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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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20 Sep 17
Still got a year to go on my Tiguan but this looks like a decent price for the spec.

This is actually a personal deal so includes VAT.
155.35*24 = £3728.40
Admin = £239.99
Latest comments (139)
9 Oct 17 #139
I think you are correct Agent Silver, I wasn't thinking ... yes 3 years is better as I don't want to be funding a deposit every 2 years if I can do it every 3 years.
6 Oct 17 #138
yes, sounds logical, we use kwik fit to manufacturer standard, we have over three years and hand back a week early, there are a lot of good two year deals around, but it means finding the three months up front every two years, I prefer three years - personal choice.
5 Oct 17 #137
Yes, I don't see the attractions of 3 year leases.
5 Oct 17 #136
Would I be right in thinking to take the non maintenance option over 2 years ( use an independent garage for the 1st service in year 1 and return the car early before the 2nd one is due)?

My thinking is to avoid the 3 year term as the 3rd service is major and probably expensive but then as you mentioned you can return the car a week or 2 early to avoid this, plus it would be nice to get "the new car smell" every 2 years :grin:

Does this sound logical?
4 Oct 17 #135

there is a guide to what is acceptable, ie size of dent, number of chips and the costs, they must check the vehicle over with sensible, if it has a big obvious dent and you don't get it repaired, or a stone chip in the windscreen that would be an MOT failure you will get charged, stone chips in the bonnet - not, car park ding - not, tyres below limit - charged, we hand ours back a week early to avoid service and/or mot - most guys who collect just do a cursory check over, check service book, load it up and take it to auction. no bad experience yet, and most are brokers for bigger companies. I think the guide is called the blue book or something similar, but industry standard guidelines.
4 Oct 17 #134
Hi Guys

just coming to the end of my KIA PCP deal and interested in a lease (looks to take hassle of selling the car), heard rumours that lease people have been stitched up on dings and scratches etc when returning the car. Has anyone had experience of leasing and care to comment on this?


23 Sep 17 #133
Nobody. The jam stays in my donut til I eat it. Because I buy new donuts instead of fishing in the bin.
23 Sep 17 #132
Ok, so either you are a cheap skate. Or you dont have the disposable income to afford a decent car. What exactly is so "haha" about that? :thinking:
23 Sep 17 #131
I've got a Tiguan SEL on lease at the comes before fun at this stage in my life...I must say that build quality can't be faulted...ive had no issues and it looks like the lease over 2 years will be around the same as maintaining my old 59 plate Insignia...New car with no hassle or older car with lots of hassle, visits to the garage and pain in general.
22 Sep 17 #130
Wow... who took the jam out of your donut !
I was only pointing out that i wouldnt pay that much deposit on a car haha . #donthate
22 Sep 17 #129
Smashing reply.... Thanks for taking time to write this all up... Much appreciated.... Think I'll probably stick with a 3 yr old for doing high mileage but wife is likely to drive around town mostly so might be a good way to get a nice little city/mini car for her...
22 Sep 17 #128
Hahaha this is the best.
22 Sep 17 #127
Sorry for tardy reply....I have leased from Nationwide and currently with Target, we also had one direct with Nissan, always check they are happy to use non franchise garages so long as they service to schedule, I don't pay the extra to include servicing, did the sums and even including a set of tyres has always worked out cheaper to do myself. Pitfall...when bh got a parking fine, they paid it before she was aware, and it was given incorrectly, couple of phone calls and eventually sorted, but more hassle than if had come direct.
As for mileage, get a quote for the mileage you do, don't forget if you bought the value would be less when selling/trading in if high mileage...I think it is a cost effective way to get a new quality vehicle, with warranty, breakdown cover (peace of mind in my world with three kids and multiple daily journeys) after spending money on SH with repairs etc, so in my monthly cost I have warranty, road fund licence and breakdown cover, which I either paid extra for, or, didn't have when my last car ( a renault scenic) blew up.
My view is my own, however, as a father, husband, time poor nearly 50 year old, I think leasing is ideal for peace of mind.
22 Sep 17 #126
Just signed up for this myself. For info, I called my local Skoda dealership to see if they would be willing to make me a better offer, and they told me to snap this one up as the closest they could get was another £100 per month...
22 Sep 17 #125
Yes, but VWs and Audis aren't all that...
22 Sep 17 #124
That was a very good deal, I remember the last batch of estates being approx. £7500 - around £313 amortised. Mine was £267 amortised.
22 Sep 17 #123
Car dealers aren't like drug dealers. You should shop around.
22 Sep 17 #122
Yesterday i was actually looking at Skoda cars online as my car dealer is selling them too (apart from his main line of brand).
Who knows you mightve talked me into it :grin:
22 Sep 17 #121
Not at all. I'm selfish, I want to be able to test drive cars or try on clothes well into the future. That won't happen if I buy everything online after trying in the shop.
22 Sep 17 #120
Best to stick with that policy if you have no interest in driving the best car for your money.

But just so that you know when I see someone driving in a poorly specced "high end" make I think a few things about them, none of those thoughts include smart or successful. Which is the only thing I can imagine someone is looking for.
22 Sep 17 #119
You are a very honest person Sir.
22 Sep 17 #118
Thats is the difference you are right.
Broadly speaking id buy the worst Audi than the best Skoda.
22 Sep 17 #117
I think they were around £280pm all in from memory.
22 Sep 17 #116
I would buy a Skoda for the right price and in some circumstances but it certainly wouldnt be my first choice.
If im the only one person on Earth who thinks like that lets be it.
22 Sep 17 #115
With what initial though? They were certainly not £200pm amortised.
22 Sep 17 #114
The Kodiaq is supposedly brilliant, also the new replacement for the yeti is meant to be great, the karoq I think it is going to be called.

There is an obvious difference between people who like cars and people who like the "esteem" they think they get from driving a certain make. I would rather buy the best skoda than the worst audi.
22 Sep 17 #113
You waste the shoe shop workers time if you try them on, they fit and you go home and order them online.
22 Sep 17 #112
I would agree indyjukebox... Skoda have worked very hard over the last 20+ years to get rid of the "Skip on Wheels" brush that they were tarred with back in the 80's....They have VW backing and share platforms, engines and components with Audis and VW's... The badge is wrong that's all that some people worry about.
22 Sep 17 #111
You dont necessarily waste the salesperson's time.
I tell you an example.
Im planning to buy a car in the near future but before i buy one i have to try it first. So i go to showrooms to testdrive cars. I cannot buy a car i havent testdriven.The salesperson might benefit from my visit as i might buy a car there in the future. Who knows.
In your case youd waste the salespersons time in the shoeshop too when you try on a pair of shoes buy wont buy it if they dont fit you properly.
22 Sep 17 #110
The golf R's have been around £200p/m recently....they'll go back to that again.
22 Sep 17 #109
I consider your spelling mediocre .
22 Sep 17 #108

I said Skoda was worse than mediocare and its name doesnt soud well.
They are probably screwed together well.
Id consider a Honda or a Mini or a Mazda a mediocare brand.
22 Sep 17 #107
It is still a waste of their time.
22 Sep 17 #106
Aiming low seems to be a common theme among the anti lease guys.
22 Sep 17 #105
Your already beginning to bore me so I appreciate you not sharing your 29 years of experience any further tah :thumbsup:
21 Sep 17 #104
What you need to bear in mind, if you did 25k miles per year you'd likely be outside the manufacturers warranty before you handed the car back on a 3 year term.

Broadly speaking every additional 1000 miles you do each year will add about £6 or so to the monthly payment. It will vary between cars as to the exact figure, but 25k miles a year would be about £1,000 or so per year more expensive than a 10k miles per annum contract on a typical family car.

You must also ensure you service and maintain the car as per manufacturers terms, no shortcuts.

Leasing doesn't normally work out too well for high mileage drivers, but some reasonable deals do pop up from time to time.
21 Sep 17 #103
Wow, such ignorance. Have you actually been near or sat in a new Octavia or Superb or Kodiak? And if so what exactly is mediocre about it? They drive well, have great engines, are screwed very well together and have a lovely interior quality/finish. The Superb and Yeti came top in the 2017 Driver Power survey. The Superb receives a 4.5/5 star review with every auto review I have ever seen, for eg Superb review. Another Kodiak 5 star review.

Which brand would consider good then? I am very interested to hear what constitutes a good brand as per your mysterious personal criteria? Unless your are just a badge snob?
21 Sep 17 #102
That's nice to know, thanks for sharing... Who do you lease from... And in your opinion would it make sense to lease one if someone does 20-25k miles a year......
BTW, yours is probably the most helpful reply out of all the other ones in this discussion today
21 Sep 17 #101
If I aimed small I wouldn't need a mortgage either, but then I'd have a **** house.

Your analogy also falls flat on its face, we're talking about a lease, your mortgage is a PCP (just with equal payments) not a PCH as you've wrongly implied, try again.

U get me?!? :poop:
21 Sep 17 #100
If you was using your own mind rather than following the crowd, you wouldn't be going anywhere near a Skoda showroom, or any other member of the VW Group. Baaaaaa.

And you could actually learn a bit by listening to me, I've been in the industry for 29 years, not that I'm willing to help you at all.
21 Sep 17 #99
Simply put because I prefer to base my opinions on my own first hand experience rather than that of some twonk on the internet such as yourself.
21 Sep 17 #98
That's news to me, pretty sure the bank doesn't own it if u don't have a mortgage. Then again if u did have a mortgag, when u finish the payments - u get to keep the driveway too (what a nice bonus!)
21 Sep 17 #97
Is that parked on the driveway the bank owns?
21 Sep 17 #96
Aw are pro-lease's missing being baited? :kissing_heart:
We're too busy saving money knowing we don't have to shell out year on year as its ours to keep, and driving whatever mileage we like rather than having an expensive driveway ornament and not having someone else's property parked on the driveway :muscle:

{bait has been set}
21 Sep 17 #95
Very good deal, if compared to the option to buy the car new (cash or finance) and resell it after 2 years. And, of course, as long as you insure it properly in case of total loss. Thanks.
21 Sep 17 #94
82% of new cars are being sold on finance/'fleece' according to latest figures so correct to say only 1 out of 5 are actually buying a new car.
21 Sep 17 #93
There are guides for condition at end of lease, certain amount of car park and mileage wear and tear are expected, we always get ours valeted before return (on our third) and never had an issue, mostly a transporter turns up, chap checks service book and tyres, quick visual and straight to auction (in our experience) same experience handing co. cars back in the past. Don't take the mickey and you should be fine. If damage more than you would expect, get it fixed before handing back. For clarity we lease a Mokka (£170pcm with three months up front) and take it to Kwitfit for servicing, and bought a new Dacia Stepway, which costs a little less but will be ours outright after four years. Hedging bets :laughing:
21 Sep 17 #92
It's amazing how these car lease threads can go from helpful to confrontational
21 Sep 17 #91
You haven't thought about this at all have you, obviously.
21 Sep 17 #90
So by your reckoning no one ever buys a new car I imagine.
21 Sep 17 #89
3 grand a year on a car. Good god
21 Sep 17 #88
I know the manufacturer benefits, if you read the thread you will see that, I was just expressing that it's a bit out of order to go and waste a salespersons time when you have no interest whatsoever in buying a car through them.

It's a £200 a month Skoda, no need to pretend to be Jeremy Clarkson for the day...
21 Sep 17 #87
Well 90% of new cars are being leased/fleeced so your maths adds up for once. :smile:
21 Sep 17 #86
Lol, are you implying people shouldn't test drive a car they will daily for a couple of years atleast because it would be "wasting the time" of the dealership, even though a finance company will go off and purchase the car for you therefore contribute to the overall sales of the manufacturer in question..
21 Sep 17 #85
That doesn't seem like a great deal to me...
21 Sep 17 #84
I don't know what everyone's problem is with leasing. I leased the deal that came up last year for the Audi A4 £1200 up front and £140 a month for 10000 miles and it's been excellent. It is basically a way for manufacturers to get rid of excess cars at close to cost to keep the production lines ticking over. As for worrying about damage you are allowed wear and tear that is detailed with photos in the lease manual. This includes small scratches and dents and stone chips and stains. Great deal don't hesitate if your thinking about it. This is probably how electric cars will be 'sold' in the future!
21 Sep 17 #83
So what is the difference between someone interested in buying/leasing from an online company and using the local dealership for a test drive, and someone off the street, who might buy a Skoda, having a test drive? I would expect that if there is a chance that the dealership would likely benefit from servicing etc., that is better than watching someone walk away to buy another marque. In addition, where do you think some of these cars come from, particularly when buying? Dealerships of course!:{
21 Sep 17 #82
I don't agree with this. Why not take the quote you have received and ask them how close they can get to it? Quite often they will match it/only pay marginally more but without the admin fee. You can deal directly with the dealership which is more likely to be local as the 3rd party lease company might source the car from the other side of the country.

The sales person will still be paid a wage, part of the skill of sales is figuring out who is a serious buyer and who is a time waster anyway!
21 Sep 17 #81
i think arguments from anti-lease brigade is usually about their financial situation.. if it isnt then it should be because thats the only justification that makes sense to me.. open to other ideas ofcourse
21 Sep 17 #80
true... equally they will have to adapt to the new market where this is going to happen.. i'm sure dealers do try to get as much out of the footfall as they can without giving as little as possible....
21 Sep 17 #79
In its defense , you get nearly 45 on long motorway journeys and 30 ish in eco mode around town

Considerably less in vrs mode with a lot of right foot prodding

Average of a about 4 months is realistically 29.5

Oh and I own one so can comment honestly
21 Sep 17 #78
Maybe express that to the dealership when using them for a test drive, I'm sure you'll get an extra special level of service.

Can you not see that if EVERYONE used them for a test drive but sourced the car elsewhere, they would go bust, and there would be nobody to provide any after sales support to you? You probably can't.
21 Sep 17 #77
I'm pointing out the pointlessness of talking about Skodas total equity when discussing a different company completely.
21 Sep 17 #76
I dont particularly care who owns the dealership. They have to work out the numbers.
My only interest is to make a good deal that is good for me.
Do you want to make money for the dealership or for yourself?
21 Sep 17 #75
That is the manufacturer - they get the sale every time.

I was referring to the franchised retailer, and the commissioned salespeople, neither of which earn a penny when a car is ‘bought’ through a 3rd party website that isn’t equipped to provide a test drive
21 Sep 17 #74
Skoda won't own the dealership.
21 Sep 17 #73
You seem to feel sorry for Skoda Sir.
Total equity: CZK 137.580 billion (2016).…uto
I let you work out the exchange rate. If you can put that many 0-s in your calculator that is. :-)
21 Sep 17 #72
A surprisingly large amount of people are incapable of seeing any point of view except their own. That is generally the issue with the anti lease brigade.
21 Sep 17 #71
Those who want less power and more MPG can opt for this Sub £70pm deal!…150
21 Sep 17 #70
I don't see the argument from the anti-lease brigade.

If people at the top of the line want to buy (makes no difference if it is leased, we're only talking about depreciation here) a new car for you to then inherit it 2/3/4/5 years down the line when it meets you price point, then surely that's a positive?

Remove those new buyers/leasers and the supply chain dries up, suddenly your 2/3/4/5 year old car is costing more than it should shuffling you further and further down the chain of bangers, and with fewer choice.

Look at the housing market, it's the same dynamic, buyers versus renters. One needs the other in order to maintain the balance.

If you bite the hand that feeds you, you're foolish... just wait your turn and you'll get my car eventually, once I've finished soiling it.
21 Sep 17 #69
Money not being a problem and being happy to spend it on a badge aren't the same thing.
21 Sep 17 #68
You will be credit checked for a lease, same as you would for a bank loan.

There is nothing really particularly creative going on, and it hasn't changed much in at least the last 10 years.
21 Sep 17 #67
If money is not an issue why would they buy/lease a Skoda?
21 Sep 17 #66
I went for the IMG Warrington deal @ £250pm and £250 deposit, I've heard on the grape vine that has now ended but that they are still leasing Cupra's for £259 ? Sorry I don't have any direct links, but have a sieve though the forum as I'm sure there were some dealers in the south that were matching IMG and still valid…133
21 Sep 17 #65
Its going to end well for the car companies.
21 Sep 17 #64
not bothered about proving you/myself right or wrong...just trying to understand each other, thats all :smile: ... my assumption was that money is an issue for most folks...
21 Sep 17 #63
Are you talking about the latest Skoda?
If money is not an issue you might as well buy/lease a good car :-)
I dont have problem with Skoda cars but personally i wouldnt even call it a good brand. Worse than mediocare imo. Its drivable yes.
21 Sep 17 #62
i think Mike Carney agrees with you.... high chance of it all going t**ts up for lots of people...
21 Sep 17 #61
i guess it says that you want to make use of a decent new 'a to b' car without tying down your money and arent fussed about the badge...
21 Sep 17 #60
Just because the individual is not taking out a loan does not mean there is not some creative financial engineering happening in there. Car manufacturers face a problem - there are less and less would-be buyers who can actually afford to buy their products. People can't even buy them on tick with e.g. a bank loan because they would be rejected. It's obvious that Jimmy a 21-year old with no money who works in a chip shop cannot buy a 35K car. But the car companies need all the buyers they can get so they invent a way for Jimmy to get behind that wheel and drive off. It's not going to end well.
21 Sep 17 #59
so technically leaseholders pay depreciation (same as owners of new cars do) only in this case it's somebody else's new car (which again can be moot point if they are likely to keep changing cars every 2-3 years anyways)...

It lets leaseholders enjoy the latest cars that either they could not afford to buy or they didnt want to tie down the money ...

and they pay the lease companies for that access/option

sounds fairly attractive if you really value always driving the latest cars... not for me though... or should i say not 'yet' for me... :smile:
21 Sep 17 #58
This isn't a finance scheme. It is a lease deal.
21 Sep 17 #57
I think it comes down to preference in a way.
If you buy a pre owned car with low milage and 1-3 year warranty you will save money compared to leasing. And you will be in control of the situation as you can sell the car or you can do lots of milage too.
It's more hassle to buy a car but that's how it is.
21 Sep 17 #56
Here I am. Sorry I'm late.

This Skoda Octavia is just a beefed up Fiat Panda, why waste your money on it? You could just buy a Reliant Robin outright and save money, it gets you from A to B without the high monthly costs and you actually get to own it.
21 Sep 17 #55
No mate
21 Sep 17 #54
Does this include car insurance for the 24 month period? Excuse my ignorance, I've always owned cars, never hired.
21 Sep 17 #53
I tell you 1 problem right away.
It's a Skoda.
21 Sep 17 #52
3/4 of the official figure sounds about right. I dont think anyone really expects the quoted figures, its just for comparison really.
21 Sep 17 #51
40mpg from a Cupra, hah! I had one and was lucky if I got 30mpg from it
21 Sep 17 #50
They'll be taking their profit out of the massive discounts they get compared to individual private buyers. Still cheaper than owning the same car over the same timeframe
21 Sep 17 #49
The UK economy is in a big mess despite the official figures, now they can't even sell cars and have to resort to these weird twisted financing schemes. It is all going to go bang in a spectacular way and not very far off either. Not hating on this deal however I think for an individual it is great and I would go for the Skoda or the Cupra myself if I didn't already have a car. What's not to like about driving around in really quite a nice car for less than 200 a month. But in macro-economic terms it's a shocker.
21 Sep 17 #48
Yes I do, was it that obvious?

Utterly ‘rediculous’ spelling btw.
21 Sep 17 #47
Do you work in a dealership or something? Most people buying a new car only keep it 2-3 years before moving on. Following your logic, why do you need to test drive a car you're buying either if you're selling in 2-3 years time? Utterly rediculous comment.
21 Sep 17 #46
I do hope so.
21 Sep 17 #45
They overcharge us for service and repairs so I'm sure it balances out.
21 Sep 17 #44
Newsflash, buying used stuff is cheaper than buying new stuff. Eating leftovers from a bin is cheaper than buying new food. Wearing charity shop clothes is cheaper than buying new clothes. Living in a tent is cheaper than a house.
21 Sep 17 #43
Weird all that isn't it - it's just like any other car, paid for any other way.
21 Sep 17 #42
Ooooh, rarther...

Have you not got anythink more important to say?
21 Sep 17 #41
You go and waste your local Skoda dealers time, and then order it from these 'website operators'. Whilst doing so, the helpful man at the Skoda dealership could be dealing with an alternative customer who actually has the intention of buying a car from him, and therefore being able to feed his family. The owners of the Skoda dealership also have to pay for their multi million pound premises (which you will be using free of charge each time a fault develops), and you get to put some miles on, and therefore add to the depreciation of their demonstrator vehicle - and burn a gallon or two of the petrol they paid for.

Why do you need to test drive a car that you are renting, and that lots of people on here and reviewers all say is okay?
20 Sep 17 #9
Where's the usual flock of anti-lease tards?
notos to The_Hoff
20 Sep 17 #12
Here goes... "You can buy a car for that price"... "It's not really yours"... "What if you need to go over the mileage"... "Renting culture will be the end of us"...

It's a good price for a lot of car and makes mucho sense if you need a new saloon car. I'd just say that lease prices are a true reflection of the value of cars today, and not the inflated sticker price that implies you're getting a huge discount. After all, if everyone is leasing what use is the old depreciation calculation worth anymore?
M0RPH to notos
20 Sep 17 #14
Not entirely a true reflection. After all the lease company will have factored in a profit so you will be paying that too.
notos to M0RPH
21 Sep 17 #19
That's a good point
fishmaster to The_Hoff
20 Sep 17 #15
I can't wait, it's always entertaining. You wonder how they think, in fact if they think at all. I hate tards, I'd say the world is 90% tards, 10% people who can think for themselves.
satan666wayne to The_Hoff
21 Sep 17 #23
Still out T-cutting the scratches out of their 1999 Ford Escorts.
GAVINLEWISHUKD to satan666wayne
21 Sep 17 #40
To be honest 1999 Escort's that are in good condition are like hen's teeth! Got to be a mint 1.6 finesse. :smile:
21 Sep 17 #39
Instead of the 2400 deposit ,i would rarther get a decent car for that money !! . Then you wouldnt have to pay anythink monthly or worry about when the lease ends
20 Sep 17 #2
42 mpg ... er OK
ezzer72 to Andi.Keane
21 Sep 17 #38
I think that is referring to the oil consumption, being a TSi engine.
21 Sep 17 #37
if i went for a lease i'd just be so worried about the scratches/nicks you get in the car parks from doors of cars parked next to yours - i guess going over mileage is fine, you'll just have to pay extra for the privilege.. presuming taking car to western/northen european countries is fine as well or do you have to notify/pay them everytime you go?
is it true if something goes wrong with the car and the dealer decides its not covered under warranty then you will have to foot the bill?
21 Sep 17 #36
Is the TDI vrs deal a good offer?

I don't understand much about leasing but on the same site it shows as £2400 deposit, £239.99 admin fee and £126.91 a month for 10k per annum miles?

Total cost of £5558.92 if my sums are right.
21 Sep 17 #35
Never done a lease before but tempted with this, where do you go to view/test drive the vehicle? And does this Octavia have the dynamic chassis control (DCC) suspension?
20 Sep 17 #13
There's are lovely inside.
GrumpyOldGamer to oliverreed
21 Sep 17 #22
Male or female?
flagstaff19651 to oliverreed
21 Sep 17 #27
And in English ??
oliverreed to flagstaff19651
21 Sep 17 #34
Member since 2011 and not posted a deal. End interaction.
21 Sep 17 #33
Excellent deal. Skoda snobs, 1980 called and wants its stereotype back.

Let's face it: this is a Golf GTI with performance pack underneath. Anyone who can't get their head around that, well, don't bother posting anything, because you won't add anything of use.

As for lease deal haters, and there are plenty of those around...there's not much I can add to what we already know, other than offer them some sums to prove the science.

Funnily enough, illogical and irrational individuals often decline to see science (emipircal evidence) as valid if it doesn't suit them.
21 Sep 17 #32
Volkswagen Golf2.0 TSI 310 R 5dr AWD DSG Personal Lease
3 months6 months9 months
5,000 miles per year8,000 miles per year10,000 miles per year
24 months36 months48 months
Fuel Consumption
40.4 mpg
CO2 Emissions
Fuel Type
Pure White

Personal Deal
per month INCL VAT
Initial Rental
£2,776.77 INCL VAT
Contract Length
Admin Fee
21 Sep 17 #26
How is this a deal? £2400 deposit and £155 monthly for a Skoda is never a deal. Sorry, but I'd look around for something less embarrassing to drive.
fuzzynavel to Teezer
21 Sep 17 #31
I bet you are one of these people who would rather have a poverty spec C class Merc for the badge than look at the car on its merits...Skodas are VW's nowadays and share much of the same componentry as "proper VW's" and Audis.

Your loss!
21 Sep 17 #25
Good deal and voted hot, but for those wanting the most performance for a reasonable price the Cupra deals are still about at certain dealers ( see piston head threads ) and were £250 pm and £250 deposit.
pc_tech86 to Bikerdanny
21 Sep 17 #28
Link please?
fuzzynavel to pc_tech86
21 Sep 17 #30
On the same site there are cupras for 182.82pm with 2400 upfront
Try here!! change mileage etc to match picture for the current price which may change!

20 Sep 17 #4
Shouldn't it be 23 x £155.35?
thefunkygibbon to Guzzle
20 Sep 17 #6
yup, but doesn't exactly make a big difference that it was worth pointing out... unless you're really anal that is.
Guzzle to thefunkygibbon
20 Sep 17 #10
Maybe not to you but could be helpful for some
fuzzynavel to Guzzle
21 Sep 17 #29
Even cheaper....bonus!
21 Sep 17 #24
I've got 10k and want newest mid size car possible any ideas? In need of some help.
20 Sep 17 #16
Is there a catch to this deal? Because it looks amazing
20 Sep 17 #18
Yes. In 2 years time you will have nothing and your bank balance will be £10k less!

Sorry couldn't resist! Lol

You can then drive down the motorway at night doing 68mph and watch everybody slow down to see if you are a cop before zooming off! :smile:

It's a good deal.
LocoMoFo9999 to akGTR
21 Sep 17 #21
Well yes the name :relaxed:
21 Sep 17 #20
An elegant skip :thumbsup:
20 Sep 17 #17
That's an incredible deal. Still don't fancy it though.
20 Sep 17 #11
This one is too good that’s why they’ve disappeared
20 Sep 17 #8
Same engine as the Golf GTI... Great price!
20 Sep 17 #3
I have the 2016 220bhp bhp- cost me £280 pm on 15k pa. this is a bargain
118luke to r401caw
20 Sep 17 #5
This works out to be £265.35 (if you include the initial & Admin) - I'd say yours was better for the mileage unless it was a hefty upfront
thefunkygibbon to 118luke
20 Sep 17 #7
its unlilkely to not have a decent up front amount. 6-9 months is the norm. In fact this skoda works out to be like 15m initial payment (not really a deposit as it claims) which seems quite high. But yeah at the end of the day, for leases, just work out the total cost instead of looking at the monthlies and initial payment.
20 Sep 17 #1
Cracking deal
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Nerf Battle Racer
3 stars +101

Nerf Battle Racer

£149.98 costco10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games
4 stars +357

PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members
3 stars +155

Blondie - Parallel Lines on vinyl purehmv members

£8.99 HMV 10 Oct 17
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Oct 2017

Embr icon pack - free
3 stars +122

Embr icon pack - free

Google Play10 Oct 17
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Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg
3 stars +151

Paulaner Munich Hall beer 5 litre keg

£9 Waitroses10 Oct 17
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9
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Costco fuel Edinburgh now open - petrol 110.9 diesel 112.9

costco10 Oct 17
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Wrapping paper
3 stars +133

Wrapping paper

£0.48 Tesco10 Oct 17
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Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal
4 stars +300

Bluetooth Speaker, Anker SoundCore nano Sold by AnkerDirect - Lightning deal

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours
3 stars +115

Sherwoods Curry Sauces. Various Flavours

£0.87 Tesco10 Oct 17
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XCOM 2 for the PC
3 stars +199

XCOM 2 for the PC

£11.20 Greenman Gaming10 Oct 17
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse
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Google PIXEL XL 32 GB Sim Free - Black @ Currys Pc World & Carphone Warehouse

£399.99 Currys10 Oct 17
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The Firm (game) now FREE
3 stars +168

The Firm (game) now FREE

£0.84 Google Play10 Oct 17
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Original Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - LDS SLAM / Intelligent Route / Planning App w/code
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids
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Bedsheets - King Size/Doubles/Single for kids

£2 Poundland10 Oct 17
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Apple Airpods to £129
3 stars +188

Apple Airpods to £129

£129 £159 BT Shop10 Oct 17
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3 stars +150


Instore Home Bargains10 Oct 17
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National Curry Week M&S Indian Takeaway Deal - with decent veggie options too
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Resident evil origins collection (PS4)
3 stars +128

Resident evil origins collection (PS4)

£13.85 Base.com10 Oct 17
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TSB credit card 0% on balance transfers for 28 months, fee-free, plus potential cashback
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£6 £24 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE
3 stars +143

JPEG Optimizer PRO with PDF Support now FREE

£1.79 Google Play10 Oct 17
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PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE
3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
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Lego Friends Calender
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Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
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Double LEGO VIP Points
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Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
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