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21 Sep 17
Cracking SIMO offer from Virgin Mobile - - 20GB 4G Data / 5000 Mins / Unlimited Texts on a 12 month contract

5000 mins
20GB 4G data
Unlimited text
12 month contract

Data Rollover: keep unused data
Free messaging on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
Change your 4G plan up or down every month
Roam like home in 43 destinations
Our SIM fits any smartphone make or model

All comments (63)
21 Sep 17 #1
Just Got 40GB + 5000 mins unlimited texts and a new J3 phone from Virgin for £21 a month
Smadmad to Higuys
21 Sep 17 #2
How much of the 40gb can you tether?
BlueRalph to Smadmad
21 Sep 17 #5
"Tethering and peer to peer file sharing prohibited."

Shame, It looks a good deal other than that
Smadmad to BlueRalph
21 Sep 17 #9
That's a massive shame. I need it for streaming on my laptop and virgins mobile wi-fi is £16 for 10 gb, then £15 for every additional gb
Wings18 to Smadmad
21 Sep 17 #16
@Smadmad i tether daily and I have no issues with VM
monkey1999 to BlueRalph
21 Sep 17 #24
I do and everyone I know does ? Never had problem
szaman81 to monkey1999
21 Sep 17 #42
same here
Simplyalif to Smadmad
21 Sep 17 #34
You're not allowed to tether on virgin mobile
21 Sep 17 #3
Typo in title - should be 4G not 4GB LOL

Edit - fixed now
21 Sep 17 #4
Dead link, check that again please!
21 Sep 17 #6
Uses EE's network
sam_of_london to Optimus_Toaster
21 Sep 17 #46
But does not get EE full speed
21 Sep 17 #7
£48 cashback with TCB too.
21 Sep 17 #8
I got badly burnt by Virgin Mobile over the summer.

I got a one-month rollover for £9 (1Gb, 500 or so minutes, 1000 texts). Special offer via Carphone Warehouse.

What neither CPW nor Virgin Media either told me or made clear is that there is an automatic £50 credit facility - which acts as a cap on data.

All my previous suppliers automatically capped data (EE, 02, Three, etc).

Unknown to me, my new OnePlus 5 updated apps each day (using a handful of megabytes).

Virgin Mobile charge a flat fee for internet access everyday, regardless of how much you use (reasonable usage obtains).

So.... when I got to the end of the month, Virgin Mobile billed me an extra £39 for using 1.5Gb of data.

So.... Virgin Media and CPW - no thanks!
Smadmad to misterjohn
21 Sep 17 #10
Virgin are sneaky with data caps. You can turn updates off your phone off or only allow it to update via Wi-fi
clungepie to Smadmad
21 Sep 17 #44
I've been with virgin for 6 months now and regularly tether with no issues
big.k to misterjohn
22 Sep 17 #51
What has that got to do with VM or any other network operator?

It was your phone which should only update things over WiFi rather than cell data to start off with, not to mention you could easily view your data usage, either on the phone or network (and setup data allowances on the phone so the phone could notify you when approaching the end).

It's only Tesco mobile which allows a low extra usage cap, EE have a credit limit of £125 on mine, so no, they don't cap data in any way.

It's all part of the contract, if you use more minutes / data outside of your contract, you will be shafted for it.

Put it down to a lesson learnt, sort out your phone out!
Rockstarjak to misterjohn
22 Sep 17 #52
Or how about you track your usage or go for a higher tariff instead of expecting them to spoon-feed you?
21 Sep 17 #11
Reported link to a mod should be in working order soon :thumbsup:
edit: they said it’s sorted, it’s not, if someone else could report it as I can only report a thread once :dizzy_face:
21 Sep 17 #12
Still wondering with Virgin media if we can get any UI Voicemail ? like Hullomail ? Any app for iphone please ?
21 Sep 17 #13
I also use virgin. It’s true after you use your data they charge you £3 a day regardless how much you use (could be 10mb or 20gb).

But they send you alerts at 80% data used and you can easily check online and with the app. You just need to be carefull. Whatsapp doesn’t use data what is neat
21 Sep 17 #14
21 Sep 17 #15
I'm with EE at the end of my contract I called them up today mentioned this offer and an offer 3 are offering 30gb for £18 EE offered me 30gb unlimited minutes and text with free BT sports for 12 months for 17.99 which I happily accepted. I voted hot for this deal because this is good deal as a new customer out there ATM.
21 Sep 17 #17
I was with EE but they would only match to the three £18 for 30gb offer..

Have jumped across to BT.. unlimited/unlimited/20gb for £25p/m.. plus £85 amazon voucher, plus £70 TCB cashback.. works out to £12pm and I still on the same EE network

Heat for this offer though if you dont want to mess around with cashback
21 Sep 17 #18
Just got the Note 8 with virgin.

Works out at £10 pm for 40GB data!

£28 pm 0% interest for the note, can pay it off and upgrade whenever I want whilst still keeping the 40GB data contract.

All in all, £38 a month with a free Note 8 and 40GB data is by far the best deal you can get right now.
Winspiration to striker33
21 Sep 17 #19
Is that over 36 months? Can you pay it off at anytime and upgrade?
suarez777 to striker33
21 Sep 17 #20
Yep tell us more, that deal sounds too cheap.
monkey1999 to suarez777
21 Sep 17 #25
3 year contract
Winspiration to monkey1999
21 Sep 17 #28
Yeah, looking into it, it's not that good of a deal. Like you said, it's a three year contract, and while it's £28 a month for the phone - over three years that's £1008.
monkey1999 to Winspiration
21 Sep 17 #29
To be fair note costs that much I think
Winspiration to monkey1999
21 Sep 17 #30
It seems to be £869 in most places; Samsung, Very, John Lewis, etc.
suarez777 to Winspiration
23 Sep 17 #53
A sim card with 40gb usually cost around £20 a month, then accouting for inflation, the sim card could cost £750 for 3 years, meaning he got the phone for £250.

Hustler1337 to striker33
21 Sep 17 #21
Was this an instore deal?
monkey1999 to Hustler1337
21 Sep 17 #26
online or in store but is 3 year contract
kazlog to striker33
21 Sep 17 #27
I've been well bumped then. I've got the s8 they are charging me £38 for my handset. I've managed to get the tariff for £5 for 40gb 5000mins and unlimited txt. So works out £42
dealomatic to striker33
22 Sep 17 #50
Nice. :thumbsup:

Don't forget though that according to the blurb, you will still only get 2 years phone warranty on a 3 year contract.
In which case, as you have mentioned, it may be best to pay off the phone after year 2 and upgrade.

iPhone XX anyone? :relaxed:
21 Sep 17 #22
Earlier in the year VM did this deal for £15 on rolling month.

Things just don't seem to be getting cheaper as far as sim only deals are concerned.
suarez777 to Splashmo
21 Sep 17 #23
Indeed everything is getting more expensive, owners of HUKD must be loving this, as demand for bargains increases.

All due to Brexit!
21 Sep 17 #31
Saying that, although that's the breakdown striker33 gave, the data, minutes and texts would cost you £16 on its own. So I'd say the breakdown is more £22/£16; I think that would give a fairer reflection.

And there's £105 cashback with TCB, too.
21 Sep 17 #32
It's a 3 year contract, but that applies only to the contract itself. Not the phone. You can buy the phone contract out at any point.

Im literally paying £10 a month for 3 years to have 40gb data, with a maximum of 20gb unused data rolling over to the next month, essentially turning it into 60gb for that month.

It would cost far less than most 2 year contracts would if I were to buy out the contract itself right now.

If I actually kept the note for 3 years, that would be around £450 a year including everything. I personally won't, but a lot of people on here who usually can't justify high amounts for a new phone and rarely upgrade, it would be a steal for them.

Oh and my quidco tracked at £70, so there's that too :smile:
Winspiration to striker33
21 Sep 17 #33
Can I pick your brains over it, please? As I'm actually really interested in this deal, now that I've kind of got my head around it a little (I think!), but I do have a couple of questions...

When you say it's a three year contract, but that only applies to the contract itself, if after two years I wanted to upgrade to a new phone, I know I can buy the contract out, but how much would that cost? Would it be £28 x 12?
striker33 to Winspiration
21 Sep 17 #36
It would be yes, as that would be the remainder to pay for the phone.

I've also added another post detailing the 2 year option instead, which works out a bit cheaper for the device itself.
Winspiration to striker33
21 Sep 17 #37
Many thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.

One last thing: when I go onto Quidco, the maximum amount of cashback is £90 and that's for contracts £45+?

Wouldn't this deal fall in the £35-£39.99 category?
striker33 to Winspiration
21 Sep 17 #38
If it's the £38 then yes, the maximum is £70 quidco. It's what tracked for me.

The promotion may have ended if it's not visible, but there were specific cashback rates just for S8 and note 8 before.
Winspiration to striker33
21 Sep 17 #41
Ah, I see. I didn't know if you meant £70 when you said £170.

I don't know if it's too late for you to cancel your order but Top Cashback are offering £105 cashback. They also give a bonus of £50 on top of that for Samsung S8 contracts. I've queried if that includes the Note as I'm not sure.
21 Sep 17 #35
Oh and if you were to do the deal over 2 years, it'd come to £1248. £52 pm.

So the note itself SIM free right now is £869.

That's £379 total over the 2 years for a contract with 40gb data.

This means you still get the contract at the usual rate right now @16pm for 20GB doubled to 40GB, and pay no interest for the finance of the phone.

And no upfront cost.

You can also make this even cheaper by taking into account that Virgin currently pay £170 quidco cashback for Note 8 contracts £45 and above.

If the £170 cashback is paid, then you're basically only paying £700 for the note 8 over 2 years.
21 Sep 17 #39
Is this speed limited to 40mb making it slower than 3G like all other Virgin mobile deals ?
21 Sep 17 #40
Must be a virgin customer
21 Sep 17 #43
I took up their 8GB, 2500, Unlimited text for £12.00 yesterday, more than enough for me. Just found out any unused data gets rolled over to the next month aswell.
21 Sep 17 #45
Would have purchased this grabbed the Three 100GB sim deal.
mtuk1 to abdi12346
24 Sep 17 #57
Whaaaaaaa? Punctuation is everything.
abdi12346 to mtuk1
24 Sep 17 #58
Sorry me no underistandings?
21 Sep 17 #47
Given that Virgin Mobile piggybacks on EE, what sort of speeds are people achieving?
22 Sep 17 #48
For those not needing the data virgin customers can also get 4gb 2500mins and ultd texts for £8 a month - that's what I went for - I phoned up and asked - also any members of the family can also get it too.
22 Sep 17 #49
If you know someone who works at Virgin Media then you could get 25% off your tariff as Mates Rates.
23 Sep 17 #54
The internet speed is rubbish with Virgin, its up to 25mbps, EE offers like 100mbps
23 Sep 17 #55
I was on Virgin sim only deal for more than 5 years that became withdrawn as time went on that was cracking for the money, think it was called V.I.P. Max, was 2Gb (3G only because thats all then done at the time, unlimited texts and calls for £12 a month and it was 30 days rolling not 12 months, best thing about it was no retail price index increase which seems the way of all of them these days.
sam_of_london to Willie77
24 Sep 17 #56
I was on Three unlimited data deal for many years until they stopped it when you getting only 2gb with virgin :skull_crossbones:
28 Sep 17 #59
Whats this £8 lifetime discount it adds on at checkout?
slayermatt to DJ.Mole
29 Sep 17 #60
The contract is usually £24, the discount is a permanent monthly reduction of £8 thus getting this deal price
30 Sep 17 #61
ring retentions on 789 they will give you 50% for 6 months , just mention you are going to leave, this only works if you have been with virgin mobile for longer than year
30 Sep 17 #62
this deal is effectively 40gb data ad the 20gb rolls over EVER month
4 Oct 17 #63
Looks like this has expired :thinking:
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