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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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13 Sep 17
Looks like a good deal although I've never bought from eglobal before, and I'm too clumsy for an all glass phone, lol
All comments (78)
13 Sep 17 #1
The risk website...
13 Sep 17 #2
Can anyone wake me when an S8 dual sim handset price gets below £400?
johnmcdon to DominikB
13 Sep 17 #4
Wake up
DominikB to johnmcdon
13 Sep 17 #7
I said under £400 not under 400 heat.
abdi12346 to DominikB
13 Sep 17 #33
Sure thing :wink:
13 Sep 17 #3
Just a word of caution, unless these are EU / UK models samsung will not cover the warranty in UK they say thier data base only has the serial numbers of UK phones. As I found out the hard way.
Uncommon.Sense to whok1844
13 Sep 17 #6
What when wrong with your handset, for the need to claim on the warranty?
metalnigel to Uncommon.Sense
13 Sep 17 #12
I think it's a case of what might go wrong. Better to pay extra to get the 2 year warranty Samsung offer in my opinion.
Uncommon.Sense to metalnigel
13 Sep 17 #13
Sorry, I was actually interested in why he/she needed to claim, as I wanted to know what the fault with the phone was. I'm not bothered about whether people want to pay extra for the warranty or not. I am looking in to the reliability of the handset, so first hand problems are of interest to me.
whok1844 to Uncommon.Sense
14 Sep 17 #50
Screen went blank, it wasn't damaged. Got in touch with samsung uk they check the serial number of the phone (not imei number) and they said they only have UK sale serial numbers on thier system. If you look at the model number of the phone it usually ends with U of F e.g. 910F i cant remember which way round it is either U or F is for uk.
jon67 to whok1844
14 Sep 17 #63
Mine is a UK version and ends in an F.
soldierboy001 to whok1844
14 Sep 17 #67
F is for international and FD is for dual sim Europe, India , Asia and somewhere else, other letters are for SP's like Verion, have I got the name right? in America etc. as these companies work on different frequencies. It's all there on Wiki if anybody is interested enough.
13 Sep 17 #5
You can get the gold one for less HERE! use code SEP10TD, it works out at £463.65

Coral (Blue) one is also only £465.29 - HERE!
13 Sep 17 #8
Great company! Got lg v20 and g6 from them.
13 Sep 17 #9
Yep no UK/European warranty, so pays your money and takes your choice.
13 Sep 17 #10
Smashing deal.. HEAT!!
13 Sep 17 #11
iphone x is definitely worth more than twice this price.

edit: for clarification, "/s" denotes "end sarcasm."
christophermcbean to chamelion
13 Sep 17 #18
Can you explain your reasoning? I'm a pixel owner, ex iphone and Samsung too. I don't get the price of the iPhone X at all. No pioneering features on it at all.
jazlabs to christophermcbean
13 Sep 17 #20
Think you missed the sarcasm.
chamelion to christophermcbean
13 Sep 17 #28
was being sarcastic. anyone who pays that much for an X are idiots.
esc4p3 to chamelion
13 Sep 17 #29
I would say paying that much for "any" phone you'd be mad. But if you've got the money then it's personal choice of course...... I've never paid more than £300 for a phone and that is still a lot of money....
JimReaper to chamelion
14 Sep 17 #44
Could it just be that some people have different circumstances and values than others?

Oh and this is a great deal and, to me, is a better value proposition than the iPhone X.
christophermcbean to chamelion
14 Sep 17 #58
Whoops! Sorry, totally with you there. Now I know what that means I will never mistake sarcasm on the internet ever again. /s :persevere:
bobdylan to christophermcbean
15 Sep 17 #72
iPhones NEVER come with any pioneering features, they are always a couple of years behind Android and yet the sheep still buy them by the bucket load! Beggars belief..
s4m77 to chamelion
13 Sep 17 #19
No way. This is a much better phone, even better when you consider the price.
jazlabs to s4m77
13 Sep 17 #21
Think you missed the sarcasm.
13 Sep 17 #14
It's not just the no-warranty status. I found out after I dropped my my non-EU S7 Duos that Samsung UK would not even try to repair it, though I was ready to pay. Fortunately I found a repairer online who did a great job.
13 Sep 17 #15
Has anyone chasing one of these found a silver model, anywhere? They're sold out worldwide as far as I can see. Gold, pink, blue, black is fine - silver is like hen's teeth.
mustaalizzi to Noghar
13 Sep 17 #37
Do you mean the orchid grey? They aren't sold out worldwide they are available everywhere in Dubai.. I can give you a reliable and well known site u can buy it from if you want, but you probably will need to use some sort of shop and ship courier so they can send to the uk as I am not sure the site ships outside Dubai or the GCC region..

Oh and with current exchange rates works out around GBP 455.. that's with shipping in Dubai tho so obviously you will need to factor in how you bring it to the uk
Noghar to mustaalizzi
14 Sep 17 #60
No, I mean the titanium silver. Check out this Ebay listing, you'll see that there is a silver colour that's out of stock. Mate of mine in the US got one early - if I'd known they'd get so scarce I'd have grabbed one myself...
kav12 to mustaalizzi
16 Sep 17 #73
Will a Samsung handset from Dubai work in the UK? I've read that they block Facetime there and it's a permanent block so that doesn't work even when you bring the phone to the UK. Any similar restrictions on the Galaxy s8? What site did you see it on?
mustaalizzi to kav12
16 Sep 17 #74
Saw you pm'd me and I replied, but let me throw my reply out here too in case anyone else find it useful

Basically iPones don't have facetime they are removed from Apple themselves, however they do work in the UK, whenever I am back home in London my phone works fine apart from not having FaceTime.. That said, you can still buy phones from Dubai that does have Facetime enabled, and they are not dodgy they are sold by big electronic chains in Malls etc, however they are basically not the iPhones that were intended for the UAE Market and usually US or European phones.

However on Samsung there is no difference at all between a UK or Dubai phone.. is a website similar to Amazon, and just few months back was actually acquired by Amazon.. However if you buy anything from there make sure it is a product that is 'Fulfilled by Souq' , similar to items sold on amazon that are fulfilled by amazon...

Other than that you can check the big electronic stores websites, you have: , , , ... all those stores are like big chain stores you find everywhere, similar to currys/pcworld in the uk..
mustaalizzi to mustaalizzi
16 Sep 17 #75
Also, on you can buy iPhones with Facetime, it will say on the listing whether it is with or without Facetime..

Reason FaceTime is not enabled here in UAE, is because any VOIP application basically don't work, either its blocked by the provider themselves and when not then basically they are blocked by the internet or mobile providers, people that depend on these kind of apps usually uses VPN for that but VPN's are also not allowed so people just take that risk..
However I believe this is changing very soon, as just recently Viber started to work completely fine here, so I assume its slowly going to change..
13 Sep 17 #16
good price and would buy but i had a read about the warranty they provide and it`s just not convincing.
13 Sep 17 #17
So tempted by this, but the warranty is a massive downfall!
13 Sep 17 #22
You can get a Samsung S8 "free" on various decent contracts for around £36pm now on a 24 month contract
See here:
Phone Price checker

This post shows £480 which is £20pm over 24months (ignoring any interest)
So if you need a Sim too with a decent amount of data (eg Three 30gb or EE 10Gb) Id go for the UK 24 month contract as it will cost no more a month in total, yuo'll pay for the phone over 24 months and the phone will be a UK model.
spruceyb to doobreedob
13 Sep 17 #23
Not Dual Sim though.
13 Sep 17 #24
Great phone poor site
13 Sep 17 #25
As for reliability I've got an S7 Edge and not had the slightest problem, plus it's been the best phone I've ever owned...
13 Sep 17 #26
I'm still holding out...
13 Sep 17 #27
How is this seller not banned yet?
Uncommon.Sense to commenter14
13 Sep 17 #31
I would say because they aren't actually bad at delivering the goods you order, just shocking at replying to e-mails and customer service requests. Also sometimes when they cancel an order due to lack of stock they forget to tell you (I know, dumb) but the funds are always returned to the card they were paid on withing 3-5 working days, so no worse than any other e-tailer.

Bad news travels faster than anything on the internet, so as soon as someones uncles, friends, brother's dad, dogs, cousin, who knows someone, once bought something and it took exactly 7 days to turn up, but they didn't get a reply to an e-mail they sent so tell everyone they are utter **** and to avoid them.
13 Sep 17 #30
I ordered from them before and if you need warranty with them, they are pain to deal with, they ask you to send your device to a UK address therefore they can send it to Hong Kong and back and forth. Last time took me over 4 months to have my device fixed and definitely not an easy process having me to chase them every week.

But what you pay is what you get, it is a genuine device and it does have Dual SIM so it is still a bargain, just hope that Samsung make better device now :smile:
13 Sep 17 #32
I have an iPad and a Macbook Pro but this phone is so much nicer than the iPhone X and at only half the price! Apple's creativity died with Steve Jobs, IMO.
13 Sep 17 #34
Got one of these about 4 months ago for this price. They're great phones. Recommendation: Turn down animation scales from developer options, use adhell (disable bloat) and bxactions (remap bixby button press/hold/double tap) and it's speedy and practical as well as pretty to look at. The dual sim is very useful and I dropped mine in a deep pool so yeah genuine waterproof. :blush:
Dave_c to stickyapple
13 Sep 17 #35
Did you buy from eglobal?
bagga212 to Dave_c
13 Sep 17 #36
I did all good
stickyapple to Dave_c
14 Sep 17 #42
Na I bought it from techinthebasket as it was cheaper it's the same kind of website (but hukd didn't let me post that deal :angry: ).
I had also used eglobal for my old nexus 5x. Haven't had a problem with any of these kind of sites so far.
13 Sep 17 #38
Rather get an iPhone X for twice the price than have to endure that SamDUNG OS.
13 Sep 17 #39…tml
this looks like a better buy to me
soldierboy001 to jeeves
14 Sep 17 #64
Not to me though.
13 Sep 17 #40
Are these guys based on China?
John.Mason to TiredParent
21 Sep 17 #76
Honk Kong
14 Sep 17 #41
490£ on now, I tried and they send to UK, there's no sense for me of buying it from this dodgy retailer
killerferret to Bardak
14 Sep 17 #45
This should be posted as its own deal
Uncommon.Sense to killerferret
14 Sep 17 #48
Yes but he'd need to actually get the price,and details correct first. It's from a third party seller, and once in the basket including the postage is works out at £512ish and that's using a fee free currency card. So it's not supplied by Amazon, and therefore you are taking the same risk, if not more, and it costs more.
Bardak to Uncommon.Sense
14 Sep 17 #54
It works out 501£ including delivery, plus the seller has 2500 positive reviews (5 stars) It' not the same risk as you will have EU warranty!…mp;
pgsprout to Bardak
14 Sep 17 #62
Thats not dual sim.
soldierboy001 to Bardak
14 Sep 17 #65
But it's not a dual sim, which this post is.
soldierboy001 to soldierboy001
14 Sep 17 #66
Plus only one available.
Bardak to soldierboy001
14 Sep 17 #68
Be faster next time as I posted it 7 hours ago lol
Uncommon.Sense to Bardak
14 Sep 17 #69
So first it was £490, now it's £501? If you actually go to the checkout, you will see the P&P increases to €22, so the total is €569, so it's £506, and the reason it's less than the £512 I posted earlier is because the Euro:GBP is now €1.126:£1 .

It's always worth actually going through to the checkout, as third party sellers have different international shipping rates. I have been posting EU Amazon deals for ages, and this is something I always check, and confirm when posting a deal. :smile:
Puddlehopper to Bardak
14 Sep 17 #51
could you post the link for this?
Bardak to Puddlehopper
14 Sep 17 #53…mp;

501£ now including delivery
14 Sep 17 #43
Discount code has expired; which is typical when I was about to buy one >.<
Uncommon.Sense to brooklynbrawler
14 Sep 17 #49
Try SEP10AW.
14 Sep 17 #46
Not a Iphone X
golfie to dairyman
14 Sep 17 #47
LadyEleanor to dairyman
14 Sep 17 #52
Nope. Better screen, no last minute missing fingerprint reader, and has an Iris scanner.
Theres HRM, Sp02 and USB too.
14 Sep 17 #55
The .it deal now makes this cold.
14 Sep 17 #56
better to buy from amazon EU and get the peace of mind with the warranty
14 Sep 17 #57
what about resale value for a phone from the EU, are people less likely to pay the same price over the uk version?
14 Sep 17 #59
Hey, for anyone worried about buying from eglobal check out this video review, also check out the comments section of people who have actually bought from eglobal too

14 Sep 17 #61
Hmmmm very tempted by this.

have some heat :smile:
14 Sep 17 #70
company address :

Our office is located at the following address:

West Wing, 2/F,
822 Lai Chi Kok Road,
Lai Chi Kok,
Tel: +85281990575
14 Sep 17 #71
Do you get warranty in UK with this purchase?
21 Sep 17 #77
I bought two LG G6s from these guy without any problems. However, as someone else mentioned, the phones will probably be sourced from outside the EU and therefore Samsung UK will not support them. I have personal experience of Samsung support, I got myself an S7 Edge from eBay which later had a screen issue. Took it to the local service centre (Martin Daws in Warrington). They checked the serial number, found that it was sourced from Austria and therefore covered by a 2 year warranty and promptly replaced the screen FOC.
22 Sep 17 #78
@wishihadadonkey Please update price of item its dropped now. TA
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