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 Samsung UBD-K8500 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player - Refurb 12 Month Guarantee £119.90 @ Argos ebay
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3 Sep 17
A good price i think
3 Sep 17 #43
damn its sold out now :thinking:
3 Sep 17 #33
I've got one of these, decent build quality and picture quality on all formats.. remote is a bit small but works well.. paid £80 brand new
3 Sep 17 #32
Sweet deal. Will be getting a 4k player in the next couple of months so nice to see deals like this.
3 Sep 17 #25
Get this Quick
3 Sep 17 #23
Xbox One S is still better
snoopy18 to Anil90
3 Sep 17 #31
Anil90 to snoopy18
3 Sep 17 #34
For me it is plus this is not new is refurbished
snoopy18 to Anil90
3 Sep 17 #35
You can get a new Xbox one s for £120 , post the deal
Anil90 to snoopy18
3 Sep 17 #36
‌ :cry: No Need I Have One
snoopy18 to Anil90
3 Sep 17 #37
And have you owned this player, like I do
Anil90 to snoopy18
3 Sep 17 #38
Don't need it because 4K movies are overpriced second I download 4K movies Xbox One S does the job and my 4K LG Tv for USB
ashmac to Anil90
3 Sep 17 #41
You didn't you downloaded a crompressed version of a 4 k movie so it's not true 4k .do you know how big an uncrompressed 4k movie is ??

Google it and you won't be downloading many :joy:
Anil90 to ashmac
3 Sep 17 #42
Normally the movies I download about 58GB to 69GB
3 Sep 17 #16
I got this deal earlier this week, fully expecting some noticeable signs of use, but it was actually brand new. Best refurb deal I've ever had!
creepyg to lonepiner
3 Sep 17 #18
Nice. I've went for it. Much as I like my XBox it's just too noisy.

Edit:- quick question, did you get any 4k discs with yours? I seem to remember some of these shipped with a pack-in copy of The Martian originally.
lonepiner to creepyg
3 Sep 17 #26
No discs included I'm afraid. I'm hoping to get buying seriously in the pre Xmas run up when hopefully prices will start to come down a bit. I have bought the Logan uhd already though and it looks an sounds fantastic with the hdr and atmos sound....
creepyg to lonepiner
3 Sep 17 #28
Cheers. Was a long shot I guess!
beatfreak to creepyg
3 Sep 17 #39
Hi mate, mine came with Independence Day, Martian and the revenant but I'm unsure if you'll get those at this price.

I will say however that I find this player really loud, watched la la land last weekend and had to turn the sound right up because of the sound of the disc loading chapters.

Might just be mine, but thought I'd offer the warning!
creepyg to beatfreak
3 Sep 17 #40
Thanks. I'm of the mind that it can't be anywhere near as loud as the xbox. Even my Panasonic blu-ray player makes some audible noise when playing. As long as it's in that region it's fine.
rohitmkiller to lonepiner
3 Sep 17 #29
Thanks for sharing the deal with everyone else.... :angry:
3 Sep 17 #13
4K Blu Ray died around the beginning of 2016, good luck getting in to an already deceased format. This is the Laserdisc of its day.
Fonzy1910 to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #14
Such an informative post. The quotes from leading industry experts are so compelling. The statistical information provided simply cannot be argued with.

But then again, I suppose fishmaster from the HUKD forum is the beacon of all knowledge regarding technological formats and their lifespans of success. :unamused:
fishmaster to Fonzy1910
3 Sep 17 #22
Come on now don't shoot the messenger :smile:
marathonic to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #15
I beg to differ. Also, a lot of new releases only offer the option of ATMOS and/or HDR in the 4K version as opposed to the bluray version. 4K will be around for a long time.

I'm pretty happy that, this time round, there isn't really a viable competing product (like Bluray v' HD-DVD). 4K bluray is slowly gaining traction and we'll notice a sharp increase in uptake with players dropping close to £100.
creepyg to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #17
Seem to remember roughly the same comments about Blu-Ray when it first appeared... :thumbsup:
fishmaster to creepyg
3 Sep 17 #21
People didn't have the luxury of the broadband speeds capable of streaming 4K content then though, I do concede that far from everyone has this luxury, but it's now one that makes a significant impact.
marathonic to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #19
Have a look at the bluray/4k bluray player section of Amazon. Seven of the top ten best selling players are 4k bluray players. This is despite their significantly higher price and the fact that there are hundreds more bluray players than 4k bluray players on the market. Surely this must be the sign of a deceased format :thumbsup:‌ :thumbsup:
fishmaster to marathonic
3 Sep 17 #20
I don't think this signifies anything, you're looking at a section dedicated to the equipment so it's obvious any new adopters will likely go for a player that affords them more choice, on a wider scale 4K Blu Ray isn't yet a success and may never be.
eayragt to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #24
May? That's not a hasty backtrack from calling 4k deceased is it :thumbsup:
ashmac to fishmaster
3 Sep 17 #27
And streaming compressed 4k is then ?
Biddy2 to ashmac
3 Sep 17 #30
Bingo. Always makes me chuckle that people think the only thing that matters is the tv saying it’s outputting at a 4K resolution. :laughing:

A good 1080p blu ray looks better than a compressed 4K stream.
3 Sep 17 #7
Xbox HDR Supposidly does not cut it, this is definately heated, Hdmi and manual does not really matter as long as it comes with the player lol
3 Sep 17 #5
Mines still in the box. Until 4K discs get cheaper, I don't think I'd ever use it.
3 Sep 17 #2
There are cheaper blueray player out there
ST3123 to kkthomask
3 Sep 17 #3
This isn't just a Bluray player though, it can play the latest ultra hd 4k blurays. If you can find a cheaper Ultra HD 4K Bluray player under £120 I would be extremely impressed...
ashmac to kkthomask
3 Sep 17 #9
I stopped reading when you called it a blueray :thinking:
3 Sep 17 #1
Would you not better with something like this instead as you get more for your money:…r=1
ST3123 to mannin
3 Sep 17 #4
Yes, for the price difference, I'd still recommend the Xbox One S, though this is a very good deal indeed. Plus much as I like the One S it has a few minor annoyances as a 4K Bluray player including a fair bit of drive noise and for some reason mine will, very occasionally, skip a few frames. Can only assume the CPU is momentarily busy with other tasks as if I rewind and replay it plays perfectly, still an annoyance that a dedicated player (almost certainly) wouldn't have....
mannin to ST3123
3 Sep 17 #10
To be honest not used my Xbox for 4k bd yet but i just thought for the money might be worth the extra for some people.
Believe_Me to mannin
3 Sep 17 #6
mannin to Believe_Me
3 Sep 17 #11
I am not saying buy it, i am just saying that offers more value for money, some may have a normal Xbox but want 4k bd.

They could switch out there current system with this and keep all the accessories from the old one (sell the old system on)
Biddy2 to mannin
3 Sep 17 #12
The Xbox One S isn’t a good 4K blu ray player at all though. It’s an afterthought for Microsoft. Discs skipping, freezing or outright refusing to play are just a few of the issues with them. Then there is the issue with the HDR displaying incorrectly. It also uses more electricity to run than a dedicated player. It really isn’t a wise recommendation at all unless you want a games console first and foremost. :smile:
ashmac to mannin
3 Sep 17 #8
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