Sorry if a repost - done a search but couldnt find
selected christmas tubes £0.75p at wilkos instore and online
munchies smarties smarties pink jelly tots fruit pastilles rowntrees pick&mix rolo love hearts parma violets drumsticks milky bar buttons cadbury fudge minis cadbury freddos minis Cadburys buttons swizzles sweet treats caramac
All comments (25)
7y 25d#1
........................voted hot.
7y 25d#2
Couldn’t resist the pink smarties yesterday!
7y 25d#3
Cue the bitter early Christmas brigade
7y 25d#4
It is way too early for Christmas stock, November should be when it's put on display.
7y 25d#5
Ho Ho Ho DEF CHI You hit your Cue perfectly Heat added op!
7y 25d#6
DCFC79 #
7y 25d#7
Saw this on Friday. I should have posted then since I take so much from this site.
I bought the Smarties which were 150g. Given how a tiny tube of them is 75p these days, this offer is great.
7y 25d#8
They went to 50p last year if you can hold your nerve
7y 25d#9
These are fab stocking fillers! Thank you!
oberlisc to mmmunchkin
7y 25d#10
Or to eat on the way home in the car.
7y 25d#11
Fab thanks great for nieces and nephews stocking fillers etc
7y 25d#12
ConfectionEry - just like StationEry think E for E numbers and hyper kids in this instance! LOL
Caroline_1993 to gordies
7y 25d#17
Oh im sorry for being dislexic, next time i post a deal i will make sure you proof read it for any spelling mistakes.
Grow up.
saintscouple to Caroline_1993
7y 25d#19
Great post, thank you.
Crazy though, the weight difference between tubes, you get a lot more with the smartie ones it seems
7y 25d#13
Trouble is if I buy them now, will have gone by Christmas.
7y 25d#14
Love how there is a syphon nestled in between the chocolate on the Wilko website, just melt and you're away...
7y 25d#15
Carry on buying stuff like this then you support greedy misleading companies, who are not only shrinking products but also taking British jobs abroad and making the chocolate as cheap as they can with more sugar and oil. We are been taking for granted in this country.
Caroline_1993 to TheEnglish909
7y 25d#16
Ive seen you comment on quite a few chocolate posts now having a rant anout shrinking, poor quality, british jobs etc etc.
Im british, if i had my own business would i employ british people? Probably not. Why? They phone in sick, constatly walk around the shop floor saying “cba” and im tired.
YAwn yawn yawn
MSK. to Caroline_1993
7y 25d#20
Yourself included I take it?
7y 25d#18
They do look small on the picture so i wonder if they have reduced the size like most chocolate
Wibble436 to Misslovely
7y 25d#22
If you click through to the link, the Wilko site says the smarties are 150g, which is what they were last year. A lot of the others are only 100g - not sure what they were before.
7y 25d#21
So summer is over and now for the slow crawl through the cold months, I love it when I am reminded about that
7y 25d#23
I love HavanaBaby's comment.......... 'hold your nerve' ........ I suspect a true chocoholic and very serious shopper !
danjames922 to Ke22er
7y 25d#24
*does best Heisenberg impression*
"I am the one who chocs."
7y 25d#25
Thanks for posting...
Voted hot - great for a student.... :party: :party:
Opening post
selected christmas tubes £0.75p at wilkos instore and online
smarties pink
jelly tots
fruit pastilles
rowntrees pick&mix
love hearts
parma violets
milky bar buttons
cadbury fudge minis
cadbury freddos minis
Cadburys buttons
swizzles sweet treats
All comments (25)
........................voted hot.
Heat added op!
I bought the Smarties which were 150g. Given how a tiny tube of them is 75p these days, this offer is great.
Grow up.
Crazy though, the weight difference between tubes, you get a lot more with the smartie ones it seems
Im british, if i had my own business would i employ british people? Probably not. Why? They phone in sick, constatly walk around the shop floor saying “cba” and im tired.
YAwn yawn yawn
A lot of the others are only 100g - not sure what they were before.
"I am the one who chocs."
Voted hot - great for a student.... :party: :party: