Spotted in Asda Whitchurch Bristol, today. Usually around £50 everywhere. Asda online still selling for £60. 3 on the shelf. Unsure if nationwide..
All comments (20)
19 Sep 17#1
Is it nationwide do u know??
MrMoneySavingExpert to fozia_kauser
19 Sep 17#6
No nationwide don’t sell items like this. They’re a bank , Maybe check your local Asda though :wink:
David.Hulme to fozia_kauser
22 Sep 17#19
Aintree branch, had to get them off the top shelf no price on them and when scanned £60,00. Staff member and part timer not got a clue so i made my excuses and left.
19 Sep 17#2
Just been to local £60 on shelf and scanned at £60 :disappointed:
19 Sep 17#3
Dam need a new sauce pan set.....
19 Sep 17#4
Still £60 in canterbury too :disappointed:
19 Sep 17#5
Same here in Belfast shore road bt15
20 Sep 17#7
Full price in Newton Abbot store.
20 Sep 17#8
Full price in Asda Cumbernauld :disappointed:
20 Sep 17#9
full price in Corby
20 Sep 17#10
I wouldn't recommend anybody cooks all their food in non stick pans. What's the point boiling stuff in non stick pans? These finishes are potentially toxic (look it up). I can understand why people would fry with non stick pans (I do it myself) as it saves a lot of hassle but I don't see the benefits when cooking with things that don't stick if you cook on a sensible temperature. 1-2 stainless steel pans (ideally with copper bottoms) and a frying pan are all most people need.
Jawz to DealAnarchy
20 Sep 17#14
I've read some small bits about toxic and non stick. What puzzles me or is worrying if it is so toxic. How are they able to still be on sale if they are a risk to the consumer. Non stick has been around for years, so you would think production would have been halted or banned!?
dannyjones106 to Jawz
20 Sep 17#17
There's another guy who nearly always crops up on frying pan deals saying you get cancer from cooking in them. Proper tin hat.
20 Sep 17#11
Full price, £60.00 in Asda, 1300, Duke Street, Parkhead, Glasgow G31 4EB. :unamused:
20 Sep 17#12
None in bfd
20 Sep 17#13
Got this set. Just replaced the frying pan from Wilkinsons for £12.50 so this is a steal.
Will have to have a look in Asda. Worth grabbing a spare set at this price
20 Sep 17#15
20 Sep 17#16
This is obviously over. The set is £60
22 Sep 17#18
There's a label for them in Southampton for £30 but none there
Opening post
All comments (20)
What puzzles me or is worrying if it is so toxic. How are they able to still be on sale if they are a risk to the consumer. Non stick has been around for years, so you would think production would have been halted or banned!?
Will have to have a look in Asda. Worth grabbing a spare set at this price