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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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27 Sep 17
As last weekend Couldn't use any the discount code on this model but now the price drop even more ,.., plus 3% topcashback too.
now even cheaper £641.99
All comments (100)
27 Sep 17 #1
Cracking price i would love to buy one
27 Sep 17 #2
This is shipped from china so you will have to pay import tax on this.
robo989 to ashkayuk
27 Sep 17 #4
How about checking if you are right before impulsively misinforming people.
Well done.
Uncommon.Sense to ashkayuk
27 Sep 17 #6
They use freight forwarding, so it's shipped from inside the UK to the final destination, not direct from China, hence why deliveries take up to 14 days, or two working weeks. :wink:
27 Sep 17 #3
Wish this was the price of the Deep Sea Blue Version...
luvsoft to Marky264
27 Sep 17 #7
lol I wish that too, but I rather to have EU version than HK version ( Warranty etc.)
ezzer72 to Marky264
27 Sep 17 #15
Will that one help you pick up chicks?
Marky264 to ezzer72
27 Sep 17 #38
The average HUKD User Comments in 2017 against the great days back in 2008. Congratulations you won the internet today.
27 Sep 17 #5
How did they get hold of European stock?
27 Sep 17 #8
its an EU version, which is good as you should have warranty, but my gut still tells me to avoid
morrig to adamspencer95
27 Sep 17 #24
Tell you gut where to go.
27 Sep 17 #9
No warranty, a heck of a lot of cash to send to an unproven seller and yes, you will probably get spanked for import duties as its shipped DIRECT from China

I have experience of eglobal and they drop ship from China, i was lucky but my colleague was not and it cost 20% duty, PLUS costs PLUS document fees, IMHO defo not worth the risk!

Just my two pennth worth, maybe your not as risk averse or get paid a lot more than me :-)
pavel76 to philjstephenson
27 Sep 17 #11
There is no import duties for items from eglobal ! Why not check their T&C first ?
robo989 to philjstephenson
27 Sep 17 #12
‌ :smile:
eglobal state if the item does or doesn't ship from China. This item is not subject to import fees of any kind.
Had it up to here with people posting drivel like this. It's been going on since HUKD started over 10 years ago and yet it's 2017 and we still have ignorant croutons pretending they aren't ignorant dishing out import duty advice.

17.1 To simplify the process of buying internationally, eglobal central choose to handle the process of custom clearance for customers. By purchasing products through eglobal central, you authorise eglobal central to make arrangements for clearance of customs on your behalf for the products in your order. As importing products from overseas can be a hassle for most of our customers, we organise this process for you. We then provide you with fast local shipping to deliver the goods to your door. As a result, prices shown on this website are the final total you have to pay to have the order delivered to your door, without any hidden charges and customs delay.
benjammin316 to robo989
27 Sep 17 #26
And if you have to send it back?
robo989 to benjammin316
27 Sep 17 #33
God knows.
luvsoft to philjstephenson
27 Sep 17 #16
Are you taking about Eglobal seller from Ebay? or Eblobal central website.. I think they are not same shipping method etc.
27 Sep 17 #10
Who wants the gold version though! Black version needs to be this price
lucyferror to Walker10
27 Sep 17 #18
Actually I want Gold version. Have gold phones for w while :stuck_out_tongue:
27 Sep 17 #13
How about the black 256gb one its normal price china bands but should work here.
27 Sep 17 #14
This or 6 Chinese phones, oh! this is a Chinese phone
jeds to Disco.Dave
27 Sep 17 #17
Technically, all phones are chinese.
DamienB to jeds
27 Sep 17 #21
I love this statement
morrig to jeds
27 Sep 17 #25
That's a bit sweeping.
AgentDaleCooper to jeds
27 Sep 17 #27
I thought it was South Korean....
27 Sep 17 #19
Fair enough, great price for the gold version. Ive already had a galaxy phone in gold so would prefer black this time
27 Sep 17 #20
Eglobal debate aside, awesome price for the phone!! Just need to sell on my Oneplus 2 now and upgrade
27 Sep 17 #22
will this work with with WIFI calling out of the box, or do l have to mess about with flashing firmware on it?
27 Sep 17 #23
I personally won't spend that money buying from a dodgy chinese retailer with bad reviews and no EU warranty
luvsoft to Bardak
27 Sep 17 #34
I got Dual sim note 8 from Samsung pre order the model number exactly the same so I presume when you start to use the phone your EMIE number would be under EU warranty too after registered with samsung account.
27 Sep 17 #28
Worst customer service. .. try avoid and spend some more money and buy from very with 20% off...
27 Sep 17 #29
In the thread post it says EU Version but I do not see this in the title on EGlobals website.
mantha2in to Skymonkey
27 Sep 17 #31
Actually I was about to post the same. I could not find anything specific on the web either that the model number is EU specific. OP do you have link which confirms that this is definitely EU version?
luvsoft to mantha2in
27 Sep 17 #37
32105863-V72lp.jpgHere the Model number from the Dual sim Note 8 from Samsung UK
mantha2in to luvsoft
27 Sep 17 #39
Thank you.

I also found a link to the various model numbers:…es/

Looks like it definitely is the European version. Also explains why I got a TIM branded S8 from eglobal which I ordered for my wife.
luvsoft to Skymonkey
27 Sep 17 #35…665
Check this out
Also I bought dual sim from Samsung uk website it got exactly same model number too.
27 Sep 17 #30
Voted hot. They were showing Note 8 at London Waterloo station yesterday. But they were selling at full price and it was single sim model of Note S8 .
27 Sep 17 #32
How on earth is this company even making any money considering the note 8 is £800+ everywhere else? This just seems too good to be true.
27 Sep 17 #36
Which one is safer, paying with paypal or credit card?
rheumatoid to Walker10
27 Sep 17 #40
27 Sep 17 #41
Hey, Ok if you think youll get away without paying customs then go for it, as for the warranty - not a chance this is valid, but good luck to anyone with more than a brain cell who would risk sending this sort of cash to a chinese supplier ( a Drop shipper form China BTW - well documented )! BTW, i could put and Terms and Conditions on the web i fancied, dont make them legal or lawful, they dont CARE once they got your cash,all im saying is be careful, cos i certainly wouldnt risk this cash - im just sick or reading whingers when they get spanked by customs despite the warnings....and BTW " freight forwarding " is chinese for drop shipping!
27 Sep 17 #42
They advise to pack it securely, and stick it in a post box with no address on the front. Simples.
27 Sep 17 #43
Haven't had any issues from eglobal personally. Bought 3 phones now. Warranty wise, no idea, but I haven't had any issues with any of the phones to find out..
27 Sep 17 #44
We get it you don't like buying from abroad, but the one doing the complaining is you, I think you've mentioned warranty, import duties and other negative aspects in every thread for eGlobal, and probably others.

People take a minimal risk if they pay with credit card, and anyone buying this sort of phone I would have though will have phone insurance, so the warranty becomes almost irrelevant. I mean, when you are looking at £300+ for Samsung to repair the screen, you'd have to be an idiot not to, right?

So we know, you wouldn't risk your money - go and get one on contract from some mobile operator, that has less features and is locked to a specific network and will cost twice as much.

Enjoy your evening, maybe you can go relax, and chill out a little it seems like you need to. :wink:
27 Sep 17 #45
Designed in South Korea, Made in China

Same with Apple. It's Californian but Made in China.
27 Sep 17 #46
insurance will almost certainly be invalid. most UK insurance companies require a receipt from a UK, VAT registered retailer. i dont think eglobal fulfills those criteria.
27 Sep 17 #47
Made in Korea (along with Vietnam, China, India, Brazil and indonesia). Its not like Apple.
27 Sep 17 #48
My good lady received a V20 from them last week.
Guess what? No customs.
28 Sep 17 #49
This is false, absolutely false!
eGlobal does not advise you do that.

What you'll actually find is that they don't advise anything :relaxed:
28 Sep 17 #50
I'm going to assume that this was a joke, rather than you being serious because unless you are 15 years old, then you can't be that naive.

If what you were saying was the case, no one with a handset from a mobile operator would be able to have insurance, nobody who purchased a phone second hand would be able to have it, you could have bought the phone in another country and emigrated to the UK, so no insurance for you either, then there is the poor folks who might have won a phone in a competition, nope you don't qualify either.

If you want to insure something with a company most of them only require proof of ownership, no proof of purchase. Barclays insure four of my handsets and all they ask for is the IMEI number and a few minor details. I've made two claims with them in the past few years and never been once asked to supply a receipt.

As I said at the start, I hope this was just naivety, not you trying to post facts that are complete FUD thinking you are clever or smart and trying to help people.
28 Sep 17 #51
no, its true. check the terms and conditions of insurers such as insurance2go and, as examples. they must be purchased from a UK retailer.

yes, some insurers wont mind as you say, so it is worth checking the terms and conditions in detail before assuming it will be covered.
28 Sep 17 #52
What about PayPal credit :smile:
28 Sep 17 #53
Dropping as fast as android phones always do I see
28 Sep 17 #54
From Gadget-covers T&C's
"Evidence of ownership - A document to evidence that the gadget you are claiming for belongs to you. This can be a copy of the till receipt, delivery note, gift receipt or, if the gadget is a mobile phone, confirmation from your Network Provider that the mobile phone has been used by you. "

As for Insurance2go I'm pretty sure they are the worst of he worst, as they don't even cover second hand phones, so if you bought it from CEX, and had a receipt etc. then you cannot claim, even if it is a UK sourced handset, quality company.

I agree, always insure through reputable companies, that don't have such ridiculous policies, but what you originally stated as an overall fact was not true, but rather an exception.
28 Sep 17 #55
i accept i probably overstated the proportion of insurers who enforce this, but its still a factor that anyone wanting to buy from eglobal should consider
28 Sep 17 #56
They need to do next day delivery buy the time you receive this the price will of dropped again
28 Sep 17 #57
After a lot of deliberation I took the plunge and ordered. Still pretty terrified though.
28 Sep 17 #58
Keep the thread updated when you receive it, let others know what your experience was like. You should get it between Friday next week (6th Oct), and Tuesday the week after (10th Oct).
Fair warning, you can't track it until it hits DPD usually, which is about 2 days before you'll receive it.

If you decide you don't like it, then you can flip these phones for a profit easily on Gumtree when they are this new, expect to get £700-750. :smile:
28 Sep 17 #59
Good for you, only problem is that sometimes the customs stuff can come through afterwards, ive seen it before, but hey, if you got away with it bully for you, if you dont ( on this deal ) your out a LOT of cash....
28 Sep 17 #60
I think im going to take the plunge too, as soon as the black model is same price as the gold or grey
28 Sep 17 #61
I'll be putting a skin on mine so the colour doesn't really bother me.
28 Sep 17 #62
Apple phones are designed primarily in California, with parts sourced from all over the word (but primarily China)
28 Sep 17 #63
I think we are now 9 years older and the internet is 9 years younger
29 Sep 17 #64
Have you ordered from this company before?. I got a dispatching soon email a day ago but no more updates yet. How long does it usually take them to dispatch orders? Thanks for any help.
29 Sep 17 #65
I've had over a dozen items from them now, everything from phones, and camera's to a Macbook and an Apple Watch etc.

Received all of the things within 10 working days (2 weeks) except once near Christmas time, when it took nearly 3 weeks which almost had me worried/annoyed. Nearly everything has been received via DPD, shrink wrapped in black plastic clingfilmy type stuff, and I've never had anything damaged or not as described. None of the products I have received have been faulty, and I've had no problem using the warranty from the Macbook when I thought it developed an issue with the SSD, turned out to be nothing.

Abysmal customer service, never once had a response to an e-mail quicker than 48 hours, and sometimes they don't even bother, I was slightly dismayed the first time this happened as I was used to Amazon, but this company is more like Very, crap at best for customer service in other words.

There's a lot of bad press about them, but most of it is due to people being used to next working day deliveries, and stellar customer service from the likes of Amazon. If you can get past the short comings, the savings are phenomenal, especially with them bulk shipping to the UK, and then distributing it to the end customer, it means almost no chance of any customs issues, as they commercially cleared it on the way in.

As long as you paid with a Credit Card not through PayPal, then should any problems arise, then you will have the card issuer to back you up. :smile:
29 Sep 17 #66
Gold price now gone up to same as grey, black model still £20 more
29 Sep 17 #67
Ive seen a coulple of other companies like eglobal who are offering the phone for slightly cheaper. Anyone used tobydeals or jgadegts4u before?
29 Sep 17 #68
shipped for delivery on 2nd oct.
29 Sep 17 #69
isthis the Exynos 8895 version? if so, it is the euro model, not china
29 Sep 17 #70
When did you order?
30 Sep 17 #71
Still no despatch. Genuinely considering cancelling it soon.
30 Sep 17 #72
If it helps, I recently ordered and received an LG V20 from this retailers sister company/site Toby deals, ordered on the 22nd and got a dispatch email on the 26th and I got it at hand on the 27th. I would say wait it out.
30 Sep 17 #73
Well given it is a weekend, I'd imagine you'll get something on Monday/Tuesday, then it will be about 5-6 days until you receive it. Cancel it if you are impatient, or just relax a little and it will get there within the 10 working days.
30 Sep 17 #74
Definitely helps. Cheers sir
30 Sep 17 #75
Is toby deals their sister site? Ive seen the black version cheaper on their site, thanks for the feedback on them
30 Sep 17 #76
That's what I've read from people on some of the Toby deal posts, and the pricing and design are way too similar to each other.
1 Oct 17 #77
My order is dispatched and will be here tomorrow (02/10/17)
2 Oct 17 #78
I've ordered from Toby deals, went for orchid grey. They have a £6 discount code which worked from.signing their newsletter.
2 Oct 17 #79
what is the model that you received?
have you contacted samsung to confirm warranty ?
3 Oct 17 #80
How do you know it's the EU version?
4 Oct 17 #81
Anyone one have any negative feedback yet? :smile:
4 Oct 17 #82
I could of had a note 8 of eBay Monday £650 and one £625 yesterday ok they are contract phones but the price is dropping nicely
jsmith1 to the.porter
4 Oct 17 #84
Hi what is the model number? have you tried to contact samsung to check the warrant?
metalnigel to the.porter
5 Oct 17 #85
Received mine yesterday and it's the most stunning phone I've ever seen(coming from a s7 edge). The build quality is beautiful. It was packaged well. I'm with iD and I've had no problems so far. Model number is SM-N950F/DS. I'm not sure if that's a European number or not. Took just under a week to arrive and considering how much money I've saved compared to the UK price I'm pretty happy.
SteveLondon to metalnigel
5 Oct 17 #87
If you try to register it on the samsung site is it recognised?
the.porter to SteveLondon
6 Oct 17 #91
Couldn’t resist any longer bagged a 2 week old one for £610 will see how I enjoy it until the x is released
Uncommon.Sense to the.porter
6 Oct 17 #92
Link to the completed auction, all of the UK completed ones show £700+, the rest are new sealed imports like this one, between £620-750.
the.porter to Uncommon.Sense
6 Oct 17 #95
jamie147800 to the.porter
9 Oct 17 #96
is it possible to get a warranty from samsung if yo buy from eglobal?
Uncommon.Sense to the.porter
5 Oct 17 #89
Delivered by DPD in black wrapped plastic, or was it actually in a box?

I am happy that you have it, and these things are what makes all the sheep who follow the "eGlobal, wouldn't trust them to deliver the item" look like complete and utter tools. They've never used them, just read that a few people became impatient, didn't receive it the very next day and start complaining.

This site is about getting great deals, and I understand people taking caution, but using common sense, credit card protection and feedback from people with actual experience you can benefit from these deals.

Enjoy your phone, and try calling Samsung UK to register it, you never know your luck. :smile:
cadguycad to Uncommon.Sense
10 Oct 17 #100
can anyone confirm which chip is in the phone?

i've read the n9500 is snapdragon 835 and the n950fd is exynos 8895
4 Oct 17 #83
I got mine today.
jsmith1 to misrasandeep1
5 Oct 17 #90
can you try contacting samsung support to check if you get the warranty? you can live chat as well
5 Oct 17 #86
That is the European model which is the same as sold by Samsung. I have mobile insurance so warranty not an issue.
metalnigel to BadBoyRR
5 Oct 17 #88
Tried and got this "Possible reasons for the error include serial/IMEI number is not valid, product is older than 3 years, product was purchased outside the U.S."
6 Oct 17 #93
Hi, got the same model and the warranty when I registered the phone on my samsung account the model came up as same as my Note 8 that I bought from Samsung UK. So I think it would be fine..I will confirm with Samsung again soon
6 Oct 17 #94
Got deliveried on time and no custom fee.
9 Oct 17 #97
Are eGlobal reliable? These prices are crazy good.
10 Oct 17 #98
Received my note from Toby Deals, took 7 days in total.
samgadgets2017 to BadBoyRR
10 Oct 17 #99
Anyone checked warranty status with Samsung UK?
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