For those who want a 'PROPER' tin of Quality Street
Didn't think it was a bad deal (though the 2 for £7 might work out cheaper), I personally prefer these big tins than the small plastic tubs, feels like proper Christmas passing one of these around :smile:
Soon to be the only sewing kit you'll fit in the tub after it's empty.
20 Sep 17#26
Not so good for the diet! Lol
19 Sep 17#16
Can never understand why anyone buys these. Horrible selection of chocolates and break your teeth toffee. Always the sweets people bring in to work after Christmas because nobody at home wanted to eat them :astonished:
SixtyFive to jarjarmustdie
19 Sep 17#18
You must be confusing these with ferrero rocher. The only thing people are desperate to take to work to remove them from their home.
jarjarmustdie to SixtyFive
19 Sep 17#19
No not confusing, just forgot to add they are also nasty chocolates as well
SixtyFive to jarjarmustdie
19 Sep 17#20
Yeah for me there is no doubt ferrero rocher are about the most disgusting thing ever although....I remember when my grandad used to sit me down & give me a werther's original. He hated kids.
amour3k to SixtyFive
20 Sep 17#22
Hahahahaha, so why did your granddad have your dad?, DOH!!.
Walks away in bewilderment ... lol. :-D
loadsavmoney to SixtyFive
20 Sep 17#23
:neutral_face: for your information posh people eat ferrero rochers all of the time at swanky dinner parties and those who munch on them have exquisite taste Here's proof:
But don't buy them, make your own, it's easy and a lot cheaper :smile: Here's how:
dereklogan7 to loadsavmoney
20 Sep 17#25
WTF! Looks like my X's cooking. :worried:
20 Sep 17#24
2 for £7 in Tesco
19 Sep 17#17
Christmas is a special time that only comes once a year.... spent with family and friends so share with them fracking decent quality chocolates made with good ingredients .... and not this inedible pap :thumbsup:
joepineapples901 to cburns
19 Sep 17#21
(serious question) which ones do you recommend?
19 Sep 17#15
Xmas tins already earlier every year
19 Sep 17#7
Terrible Nestle chocolate, mind you Cadbury's these days is just as bad.
loadsavmoney to richt
19 Sep 17#14
I had a kitkat chucky once (nestle) that was solid chocolate, it was horrible :stuck_out_tongue:
19 Sep 17#12
Don't forget to brush your teeth if you eat all these :grin: ... and have a sick bucket on stand by
19 Sep 17#11
Christmas is not just for December, it's from September to January too :laughing:
19 Sep 17#1
Heat for this particular version and nostalgia, however as you say 2 tubs on the Tesco 2 for £7 offer works out better, as the tubs are 750g, meaning you get 1.5kg for £7
Beynonator to Bingohomer
19 Sep 17#3
Plus Cadbury Heroes are the bomb :grin: (But yep, heat for the "nostalgic tin")
Groovii.D to Bingohomer
19 Sep 17#10
I noticed that at the weekend.
19 Sep 17#9
2for15 in Tesco work out cheaper .. thanks for sharing though
19 Sep 17#8
Work out same as tesco selling 660 g 2 for £7
19 Sep 17#6
I think the 2 for £7 ends today anyway
19 Sep 17#5
Sweet deal :smile:
19 Sep 17#4
I remember when the tin's were as big as housing estates, so heat.
19 Sep 17#2
Get both and fill up the big tin with the smallers :wink:
Opening post
Didn't think it was a bad deal (though the 2 for £7 might work out cheaper), I personally prefer these big tins than the small plastic tubs, feels like proper Christmas passing one of these around :smile:
Latest comments (28)
Always the sweets people bring in to work after Christmas because nobody at home wanted to eat them :astonished:
Walks away in bewilderment ... lol. :-D
Here's proof:
But don't buy them, make your own, it's easy and a lot cheaper :smile:
Here's how:
so share with them fracking decent quality chocolates made with good ingredients .... and not this inedible pap :thumbsup: