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 The Recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum - £29.99 - Game
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The Recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum - £29.99 - Game

£29.99 GAME24 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
24 Sep 17
"The ONLY full-size recreation of the 1980s personal computer - the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Authentic rubber-keys, play-control of games, classic and modern.
Supplied with FREE ‘Recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum’ iOS / Android apps.
Includes 'Chuckie Egg', 'Sinclair BASIC' and 'Game bundle'.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum games and applications also available FREE OF CHARGE via 'The recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum Online' web app.

The ONLY 'Sinclair ZX Spectrum' device for use with phones, tablets, Macs / PCs, and TVs.
It's WIRELESS - it features high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 technology, so it's PORTABLE - combine with a phone or tablet for fun or productivity on the go.
It's OPTIMIZED - the recreated device’s ‘Game Mode' has been perfected for iOS / Android apps and for games in general, and its 'QWERTY mode' has been honed for applications requiring access to all the functionality of a full-size keyboard.
It's ADAPTABLE - it supports 'Apple TV', 'Google Chromecast', 'Amazon Fire TV', 'Roku TV', enabling 'screen mirroring' (wireless streaming of what's on the screen of a phone, tablet, Mac or PC to a HDTV).
New / existing games and apps easily updated for wireless control with the recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum, creating a growing library from which to choose."
All comments (39)
24 Sep 17 #1
If used with a tablet, wireless joypad and an android box running spectaculator it is just like the real thing. As a bluetooth keyboard for everyday use its not that good. One thing to mention here is that its ready unlocked to use with any device.
Scottc123 to tipsy1973
24 Sep 17 #3
Except, joypads didn't exist for the Spectrum, so nothing like the real thing. I fired up my Spectrum for the first time in 25 years a few weeks back. Many of the tapes no longer loaded and when they did most of the games were awful (mostly due to terrible controls). I'd also forgotten how long the games took to load!
Oneday77 to Scottc123
24 Sep 17 #4
The Spectrum always had the controls the wrong way round. The BBC/Electron games had it right :stuck_out_tongue:
majestic2012 to Oneday77
24 Sep 17 #5
Acorn Electron FTW :raised_hand:
tipsy1973 to Scottc123
24 Sep 17 #22
Well you are being picky, you can use a usb joystick if you can still get a usb comp pro or a usb to db9 converter for and older joystick. Still the same method although you plug it in the usb port on the box. Oh you can load roms in an old speccy using a divmmc like I do for my 128. Plenty of spectrum pages on facebook for retro fixes. I have no issues using this for gaming as its easy to use.
fazered to Scottc123
24 Sep 17 #29
Yes they did! There was two types and they weren't supported on all games but they existed. There was an extension that went in the back (with bendable pins) that it plugged into. I prefered the Kempton but maybe that's because I had a sweet see through and red controller with arcade style buttons and joystick.
24 Sep 17 #2
I think it was a case of not really bothering with the official app.

Others have opened up the case and wired up a Pi Zero running Retropi or similar to get the full range of games with the look of the original.
24 Sep 17 #6
So this is just a retro-styled bluetooth keyboard?
jaydeeuk1 to SlightlyFoxed
24 Sep 17 #7
Yup. And not a very good one at that.
24 Sep 17 #8
I use this keyboard with the Spectacol app sideloaded onto a Fire TV Stick, so no screen mirroring involved :nerd:
majestic2012 to carlalston
24 Sep 17 #13
Dude, nice!
24 Sep 17 #9
I miss my ZX81 with 16k RAM pack that crashed the computer when I moved it..... Also if it wasn't cooled with a bag of frozen peas. The endless 3 minutes of flying an upside down V through a field of asterisks after 3 hours of copying code from a "Fun Games for the ZX81" book.... Now I have a PS4 that plays games without any coding. I bought a spectrum for a fiver a few years back AND SMASHED THE THING TO PIECES BECAUSE IT SUCKED HARDER THAN A [insert acceptable demographic] PROSTITUTE.... Why?

The sad thing is those who weren't there think I'm just kidding. FROZEN PEAS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
fishmaster to thejohnnymc1337
24 Sep 17 #11
I used to get annoyed with mine and throw it out the window when I lost in a game or it crashed loading, it survived hitting the lawn many times. Looking back maybe I had ADHD or anger issues.
aroundapenny to fishmaster
24 Sep 17 #12
Its called 'Rage Quit' I guess :wink:
GlentoranMark to thejohnnymc1337
24 Sep 17 #21

Old school ZX81 user here myself but you must have been rich because I couldn't afford the 16k expansion :grin: There was nothing you could do on the machine except program. I remember teaching my maths teacher how to code and she was meant to be teaching us. Just a pity there were no computer courses to take back then, I'd have loved to stay in the field.

Wasted many hours playing Manic Miner when I got my 48k speccy. I remember coding my own astronomy program and used all the 48k. I started into machine code but then my voice deepened and all of a sudden females were more interesting, just wish I'd have kept with it as hindsight is a wonderful thing. Other games I enjoyed were 3D Ant Attack, Jet Set Willy and Elite.

I came back to coding a few years ago and just released my first Android App a few months ago (a simple widget for my football club that updates itself after each game.) It's nothing complicated and I knocked it up in a week but it serves a purpose and I've several more ideas on the go so my education on the ZX machines wasn't wasted.

I'd love to buy this gadget but I fear it would just end up in the back of a cupboard. Still, this could be a great learning tool for a youngster as Sinclair BASIC is dead easy to learn just as I did as a spotty 14 year old.
thejohnnymc1337 to GlentoranMark
25 Sep 17 #33
The ram pack was second hand and fifteen quid. They lost their price quickly soon hands due to farting near the thing and it crashing.
SlightlyFoxed to thejohnnymc1337
24 Sep 17 #23
You should've gotten a Memotech RAM pack - much more stable than my Sinclair pack, although the Memotech had a rear interface which held my SInclair RAM pack much better than the ZX81 itself. Yeah, I was a 32KB power user! (not that I needed it)

painstick to SlightlyFoxed
25 Sep 17 #32
Yeah, I the Memopak 16K version. Had sticky velcro to help stop ram wobble as was still susceptible. Eventually got an add on keyboard which solved the issue totally. The Speccy enhanced the experience but the Speccy+ was the best model I had. The rubber key version is iconic tho and even tho we mostly used a Quickshot 2 joystick for games I really like the idea of hooking up this bluetooth replica keyboard to my Retropie. Fuse can support it in native mode apparently, we shall see. I'll probably still revert to input via a Dualshock 4 pad for hyper sports and Daley Thompson's Decathlon. Who doesn't still like a damn good waggle evey now and then eh?!?!!??? Happy days!
NoliCedere to thejohnnymc1337
24 Sep 17 #28
My mum wouldn't let me use stuff out of the freezer so I used to put my ZX81 in the fridge when she wasn't looking... :joy:
24 Sep 17 #10
Games this old should stay where they belong. In the past. I know retro gaming is a big deal, but I can't see the attraction. I tried manicminer on the iPad and it's perfect recreation of the game. In its time it was stunning and harder to complete than any game around now. It had a novelty value for me but that went after less than an hour. I can understand why games like LA noire etc are remastered for the current gen. I can't see why very old games have anything other than a novelty value. My first computer was the zx81. I have no desire to ever go near that machine again. The c64 was truly stunning for the time but once again it's been surpassed. I'll take FIFA 18 on PC at 4K looking incredible and playing like a dream over international soccer any day.
SalfordCityRed to mark6226
24 Sep 17 #19
They've aged, but I still love playing ZX Spectrum games, there are so many gems available for free with the abundance of ROMS, and the retro scene is pure nostalgia goodness. Although I'm sure it's fabulous to you, I found LA Noire utterly tedious, we're all different.
24 Sep 17 #14
Stick this on the wall, it's a piece of art
24 Sep 17 #15
Chuckie Egg and Atic Atak
24 Sep 17 #16
I have my old ZX Spectrum in the corner of my room on my cheesy games memorabilia display, along with all nintendo, sega and sony consoles up to the DC/PS2/GC gen. Yes I'm a games nerd.
Scottc123 to paulpso
24 Sep 17 #17
Even a virtual boy?
paulpso to Scottc123
24 Sep 17 #20
Oooo no. That's the one thing I don't have. Annoyingly I had the chance to get one new in around 98/99 for about £60, but didn't cause I'd heard it was crap.
24 Sep 17 #18
24 Sep 17 #24
For those with a passion for Retro Gaming:…250

Please pop by, have a read, or tell us about your favourites - it would be great to see you! :smile:
24 Sep 17 #25
So a Bluetooth keyboard hoping to use nostalgia to get you to by a crappy keyboard? I think people need to remember it's the hardware inside and the games on the platform you are nostalgic for, not the cheap keyboard that was a pain to type on.
24 Sep 17 #26
meh, I had a speccy - a +2 with a "proper" keyboard - buggered the buttons on the tape deck right enough they were quite rigid plastic. Not to mention all that buggering around with the screwdriver and the azimuth trying to get some game to actually load...

Never did like the dead flesh original, anybody I knew with one had a big f-off Kempston interface hanging off the back!
24 Sep 17 #27
was tempted to get this when 1st released a few years back and glad I didn't as was £100 plus the app ran into a few legal issues and was taken down from both app stores.
App is now back up and running but still only has a few games and these cost.. Better to get another speccy app in which the games will also be free or even something web based.
The other option is the ZX Spectrum NEXT but these are £220 plus and looks like stock is gone on them.
Finally purchased one now at £29.99 and even if its only to have a geek out at its worth it.
24 Sep 17 #30
Doh, just checked and it was a Kempston Interface. Did find a picture of my joystick though!…2wx
24 Sep 17 #31
Fantasy world. DIZZY
25 Sep 17 #34
Return of the living dead flesh keyboard. Ah, memories.
26 Sep 17 #35
But does it smell like a real Spectrum?!

I've played some of the old Ultimate games on Rare Replay on the XB1 and whilst they brought back some great memories (I'd forgotten how long I'd had the Sabre Wulf jingle in my subconscious!) the games really were a bit rubbish to be playing today. Rose tinted memories for a lot of them which are now pretty unplayable. Forgotten how difficult the games were back in those days as well.
26 Sep 17 #36
Do I really need this?
30 Sep 17 #37
Showing £49.99 for me
4 Oct 17 #38
£49.99 for me too, was this an in store deal or expired?
6 Oct 17 #39
Two of these in Game today at Waverley mall, saw one at Game in the Ocean Terminal under the counter at the front late yesterday; both in Edinburgh
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