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 Samsung Gear S2 Classic smart watch £119.99 @ Scan
5++ stars +891

Samsung Gear S2 Classic smart watch £119.99 @ Scan

£119.99 Scan16 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
16 Sep 17
First post so go easy.
I know there's a new Samsung watch due but thought this was a good deal compared to other retailers.
Also, if you go on Scans offer page 'today only' you can get this for £107.99.
Scan states it's 'open box' so if you're not sure what that means give them a call.
All comments (100)
16 Sep 17 #1
16 Sep 17 #2
Wouldn't mind a bit of this....but my 1st gen moto 360 is still doing me proud.....Is this s2 tizenOS only?.....great deal by all accounts.....wish all smart watches cost this much......
mrjackson90 to sxxychocolate
16 Sep 17 #3
Is tis android wear 2.0 or tizen im after a upgrade to the smartwatch 3
16 Sep 17 #4
Is this android pay compatible, or are there plans for it to be in future?
ChriisM to escortboy
16 Sep 17 #5
16 Sep 17 #6
It's Tizen os.
Also supports ios according to the specs on scans website.
I picked one up today.
16 Sep 17 #7
How do you get for £107.99 please
polly69 to Hardawan
16 Sep 17 #9
Try here
Hardawan to polly69
16 Sep 17 #11
thanks but does take me any where?!
16 Sep 17 #8
Nice deal, still got my huawei watch. Otherwise would've ordered
16 Sep 17 #10
Works on iOS but is limited compared to using it on android. You can't reply to messages via the watch at all on iOS. And the Samsung gear app on iOS doesn't have all the apps like when using it with android.

I'm not sure what difference it is from using with Samsung phone to any other android phone. Also no Samsung pay either.
16 Sep 17 #12
I bought this when it first came out for £220 - this is an extreme bargain!

Bought one for the dad - thanks OP!
16 Sep 17 #13
thanks op managed to get one with delivery for just under £113 :smile: well pleased with it?

as never had one would this fine to take it into shower? is it waterproof ?
16 Sep 17 #14
How good is 'open box' at Scan?
16 Sep 17 #15
If it's going to be a smart watch it's got to be Apple. Flawless. Proper sleek and smart with Apple Pay etc. Samsung need to up their game on that front.
muckspreader1 to wheelerdealer87
17 Sep 17 #27
Ha ha of course they do.Apple watches are terrible.Poor battery life and so ugly.Would rather save for a proper watch not a kids 80s toy.
cigbunt to wheelerdealer87
17 Sep 17 #29
Rickardo to wheelerdealer87
17 Sep 17 #36
Caveat is you must have an iPhone, of course. Even then I haven't used my Apple watch over the last year. However, Samsung would argue they don't need to up their game and consider their watch works flawless with Samsung phones plus orders good operability with Android in general and some operability with iOS. The reduced functionality is partly Samsung trying to promote their own products (as with most companies), but in the case of iOS, also some restrictions imposed by Apple themselves.
16 Sep 17 #16
'Open box' is my only concern here. Worth the risk?
16 Sep 17 #17
Cheers just got it postage free as well :raised_hand:
zoopakev to stav
16 Sep 17 #19
how you get post free ? ,,,,, sign up or go via avforums ...
stav to zoopakev
16 Sep 17 #20
I'm a member of Hexus forums…tml
16 Sep 17 #18
Good price though
17 Sep 17 #21
Ordered an open box one myself. Gonna be my first smartwatch so let's see how it goes!
17 Sep 17 #22
17 Sep 17 #23
I am a bit wary - can't find info on Scan's return policy for open box items
jesper10 to Sanzai
17 Sep 17 #30
Any item bought online (from a store, not eBay /Gumtree etc) has a cooling off period by law. It used to be the Distance Selling Regulations it came under, but is now Consumer Contracts Regulations.

Have a look here if you're interested:…ons
topazz to Sanzai
17 Sep 17 #33
Can't find any information on 'open box' on the website, Standard returns policy is

What is your returns policy?If you receive an item, that isn't suitable that you wish to return you can return this to us within 14 calendar days for a full refund. This product must be returned in the condition that the item was sold in, please see our terms and conditions for further information.

Also worth noting that distance selling regulations gives you the right to return goods if you are unhappy with the condition, In both cases you may have to pay for return postage yourself, depending on Scan's policy..... er....which they don't appear to state. Also unclear whether they will refund the original postage cost, although i very much doubt it. Better retailers let you return goods for free with little or no questions asked. Browsing Scan's T&C's it gives them lots of possible rights e.g. to charge a restocking fee, while providing the bare minimum to the consumer. In the end it all comes down to the retailers goodwill and wish to retain a good reputation.
17 Sep 17 #24
can you use google now on this
17 Sep 17 #25
Good watch but the lack of a speaker is a downside. Not many apps on tizen website either. There's a gba emulator now though.
vickstar79 to kester76
17 Sep 17 #26
Thought it did have one?I've ordered this and now unsure
kester76 to vickstar79
17 Sep 17 #28
Gear s3 does but only a mic on the s2 but you can use bluetooth headphones
vickstar79 to kester76
17 Sep 17 #37
What's the point in the mic without a speaker?wonder if I can cancel, not sure how often I'd walk around with Bluetooth headphones and aren't they almost as much as I've paid for this watch?
cigbunt to vickstar79
17 Sep 17 #38
Why do you want a speaker?? To take calls? Any other reason
vickstar79 to cigbunt
17 Sep 17 #40
Yeah I was thinking you could take calls with it but agree with the advice about not really wanting to talk into a watch :grin:
RichHuish to vickstar79
17 Sep 17 #39
You can get a pair of Bluetooth headphones for £10 these days in all good supermarkets. The point in the mix without a speaker is you have the ability to record speech and use s voice commands on it. I've had the S1 which had a speaker and camera and honestly I bearly used the speaker. If a call comes through it does become a bit embarrassing talking into your wrist while in public. Depends on how you feel about that but I'm not a wallflower and not much fazes me but I still preferred turning to my phone once the buzz on the watch had alerted me to a call coming in.
17 Sep 17 #31
I bought LG Urbane same price from them - box was a bit scruffy but watch was pristine - this is a good price.
17 Sep 17 #32
As anyone bought a open box item from scan before.
17 Sep 17 #34
It is a lovely smart watch. I picked mine up for £70 second hand on gumtree a year ago. It's smaller than the bulky s3 which is a benefit however does not have a speaker so you can't take calls on it unlike earlier models and doesn't have a camera unlike earlier models and doesn't have Samsung Pay but then Samsung Pay isn't available to every bank yet (Halifax for example) however all in all a pleasing watch and nice looker.
17 Sep 17 #35
Heat! Ordered!
17 Sep 17 #41
Thank you. That makes more sense. Never had a smart watch before so I'm a novice. Agree with your advice!
17 Sep 17 #42
Apple need to update their game on design. Apple Watch is very feminine
17 Sep 17 #43
It's more that everyone gets to hear what the person you're talking to is saying that was the embarrassment...the key points of the watch are a credible step counter and heart rate monitor (unlike the cheaper ones) which is a key for me as I run 15-20 miles a day; and the ability to see messages emails and notifications on your wrist without using the phone - which as using mobile phones at the desk are banned in my workplace is a godsend. You get to read news stories and it's a very nice looking watch with nice looking faces for what would be a reasonable price for any decent traditional watch.
17 Sep 17 #44
Yep, had a 1st gen gear....they had a speaker.....lets just say "DICK" Tracey comes to mind ;0)
17 Sep 17 #45
Yes that could be risky couldn't it! I had a pebble for a short period of time before I lost it but wasn't that impressed. Looking forward to seeing if this one is better
17 Sep 17 #46
Don't wish to be unnecessarily alarmist but do Scan have a real time stock updating system? It's Sunday, they are continuing to take orders, telephone lines are closed and i'm wondering how many open boxes of this watch do they actually have? I've built my hopes up of getting one and don't want to be in the situation of mass refunds tomorrow. Anyone know?
17 Sep 17 #47
17 Sep 17 #48
I assumed he was joking.
17 Sep 17 #49
Gone for one.. considering I already have a pebble steel and don't even both with apps on that I don't think not having a speaker will be a big deal for me personally. I'll take my calls the old fashion way...

What I am most worried about is how good the voice commands are since it's not using Google now..
17 Sep 17 #50
Yes, it has Android pay capabilities for long time now
17 Sep 17 #51
Ordered for £107.99 with free delivery, cheers!
17 Sep 17 #52
I'm in desperate need of some retail therapy but already have a pebble watch which I only wear to work (on and off depending on memory on phone! !!)

Can someone please talk me out of buying this. :disappointed:
17 Sep 17 #53
clueless apple fanboy lol
17 Sep 17 #54
Any smart watches that have good compatibility with iOS excluding the Apple watch (not a fan of the design).
17 Sep 17 #55
Buy it...
17 Sep 17 #56
You won't regret ordering one. Wife bought one for me for Christmas and been brilliant. I use Bluetooth headphones, no need for speakers. I thought I was missing out with no speakers too but not missing it at all. Would kill the battery too.
17 Sep 17 #57
Nope. Buy it. :thumbsup:
17 Sep 17 #58
Can anyone confirm this does have android pay?
17 Sep 17 #59
Thank you. Looking forward to receiving it now,just hope it's not cancelled
17 Sep 17 #60
Voice commands are flaky, but to be honest you do feel a bit of a bell end talking to your watch anyway. Novelty wore off quickly for me so don't feel I've lost out. Easier to twist the Bezel or use the phone anyway. Love the fitness side & nagging to get off my butt regularly & increase my step count & activity. Great watch.
17 Sep 17 #61
Doesn't have android pay or Samsung pay & won't be getting it as far as I can tell. Not a deal breaker though as I use my phone instead.
17 Sep 17 #62
Circular watches especially those from Samsung tend to be very big on the wrist. That's a big benefit of Apple Watch with a rectangular design and probably why it's the best selling wristwatch right now. At first I preferred Android watches for the circular design, but they're so big and clunky when you try them. I see very few women wearing Samsung watches for this reason too.
17 Sep 17 #63
Very tempted but not android ware and my phone is not a Samsung.

So this or Ticwatch E?:…h-e
17 Sep 17 #64
How you get free delivery?
17 Sep 17 #65
Look at the facts. The deal was posted 17 hours ago, loads of heat generated on HUKD, Scan are still taking orders and showing 'in stock' and their office is closed on a Sunday. I fear it most unlikely Scan has a huge shed load of open boxes for this one particular model. I've got a bad feeling about this, my bat senses are tingling. Someone please reassure me that i'm wrong.
17 Sep 17 #66
What's to worry? If they have sufficient stock we will get them, if not then we won't. If you don't count your chickens before they are hatched, you won't feel as bad if it doesn't work out.

This isn't an essential item, would just be nice to have at this sort of price.

I don't think anyone here can truly reassure you or confirm your concern. We shall find out for sure soon.
17 Sep 17 #67
Get a couple :stuck_out_tongue:
17 Sep 17 #68
If only Samsung watches ran Android Wear.
17 Sep 17 #69
Don't bother to return it anyway. I think they have lot of T&C.…756
I want to order one. But I'm bit nurvous :worried: any ideas about their return and refund policy..
17 Sep 17 #70
True. Nothing to do but wait. There still remain some on line sellers who are either too tight fisted or lazy to invest in an efficient real time stock updating system. As a result, they cause upset to customers and gather in cash/personal details for orders they never have a hope of fulfilling. It's unacceptable in 2017. I sincerely hope i am wrong in this instance. We'll see come Monday morning.
17 Sep 17 #71
17 Sep 17 #72
Says for pre-order ? Are they completely out of stock?
17 Sep 17 #73
Ordered the open box version. Fingers crossed..
17 Sep 17 #74
I signed up for free at the Gadget Show Live like 7 years ago, but there are other methods like signing up through AVForums or Hexus forums I believe.
17 Sep 17 #75
Bought one this morning, I was concerned that they don't have enough stock but now showing as 'End of life' so maybe thats a good sign?
17 Sep 17 #76
Yes, i hope that's a positive sign. Fingers crossed.
17 Sep 17 #77…amp just check this our guys.
18 Sep 17 #78
Mr xxx
Thank you for your recent order,
The item ordered was open box stock with a limited number available in stock.
The watch proved to be more popular than we had anticipated and stock sold out very quickly.
Orders have been fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis and I’m sorry to advise that your order could not be completed on this occasion.
Regrettably we have had to cancel your order and issue you a full refund.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any disappointment.
Kind Regards,
Scan Computers
18 Sep 17 #79
Yep, I got the same email... :disappointed:
18 Sep 17 #80
If first come first served I guess that's fair enough. IF that's what they are doing. I ordered Saturday night, and not had an email, yet.

I don't mind if I don't get it, if others got in before me. I'd be pretty peeved (although will never know for sure) if it is not first come first served.
18 Sep 17 #81
Thank you for your recent order,

The item ordered was open box stock with a limited number available in stock.

The watch proved to be more popular than we had anticipated and stock sold out very quickly.

Orders have been fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis and I’m sorry to advise that your order could not be completed on this occasion.

Regrettably we have had to cancel your order and issue you a full refund.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any disappointment.

Kind Regards,

Scan Computers
18 Sep 17 #82
I ordered Saturday about 1am and have just revlceived the email
18 Sep 17 #83
Saturday @1am? You mean Sunday morning? I ordered at about 11.30 pm Saturday night. No confirmation but no cancellation either.........yet
18 Sep 17 #84
The apple watch looks like a calculator watch from the 90's. It has nothing to do with why the apple watch sells well.

If you want a smart watch and use android or Samsung you would have to be an idiot to buy the apple watch.
hr07 to CoeK
18 Sep 17 #86
They authorised payment during night.. and now i get an email

Re: Your cancelled order with us.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply

Hi there,

We understand your recent order with us was cancelled. It’s a shame we could not process your order and we hope we did everything we could to keep your custom. Our growth and development over the last 20 years has been largely due to loyal and long standing customers. We just wanted to make contact with you to assure you that your custom is very valued and we do hope you can come back to us again in the future.

Thank you for your time in reading this and we hope to welcome you back again soon! :smile:


Did't even bother to send me an email like yours :imp:
18 Sep 17 #85
I've now had the cancellation email too. Oh well.......
18 Sep 17 #87
Damn it, cancelled too. I was looking forward to it. Until next time then.
18 Sep 17 #88
Got the same email :disappointed: ordered at 11.37pm on Saturday - has anyone had their order honoured?
18 Sep 17 #89
Yeah sorry I meant Sunday morning
18 Sep 17 #90
Mine cancelled too im well pissed :rage:
18 Sep 17 #91
Apparently they only had 10'available .... unsure at what point they sold out on Saturday though
18 Sep 17 #92
Just had a full refund from Scan.

Oh well, it was a decent price for a decent watch. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.
18 Sep 17 #93
Looks like I'm one of the lucky ones then... ordered Sat night 23:31. Pick & despatch confirmations this morning
OS_Hero to stujb
18 Sep 17 #96
Ordered 16th Sep 11:52pm. Canceled today :disappointed:

**** poor from a company that large.. Surely they can set the system with their stock numbers - Everywhere else will tell you if an item is out of stock.. Last time I use scan I'm afraid!
biggrumpyballs to stujb
18 Sep 17 #98
I've not had any cancellation email and no refund but I didn't order until lunchtime on Sunday.

Under order history is says awaiting despatch but under that it says canx. Duplicate/error/general

Hope to get some confirmation tonight as to what is happening.
18 Sep 17 #94
Placed my order approximately a day after you. No communication to say orders been cancelled. Only PayPal email saying I've had a refund.

My account on scan says Awaiting Dispatch but also says pre+order cancelled.

Slightly confusing.
18 Sep 17 #95
I hate to say i told you so but.... "I TOLD YOU SO!!" Mind you, it didn't stop me from trying to order one on Sunday morning but my congrats to the lucky few who got in first. I believe Scan don't do this sort of thing deliberately, they are simply incompetent. In 2017 every online business of any significance should have a real time stock updating system. It's not rocket science FFS. Aah well, i've made a mental note never to order on a Sunday from Scan ever again.
18 Sep 17 #97
In case it's any use to anyone. John Lewis in Liverpool had one of these in silver (white strap) for £120 with 2 year warranty. Very nearly snapped it up myself...
chrisbenwalker to pedd
18 Sep 17 #100
I ordered. Got cancelled. My heart debated with my brain but my heart won. Now my heart is sad that I missed out! But my brain is saying I told you so. On the other hand, I have an anker 4 port USB charger. A purchase I also bought for retail therapy. And it's been brilliant, and used daily. So much so that I feel the need for further retail therapy and buy another. :wink:
18 Sep 17 #99
I'm glad I didn't order any as it would have got cancelled anyway (resulting in a wasted epic internal debate between my heart and brain etc...)

I'm currently looking at the anker 4 port USB charger to rid me of this retail therapy curse. Permanently stuck on a bad day.... :disappointed:‌ :astonished:
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