versions and tell me they are anything like the arcade version. They were atrocious.
spinks to vulcanproject
5 Sep 17#40
Totally didn’t see this in the list. Bought for reliving my teens in ‘sega world’. Remember when this came out after Virtua Racing. It will like the next generation blow your mind visuals!!!! Need sega rally too!!!
vulcanproject to spinks
5 Sep 17#41
I was an arcade lurker most of the 90s. Daytona USA is burnt into my mind. One of the places near where I lived had an 8 cabinet link setup in 1995 which was easy £100k worth at the time. They had all the best Sega cabinets as soon as they came out. There is a very good Model 2 and Model 3 PC emulator for all those.
I have been throwing pound coins at the latest iteration that came out this year, it's pretty fun.
M1ckj1m to vulcanproject
5 Sep 17#60
Tempted. V tempted but alas would no doubt play the once and go "oh yeah I remember playing this" then fail to load it ever again.
5 Sep 17#13
Bayonetta, Guardian Heroes and The Cave are all BC. Hopefully Vanquish gets there soon, I'd love to play through it again
M1ckj1m to stevenjameshyde
5 Sep 17#59
Vanquish. Blast from the past. Intense action. Loved it!!!!
5 Sep 17#58
Cheers! Bought Tembo, Crazy Taxi & Guardian Heroes from the list. HEAT
5 Sep 17#18
84p for Guardian Heroes! One of the best scrolling fighters ever made. Eighty four pennies. :dizzy_face:
MrTagoe to Krooner
5 Sep 17#54
unbelievable. words cannot describe how good this is
larrysanders to MrTagoe
5 Sep 17#57
Ridiculously good game, soooo ahead of it's time.
larrysanders to Krooner
5 Sep 17#56
I bought a second Saturn just to have Guardians of Heroes on my system! I bought it years ago for Xbox but im thrilled others will pick it up
5 Sep 17#2
Happy to finally add the Sega collections to the library.
combat_honey to larrysanders
5 Sep 17#8
Yup. First time they've ever been discounted. Glad I held off for so many years!
larrysanders to combat_honey
5 Sep 17#55
Same! It's one of my all time favourite games but I've been waiting an age for the price to come down. Now it's such a crazy bargain!
5 Sep 17#38
Alien Isolation looks a good price. Not played a horror game since RE7. Anyone recommend?
Scrat to MasterChief2017
5 Sep 17#39
Highly recommend, but prepare to die, a lot.
MasterChief2017 to Scrat
5 Sep 17#43
Thanks, just been reading some reviews. Bought, cheers Scrat/Buzz
daveridesdonkeys to Scrat
5 Sep 17#50
Alien Isolation is awesome! I died a a lot too, but its not such a bad thing when it helps fool the AI and you manage to get through a part of the game.
D_Jay_M to MasterChief2017
5 Sep 17#44
Its brilliant the maps a bit awkward to use but once you figure it out its all gravy.
MasterChief2017 to D_Jay_M
5 Sep 17#47
I went ahead and purchased. Thanks for the input though.
5 Sep 17#49
Heat added for saving me the effort yet again!
5 Sep 17#48
I'm interested in Mordheim, but heard about some dodgy AI which is a bit lame. Might wait for Necromunda.
5 Sep 17#46
Bit disappointing this weeks Deals. Suppose it's hit and miss between each week.
5 Sep 17#6
still no Farm sim :disappointed:
PsillyPseudonym to D_Jay_M
5 Sep 17#36
If you don't mind swapping your Xbox for and Android phone, it's available for 10p on the play store. hotukdeals.com/dea…555
D_Jay_M to PsillyPseudonym
5 Sep 17#45
already got it im after 17 for xbox one though it was on sale a few months ago but i didnt want it until i tried 15 in the game pass.
5 Sep 17#42
Does anyone have any thoughts on The Disney Afternoon Collection? Completion difficult? Also any of that forza 5 stuff needed?
5 Sep 17#37
Heat for effort but no deals for me this week
5 Sep 17#35
Shame, the 3 games that I actually would like are not yet backwards compatible.
Xbox one sale is pretty poor this week. Resident evil 7 price is a bit of a joke compared to what it's going for on psn at the moment
5 Sep 17#26
The darkness 2 is worth £50 alone such a good game I encourage everyone to give it a go and read the comics absolutely marvellous , no pun intended
combat_honey to weerob88
5 Sep 17#27
IMHO it was a huge disappointment after the first game. The combat and graphics were great, but there was no hub area, the game was entirely linear, and it was also really short. Just when I was hoping the game would open up into something resembling the first game it just... ended.
Still, it's a good game if you don't have any expectations from playing the first. Especially at this price.
weerob88 to combat_honey
5 Sep 17#33
Agree it's pretty short I think only 10 hours if I remember rightly and I admit I didn't play the first but I always plan to
Krooner to weerob88
5 Sep 17#29
I'm usually good with puns, but am failing to spot one here...
weerob88 to Krooner
5 Sep 17#32
The comics are marvellous? Cause the comic is dark horse not marvel... Well I thought I was being clever
repouk to weerob88
5 Sep 17#34
I got it :wink:
5 Sep 17#5
These titles are in a Sega Publisher sale and do not require Gold to get the discount. They are available to all ;-)
Alien: Isolation
Tembo: The Badass Elephant
The Disney Afternoon Collection
Valkyria Revolution
and 360
Crazy Taxi
Daytona USA
Sega Bass Fishing
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets Of Rage
powerbrick to gibblesuk
5 Sep 17#28
Got to throw the peasants some crumbs every now and again.
5 Sep 17#23
Thanks for this. Got Condemned and Catherine to add to the backlog, played them years ago but at that price I couldn't say no and I'm looking forward to playing them again.
5 Sep 17#17
Alien Isolation is a cracking game especially at that price. That damn alien learns quickly!
UKBatman to spurs4life22
5 Sep 17#22
There was a thread on twitter over the weekend where people were telling of game developers secrets (some even joined in) - but you might find this one interesting ^_^
"The Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation has two brains one that always knows where you are and gives hints to the second that controls the body :grin: "
Does the capcom all in one pack contain all the games they sold separately in the past for this game? If so is it a bit of a bargain vs individual purchases? I'll be adding Daytona and Sega bass fishing lol, already have crazy taxi
5 Sep 17#20
Forza 5 VIP pack, the last bit of DLC i have been waiting for....now i have all of Forza 5, and it cost me in total £11 to own everything. :smile:
5 Sep 17#19
Space Invaders IG (apparently BC enabled) is 50% off with Gold discount at £3.37. I'z avin' ee!
5 Sep 17#16
Cheers Buzz, gonna pick up a few of the classic arcade titles on 360. :smile:
5 Sep 17#15
Which is better out of street fighter x or tekken v? Grabbing crazy taxi too, bring back the arcade memories, again!
5 Sep 17#14
Been meaning to pick up Alien Isolation again for a while, but retail copies are all +£10 at the moment so may grab that.
5 Sep 17#12
Anyone spot a good deal for 12 moths live subscription?
5 Sep 17#11
Hot, finally got the Disney collection for under a tenner.
5 Sep 17#9
Condemned which is BC is also on sale.
BuzzDuraband to WitnessTheFitness
5 Sep 17#10
Awesome, cheers. Added a few more in too. Vanquish, Bayonetta, The Cave, Spec Ops: The Line, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown & Final Exam
5 Sep 17#7
Thanks for the effort with the post, it normally takes me much longer to figure out there isn't anything I want :-)
5 Sep 17#4
Cheers, Got Alien Isolation on US store with some left over credit
Opening post
Xbox One
[BC] indicates backwards compatible.
Latest comments (70)
Tempted as I used to play the original back on the Atari ST.
Heat added for SoR collection, wish Sega would acknowledge and stick in Bomber Games fantastic SoR Remake in there.
Payment options had to be updated. I had to put them in again, although there was nothing new to input and then it finally let me use the payment method of choice.
Funny enough, the first time I did this was for a 360 BC GWG, lol so I didn't get charged anyway. Have had no problem since buying digital BC games.
Edited - just to add that MS support told me I can buy 360 games with account credit and if the game is BC it can also be downloaded on One. Game saves are interchangeable between both consoles as long as you sign in using same account. Or something like that.... I've never tried it - yet... :relaxed: Someone will know more, I guess?
Odd I've found them via the link but don't show in the store on the Xbox.
It took nearly 18 years to get a true to arcade port onto the consoles. Make sure you buy it.
Bought for reliving my teens in ‘sega world’. Remember when this came out after Virtua Racing. It will like the next generation blow your mind visuals!!!!
Need sega rally too!!!
I have been throwing pound coins at the latest iteration that came out this year, it's pretty fun.
Xbox one sale is pretty poor this week. Resident evil 7 price is a bit of a joke compared to what it's going for on psn at the moment
Still, it's a good game if you don't have any expectations from playing the first. Especially at this price.
Alien: Isolation
Tembo: The Badass Elephant
The Disney Afternoon Collection
Valkyria Revolution
and 360
Crazy Taxi
Daytona USA
Sega Bass Fishing
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets Of Rage
"The Xenomorph in Alien: Isolation has two brains one that always knows where you are and gives hints to the second that controls the body :grin: "