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 Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch Digital Copy £41.99 (£39.99 with Prime) @ Amazon
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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24 Sep 17
I know this will likely freeze and im aware digital has no resale value but if like me you like digital copies of game this aint a bad price considering it'll likely be £49.99 on the eshop

£2 Cheaper with Prime

Heads up to anyone with Prime - This now has a Prime discount applied to it making it even cheaper!"
Latest comments (81)
5 Oct 17 #80
£41.99 - £2 = £39.99
sonicsez95 to jco83
6 Oct 17 #81
My bad
4 Oct 17 #78
Heads up to anyone with Prime - This now has a Prime discount applied to it making it even cheaper!
chrisno21 to SolaireOfAstora
4 Oct 17 #79
But it hasn't been applied to my order, made when it didn't have the prime discount...
24 Sep 17 #13
Keeping a digital copy on a server does not cost Nintendo the same amount as making a physical copy, shipping it around the world, paying import duties, storage and haulage fees, vat, retailer commission etc.
The fact digital is dearer than physical copies is a modern day scandal and should be against the law.
jjjjjjjjjjjj to sparklehedgehog
28 Sep 17 #77
I mean, you know that VAT is payable for online purchases right? I love hearing people who’ve never been involved in setting up and maintaining a content distribution network talk about how cheap it is.
24 Sep 17 #17
Lack of resale value in the future puts me off buying digital. It's hardly a massive inconvenience carrying tiny game cards with you - The official case even has space for them. And lets not forget that SD cards are expensive and will fill up fast if your buying digital.

Also prevents simple things like lending them to mates.
foxxes to Gormond
24 Sep 17 #35
Around £20 for a 64gb card is hardly expensive? About the same price as that case you mention.
Yas to foxxes
24 Sep 17 #37
His other points are still valid though. And with NBA 2K18 taking up 22.9Gb plus 5Gb per save file, that 64Gb card is going to fill up pretty damn quick!
migavupe to Yas
24 Sep 17 #42
5gb for a save file? That can’t be correct.
Gormond to migavupe
24 Sep 17 #44
It is, Google it.
Chasloyal to foxxes
25 Sep 17 #63
An apple for a 64GB chip when there are huge AAA games coming in the not so distant future or 60 quid for a 2TB external hdd on the other two systems, hmmmm tough call :unamused:
adam0812 to Chasloyal
25 Sep 17 #65
I remember when a 1gb PSP memory card was £100 at launch, vita memory cards were just as big a joke.
Chasloyal to adam0812
25 Sep 17 #66
Erm that was then and this is now, is it not safe to assume Sony might have seen the error of their ways because of it since then too hmmm don't you think?

Back to topic, the cost of external memory NOW in 2017 some of which you most definitely need for the Switch compared with the cost of external memory that in theory you could go without for the other two systems:

2TB of storage for the Switch at £20 per 64GB = £620

2TB of storage for the PS4/Xbone at £60 per 2TB = £60

You don't have to be a number cruncher of Sir Isaac Newton's stature to see a rather large discrepancy there :neutral_face:
foxxes to Chasloyal
25 Sep 17 #68

What are you banging on about?
Chasloyal to foxxes
25 Sep 17 #69
Erm I made it quite clear what I was 'banging on about' flower, you're the one giving it all the bunny that 64GB of storage for a score is a bargain whilst I would beg to differ.

I think the onus is on you to convince us all what amazing value that 64GB memory offers the customer for his/her twenty funny shaped coins of Her Majesty's Pounds Sterling, not me, so I have far more right to ask you that very same question....over to you foxy loxy :unamused:
foxxes to Chasloyal
25 Sep 17 #70
Do you understand context?

I was quoting a post mentioning external storage for the switch being expensive to which I replied £20 is not really expensive.

Then you chime in going on about huge AAA titles and external hard drives, okkaaayy.
Chasloyal to foxxes
25 Sep 17 #71
NBA 2K 18 is small and so are all the other AAA games coming out on the Switch then, well that really told me :unamused: in context of course
foxxes to Chasloyal
25 Sep 17 #72
Superb another completely unrelated and incoherent post.

If you really do want to fixate on file sizes then why not mention the proper AAA titles that will actually sell well on the Switch? Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids all 2-7GB~. Huge huh.
Chasloyal to foxxes
25 Sep 17 #74


You're going around saying a score for a tiny chip that will hold one big game is cheap, it's a total rip off when compared to other forms of memory so wise up and pipe down!

I name a third party game out right now that is way too big for the Switch's on board storage, you know a solitary game that needs that £20 chip for people to play it in full, and you go off on some tangent about mainly first party titles that everyone knows have always been smaller in size so totally swerving the issue!

Yep proper unrelated and incoherent, best change that Gears avatar you got to a pic of you sat on Reggie Fils-Aimé's lap super Mario making out :lipstick:
foxxes to Chasloyal
25 Sep 17 #75
Lol still comparing a micro sd to an external hard drive. Bless.

Next time I'm out I'll remember to bring my external hard drives for my phone and switch. After all it works out so much cheaper ey.

If you think £20 is expensive I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but memory ain't one.
Chasloyal to foxxes
25 Sep 17 #76
Do you play 50GB games on your phone then? Is it one of them new pony Nokia 8's? Even that has got 64GB storage on it so at least it's got the space available on board whilst the Switch ain't I suppose :thumbsup:

You must really love Nintendo, I can tell by how you're taking this so personally and getting more stroppy with each reply.
25 Sep 17 #62
Wouldn’t of hurt Nintendo to put a little more storage in the device, 64 or even 128gb (seeing as the Micro SD is about £40 on Amazon)
adam0812 to indywooda
25 Sep 17 #64
That's my argument for them not including extra storage, why charge people extra who don't need the space, given how cheap additional storage. Though two sku's would have been nice, I'd pay £350 for a 256gb one.
indywooda to adam0812
25 Sep 17 #73
Not sure people won’t need the space, by its nature it’s perfect for downloaded content as an on the go machine - never mind for when they finally open up Netflix etc.... I know I would be glad of the extra space. Anyway at least they provided the expandable slot - Apple take note!!
24 Sep 17 #24
It sounds like I'm being awkward on this post but I'm getting this bundled with my console digitally but I'd rather have a physical copy. I like the convenience of digital items but the Switch's paltry 32 gb of internal memory is putting me off getting stuff like splatoon and skyrim digitally because I know within a month I'll have no storage. Come to think of it if anyone in the Scarborough area wants to trade physical mario odyssey for digital I'd be more than happy unless its pre installed obviously.
crazygoldfish to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #26
Or you could put a memory card in your switch & not run out of space

heat & thanks for posting I have cancelled my physical copy & went digital
RustInPeace2112 to crazygoldfish
24 Sep 17 #36
Yeah good idea mate, drop £350 on a console and carry case then another £60-£70 for a proper controller and then another £60-£80 on a high capacity sd card or.......Nintendo put some decent storage in one of their consoles, the Xbone and PS4 had 500gb at launch and many thought that was not enough including myself but all hail Nintendo amirite! I have loved Nintendo for as long as I've been gaming but I'm not blinded to the poor consumer stuff Nintendo pull
Yas to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #38
Are you suggesting Nintendo should have included a 1TB HDD on a PORTABLE machine? Or added a couple of 256Gb SDDs to add £300 to the price of the console?!

I think they got it right. I buy physical and the included card is enough for my needs. Other users can buy an SD card size that suits them. It's a logical compromise.
RustInPeace2112 to Yas
24 Sep 17 #43
Not at all, Nintendo's 1st party games are typically small in terms of memory but I fail to see 32gb is enough storage. I think you are over valuing how much memory cost as well all I am saying is that its not enough. I prefer physical media more than digital but I reckon I will fill the Switch up in 6 months tops just with indie games and mario odyssey?
frish to Yas
24 Sep 17 #50
Flash storage doesn't cost 15+times as much as HDDs though. It wouldn't have killed them to give more space for the price of the unit considering some games can't event fit on the device and then you'll want DLC and saves. It seems quite outdated for an increasingly digital market. I mean 32GB for 2017 just seems silly to me.
marteee to frish
25 Sep 17 #60
Wouldn't at all no, cause I don't own one (do own an Xbox as it happens)
crazygoldfish to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #41
Dry your eyes ya baby.
RustInPeace2112 to crazygoldfish
24 Sep 17 #45
Here we go, can't retort what I said so you're just going to be a turd about it. It must be horrible being blinded by fanboyism.
crazygoldfish to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #47
Theres a a difference between can’t retort & not being bothered with a childish fool .
RustInPeace2112 to crazygoldfish
24 Sep 17 #48
Childish how? A simple debate about storage makes me a childish fool because I think differently to you? You sir have flawed logic
marteee to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #53
No, you're not right because including a HDD in the switch would be stupid as it would be thicker, heavier and more power hungry (without going SSD, which in turn would add too much to the price). Comparing the Switch to a ps4/xbox is borderline retarded....
RustInPeace2112 to marteee
24 Sep 17 #55
I didn"t say they should use HDD , I am saying that 32gb is not enough plain and simple but you're getting all bent out of shape because of my opinion of a flaw in an otherwise well designed piece of tech. If they bumped the storage of this up and charged £299.99 rrp instead of £279.99 I'm sure they'd still make a profit. I think it says it all when some games already can't fit on the system.
Gormond to RustInPeace2112
24 Sep 17 #56
Considering they made the flash chip a separate add-on board (which adds extra expense) suggests they will do higher capacity versions in the future.
adam0812 to RustInPeace2112
25 Sep 17 #61
Looking at the success of the switch now, sure, but after the wii u i think it was wise to keep the cost down as much as possible, particularly given most children will have physical games and a 32gb SD card only cost £20.
frish to marteee
25 Sep 17 #59
Would it kill you to accept that a device you presumably own actually has limitations. It's a product, not a religion, treat it as one. Saying you can't compare it to the ps4/xbox is just fanboyism to pretend limitations don't apply. It's not the end of the world if someone thinks it could do with more storage. They're all under the console category and hence can be compared for anyone looking for a console, especially when they're marketing it as a home console on top of being a handheld. Spewing insults only makes you look bad. Obviously HDDs are going to be cheaper and that should be taken into consideration, but there are mobile devices for half the price with twice the storage, and gaming obviously has higher storage demands. As consumers, we shouldn't be excusing cost cutting, it's in our interest to get better products. Unfortunately this sort of attitude is giving companies an excuse to cost cut and charge a massive premium for a fully featured product (such as the cost of premium handsets this year).
RustInPeace2112 to frish
25 Sep 17 #67
Lol well said mate, watch out though you'll have the Nintendo assassins after you now! You can't go around blaspheming like that :wink:
24 Sep 17 #58
Nintendo HQ are hard on the heat here.

29.99 on Amazon the other day for a physical copy with the student tenner discount and the preorder discount.
24 Sep 17 #2
Great price for digital. If I didn't already have the physical on pre-order I'd get this as simplicity is worth it. Still baffles me how a digital product can be more expensive given the lack of physical production costs
sonicsez95 to vaderag
24 Sep 17 #4
Yeah I cant get my head around why digital is always more but i still pay over the odds for the convenience to sonicsez95
24 Sep 17 #11
And there is your reason why these companies charge more for digital :smile:
sonicsez95 to
24 Sep 17 #12
You got me there :grin:
mixmixi to vaderag
24 Sep 17 #9
Think about long term costs. They need to pay for servers to keep your digital purchase live.
UltimatePhoenix to mixmixi
24 Sep 17 #15
Apparently its because they want to keep physical sellers active and not put them out of business which makes sense, they start using their savings to reduce digital then Game, Amazon, shopto, base etc are gonna stop sellin and some are only open because of sale and resale!
Never understood until I read about it and it does make sense, I don't want to see more shops close in my town cause its already a s**t hole
SVRich to UltimatePhoenix
24 Sep 17 #16
They also still need physical sellers to shift the hardware and if they undercut them in the software stakes they would be less inclined to stock the consoles.
UltimatePhoenix to SVRich
24 Sep 17 #18
And that :thumbsup:
MadonnaProject to UltimatePhoenix
24 Sep 17 #57
Digital is still selling more than physical. That is what is damaging to the physical stores, not the prices. People who buy digital are only supporting this. As convenient it is, ultimately it is damaging to the consumer and pits more power in these companies hands.
24 Sep 17 #14
More expensive than a physical copy of the game, yet there seems to be warmth coming from somewhere.... Strange.
KirstyB87 to JohnnyRoller
24 Sep 17 #49
Well, you know what the Nintendo fanatics at HUKD are like because we've seen this sort of thing from them so many times before! The OP even stated that "this will likely freeze" but, as ever, the Ninty faithful see 'Nintendo' and 'Mario' mentioned and blindly upvote the deal regardless. :joy:

iNeed, surely? :nerd:
Dolphinzz to KirstyB87
24 Sep 17 #54
‌ :blush: I ordered this when it was £42 for physical so might have to cancel and order for digital
24 Sep 17 #52
Pre-ordered. This does seem like it will be the best digital price for a while. Though this is one of those rare occasions where the box looks really nice and tempting. Also feels like this would be a great xmas game so might cancel closer to release but we'll see!
24 Sep 17 #51
Hmm, I got a £3 promotion code taken off mine for £38.99 total?!

No idea what it is, I checked my gift balance before hitting checkout and the was nothing there, anyone else have £3 taken off?
24 Sep 17 #46
Perfect :grin: all digital on the Switch is sweet :grin: and the digital prices are never below £49.99 :grin: they take payment on release as well!
24 Sep 17 #40
As a PC Gamer im all about digital game purchases. Problem I have is it MUST be cheaper (no production costs, no logistics cost, no reseller margin) and yet Nintendos digital prices are sometimes MORE than physical copies. Annoys the hell out of me!
24 Sep 17 #39
Amazon (prime) has screwed a number of pre-ordered items from the big N, most recently Xenoverse 2. Digital has its disadvantages but if you want it on the day instead of a potential month later maybe consider it..!
24 Sep 17 #34
Heat from me as even though I prefer physical, it's still more than likely gonna be cheaper than the Eshop price :smile:
24 Sep 17 #5
New to switch here. Is there the opportunity of gamesharing on switch?
sonicsez95 to Hiltron09
24 Sep 17 #6
There is not :disappointed:
Hiltron09 to sonicsez95
24 Sep 17 #8
Nintendo need to pull their finger out then. Physical it is!
migavupe to Hiltron09
24 Sep 17 #19
Yeah they need to pull their finger out so they sell less copies and make less money. :thinking: smh.
Hiltron09 to migavupe
24 Sep 17 #21
Maybe even sell more consoles smart a**e. You know for the millions of parents who are all so thankful for the ease of gamesharing via Xbox/PS4 which saves them alot of money. Any loss is neglible compared to the gain in having on boarded new customers to the platform who will go on to buy more peripherals/games/services.
It's short term thinking like yours that is a real danger. Smh.
migavupe to Hiltron09
24 Sep 17 #29
Yeah Nintendo are really struggling to shift consoles.
copperspock to migavupe
24 Sep 17 #30
Hiltron09 didn't say that. Nintendo will always want more customers.
migavupe to copperspock
24 Sep 17 #31
And my point is Nintendo don’t need to cut profits off game sales to get more customers.
UltimatePhoenix to copperspock
24 Sep 17 #32
Struggling? This almost the same scenario of Wii, sell out as much as they make, granted they do make less consoles compared to Sony and Microsoft as they are smart like that but they are shifting nicely, Nintendo have their heads screwed on and dont go into debt releasing their hardware and software!! :thumbsup:
Hiltron09 to migavupe
24 Sep 17 #33
Yep didn't say that. However they do market themselves as family friendly and always have done.

My point was it would be good to see them make gamesharing available to their customers and allow them to make more sales to those families who are not into paying out for multiple copies of software.

Nintendo are already moving towards a subscription service which is free at present till next year. So there are signs that they are trying to align themselves with the top two.
24 Sep 17 #28
Digital? I need!
24 Sep 17 #27
Anyone know if this is immediate payment?
Can answer my own question - You won't be charged until the download is available.
24 Sep 17 #25
This price for physical at Amazon so why get digital, at least you have an option to trade.
If it was considerably cheaper then digital is the way to go but swapping a cart out is hardly the end of the world.
24 Sep 17 #22
This is a decent deal and I might even consider if not for storage concerns and my £35 preorder :grin:
UltimatePhoenix to BigOrkWaaagh
24 Sep 17 #23
Are they not loading the game to HDD like ps4 and Xbone?? Running straight from cart?? Makes sense, will be as fast I suppose
24 Sep 17 #20
Amazon have matched their own physical price for this here digital version? Hopefully that is a sign of things to come going forwards and isn't just a one off promotion or mistake.

On the other hand Mario games hold their value really well and if I get the physical version I would probably be able to flog it for £30 in a few years time or even use it on the Switch 2. Hmmmm
24 Sep 17 #10
Have gone digital only with my Switch so great price. Thanks for sharing
24 Sep 17 #7
This is perfect for me thank you.
24 Sep 17 #3
Brilliant price :grin:
24 Sep 17 #1
I know this will likely freeze and im aware digital has no resale value but if like me you like digital copies of game this aint a bad price considering it'll likely be £49.99 on the eshop

£2 Cheaper with Prime

Heads up to anyone with Prime - This now has a Prime discount applied to it making it even cheaper!"
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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