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 Super Mario Run 50% off iOS & Android- until October 12th
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Super Mario Run 50% off iOS & Android- until October 12th

50% off iTunes25 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
24 Sep 17
Super Mario Run iOS and Android
Full game purchase 50% discount until October 12th
New update now live.
Currently £4.99 from £9.99
All comments (65)
24 Sep 17 #1
Did this used to be free? As it let me download it from the cloud as if I've had it before. But I know I wouldn't have paid for it!
BARKMAN to pinkchick1987
24 Sep 17 #3
The app has always been free but it’s just the first world. To purchase the full game with all the levels has always been £9.99
pinkchick1987 to BARKMAN
24 Sep 17 #5
Ahh I see! That's how they get ya!
migavupe to pinkchick1987
24 Sep 17 #4

It’s call “free to start”. Like a crack dealer you get the first hit free then pay for more
MEGAONE to migavupe
25 Sep 17 #10
KirstyB87 to migavupe
25 Sep 17 #13
Ah, good old Nintendo with its family-friendly caring approach to business. :popcorn:
plewis00 to migavupe
25 Sep 17 #14
Fortunately, unlike crack, it was always a bit rubbish and even stage time with Apple couldn't fix that.
24 Sep 17 #2
Always been free on android
tsimehC to OrribleHarry
24 Sep 17 #6
The first four levels in Tour mode is free plus Toad Rally, the rest of the game can be unlocked for £9.99. Looks like it's still full price on Play Store though.

New update is much needed, thanks for the heads up @BARKMAN

edit: Sale didn't start yet it will be up to 50% off on Play Store too from the 29th. Says so in-game.
Tequila to OrribleHarry
2 Oct 17 #52
25 Sep 17 #7
Cold from me I’m afraid due to the price being an in app purchase. We have a family sharing account in our house, which means one of us buys an app and the rest get to download it for free. By making it an in app purchase, we can’t share that! For the three of us in our house who want to play the game, we’d have to fork out £30 full price. Even the reduced £15 is more than I’m happy with for a mobile game.

This is blatantly a deliberate effort to squeeze money out of families with more than one child or person who wants to play the game. As a result, we all decided not to bother with the game at all. Nintendo didn’t get a penny from our family and won’t for this game either, but we’d have happily paid once if we could share it. I can see why they’ve done it, but I expect that for every one person who did purchase the game there’s another who didn’t due to the lack of sharing.
LOL_is_stupid to Denziloshamen
25 Sep 17 #26
Likewise with Family Sharing. I love Plex but it's £5 in-app to unlock the app (free to download), which means to put it on all our devices would be £30
lollyfolk to LOL_is_stupid
1 Oct 17 #46

It is possible to unlock on all devices, by purchasing on one account and then temporarily logging in with this account on all devices and then restore in app purchases. It is a bit of a hassle but worth saving the money to purchase on each device separately.
benmain84 to Denziloshamen
29 Sep 17 #41
I thought you was able to share the purchases between devices…th/
Think the same applies to Google play store
hukdmm to Denziloshamen
29 Sep 17 #43
Just log into iTunes on the extra devices, restore, then log back out. It works
Regprentice to Denziloshamen
1 Oct 17 #45
Interesting. Ive been interested in the family account scheme but was unaware of this. My household of 4 has gotten by fine by using my account between the 4 of us so that will have to continue !
sweep_the_leg_ to Denziloshamen
2 Oct 17 #53
Whilst you might think its aimed at you and your family making it an in app purchase has more to do with protecting against piracy.

Shrewd move by Nintendo if this is the route they are going to go down more often.
mtuk1 to Denziloshamen
2 Oct 17 #54
I bet you’re a hoot at parties! :raised_hand:
25 Sep 17 #8
I like my apps and games as much as the next guy,but £9.99 for a mobile game is an absolute rip off !

Even at half price I'd feel I'm having my pants pulled down
tsimehC to Biggunspaul
25 Sep 17 #9
While I tend to agree a tenner is a bit much, £5 is decent. It's not like the usual mobile trash that are full of microtransactions so you end up paying more to progress in the long run. The full game is available for one price and there's new content coming along shortly so it's not too bad.
migavupe to tsimehC
25 Sep 17 #15
Which you are probably going to have to pay for, expect it to be another set of 6-8 worlds with the first free.
tsimehC to migavupe
25 Sep 17 #18
The advert doesn't give that impression but if that's the case then maybe not such a good deal.
migavupe to tsimehC
25 Sep 17 #19
How so? The game is reduced in price and more content is coming, you don't have to purchase the extra content or maybe wait until the new stuff goes on sale.
BARKMAN to migavupe
25 Sep 17 #20
The new content is being added free to the game. It’s not an additional purchase. The unlock purchase will get you all the content
25 Sep 17 #11
Grrr.....!Can someone please tell me why everytime I press quote on this bloody interface I get an edit(someone else's comment) box popping up.All I want to do is answer another users comment not edit it
Illusionary to MEGAONE
25 Sep 17 #12
How many times are you clicking, and where? What OS and browser are you using?
25 Sep 17 #16
Still can’t play in offline mode, useless for when you want to play when traveling to work on the tube.
RiKx to JackHawes
2 Oct 17 #59
Or Devon. Or O2. Or sh*t its just useless really. Would buy it if not for this useless BS.
25 Sep 17 #17
The only thing holding me back from playing this is the online only component. It sucks. It's a single player game with no need to be online except for DRM. Useless if I'm on the tube!
PaulLFC to johnchapman_
25 Sep 17 #27
Glad I read this before buying, was about to pick it up before a flight in a couple of weeks! So there's zero offline play at all, not even a "you need to be online once every 24 hours" thing? Pointless if so.
johnchapman_ to PaulLFC
25 Sep 17 #33
I'm afraid so. You have to be online even to get the game up and running. It's crap like I said if you're on the tube. Although on a plane you might have access to Wifi these days. I'm not sure!
25 Sep 17 #21
Almost unplayable due to onlne requirement; when on a plane, train or in a foreign airport is when I want to be able to play this the most.
25 Sep 17 #22
This is pretty awesome, means I can purchase all the worlds for free with my google rewards balance :raised_hand:‌ :thumbsup:
25 Sep 17 #23
Hi Illusionary
Am using iOS 10.3.3 Safari
Clicking "Quote" button once at bottom of comment I'd like to reply to.
dudwood_fudwood to MEGAONE
25 Sep 17 #25
It just shows differently. You are quoting the persons comment so it loads their comment at the top and then you "reply" underneath that. So just hit "quote" then start typing. That simple.
25 Sep 17 #24
heated good deal for a good game
25 Sep 17 #28
Will this be getting the same discount on Android? At 50% off i might be enticed. i found £10 was asking a bit much..
tsimehC to chaosprime
25 Sep 17 #29
It says up to 50% discount in the notifications section in-game, will know for sure on Friday.
BARKMAN to tsimehC
25 Sep 17 #30
Confirmed. £4.99 on both iOS and Android
25 Sep 17 #31
How do you make the purchase when it goes live?
BARKMAN to willeymunda
25 Sep 17 #32
In app purchase.
25 Sep 17 #34
If you guys think 4.99 or even 9.99 is bad, try buying the ad free version of words with friends now. Was originally 8.99/9.99. Now a whopping 27.99/28.99.

Just to remove ads!!!!!
25 Sep 17 #35
Is this game good? Been looking for something over £2 to use the paypal deals.
Illusionary to fmuk
25 Sep 17 #36

Why not download it and try out the first few levels, which are free?
2step786 to Illusionary
26 Sep 17 #39
With the PayPal deal, will it work on in app purchases? I.e. allowing you to choose method of payment etc?
26 Sep 17 #37
Hi /dudwood_fudwood
Yip that's what I've been doing since new format presented itself. When I add comment at bottom of op's comment I either get a message stating Please enter a valid content" or the comment I'm replying to is cancelled out. Alas not that simple. :unamused:
Illusionary to MEGAONE
26 Sep 17 #38
You've added your comment within the quote; you need to do so outside of it.
28 Sep 17 #40
Its now live and bought it with my google play rewards credits
tsimehC to chrisvenn
29 Sep 17 #42
Updated it and tried out Remix but it's pretty laggy on my Moto G. A shame since the rest of the game isn't. Maybe I need to upgrade my phone too. :sweat_smile:
29 Sep 17 #44
Good deal.
Bought it on iOS.
It's worth £4.99
1 Oct 17 #47
Anyone know how to get data from tablet to phone, I had this on my tablet or old phone, installed today on new phone, linked the Nintendo account and it says ive already linked to a device but no option to receive the data from other device???
1 Oct 17 #48
yay, something to spend some of my £10 play credit on from using Android pay!
pr10rflanker to InkZ
2 Oct 17 #56
Yes, but if that desperate, you could have used it before the discount anyhow!
1 Oct 17 #49
Its worth a fiver all day

Its a polished game, not the usual crap that gets made for mobiles

My little girl loves it

My only gripe is the games are too easy now, too many tips etc

It plays well on Kate
2 Oct 17 #50
Having paid for many different types of mobile games I think even at £5 it is slightly a stretch, simply because Nintendo had the brand and undoubtedly got millions of downloads, at £2 £3 launch price they could've been a candy crush revenue generator. Greed got the best of them and this huge discount shows people not willing to have it.
2 Oct 17 #51
Why do you have to be online to play this?
Does it actually use data while you play?
I'd get this for £4.99 but if I have to play at home using Wi-Fi I'd rather play on my Xbox One than my phone!
2 Oct 17 #55
£5 bargain! Stop bitching!.
2 Oct 17 #57
Great game :smile:
2 Oct 17 #58
Best £5 you will spend today
2 Oct 17 #60
If you could play this offline then I'd buy it in a heartbeat at that price. Literally no point in an online only game like this for mobile though.
2 Oct 17 #61
Hot as it’s the first app I have seen which is both free but you can also pay a one off fee to get the entire game. Game is also good value for £4.99
3 Oct 17 #62
It annoys me how entitled some people on this thread sound. Yes there is A LOT of garbage on the app store, but there are also a lot of games which are genuinely worth a fiver, or even a tenner because they are packed with content. The same people who complain about paying a fiver for a game like this that provides potentially dozens of hours in entertainment probably also pay full whack for cinema tickets and console games.
Spark to Thax
3 Oct 17 #63
I have no problem with paying a fiver for this. I have a problem with it's ridiculous and totally anti-consumer always online DRM system.
3 Oct 17 #64
Damnit! Havent got enough free Google Play Credit!! Worth it for this price. Original price is wayy too much!!
3 Oct 17 #65
Quality been waiting for this to get a realistic price drop along with managing to grab £10 Google Play credit for £6 this is gonna work out at £3 for the Full game.
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