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 [Steam] PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds - £18.79 (Possible £17.85 Using FB 5% Code) (CDKeys)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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30 Sep 17
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Starting with nothing, players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a battle to be the lone survivor. This realistic, high tension game is set on a massive 8x8 km island with a level of detail that showcases Unreal Engine 4's capabilities.

Playerunknown aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the Battle Royale genre. As the creator of the Battle Royale game-mode found in the ARMA series and H1Z1 : King of the Kill, Greene is co-developing the game with veteran team at Bluehole to create the most diverse and robust Battle Royale experience to date

Not Just a Game. This is Battle Royale
Latest comments (85)
7 Oct 17 #85
Not as cheap as when the deal was posted, but it's dropped down from £21.99 to £19.79, for anyone who missed it.
3 Oct 17 #84
Expired £21.99 now ...
2 Oct 17 #83
Some cheats can be harder to detect, like auto-fire. Just have to manually swing the target across the enemy and it'll fire at the right moment. Hard to detect even if watching them. The giveaway tends to be their superhuman reaction time, such as when people jump around corners.
2 Oct 17 #81
Get good
2 Oct 17 #82
Showing as £21.99 for me?
2 Oct 17 #80
Brace yourself to scream "F*ck this bullsh*t game" over and over again
1 Oct 17 #79
Appears to be £21 now
1 Oct 17 #78
That's not true, please don't spread misinformation. The Steam refund policy is the same for all games, including Early Access - you can request a refund for any reason provided you've had it for less than 14 days and played for less than 2 hours.
1 Oct 17 #77
Oh sorry, I meant I've only ever used someone's stream to track them down once across all games, and it wasn't PUBG, it was DayZ mod, so I basically did it by seeing roughly where the guy was and what he was wearing, picking the nearest spawn point and looking around for him. He ended up being pinned down by some bandits and I could hear the gunfire in game as well as on the stream so I went and helped him out and said 'Hey, saw you were in trouble on your stream.' He was pretty glad to see me. Obviously people are having the opposite experience in PUBG, but in a way that's part of the game, or the way we play games now - it's essentially the modern version of screen cheating.
1 Oct 17 #76
Brilliant game , great fun on solo servers, absolutely riot with friends
1 Oct 17 #75
Watch jackfrags...he makes shots like that all the time and Ican‘t see any trace of cheating.
1 Oct 17 #74
No - definitely not thru CDKeys.

Even if you buy it through Steam and play less than 2 hours of it as its an Early Access Game there is no refund protection like a full release game. Unless the game is truly broken or you have an legitimate refund reason thats accepted by Valve.
1 Oct 17 #73
Pay extra and buy it on steam, that way you can get a refund when you realise how dog **** the engine is and how boring the game is.
1 Oct 17 #72
There's always people who complain about this, but it's an Early Access game.

It's better for them to add everything they want, then to fix things. If they concentrate on fixing everything, it could all break again when they start adding new things.

The game is far from perfect, but it's far from unplayable.

Absolutely not! There's still weekly bug fixes, up until recently there was big monthly patches with hundreds of bug fixes and big content additions.

They've "stopped" with the monthly updates now, but since stopping, have still released a big patch every month. They just don't want people to 'expect' content additions monthly.

The game has drastically changed in the past few months, and only ever for the better.
1 Oct 17 #71
Walking and looking at the floor with the occasional shooting simulator
1 Oct 17 #70
Hot and I bought it just now even after refunding the game on steam a while ago. It's prob a £14.99 game max. There's not much to it and it is a bit boring but does build tension really well. Not a great game in itself but the feeling it generates is what it's all about.

Early access is one of the worst things ever and I wish it was still a case of the dev making the game in full and releasing it in it's final state. There's more pressure and desire for the dev to do well then as they've made no money until it's released. Unfortunately early access is here to stay.
1 Oct 17 #69
thanks op just bought

Edit: Heated and its not 1000c well done :smile:
1 Oct 17 #68
Erm not quite , I've played both , pretty new to both formats so PUBG is not to ingrained at the moment to form a bias , but I feel PUBG has a bit more of a sense of tension , that perhaps comes from the graphics with them been a bit more doom and gloom , feels more war torn etc , where as Fortnite is great , very similar mechanics , better controller support more colourful etc , but not as tense....
1 Oct 17 #67
I've been reading the reviews for this today whilst trying to search for the free Fallout 1 (which I unfortunately couldn't find, maybe it's on the US store), some claim they get banned by streamers who report them even when they are innocent, and in some cases when the streamer shouts 'stream sniper!'. These streamers are becoming toxic and are being pandered to by the developers, too dumb to put a delay on the stream, and are legitimately putting people off the game to alternatives like Fortnite.
1 Oct 17 #66
I complained to cdkeys once about it not taking the 5% discount off when i bought black ops 3 PC for around £16 and they gave me a full refund so i basically got the game for free, i only wanted my discount taken off, but they just decided to refund me in full and i wasn't gonna complain lol
1 Oct 17 #65
1 Oct 17 #64
Shame Fortnite: Battle Royale is more fun, and more polished. Oh, and free.
1 Oct 17 #63
PUBG is a great game, but I think the ability of PUBG devs to handle cheaters will be crucial. They've already banned tens of thousands. The trouble is, with a game format like this, when you get into the final 10, the chances of encountering a cheater become very high. And it's very frustrating if you've spent 20+ minutes getting to that point. I've seen a fair amount of disproportionate "luck", in forms such as sniping headshots in a moving vehicle.. and it's unlikely we'll get kill cams to help spot them.
1 Oct 17 #62
You need dedicated graphics to run it.
Something like an AMD Radeon or nVidia GeForce.
Which laptop is it?
1 Oct 17 #61
I never played day z so I'm not sure what the answer to your question is. But the devs are more concerned about releasing new guns than they are fixing the games issues.
1 Oct 17 #60
Will my laptop run this? I have a intel core i5-7200u cpu 2.50ghz 2.71ghz
8gb ram
1 Oct 17 #59
I'm too old for that kind of game now but damn I miss those days. I can't play anything that does this to my adrenaline levels or I can't sleep and feel like crap the next day at work!
1 Oct 17 #58
I bought PUBG recently due to controller support been added , the buttons are well laid out, movement works great, but aiming is woefully difficult, I have pretty much refused to play a pc game with keyboard and mouse for the past 10 years, but I was enjoying the overall concept so much, I attempted keyboard and mouse, what a difference it makes, a totally different level of control when aiming.

I tried to tweak the sensitivity with the aim on the controller but it made little or no difference for me.

But on another note, fornite on PC works a fair bit better xbox controller aiming wise on PC, so if you are undecided on the concept of PUBG, download fortnite battle royale maybe start with the controller then test out kb and mouse , if you like that, then pubg is the big boys version, but you will need to use keyboard and mouse.

PUBG is Well worth the money... It is excellent
1 Oct 17 #57
With the sheer amount of games happening at any time and the random amount of people that go together, I presume to land in the same game as a streamer must take a lot of luck and how do you even get close to them before they try to shoot you! And how do you say hi? As I presume you would not be in their squad for mic chat?
1 Oct 17 #56
The top players are the guys who have played csgo for 1000 hours and more. casual gamers good luck winning a gunfight against those people
1 Oct 17 #55
Can you run it on mac
1 Oct 17 #54
My boys both use an xbox one controller to play.
1 Oct 17 #53
My kids are loving this game right now.
1 Oct 17 #52
No. It's early access so steam won't refund you either. They do warn you of this when buying directly from them.
1 Oct 17 #51
Is it DayZ level of procrastination from the devs?
1 Oct 17 #50
You can play with an Xbox controller but you'll get destroyed as there's no aim assist. If you won't play with keyboard & mouse wait until the console release.
1 Oct 17 #49
Is controller support a thing in this game yet please?
1 Oct 17 #48
Only if you buy it directly through Steam, play it for less than 2 hours and request a refund within 14 days -…ds/

If you activate a game on Steam using a Steam key there's no way to un-activate the key and reuse it so no key sellers are going to offer refunds unless there's a problem activating the key in the first place.

Should be no problem with doing that. I seriously doubt they'd even notice, much less care. You're allowed to request a refund on Steam for any reason, so I'm sure finding it cheaper elsewhere is perfectly acceptable.

Haha, same here! Why isn't there a HUKD Steam group or something?

The average playtime is 53.6 hours. So for every gamer like yourself who didn't find it their cup of tea there's someone who's played it for over 100 hours - and with it now being the most popular game on Steam (even beating Dota 2!) you're probably in the minority. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's the best game ever, but I've paid £18 for much worse games.

It will be through the Steam marketplace, like you would sell trading cards or any other items. I don't think Valve allow in-game purchases or sales of any kind; it's all got to be done through Steam - that was essentially the reason Dragon Age 2 got taken off Steam and EA haven't had a game on there since.

Yeah, it's taken a real hit on the Steam reviews because of this - lots of people being banned for stream sniping, and of course a lot of people claiming they were banned for it when they weren't doing it.

Streams are always slightly behind anyway, due to the time it takes to upload and encode. I find mine are about 30-60 seconds behind my game when I'm checking them myself, don't know what it's like for other people. Even with delay it's still possible to find people if you try - I've done it before, not to mess with someone but just because I'd been talking to them on Twitch and wanted to track them down and say hi, and it wasn't that hard even though the stream was way behind.
30 Sep 17 #47
Great game and a decent price, still lots of bugs and problems with servers but the monthly updates are decent and weekly fixes make it a bit more stable. Even if you dont have any pc gaming friends you'll meet people quickly in squad games and they'll be adding you on steam.

Like someone else said, nothing like a chicken dinner ! Very satisfying and hugely addictive game when you're winning, very frustrating when you're not :smile:
30 Sep 17 #46
Great game!
30 Sep 17 #45
It's great,I get good FPS and it's freeeee :joy:

It's basically a cartooney PUBG,fun but games are too quick
30 Sep 17 #44
They probably meant trading in-game points for loot crates that you can then sell on the Steam marketplace, e.g. I sold the Gamescom special crate for around £2.45 (I think). You can also earn normal loot crates and sell those at roughly 45-55 pence. So far, I've made, roughly, £7 back from those crates, alone.
30 Sep 17 #43
How is Fortnite BR? I'm thinking of downloadding it. Is it worth the time? I'm really interested in BR but haven't played anything like it, and I don't have the PC to run PUBG (I have a macbook (max spec) from work - Fortnite is out on macOS)
30 Sep 17 #41
30 Sep 17 #42
30 Sep 17 #38
I Paid £23 for this about 4 months ago, and have made about £30 in just around 150 hours of game play from selling my loot!
Great game which pays for itself.
chapchap to tristanhamishm
30 Sep 17 #40
How and to whom do you sell your loot? In game or ...via Steam?
30 Sep 17 #2
bargain! go get it now everyone!

Oh, and the 5% key :smile:…96/
barns to darthvader666uk
30 Sep 17 #21
I can confirm the code works - thank you darth!!

You need to register on by clicking MyAccount and be logged in for the code to work

Then get your code and check out
toolmen to darthvader666uk
30 Sep 17 #32
why would i get a game for 18£ that is fun for 2h max?
konkywonky to toolmen
30 Sep 17 #37
Loads of different genres of games, if it's not you're bag then fair enough, but you are in the minority as per it's currently the most popular game on steam.
darthvader666uk to toolmen
30 Sep 17 #39
2hrs max? Well I can only assume you are not a fan of this game? Thats fair? Did you Solo.,l Duo or squad?

Im only 109hrs in. Just had my 4th (overall) chicken dinner this evening too :smile:
30 Sep 17 #36
Can't wait for the chicken dinner dlc!...
30 Sep 17 #31
A lot of people are claiming that the devs are banning people that kill streamers seemingly because people can watch a video stream to assist them in locating the streaming player in-game.
MUFCristiano to YoungingtonCraigington
30 Sep 17 #35
The streamers should counter this by putting a delay on their video. A minute or whatever.
30 Sep 17 #22
can you play this in first person mode? only seen demos with 3rd person.
lmryder to maddogb
30 Sep 17 #26
Yeah, there's a dedicated first person mode server. You can also enter first person mode while in the normal game too, it's a mappable control.
JakeBloomfield to maddogb
30 Sep 17 #34
Yes - it's both third person and first person, however, third person is how it's natively played AFAIK.
30 Sep 17 #33
Purchased with the 10% discount on the website. It was mentioned above that you need to signup with the email you entering on the Facebook page.
30 Sep 17 #30
Thanks op going to finally jump on this after trying the new COD ,this will be where I spend my money next :smile:
30 Sep 17 #29
Bought my third copy yestarday for the full £27 on steam, rip. Cheating in this game is fun, anti-cheat is pretty kick-ass though :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #17
Getting tempted to jump on the band wagon but to busy catching up on PS4 backlog :persevere:
marrowcat to clonereeco
30 Sep 17 #28
Same here, think I'll wait for the PS4 version next year8)
30 Sep 17 #27
It's a good game but prepared to be frustrated at it. You get lag, shots not registering etc etc. It truly is a game in development that much is true.

Also the developers seem more interested in releasing new content instead of fixing the core aspects of the game which is so irritating.
30 Sep 17 #19
Not from cdkeys. You'd have to buy it directly from steam (at higher price) and request refund before you hit the two hour play mark.
WorldUK to MUFCristiano
30 Sep 17 #23
So buy from steam, try 100 minutes and then refund. If like buy again off cdkeys if not money saved :smile:
MUFCristiano to WorldUK
30 Sep 17 #25
I believe so, yes. I've never tried it, to be honest. Should work in theory. Your account may look suspicious buying something, playing it, requesting refund, then buying it again. Maybe create an alt steam account, or something?

Can anyone confirm for this chap?
30 Sep 17 #10
Damn i just bought it from them 2 days ago for £22
lmryder to TheDodger
30 Sep 17 #24
I wouldn't feel bad about that, it's still worth every penny!
30 Sep 17 #20
So excited!!!!! Been playing Fortnite BR (free) but wanted this, just waiting for it to come down in price.

Playing tonight yeeaahh!!
30 Sep 17 #18
Is it possible to get refund on this if don't like?
30 Sep 17 #16
So want to play this but PC not up to it :disappointed:
30 Sep 17 #15
If you liked the Dayz mod for Arma 2 then you'll like this. Great suspense its not even about killing other plays its just about not getting killed yourself
30 Sep 17 #14
This is a lot of game for under £20, have some heat.

Can't recall a game that builds the suspense and pressure like this does, very simple concept but executed very well. Cracking game, plus you can hit people with a pan what's not to like?
30 Sep 17 #4
Worth it? I dont have friends but love games.
darthvader666uk to Karmazyn
30 Sep 17 #5
solo games might give you a mini heart attack, i wont lie. IF you can, get some mates, duo's and sqauds are the way forward :smile:
EmperorRosko to Karmazyn
30 Sep 17 #13
There really isn't a better solo multiplayer game out there.

No mates, perfect. This is a game based on the survival of one. Yes it has duo and squad servers, but the primary idea behind this game is a Battle Royale, last man standing.

It's a great game, and you'll get plenty fun for under 20 notes.
30 Sep 17 #12
Getting closer....
30 Sep 17 #11
Such an intense game, i get the shakes when i enter the final 5
30 Sep 17 #9
Please some of you guys play Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, it's good but only has about 1/150 the player base
30 Sep 17 #8
30 Sep 17 #7
The most popular game on Steam right now:
Current Players 1,005,860, Peak Today 1,579,750
30 Sep 17 #6
so good, you can't even get on a server.

just took me 5 attmeps
30 Sep 17 #3
Awesome game. Nothing like a well earned chicken dinner.
30 Sep 17 #1
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Starting with nothing, players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a battle to be the lone survivor. This realistic, high tension game is set on a massive 8x8 km island with a level of detail that showcases Unreal Engine 4's capabilities.

Playerunknown aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the Battle Royale genre. As the creator of the Battle Royale game-mode found in the ARMA series and H1Z1 : King of the Kill, Greene is co-developing the game with veteran team at Bluehole to create the most diverse and robust Battle Royale experience to date

Not Just a Game. This is Battle Royale
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