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 Smart WiFi doorbell 720p gearbest - £22.39
4 stars +385

Smart WiFi doorbell 720p gearbest - £22.39

£22.39 GearBest9 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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10 Sep 17
For my family and I, the Ring is primarily a security device as it starts recording to the cloud on movement at the front of the house, not just from when the door bell button is pressed. Every video alert is stored online for 6 months (their subscription is $30 per year only) and its easy to review on the phone app. Answering the door when you're away is good though as it's hand to say, go next door please or leave is in the recycling box please...

well worth the money for a product that works well.

Note: the bad laggy reviews are mostly from old/standard UK internet users. I've found out that for it to work quick/smooth/well, you need a 1mb up which isn't a given in the UK. If you've got that (check then you're sorted ;-)
Latest comments (44)
24 Sep 17 #44…wcB

Is this one any good? I just want it to connect to my wifi so when I am in the garden it notifies me on my phone.
17 Sep 17 #43
I can see anyone comes close to my front door or back door before they press the doorbell
13 Sep 17 #42
But why?

I just really do not see who this is aimed at, you really think this sort of thing is going to deter criminals?

You think criminals care whether someone is at home or not if they think something is worth stealing?

Want to know how to get round this, a criminal simply rides around on a moped and keeps his/her helmet on when they get near your door

And thinking about it, how many people do you actually get knocking on your door that you were not expecting?
13 Sep 17 #41
They are only replaced the once not every time
13 Sep 17 #40
I have both of these on my door. The smart lock came by accident after I ordered a different lock it's the best things on my door IV had. Ring is too good with food internet connection, even without is good but blurry. The smart lock Yale handle is a definite if your looking for upgrade.
13 Sep 17 #39
I'm not sure, but it doesn't. I've ordered dozens of things from gearbest and never been charged customs. Same with any user on here who chooses standard delivery.
11 Sep 17 #38
But how does it not attract all the customs charges, like when I import something from the US that's valued over £15?
11 Sep 17 #37
Ring also records people approaching the house, as they approaching. No pressing of button needed. Have a look at the videos here:…dia
11 Sep 17 #36
Rings a bell to my mind, you bellend. :joy:
11 Sep 17 #35
Where do people live to actually need this sort of thing?

A doorbell that records people visiting your home....

I would imagine (thinking like a criminal) that anyone who needed to answer the door via this method would have things that need stealing inside, and perhaps they may or may not be at home.

How many people wanting to steal things from your home are going to ring the doorbell first to see if you are home?
11 Sep 17 #34
I too have a Ring. I love my Ring. Everyone who visits me loves my Ring and comments on my lovely Ring. It's also saved me lots of time and hassle, and it's good for security. I recommend my Ring everyone.
11 Sep 17 #33
I doubt that's the their policy, may be individually some staff are happy to do it, many times I was told they are not allowed to leave it unless it's signed for by an adult and I don't like to trouble my very old neighbour with mobility problem
11 Sep 17 #32
I just said I can't sign for it and they have asked if I want them to sign for it on my behalf and they do. That's it really.
11 Sep 17 #31
How u ask Royal Mail to sign on behalf of u, Royal Mail deliver to my door, ring me bell, I told me I'm out, can u leave it in my outside box for parcel, no sorry u need to sign for it, then I ask him can u sign for me and leave it in the box???? lol seriously I would like to know how
11 Sep 17 #30
I have one and have never had an issue with getting delivery companies to leave parcels that require signatures. Royal Mail will sign for them on my behalf, Amazon always leave them if I ask them too. If they are reluctant I sometimes tell them to leave it with a neigbour.
11 Sep 17 #29
That's right I have ring too but I find many deliveries require signature!! That's annoying
11 Sep 17 #28
Maybe If someone answers from the app they are taking a dump too. No difference. Either way you don't if the person is home or not.

The benefit of the Ring doorbell though is that the person will be captured on video if they ring the doorbell or even if they approach the door via motion sensing.
11 Sep 17 #27
But that's what I'm saying. If no one answers a regular bell, they may be just taking a dump.

This one if someone answers via the app and not in person, I'm assuming you're not really at home.
11 Sep 17 #26
Choose standard delivery and you won't get charged a penny extra.
11 Sep 17 #25
1 MP ? Don't expect a good quality picture! and also based in China :fearful:
11 Sep 17 #24
"4 million connected devices should be enough for anyone".
11 Sep 17 #23
If it connects to a low voltage 8-24V AC transformer, then yes.
11 Sep 17 #22
I have an existing wired doorbell. Can I rip it out and use the wires to connect Ring in its place?
11 Sep 17 #21
The same with any doorbell, this one actually lets you speak to them wherever you are so they will think you are in.
11 Sep 17 #20
They should call these Dumb Bells!
11 Sep 17 #19
From what i read the ring door bells can be unscrewed, then reset with the orange button. Then logged into to get to network settings etc. not sure id trust it, especially as before they updated the firmware they gave out your WiFi password.
unlikely to happen, but still.
10 Sep 17 #18
someone can steal the unit easily,lol
10 Sep 17 #17
Just buy the Ring Pro doorbell (wired 1080 version) and you will love it.

I have had the original version and first of all it wasn't very good but they have kept on updating the firmware non stop and now it works amazingly well.

Caught burglars peeking in my porch at 3am and the night vision is so good that my recording helped the police catch them.

Just yesterday I had DPD say they couldn't find my address yet my doorbell caught them parked outside. It's worth every penny.

And I didn't renew my subscription after the first year yet It still records everything to the Amazon cloud where I can view or download it later.
10 Sep 17 #16
it has security built into the unit that makes a stolen unit useless.
10 Sep 17 #15
How are these low-value items not geting caught up in attracting extra VAT, duty and (eugh) Royal Mail 'handling fees'? Gearbest declares the true value on packages, so if they're over the £15 HMRC threshold, these items should be attracting daylight robbery fees - but I'm assuming they aren't.

I wanted to buy a Mi Band 2, but at £17 I don't want to fork out nearly as much again to HMRC and Royal Mail.
10 Sep 17 #14
Love the before and after pic.....

10 Sep 17 #13
Sounding more and more tempting. Are the batteries also replaced if stolen as just read they are quick release and it seems like a good idea to have a spare one that's kept charged?

Does the Doorbell also come with a life time warranty as what's stopping you just saying its been stolen if it breaks?

Sorry for all the questions just want to understand everything before buying one :raised_hand:
10 Sep 17 #12
What they say is that anyone who knows what it is would stay the hell away as just walking up will have you on video... The require a very small hex screw driver to remove and so you'd have to come prepaired... Not had one stolen before though as theyre all serial'd, I read somewhere that Ring would just deactivate the device if stolen so wouldn't be worth pinching.
10 Sep 17 #11
The Ring ones are cloud controlled and linked to your account. Useless if stolen - the setup of the device is done via the app and your account.
10 Sep 17 #10
Yes a decent dome with 2 way audio and PIR trigger could do the same job. Some vendors even offer P2P cloud services. But thats going to cost you as much as the ring and will be more involved both in terms of setup and ongoing maintenance. Moreover, I doubt in daily usage over the years it will be as polished and trouble free (Rings not perfect, but a darn site better then most CCTV setups), let alone any associated App.

I think you have to realise with ring you're paying for the polished package, software and associated cloud services. I have a several domes setup, server for VPN access, etc. Therefore Ring probably doesn't make sense for me. But I would certainly opt for it over a dome/pvr/etc if I didn't have that setup already. Time & Hassle = Money :thinking:
10 Sep 17 #9
A great video and highlights some valid points, but this is a review of the old version.
The Ring 2 is certainly an improvement over this one.
10 Sep 17 #8
How easy are these to remove?

Call me cynical.......... But surely the people who know about these and steal them, also know they will get replaced so they will just keep coming back if they know they've got an endless supply at the same location :astonished:
10 Sep 17 #7
10 Sep 17 #6
That's very cool, thanks.
10 Sep 17 #5
The Ring option (the expensive one) is self insured in that if you report it to the police and get an incident number, Ring will replace the doorbell with a new one straight away. Not bad really.
10 Sep 17 #4
I actually had my doorbell stolen once. Who would do that?

It smarted at the time, as it cost around £7. But a £22 or £112 loss would really make me sad. :cry:

I would consider buying this certainly, so it's hot from me.
10 Sep 17 #3
I can't be the only one waiting for a ring link to the newer version :joy:
10 Sep 17 #2
STAY AWAY! Waste of money. The app is buggy. You need to change 4 AA batteries every 3 days. :rage:
10 Sep 17 #1
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